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2014-10-27 10:17 AM

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Omaha, NE
Subject: Election 2014

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

2014-10-27 10:18 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Oh, on a separate note, we're gong out of town early next Tuesday so I'm going in to vote early for the first time ever.  I've never been a big fan of early voting, but I have to admit it's very convenient and I'm glad I have that as an option. ;-)

2014-10-27 11:46 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by tuwood

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

I haven't been following too many of the local races-- are many of the Republicans who are favored to beat democratic incumbents very strongly pro-life or anti-SSM? I'd be surprised if that was the case. Maybe what we're seeing is that Republican politicians who are willing to put aside their own beliefs with respect to those issues and focus more on the economy, jobs, etc, are becoming more popular with moderates?
2014-10-27 12:12 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

I haven't been following too many of the local races-- are many of the Republicans who are favored to beat democratic incumbents very strongly pro-life or anti-SSM? I'd be surprised if that was the case. Maybe what we're seeing is that Republican politicians who are willing to put aside their own beliefs with respect to those issues and focus more on the economy, jobs, etc, are becoming more popular with moderates?

I'm not really sure myself.  I do know that I haven't noticed any Republicans running on a social platform so you might be onto something. 
It does seem that my local races have primarily been focusing on the economy, healthcare, and global issues.

2014-10-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Election 2014

my congressperson runs unopposed.  however my state has a gubernatorial race that is pretty heated and i have to be out of town for work but it is too late to register absentee.  so that kind of sucks.  but i'm moving to a new state before next year anyway.  WISH i could vote in texas now, i'm scared for my uterus's rights in that state.

2014-10-27 1:48 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by mehaner

WISH i could vote in texas now, i'm scared for my uterus's rights in that state.

As much as Battleground Texas would like to turn Texas to a blue state, or at least purple, it is not going to happen anytime soon.  There are very few places in Texas were partisan elections are really close calls.  Most of the actual contests occur in the primaries.  There is nothing that points to the slightest change in the Texas Legislature, the place your uterus should fear the most.  If anything, the Texas Senate is going to get a little more conservative. 

2014-10-27 1:54 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by tuwood

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

I don't have the time or desire to preview every race which could affect the Senate's numbers (I see no chance of the Republicans in the House losing much ground).  However, President Obama is not helping Democrats in congressional races at all.  Midterm elections are generally bad for the party in the White House, midterm elections during a president's second term usually worse - my prediction is that this election will be even on degree worse than that. 

2014-10-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Election 2014
In a lot of ways it makes sense. People distrust the government for good reason. They do not want either party to have absolute power.

The thing I notice is just how much money being spent. Morning news in Chicago 50% of the commercials for the last month have been political ads for 3 races.

2014-10-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

I haven't been following too many of the local races-- are many of the Republicans who are favored to beat democratic incumbents very strongly pro-life or anti-SSM? I'd be surprised if that was the case. Maybe what we're seeing is that Republican politicians who are willing to put aside their own beliefs with respect to those issues and focus more on the economy, jobs, etc, are becoming more popular with moderates?

I'm not really sure myself.  I do know that I haven't noticed any Republicans running on a social platform so you might be onto something. 
It does seem that my local races have primarily been focusing on the economy, healthcare, and global issues.

That's sort of what I expected. Like Hook 'em said, this mid-term election is going the way most of them usually seem to go. If the GOP takes the senate, it's going to mean that social issues will become an even bigger focus with the next presidential election. If both houses of congress are leaning red, there's no way that people will elect a Republican president with a strong anti-gay-rights, anti-SSM, pro-life stance. It just isn't going to happen. If the GOP fulfils what some feel should be its promise of moving even futher to the right in 2016, there will be a third consecutive Democratic presidential victory. OTOH, I've said all along that a Republican candidate who is either pro-choice or at least a centrist on the social issues could go a long way and could even win. I'm not sue the GOP base would give them the nomination, though. In general, I think people are reluctant to have both houses of congress AND the president from the same party. If Democrats lose the Senate, it will energize them and the left-leaning moderates in the next election to make sure they either win back one of the houses and/or keep the presidency.
2014-10-27 2:23 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by mehaner

my congressperson runs unopposed.  however my state has a gubernatorial race that is pretty heated and i have to be out of town for work but it is too late to register absentee.  so that kind of sucks.  but i'm moving to a new state before next year anyway.  WISH i could vote in texas now, i'm scared for my uterus's rights in that state.

