BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-Closed (if are stuck with no group PM me) Rss Feed  
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2013-12-22 1:36 PM

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Alturas, California
Subject: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-Closed (if are stuck with no group PM me)
GROUP FOCUS: (Ttiathlon any distance, run any diatance)

NAME: Baowolf / Steve

STORY: I was new to all three sports in 2007, hit that 40 something, overweight needed something to challenge myself and found BT. I picked up a beginner plan and did my first sprint several months later.. then an Oly, HIM, IM, marathons including Boston. I have had some bumps along the way with 2 bike crashes, broken colar bone, a couple pulled calf muscles and a knee operation last yea. I have lead 4 mentor groups or so and though I an not a coach I am happy to share my experience from the past7 ish years of going from no base to 4 IMs 4 HIMs and 3 Marathons etc. All distances / abilities welcome but as you can see I tend to go long. My best IM is 11:40:xx, HIM 5:30:xx, Mary 3:19:xx and 3 miler 17:58. Don't ask about swim.

FAMILY STATUS: I am happily married 24 years, have 5 children, 1 lazy dog, cat, fish and 50 deer.

CURRENT TRAINING: I generally run 6x bike 4-5x swim 3 x per week and usually train for longer events HIM/IM or HM marathon. I will hit some shorter races for fun. I have trained by HR, cadence, power, etc.. I usually design my own training plans because I know what I need, but am currently doing an intensive offseason training plan. I did IMLT last fall and am signed up for IMCDA and IMLT this season.


2013 RACES: After intense offseason work I will be hitting IM CDA and IM Lake Tahoe.

WEIGHTLOSS: I like to race IM's around 145, but have not been good with the holidays etc., so I need to drop 15 pounds again.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have been a mentor several years and try to check the group daily, but at least 4x a week. I have raced just about every distance Tri/run including some trail runs (not 50k or 100k yet). My philosophy is to build a base before working speed, to find balance in training and in your life and to view Triathlon as a lifestyle and not as a race that is coming up in 4 months. I try to communicate these ideas in a helpful way, but if your long run is 3 miles and you want to do a marathon in a week I will tell you that it is not wise to attempt that race as you don't have sufficient base for it. My goal is to train injury free to the extent possible through smart training. This is not one of those heck ya anyone can do an IM off the couch in 2 weeks kind of group. I want my members to go into races prepared, get a PR or at least finish with a smile on your face. If you are a short distance person (sprints 5ks) this group is fine, but just know we will have folks doing IM's in here and you need to not compare your training to theirs it is a completely different training model. All distances are welcome though. All previous members of my groups are welcome even if they miss the sign up cuttoff and it says Closed. If you join, please commit to posting once per week unless out of town or something. Thank you for your consideration.

Edited by Baowolf 2014-01-18 11:05 PM

2014-01-05 5:35 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
I'm in again. I think Steve is the best! He says he isn't a coach but he definitely does his best to make every person succeed and I think that is the definition of a great coach.

NAME: Pink Socks & Pam

FAMILY/DESCRIPTION: Happily married to another BT’er (KWDreamun), 51 years old, 15 y.o. son who loves baseball and is horribly embarrassed by his mother running around in tights and a sports bra, running for 4 years, bad cyclist, love swimming but not with anyone else swimming on top of me or too near me.

STORY: Pink Socks is my way of remembering why I began running. I watched my son’s middle school cross country team wear pink socks in memory of the coach’s wife. When coach asked the kids and parents to participate in a breast cancer marathon, HM, or marathon relay, in Brenda’s memory, I internally scoffed because I couldn’t do that. But it went into my sub-con and soon, I adopted the alter ego of Pink and began training.

I've completed 12 HM, 1 Ragnar, 4 marathons, 2 ultras, 1 DU, and 2 sprint tris.

CURRENT TRAINING: I train 8 - 10 hours a week. Goal in 2014 is to do something almost every day whether it's swim, bike, run, strength, core, or stretch. I found last year that I need much of this for mental health as well as physical health.

2014 RACES: I’m in taper for a marathon Jan 19. I have a March Duathlon where I hope to avenge my poor performance last year. Then there will be multiple 10Ks until May. I’m trying to figure out when I’ll do another triathlon. I want to but I need to get several mental obstacles resolved before I start again. Both of my tris were done with too little swim and bike training and I don’t want to keep doing that.

