General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » hello again I need encouragement Rss Feed  
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2010-03-14 3:26 PM

Subject: hello again I need encouragement
Ok new to the tri I can bike and I'm trying to run about half and half with walk and run but I'm terrible swimming. I'm doing the 13 week sprint training. I knew I was behind in the swimming but thought I could make it up
Took a swim lesson last wed. swam again thursday and today. Now note I always swam with my head out of the water prior to this so she has me doing the 2 stroke breathing and telling me SLOW. I still can't swim 50 yards without stopping for air to just keep going. I'm so frustrated. She tells me I just need to build up my endurance. Ok on my bike I can do that push past the exhaustion in the water I'll drown. Please any help would be appreceiated

2010-03-14 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2725553

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement

Keep building the swim.  When I started taking lessons 4 years ago my swim was a lot like what you described. fact, one of my swim partners refers to my early swimming as "pretty ugly".  I'm not by any means fast.  But, technically I have made multiple improvements. 

Keep up the lessons,swim an extra day on your own focusing on the drills your instructor gives you.  STOP when you feel like your form is going to crap, at first these extra swim sets may only be 30 minutes.  You'll be surprised how much you will improve with them.  Eventually you will be able to do more on your own without losing your form.

I use a lot of workouts from  he's the triswim coach here on BT that they have chats with once in a while.

You will get there.  I have seen every range of "swimming" during a tri--even from myself.  Hang in there it will click!

2010-03-14 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2725553

Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement
Don't beat yourself up about the swim. +1 to keeping with the training though.
Personally, I have never trained at all for the swim. I've done 18 or 20 sprint tri's in the last 15 years as one way to stay in shape over the summer in preparing for hockey season(Michigan).
I'm quite sure if someone threw you off a boat 800m from shore you could make it in. That is the mindset I have used for years and you know what? It works, I've made it everytime! My 800m times have been anywhere from 19 to 21 minutes. I freestyle a bit, then roll over on my back and just do a little kick wih the legs and a little flipper action with my arms. Freestyle awhile again, then roll on to my back, etc. Actually on your back is very peaceful as you're looking at the sky and your ears are below the waterline so you can hear yourself breathing very well.
If it's your first tri don't feel like you have to freestyle the entire distance, mix it up a bit just to make it. You can catch your breath pretty quickly when you are on your back.
This is the first year I am really starting to train and I can see improvement already so keep up your training for sure.
Don't know how many BT'ers actually do/have done what I do but it works for me and I made it.
If your ego is at stake, just make sure you have enough energy to freestyle in the last 50 to 80m.Cool
2010-03-14 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2725553

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement
You can't muscle your way through swimming. Keep up the lessons and listen to your coach about going slow--form counts over everything else.

you might also try reading the book, Total Immersion.

Good luck and hang in there!
2010-03-16 2:04 AM
in reply to: #2725553


Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement
keep up the work, remember your not going to get good in a few days. i barely leared how to swim two months ago, literally. i was always afraid of the water and couldnt even go half way across a 25 meter pool, without stopping. i learned how to swim from youtube. so im pretty sure since you have lessons youll do very good! just keep on swimming and dont give up. if you keep training youll get way better! so dont give up!
2010-03-16 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2725553

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Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement
I like the site.   They have Mr. Smooth who swims the perfect stroke and he is downloadable.   I study him every time I sit at the computer.  the site is imformative as well.   As said before...don't sweat the swim too much....its the smallest leg of the race.   I could swim more than 30 yds without needing to rest so i hired a swim coach and we did drill after drill after drill.  On race day I couldn't believe how fast I had come out of the water.  Just pay attention in your lessons and you should be OK

2010-03-16 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2725553

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Subject: RE: hello again I need encouragement

Is the race wetsuit legal?

So much of my problem is poor swim technique and then panic . The wetsuit compensates some for my poor technique, and also gives me confidence that I wont drown , after that I freestyle, doggy paddle , roll over on my back , whatever but I know I will finish
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