Call your county election office and see if they have an early voting option.  I called mine when I realized I was going to be traveling and thought I had to sign up absentee, but in our state they allow voting 30 days prior to the election by simply walking into the county election commission office.

So, my wife and I will wander in there this week and vote.

2014-10-27 5:59 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Election 2014
This election has me bothered. The best result would be that things get so bad that Bernie Sanders gets elected president. Women's rights, Workers rights, healthcare and the environment are all going to suffer in this next election, in a lot of places...

2014-10-27 6:31 PM
in reply to: S_Franklin99

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Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by S_Franklin99 This election has me bothered. The best result would be that things get so bad that Bernie Sanders gets elected president. Women's rights, Workers rights, healthcare and the environment are all going to suffer in this next election, in a lot of places...

Sorry man, the best result is never "when things get so bad".   The sky is not falling.

2014-10-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

I'm a little surprised that there really hasn't been much discussion on here about the election next week.



I think that the Republicans taking over the Senate is highly likely, which will make for an interesting next couple of years.

My general thought is how quickly the political pendulum has swung.  It wasn't very long ago that we were discussing how the Republican party was completely dead and had no chance of ever winning again unless they dropped the religion and social issues.

I haven't been following too many of the local races-- are many of the Republicans who are favored to beat democratic incumbents very strongly pro-life or anti-SSM? I'd be surprised if that was the case. Maybe what we're seeing is that Republican politicians who are willing to put aside their own beliefs with respect to those issues and focus more on the economy, jobs, etc, are becoming more popular with moderates?

I'm not really sure myself.  I do know that I haven't noticed any Republicans running on a social platform so you might be onto something. 
It does seem that my local races have primarily been focusing on the economy, healthcare, and global issues.

That's sort of what I expected. Like Hook 'em said, this mid-term election is going the way most of them usually seem to go. If the GOP takes the senate, it's going to mean that social issues will become an even bigger focus with the next presidential election. If both houses of congress are leaning red, there's no way that people will elect a Republican president with a strong anti-gay-rights, anti-SSM, pro-life stance. It just isn't going to happen. If the GOP fulfils what some feel should be its promise of moving even futher to the right in 2016, there will be a third consecutive Democratic presidential victory. OTOH, I've said all along that a Republican candidate who is either pro-choice or at least a centrist on the social issues could go a long way and could even win. I'm not sue the GOP base would give them the nomination, though. In general, I think people are reluctant to have both houses of congress AND the president from the same party. If Democrats lose the Senate, it will energize them and the left-leaning moderates in the next election to make sure they either win back one of the houses and/or keep the presidency.

As I get older and older I have less and less faith in the people who are voting for the next president.  You and I are both informed voters and think about stuff like this, but I would bet far more simply vote for who the "cool guy" is.

If the republicans put up a young guy who goes on TV playing the drums and stupid stuff while the democrats trot out an old rich stiff then sadly I don't think it matters what they stand for with most voters.  The Republicans have been trotting out the old rich stiff as of late, so they've been losing the white house. 

Similar to the Democrats winning the congress and White House in 2008 riding the coat tales of a very unpopular president I can easily see the Republicans sweeping all three in 2016 for the same reasons.  They can certainly lose, but I think it's more likely that they win at this point.  Obviously the pendulum could swing wildly in the other direction in two more years.