GOALS : No matter what, I want to focus on health. I do want/need/desire PRs but I’ve found that my health and sanity is more important than bucket lists and PRs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love that we can come here and panic, brag, cry, beg for help, happy dance, or just express ourselves around people that are striving for the same things. Steve has made me a better runner but the group as a whole has made me a better and happier person.
2014-01-05 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4916844

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Hey, Steve! Glad to see this finally up. I'm back in if you'll have me. Will post bio later
2014-01-05 6:14 PM
in reply to: Baowolf


Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Steve, I would like to join your group. Your philosophy about training, racing seem to fit well with mine.

My name is Randy, age 51, male.

Marital Status: married 26 years, 3 children ages 16, 20, 23.

This Years Races: Chicago Marathon, Route 66 1/2 Marathon, GRR 10 mile (my fastest pace race ever, 8:15 mile avg), 5k

Possible Races for 2014: Steelhead 70.3

Current Training: Struggling to keep running in winter, hate running on treadmill or indoors, running 1-3 days per week lately - been lax, but want to get back to it now, want to start swimming, biking, exploring those areas

What would make me a good mentoree: eager to learn, totally new to tri so open to others experience and advice, people oriented and love to encourage others and draw from such encouragement, need support as currently have no one training w

My story: I was never really a runner or biker. I grew up playing ice hockey and that has faded away after some injuries and just getting a bit older to be playing such a sport. Broke 3 vertabrae in back so gave up ice, then did some in line hockey coaching and playing. In past had rode MS-150 bike ride a couple times and run a 5k. That was about my experience with any related sports.

Woke up one day w a pinched nerve in my neck. Battled that for quite awhile and still do some. Anyway, one day a guy came to our church talking about how he was running across the country to raise $ to help bring clean water to an area in Kenya. He was looking to get people to sign up for a marathon, which I thought sounded cool and had always been on my bucket list. However, I thought that time had passed me by and I had scratched it off my list. A month later a couple in the church had an informational meeting for folks that might have interest in that and for some reason I attended, although thinking I really could not do that w my pinched nerve, former plantar fasciitis, etc. But if this guy could run across the country in ~ 5 months (which he did)...

I started running just to try it out and found it didn't bother my neck really and I found I could run a couple miles right off the bat. Worked up to 8 miles pretty comfortably in 4 weeks. I kept feeling this was something I was supposed to do, so at that point I signed up still not sure I could really do it. Trained for about 6 months, the last 18 weeks being a formal training plan. I successfully completed the Chicago Marathon and beat my very loose time goal (4:30 goal, 4:22:50 finish w a couple bathroom stops). I had several physical challenges along the way in training, but was blessed and able to overcome them all (irregular heartbeat, shin splints, sprained tendon in foot, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, suspected stress fracture (turned out sprain), infected spider bite, etc).

Along the way I lost 25+ lbs (was over 2300 for 1st time ever & got down to 173-175) and cholesterol dropped from 169 to 142 with many other positive changes to my health, mental, physical, spiritual. it was an exciting and fun journey to the marathon , but now I feel the need for a new challenge.

I like to do these sorts of races for a charity or cause of some sort - gives me a sense of purpose to it all. I always thought the IM would be amazing to do, although I still am battling the achilles tendonitis and running shorter distances seems more appealing, so I was thinking 1/2 IM. Now the charity group I ran w is planning a 1/2 IM - Steelhead in August. I haven't fully decided to go for it yet, but am going to explore if it looks possible.

Swimming will be the greatest challenge as I haven't swam more than a lap or two in many years and never really swam much.

I have a lot of general questions like do I need tri shorts, a tri or road bike, wetsuit, etc. Seems like a lot of costs associated with this, but if I am supposed to do this will be able to find a way.

I look forward to your help and that of the group. Also for the chance to encourage others - I know for me a great deal of my battle in training has been mental and the encouragement and support of others has helped greatly.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

2014-01-05 8:48 PM
in reply to: Randman

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Yay finally live. All are welcome common in pull up a chair, glad to have ya.

