Subject: RE: Need help w/ first road bike. I'm no bike expert, but I'll share with you what I learned from buying my road bike last year. Like you, I didn't want a tri-specific bike, should I one day not be into triathlons anymore [fat chance, but still]. I wanted lightweight, quality, sturdiness and absorption [because i would be transitioning myself from a MTB]. I recommend that you shop around, the days you go in to test ride go dressed to ride. Most biek shops do not have a limit on test rides. The longer you test ride a bike- the better feel you'll get for it. [heck if you're investing that much money on this- they better be willing to help you out!]
Okay going back into absorption- from talking to a lot of sales people [and going to a bike show], i learned that a steel frame [although a little bit heavier] is a lot better for taking the bumps. Now you said that you have back problems, so this might be something you consider.
Eventually, I ended up with a Raleigh [international- a european frame], with Campegnolo components. I love it- the people at the store i went to worked with me and my fittings. They were there with tape measures and these special machines taking my body angles for best fit.
I would say that if the people at the store do not seem to know many details about the bikes, or are not at all willing to take their time to answer your questions move on to another place. I'm sorry I was not really able to answer your questions, but do ask the bike shops- most of the more experienced sellers are riders themselves- and experts in this field.
lots of luck,
Milly |