I'd love to see the Republicans jack up a majority in both houses while the President continues to jack up the White House to open the door for a viable Libertarian candidate in 2016.  Hey, a guy can dream. 

2014-10-28 9:04 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by mehaner

WISH i could vote in texas now, i'm scared for my uterus's rights in that state.

As much as Battleground Texas would like to turn Texas to a blue state, or at least purple, it is not going to happen anytime soon.  There are very few places in Texas were partisan elections are really close calls.  Most of the actual contests occur in the primaries.  There is nothing that points to the slightest change in the Texas Legislature, the place your uterus should fear the most.  If anything, the Texas Senate is going to get a little more conservative. 

just a little LOL at "the place my uterus should fear the most."


2014-10-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Election 2014
I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today.

She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

2014-10-28 9:56 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

I'd be all for that.  I'm sure I'm over simplifying things, but I feel that a balanced budget amendment with an exception for wartime and the ability to line item veto would cut a massive amount of wasteful spending from Washington.

I don't care if it's a Democrats spending on entitlements or a Republican spending on the Military.  We have to do it on a budget and if there aint enough money then there aint enough money.

2014-10-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

2014-10-28 10:37 AM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

Yes, absolutely.

I've known Sen. Collins for a few years now and find her to be of impressive character and integrity. I also know she values the Senate as a civil institution designed to protect the rights of the minority opinion. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me to garner my vote.

2014-10-28 11:29 AM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

I share in your skepticism a little bit, but I also think that both parties aren't real happy with the rule changes as they are now.  The Democrats looking at a potential minority status are of course wishing the rules were back the way they were and the Republicans who are currently in the minority status want them changed.

I think if Washington continues down the road of what technicality can we push to get this and that law through it's only going to make things worse.  There are many hot button issues that have split support across the country and we elect representatives to put laws in place that reflect our views as a population.  In my opinion when the country is split the congress should be gridlocked on that particular issue.  It's when we have majority support as a nation that our representatives should be passing laws.

2014-10-28 11:31 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

Yes, absolutely. I've known Sen. Collins for a few years now and find her to be of impressive character and integrity. I also know she values the Senate as a civil institution designed to protect the rights of the minority opinion. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me to garner my vote.

Sen. Collins might, the GOP as a whole won't.  By the way, I assume she's talking about Harry Reid changing the filibuster rules.  If she was referring to something else, please correct me.  The GOP was the party that originally dreamed up and wanted the nuclear option back during Bush's presidency. And whenever they finally regain the majorities, there's no way they're going to turn around and give up that power.  They're going to use it to ram through their nominees, same as what Reid has been doing for the past year.  

For what it's worth, my comments are not directed at Sen. Collins in any way.  I realize she was part of the gang of 14 that originally killed the nuclear option.  She was against it even when her party was in power, so kudos to her.  But if the GOP regains Congress, what exactly is she going to do to overturn it?  Turn her back on her party to side with the Democrats who will inevitably be whining about the changes they put in?  That will fall on deaf GOP ears.

It used to take a 2/3's vote, then it was lowered to 3/5's.  Since then, no majority party has ever been concerned enough about protecting the minority power to try and raise that back up to 2/3's.  Politicians take, they don't give.


2014-10-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

Yes, absolutely. I've known Sen. Collins for a few years now and find her to be of impressive character and integrity. I also know she values the Senate as a civil institution designed to protect the rights of the minority opinion. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me to garner my vote.

Sen. Collins might, the GOP as a whole won't.  By the way, I assume she's talking about Harry Reid changing the filibuster rules.  If she was referring to something else, please correct me.  The GOP was the party that originally dreamed up and wanted the nuclear option back during Bush's presidency. And whenever they finally regain the majorities, there's no way they're going to turn around and give up that power.  They're going to use it to ram through their nominees, same as what Reid has been doing for the past year.  