I wouldn't get too too carried away with signing up for long races until that achilies is under control. I do advocate walking when recovering from an injury. When I have a pulled muscle I will walk 20 miles a week. It maintains a lot of cardio and leg strength, much more than you would think and helps you get back into the game quicker, but not too quickly.
2014-01-05 8:58 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Hello 2014 group! Steve is truly an amazing mentor. With the help of Steve and the others who have joined his group over the last 3 years I was able to go from having ran a 5k and 10k to completing an IM in just over 2 years. He is solid and will get you where you want to go if you listen to him! And the other members are also priceless.

NAME: Anthalynn/Samantha (I do prefer Samantha )

STORY: I was new to all three sports in 2011. As I mentioned, I had run a 5k and 10k (more like a very slow jog) between 2008 and 2011, and before that I did very little in terms of exercise. I was not into sports and never competed in anything, but in 2006 I sat at the finish line watching people complete IMCDA and I was overwhelmed with a desire to cross that finish line. I didn't actually think it was possible nor did I think it would ever REALLY happen. But the seed had been planted. Over the next several years doors started opening that were gently leading me to start being active. I started jogging a bit and got into backpacking. Then I had a friend introduce me to mountain biking. I got to ride some sweet trails in Moab, Utah. Then I decided to try out swimming since there was a pool very near my school. Having the opportunities to experience running, biking and swimming each on their own terms with no pressure to do more than I was doing I see now how those separate experiences prepared me to feel confident enough to sign up for my first sprint tri in 2011. I also read Slow, Fat Triathlete, which I would recommend to anyone! I joined Steve's group a couple months after signing up for the sprint tri and since then I have run another 10k, a 12k, Olympic tri, HIM and IM.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 36 and single.

CURRENT TRAINING: As of today I'm getting back off the couch after taking several months off partly due to sheer laziness and partly due to having wrist surgery, which the surgery proved to have a significant impact on my motivation and the fact that I've been one-handed for several months. I basically fell in a hole. I am still not done healing from surgery and currently am only able to run. I am gonna see if it will be possible to ride my bike on my trainer. Swimming will just have to wait. So I plan to start building my run base and hopefully get back to where I was pre-IMCDA 2013 and get back to biking and swimming as soon as possible so I can achieve this years goals.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2013 was all about IMCDA!

2014 RACES: CDA HM in May, Race the River Sprint Tri in July, and Vikingman HIM in August. And maybe a couple other events depending on money and how they line up with these 3 races. Oh, and I need to be ready to ride with Steve, Mitch and Jim when they come to my home town to race IMCDA. I want to at least be able to ride a portion of the bike course with them if they are willing to go at a snail's pace, and I need to be able to run around on race day cheering them on (I'm not really excited about it or anything)

WEIGHTLOSS: I have never focused on weight loss because I don't like to control what I eat, but this year I desire to change this. I would love to drop some weight/have a smaller waste. I rarely use a scale, so I base how I'm doing on waste measurement and the way my clothes fit.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I know I don't know everything, and when it comes to learning 3 different sports I know even less. I appreciate having someone to help me figure things out. I appreciate having people to share the journey with. And I enjoy encouraging others to reach their goals.

2014-01-05 9:28 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Yay Samantha!

Ok for those looking at weight loss, our first challenge No Chochlate for 1 month starts 1/7/14 and I will be participating. I know I put on some holiday weight that was a bit over the top, though I am sure you all were better about watching what you ate over the holidays....

You don't have to post your weight, but I will be planning on losing 4 ish pounds a month until I get back to race weight. If you want to post weight loss each month (inches lost on belt, whatever) feel free to do so.

Edited by Baowolf 2014-01-05 9:40 PM
2014-01-05 9:44 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Steve - you had to go there...chocolate, really?? I have been considering that for myself so now that you put it out there I will very reluctantly accept the challenge. bah....

Today I did 30min on the tready = 2.13miles. I walked 2min/jog 2min. It went well. Then I did 16 lunges and 10 squats.

