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2011-05-06 5:32 PM

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Dallas, TX
Subject: Running/HM suggestions needed

I have two questions that I would like some input on.  My plan is to run my first HM in December (the Rock and Roll Half in Vegas).  I'd appreciate suggestions for 1) a good HM training plan to follow and  2) what to do before starting my training plan (most I have found start 20 weeks out which is mid-August).


Now some background because I always feel the need to add lots of detail and make things complicated.  I travel a lot for work (~4 days a week) and that makes swimming and biking challenging so I have decided to concentrate on running (God knows I have lots of room to improve my running) since it has been stressing me trying to figure out how to fit the swim and biking in when I looked at potential races.  I still plan on swimming and biking when I am home, but not as a focus.    I am not sure what kind of a training program I should follow until it is time to start my official HM program.  I have been randomly deciding how long I will run each day (my logs are up to date, ignore the scheduled training, I have been).  I have not been trying to run fast (sometimes I will do faster intervals when I have to run on the treadmill to help pass the time).  I would like to be a little less random about it.

I am making the assumption that I have been running enough to be able to complete a HM in the time frame.  I have been consistently running for a little over a year.  My longest runs to date have been a little over 7.5 miles (it was on a treadmill and I had stop before my head exploded from boredom).



Edited by kussmaul 2011-05-06 6:02 PM

2011-05-06 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3486083

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed
kussmaul - 2011-05-06 5:32 PM

I have two questions that I would like some input on.  My plan is to run my first HM in December (the Rock and Roll Half in Vegas).  I'd appreciate suggestions for 1) a good HM training plan to follow and  2) what to do before starting my training plan (most I have found start 20 weeks out which is mid-August).


Now some background because I always feel the need to add lots of detail and make things complicated.  I travel a lot for work (~4 days a week) and that makes swimming and biking challenging so I have decided to concentrate on running (God knows I have lots of room to improve my running) since it has been stressing me trying to figure out how to fit the swim and biking in when I looked at potential races.  I still plan on swimming and biking when I am home, but not as a focus.    I am not sure what kind of a training program I should follow until it is time to start my official HM program.  I have been randomly deciding how long I will run each day (my logs are up to date, ignore the scheduled training, I have been).  I have not been trying to run fast (sometimes I will do faster intervals when I have to run on the treadmill to help pass the time).  I would like to be a little less random about it.

I am making the assumption that I have been running enough to be able to complete a HM in the time frame.  I have been consistently running for a little over a year.  My longest runs to date have been a little over 7.5 miles (it was on a treadmill and I had stop before my head exploded from boredom).




As long as you can comfortably do the first couple weeks of the 20 week plan you pick, you'll be fine with whatever you choose to do.  I loosely used a Hal Higdon plan for my first two half marathons.


How many days per week can you run?  How many do you want to run?  If I had time (and motivation and didn't get injured), I would run 6 days per week using the ratios mentioned in this blog I happened across when looking for a running plan.  That said, I personally don't run enough.

2011-05-06 11:50 PM
in reply to: #3486083

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed

I checked out your logs and we have run similar total distances this year, but I only started running in September. I just did my half marathon last weekend. (crappy time but Im blaming that on a poor prerace meal) I typically ran 2 or 3 times per week with a longer run on Sundays. I followed my oly plan and I did a longer run than called for on Sunday. I just ramped it up easy each week over the winter.


I bet you could run a HM this summer Teddie.

2011-05-07 12:44 AM
in reply to: #3486083

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed

RunnersWorld has a 9 week training plan:,7120,s6-238-244-258-6851-0,00.html

What's your HM goal?  Your run volume over the last two weeks looks fine and the beginner plan on page 3 will probably be a breeze.

2011-05-07 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3486083

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Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed
I can't imagine running that far on a treadmill!!! Woaw that's some mental strength. (and I did a 26.2 last December) I assume most of your running is on the treadmill so if this is the case I would start running outside every chance you get to get your muscles accustom to it. Rain snow heat just get out there. Ask your hotel concierge about trails and depending on where in the country your located alot of fun routes can be located very close to hotels. Take advantage of your travel and use it to explore a different local on your feet! That's my .02.
2011-05-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3486083

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed

I think a mid summer HM would be an absolute cinch if thats what you wanted to do.  But a December HM will be a breeze.   Your current running base seems a pretty good place to start.  I would however try to get a little more consistent with your weekly mileage.  I noticed looking back into March that you had some pretty up and down weeks.  I think getting 4 runs a week in would leave enough time on the weekends to allow for a bit of catch up with the swim/bike WO's too.

Try to get a solid mpw running base close to 20-25 over 4 runs each week.  Making your long run something like 7-9 miles and spreading the rest over the other 3 runs.  Make sure all your runs are easy for the most part and you should have one of your runs at half or slightly over half of your long run distance.  Then later this year (October-ish) jump in on one of the training plans that you like.

At your current training though, a HM much sooner is very possible.

2011-05-07 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3486083

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Running/HM suggestions needed

Thanks for the input so far.  To answer some of the questions:

I plan to run 5-6 days a week.  It will depend on my travel/work schedule, but most weeks I can probably get 6 days in.  My goal is to finish (I am running with some of my co-workers and friends and I can get a little competitive.  I would love to finish faster than they do.  I am pretty sure that will not be a problem with three of them, the other girl has run several HM.  I'm faster than her when we run together, but she has more experience.  I think her typical time is 2 hr 15 min, so I would love to beat that.Laughing)  I do a little more than half my running outside, only run on the treadmill if I have to.  But July-Sept that amount will likely increase.  I do not handle the heat very well and if I do not get out in the morning, I will not be running on 100+ weather.

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