For what it's worth, my comments are not directed at Sen. Collins in any way.  I realize she was part of the gang of 14 that originally killed the nuclear option.  She was against it even when her party was in power, so kudos to her.  But if the GOP regains Congress, what exactly is she going to do to overturn it?  Turn her back on her party to side with the Democrats who will inevitably be whining about the changes they put in?  That will fall on deaf GOP ears.

It used to take a 2/3's vote, then it was lowered to 3/5's.  Since then, no majority party has ever been concerned enough about protecting the minority power to try and raise that back up to 2/3's.  Politicians take, they don't give.


I think I am not as jaded as you are on the whole thing. I still do think that there are enough politicians out there who believe in bigger things than scoring political points.

But, I think we all agree that Harry Reid has no intent on changing the rules. So we might as well go a different direction.

As for my thoughts on the election. It is a midterm and Americans usually like their branches or government divided between the parties. So I think it is pretty safe to predict the R's will take the Senate.

I don't know by how much they will take the Senate but I think the early bell weather is the senate race in NH. If Scott Brown wins, it is going to be a blood bath for the D's. If he loses then I think the GOP will come out with a slim majority.

Edited by Jackemy1 2014-10-28 12:04 PM

2014-10-28 1:39 PM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by Jackemy1

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

Yes, absolutely.

I've known Sen. Collins for a few years now and find her to be of impressive character and integrity. I also know she values the Senate as a civil institution designed to protect the rights of the minority opinion. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me to garner my vote.

Your faith in her and her fellow Republicans is inspiring, but, politicians being politicians, I'm going to go ahead and not hold my breath on that one.

Politicians lie for the same reason that well-fed house cats chase mice: it's in their nature.
2014-10-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

I'd be all for that.  I'm sure I'm over simplifying things, but I feel that a balanced budget amendment with an exception for wartime and the ability to line item veto would cut a massive amount of wasteful spending from Washington.

Congress doesn't need to give any more power to the President (regardless of the person in the Oval Office).  The executive branch has been quick to take more power than granted by the Constitution and not only has the Congress allowed it to happen, Congress has delegated plenty of its authority to unelected bureaucrats.     

2014-10-28 1:46 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Election 2014

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

I'd be all for that.  I'm sure I'm over simplifying things, but I feel that a balanced budget amendment with an exception for wartime and the ability to line item veto would cut a massive amount of wasteful spending from Washington.

Congress doesn't need to give any more power to the President (regardless of the person in the Oval Office).  The executive branch has been quick to take more power than granted by the Constitution and not only has the Congress allowed it to happen, Congress has delegated plenty of its authority to unelected bureaucrats.     

True, I tend to think of the line item veto as the President slicing out pork on legislation, but maybe the better solution would be to limit or eliminate earmarks which is really what my goal is.

2014-10-28 1:56 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Election 2014
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

Originally posted by Jackemy1

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I was at a fundraising event for Senator Collins about a month ago and had a conversation with her on a number of things, one of them regarding the dysfunction the Senate and how was it that what was once the greatest institution for public debate has devolved into what it is today. She said the Harry Reid's changing of the Senate rules eroding the minority party's rights was disastrous to the functionality of the Senate. She stated that if the GOP was elected to the majority in the Senate, her first order of business was to re-install Senate rules that protect the minority. So I am routing for a GOP takeover and hoping that she'll be able to do what she promises and that proper debate that involves the minority and demands consensus building can be brought back to Senate.

Do you honestly believe that if the GOP gains the majority, their first order of business will be to give more power back to the Democrats?

Yes, absolutely.

I've known Sen. Collins for a few years now and find her to be of impressive character and integrity. I also know she values the Senate as a civil institution designed to protect the rights of the minority opinion. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me to garner my vote.

Your faith in her and her fellow Republicans is inspiring, but, politicians being politicians, I'm going to go ahead and not hold my breath on that one.

Politicians lie for the same reason that well-fed house cats chase mice: it's in their nature.

So be it. The nice thing about this is that we'll have the opportunity to see which opinion holds true in January.

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