Randy - Hi. So glad you joined the group! I was thinking about your strong dislike of the treadmill and I have an idea. It seems you are a decent runner so this may not appeal to you, but you could try a run/walk plan to help distract yourself from paying attention to the time and or miles. I like to use the chronos option on my watch. During the marathon portion of the IM I did a run 4min/walk 1 minute. I was so distracted from paying attention to "is it time to walk yet/run yet" that I never paid attention to what time it was or how long it was taking me. Today when I did my treadmill workout it was similar, except I had the total time staring me in the face. You can always cover the treadmill time with a magazine and use your watch. Anyway, it has really helped me. And I've heard doing the run/walk thing has added benefits cause your body really appreciates the 1-2min. recovery it gets.
2014-01-05 10:44 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Steve - The volunteer's info for IMCDA is going to be opening up soon. Not because you will expect it, but making sure you and your family have everything you need is important to me. I want to be sure my volunteering keeps me free to support y'all. So on race morning will you want a ride to the start line or would you rather bike yourself down there? What about after the race? I suppose you will have a car since you are driving here, but I want to help however I can. I know I appreciated getting a ride and having someone accompany me until I finished setting up my transition area so I could give them my tire pump after I finished using it. Maybe your wife does all that for you. Maybe you can give me a run down of how you usually do things and what you might appreciate and I can see where I might be helpful as your host, then I can adjust my day based on that. Gah, I'm so stoked!

Mitch and Jim - I'm totally available to help you guys out however I can as well. As long as I volunteer for at least one thing during the day I'll be happy.
2014-01-06 1:17 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Usually my wife just slows down and I jump out at T1. She never finds me so I just throw stuff in my morning bag, hopefully it will be above 28F so I won't have so much stuff for my morning bag. Then at the end she collects some stuff I grab some food and I hobble to the van. We should be low maintenance.
2014-01-06 2:44 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Fellow Mentorees I will be joining ya'all

My Background:

Family: Married 8 years father of 5 yo. Full time victim of the tax system.

Full pledged Texan acclimated to the heat! I wish i am in bed instead of Cold weather training.

Base: I enjoy group riding in centuries and running half marathons.

Races: I started Tri training 7 months ago and along the way finished 2 sprints,1 Oly and
1 Half Iron.

Goals: I plan to finish my first Full Iron in 8 months. I am just using the Don fink's Be Iron Fit Full Iron plan.

I can't afford a coach , but mentoring is great help for my first half iron. I believe i am in the right group.

Steve's Group is my main group for any of my Long Course training Tri's and Running. I am also a member of another (Hashers and Mashers) for my short Courses Tri's.



2014-01-06 4:38 AM
in reply to: Baowolf


Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Hello everyone!

I would like to join this group and get fit!

My name is Wassim, age 26, male.

Marital status: Married, 5 months.

I am newly interested in the sport. Just started cycling a few weeks ago and I am sure I will benefit a lot from Steve's mentoring.
I believe this group would provide a lot of motivation and I want to share my weekly log with everyone and see how other are training as well.

Lately, I have packed a few extra pounds ~ 8. I am interested in losing them and getting a good running base.

Finishing an actual triathlon sounds like a long term goal for me. One that I would happily seek finalizing within the next 5 years or so.

2014-01-06 8:55 AM
in reply to: Wassim

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Here's my bio/info:

NAME: Mike

LOCATION: south of Boston, MA

STORY: I was a 43 year old former athlete (HS, college) who spent too much time behind a desk, and on the couch. Found myself as heavy as I've ever been, and so out of shape it was shocking. Having the doctor tell me I was obese was a shock that got me off the couch. Started with some classes at the local Y, watched what I ate, and then discovered triathlon. Was asked to ride the bike leg in a relay of the local sprint in June 2010. It was a struggle (hand't ridden a bike in years and years). Decided there and then I needed to do a race myself. So, I found a sprint race happening 3 months later, and signed up. could not swim or run, but having found BT only 3 days after that first bike, I figured it out, and finished that first race. Hooked!!!

FAMILY STATUS: married for 18 years with 14 yo daughter and 10 yo daughter (who has done 2 tris herself!)

2014 Goals: get healthy, get back to enjoying running (2013 was a washout), get fit, and have fun with this nutty sport/hobby of ours. It sounds weird to say, but I really enjoyed my long runs back when I was healthy. (10-12 miles on Sunday AM was blissful!!)

CURRENT TRAINING: limited as I've been on the sidelines due to injury (torn hammy) and illness. Starting back up this week with some easy sbr. Next week is the start of my 20 week HIM plan, but I'll take that slow as well. Its awful being out of shape. Hurts getting back into it!

2014 RACES: so far signed up for 1 sprint and 1 HIM. will likely add a couple Oly's, maybe another sprint. 2015 is a full IM (maybe)

WEIGHTLOSS: lost nearly 60 pounds the first time around. Need to shed about 20 as I've put a few back on the past couple months
2014-01-06 10:06 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
I would love to join - but am sadly multi-tasking and need to actually listen to my work conference call. I'll fill out my bio in a couple of hours if I may still join.
2014-01-06 10:06 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Yay, we're live! Welcome to everyone, new and old!

NAME: Squirt (Carol)

STORY: 47 years old. In the distant past I was a decent HS and college volleyball player. After college, I mostly focused on work and tried to stay in some sort of shape with Jazzercise, gym classes, etc. At the age of 27, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and faced some challenges in terms of learning to live well with it. Fast forward a bit more, and I became an adult onset runner….that was in 2005/2006. Mostly casual, but I enjoyed a few races along the way. Then, a friend talked me into my first half marathon and I cried as we crossed the finish line. In 2009 decided to do a sprint tri with the same friend. We had no idea how to swim, but many trips to the pool later, we completed that goal. Returned to tri’s in 2011 and decided to really give it a go. Got in arguably the best shape of my life and really enjoyed it. Next year was more of a running focus….and I did my first full marathon. Then I got a little greedy on the running while training for my 2nd full mary, and wound up with a stress fracture, piriformis syndrome, and now plantar fasciitis. I’ve now taken a total rest from running, and hope to return to it and do a few tris in 2014.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my best friend, Kerry, for 25+ years. 3 dogs and 1 very tolerant cat. I work as an accountant…hours fluctuate, but the work is mostly from home so I set my own schedule. My 95 year old FIL is in assisted living, but needs quite a bit of assistance from us to get to Dr Appts., etc., so it’s a blessing to have such a flexible schedule, both for that, for taking care of my own health, and for keeping some margins in our lives.

CURRENT TRAINING: Good question! After finishing up 2013 with some swim/bike volume goals and taking a little time off, I’m trying to figure out what 2014 looks like. For now…swim 3X/week, cycle and/or walk/run the other days. I haven’t even tried running in a couple months, so rebuilding that will be interesting.

2013: 2 sprint, 1 Mary, 1 HM, 1 15K, 1 5K
2012: 1 OLY, 2 sprint, 1 Mary, 2 HMary, 1 Trail 20K, 2 10K, 2 5K
2011: 2 OLY, 4 sprint, 2 HM, 4 10K, 1 5K
2006~2010: 1 sprint, 2 HM, 2 10K, 2 4 mile, 11 5K,

2014 RACES: So far I’m thinking -- 2 sprints, 1 OLY, and 1 long distance relay (capital to coast). I’m more interested in being healthy overall than a jam packed race schedule.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please. Went from 140ish down to under 120 at one point, now back up closer to 140ish, eek!!!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: This group is great, and I’ve participated in it for 3 years now. Steve is a great mentor because, as others have said, he will tell you the truth, and help you to reach YOUR goals. He also recognizes that we all bring different personality types to the table. Steve and the others in this group make it a place filled with grace and encouragement, and it is a privilege for me to be part of it. I’m not the super competitive type, but I enjoy being around and encouraging those who are, as well as those who, like me, enjoy a good race but are mostly in it for the journey and for good health.
2014-01-06 10:48 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Everyone is welcome common in, pleanty of room.

2014-01-06 10:55 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
As promised- my bio:

NAME: Jennifer

STORY: Adult-onset athlete (I don't count marching band in high school and college). A local sprint's bike route travels right past my neighborhood. I went out to watch it one year (2007), and got sucked up into the excitement which found me signing up for it the next year (2008). DNF'ed due to equipment failure (I wrapped my bike chain around the cassette so firmly that we had to take it to the shop to get it free), and promptly signed up for another a few months later. Successfully finished that one (!) and have been training/racing ever since.

I have completed many 5Ks, 10Ks, 5 half marathons, many sprint and Olys and two HIMs. I made the mistake of signing up for the second HIM days after completing the first HIM and promptly undertrained and had a miserable experience (at the end of 2012 season). I have been suffering from an on-going foot issue (current diagnosis is a cuboid bone in my right foot that slips out of place) that kept me out of racing all of 2013. I did a few organized bike rides in 2013 (100 Miles of Nowhere, Dempsey Challenge), but nothing timed.

I live half way up the coast of Maine and as a result am continually challenged by the weather. I spend ALOT of time in the basement in the winter on the trainer/treadmill, but have the great fortune of living within 5 miles of 3 lakes that are perfect for OWS once the ice has thawed.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 21 years in Feb, two girls (aged 11 and 13), an elderly cat and a middle-aged dog that loves to run with me.

CURRENT TRAINING: For the last couple of months, I really just noodled around doing whatever struck my fancy. Riding 3-4 times a week, running or elliptical (when my foot was grumpy) 3-4 times a week and swimming whenever I could get the motivation to go to the pool. My training plan (BT) for my second race this year starts today(!), so I am simultaneously starting a running plan along with Jorge's Winter Cycling plan. I am also going to do some variation on Slowman's swim training (from that other site) until the HIM plan kicks in at the end of Feb.

2014 RACES: Great Bay Half Marathon (in April), Vermont City Marathon (Memorial Day), 100 Miles of Nowhere first week of June, Patriot HIM (Father's Day). I haven't signed up for anything after the Patriot...I want to see how it goes.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please! Back in 2008, I lost about 25 pounds while getting into triathlon. Last year's lack of focus/injury didn't do me any favors (neither did the holidays), so I'd like to lose a few gearing up for this year's season. I have found that the long runs (anything over 12 miles for me) really help.

So - I'm up for the no-chocolate challenge starting tomorrow - but really? First thing out of the gate?

Thanks for having me!
2014-01-06 1:08 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
I'd like to join if you guys will have me.


Name: Mike

Story: I started cycling in 2012 as a way to lose weight as I was border line morbidly obese according to my BMI and was pre diabetic as well. My first season in triathlon was 2013 and I have absolutely became obessed with the sport. I have lost 30 pounds in the last 2 years and would like to see 20 more come off. Triathlon has controlled my diabetes to the point where I don't need to worry about it as long as I keep doing what I'm doing. I live in Northern Nevada, nothing like having Lake Tahoe in your backyard to train around. I still really don't like running but it is a necessary evil, my swim also needs work but I really do enjoy my time in the water.

Family: Married for 5 years and one son 2.5 years old, 2 dogs and a cat.

2013 Races: 5 sprint distance races (of which 4 were reverse order, the swim being last is no fun).

2014 Races: April-Rocking Reno HM, May-local Sprint and Folsom international Oly, June-HIM 70.3 Boise, July-a couple more local sprints, Aug-Lake Tahoe Oly and a couple more local sprints. I know it's a busy schedule but I find I train better with a race on the schedule.

Weight Loss: I would really like to see 20 more pounds come off.

Training: Right now I'm building up to an olympic schedule I took December off to let a couple of nagging injuries heal, which they did and now I'm back into it. I will start with the BT 8 week Oly plan and then build into the 12 oly to HIM bridge.

What makes me a good mentee: I listen intently and am not afraid to change what I'm doing in order to get better. I also will share my thoughts when asked my opinion.

2014-01-06 2:21 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Mike, I am about 200 ish miles north of you. I have done Boise and IMLT and will be doing IMLT again this year.

For those coming off injuries or periods of not running, I highly recommend walking a couple days, then adding in some jog like 4 minutes walk 2 minutes jog for a couple days (2-3 miles), then every 2-3 days up it so like walk 4/run 2, 3/2, 2/3, 1/4, all jog. It takes a couple weeks, but will get you back into the swing of running safely. I know we all want to jump back in where we left off, but...

And yups right out the door no chocolate. I started with new years so I am 6 days without chocolate at this point. The interesting thing is that as you decrease your junk foods you eat more fruit and vegies.

My diet weaknesses, right when I get home I want to grab a snack that I don't need. The cure is jump right into that after work workout before you get your snack and then bam it is dinner time. The next hard part is an hour or so after dinner... it is snack time/desert time... etc. Try to grab a banana or apple instead of a power bar or 1 2 3... cookies. Try to not have snacks visible on your counter. And eat your favorite snack during your 6 hour bike ride... after 6 hours of eating it you will be less likely to want to snack on it after your workout.

Oh and I don't really run on a treadmill unless I have to. Only reason I have to is that it is dark or too icy. I have done 20 miles in fresh snow, I have done 20 miles in 0-10F temps and I have done 20 mile runs on a treadmill. A simple shell of windproof leggings and jacket with a hood, mid-weight gloves and a baclava (spelling?) head cover with holes for mouth and eyes is usually enough. I have a neopreme cover for my drinking water for the long runs (13+ miles) to keep the water from freezing. If you keep it under your jacket it is less likely to freeze.

Edited by Baowolf 2014-01-06 2:25 PM
2014-01-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Steve -- my 'run' tomorrow will actaully be a 4 mile walk. Will be a giant ice covered mess here, so no real options to run anyway
2014-01-06 4:01 PM
in reply to: jswayland

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Originally posted by jswayland

So - I'm up for the no-chocolate challenge starting tomorrow - but really? First thing out of the gate?

Jennifer, good question! Whew...this chocolate fast starts tomorrow, not today. Need time to mentally prepare! May have to freeze the Cadbury tin that some friends gave us over the weekend .

1st swim of the year today. Good to be back in the pool after it was closed for 2+ weeks. I'll be joining Mike and company on the "walk not to be wounded" plan tomorrow.

Stay warm folks!

2014-01-06 4:13 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
I couldn't agree more with the choc stopping is starting too soon.'s gonna be so very hard for me. I've said I'm gonna stop eating choc for a while and never follow thru. Today I took advantage of my jobs offer to give me a full work up on body weight, fat, bmi, muscle, metabolism, etc., etc. boy do I have work to do if I want to be considered healthy. Great timing for a no choc challenge. I just have to make sure I don't replace choc with other yummy stuff. Oh how easily I sabotage myself.

I shall take my running/walking so and easy as well. My legs have some soreness today.
2014-01-06 6:22 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Steve, I saw your race report for IMLT what a tough day that was, I've ridden brockway once or twice and it is no joke. Anyone who finished that race is an animal. I plan one doing that race someday but I have to let the little one get a little bigger before I can take on the workload associated with a full. I'm excited about Boise and hope for good weather conditions, but in this neck of the woods you never know. I'm in for the no chocolate challange but it shouldn't be to tough I eat very little candy as it is.
2014-01-06 7:48 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
I'm not a big chocolate eater, so maybe I'll think of something so I can play along

Hi to everyone from last time, and welcome to all the new folks!
2014-01-06 7:51 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-OPEN
Originally posted by Baowolf

My diet weaknesses, right when I get home I want to grab a snack that I don't need. The cure is jump right into that after work workout before you get your snack and then bam it is dinner time. The next hard part is an hour or so after dinner... it is snack time/desert time... etc. Try to grab a banana or apple instead of a power bar or 1 2 3... cookies. Try to not have snacks visible on your counter. And eat your favorite snack during your 6 hour bike ride... after 6 hours of eating it you will be less likely to want to snack on it after your workout.

This is key for me - if it's in the house, I'll eat I just need to get it out of the house. I also have a bowl of fruit on the counter, so that's an easy go-to (as my husband calls it) "easily consumed food nugget." The kids are thrilled with the no-chocolate - I'm giving them a few things for their lunches tomorrow just to get them out of the house.

Originally posted by Baowolf
Oh and I don't really run on a treadmill unless I have to. Only reason I have to is that it is dark or too icy. I have done 20 miles in fresh snow, I have done 20 miles in 0-10F temps and I have done 20 mile runs on a treadmill. A simple shell of windproof leggings and jacket with a hood, mid-weight gloves and a baclava (spelling?) head cover with holes for mouth and eyes is usually enough. I have a neopreme cover for my drinking water for the long runs (13+ miles) to keep the water from freezing. If you keep it under your jacket it is less likely to freeze.

I'm all about running outside as much as I can - I am willing to run on fresh snow and in low temperatures, but I do draw the line on ice. I've got Yak Traks (these VERY effective things you can put on the outside of your shoes), but I can't guarantee all the drivers have control. We had a ton of snow the last week, followed by rain all day today and it's getting down to 12 tonight...makes for a slippery mess!

Do any of you all use Jorge's Winter Cycling program? I really enjoy it and just got access to a spreadsheet that can convert MPH to power for Cyclops Trainers...I haven't ever trained with power before and I am intrigued.
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