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2011-12-20 11:20 AM

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Edited by FoggyGoggles 2012-01-17 2:46 PM

2011-12-30 12:53 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggles Group - Open

Name: NurseJenny, Jenny

Story/Current Training:  I have never been athletic, played a little soccer in school but mostly hung out at the park smoking. I started running a few years a go when I quit smoking and HATED it until this year when I signed up for a half marathon. I learned to love running training for this race and have not been able to run since due to IT Band issues(start PT soon). I bike to/from work about 15 miles and have always wanted to do a triathlon. I registered for the South Maui Triathlon, an olympic distance in June of 2012 and started swim lessons. I was only able to do a 25 when I started and I am now in a Tri-swim group class twice a week and did my first 100 solid just the other day. I had big plans for a few more HMs and some mud runs, however, that has been put on hold until this IT Band is less angry.

Family Status:  Happily divorced for 6 years now, single mom of an amazing 6 year old little boy. He runs and swims with me often and thank the Gods I have a very family friendly gym that he also LOVES! I also have a 1 year old Newfoundland dog, he is my running partner and best bud!

I look forward to learning lots and keeping on track with this mentor program!


2011-12-30 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3961376

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2011-12-30 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3945983

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2011-12-30 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggles Group - Open

Name: dsand97/Don

Story/Current Training:  Former football player who took up running in college.  Graduated/got married had kids and suddenly woke up to find myself an out of shape 30 something.  Disgusted with my current situation I resolved to run a 1/2 marathon which I did.  Ran another recently which was more painful than the first (rolled ankle and tendonitis), but finished anyway.  I'm looking to jump full into Du's and Tri's this year.  I'm neither fast nor athletic, but I am determined, and thats what it takes.  Hoping to warm up with a duathlon or two and then transition to an Oly triathlon. 

Family Status:  Married 12+ years happily with three kids.  2 girls (9 & 6) and 1 boy (5).  They keep my busy and used to be an excuse to avoid training.  My family has a history of heart disease though and I've decided I'd like to see all their important moments so its time to get off my butt and get serious about eating right and excercising.

Goals:  Improved fitness, and health first and foremost.  I am 6' 4" and currently hovering in the mid 240's which was my playing weight.  In college at my insane fittest I was down to 218.  I'd like to get back into the 220's.  So yes include weight loss in those goals too.  As I said I plan on starting with some Duathlons to get some saddle time in under race conditions and to give myself time to strengthen my swimming (which I haven't done in some time). 

Looking forward to an awesome 2012.


2011-12-30 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3961858

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2011-12-30 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open
Yes, I am a little worried that I may have ruined my triathlon career by doing my first in the beautiful 85 degree maui ocean. I also won't be able to attempt any open water swims until I get to maui 4 days before the event due to the late melt and freezing waters here in Washington State...but I am super excited for it none the less!
2011-12-31 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3962681

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggles Group - Open



Thanks for the welcome.  Yes I live just outside of the Alamo city and that picture was taken a little over a year ago after finishing my first 1/2 marathon.  Austin is a beautiful city  to grow up in except for all that ugly burnt orange everywhere.  I went to Texas A&M haha.

Looking to knock out my first Du of the season on March 11 in Seguin.  Its a 5K run 14 Mile Bike and 5K run.  Then in June a sprint Tri in Boerne.  Then in Sept. there is an Oly distance tri in Houston.  Those are my goals and plans for 2012.  We'll see after the first sprint Tri though.


2011-12-31 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3945983


Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

I'd like to join this group if possible!

Name: mwsahd/Mark

Story: Former Marine who let myself go after I got out of the Corps. Fast-forward 13 years or so and my 3 year old wants to start running. He does his first 5k at 3years old, which my wife and I have to chaperone him. He is now 9 and has done over 40 5k races with a handful of various other distances thrown in, including a kids tri. Last month he did his first half marathon (getting 1st in his age group of 14 and under). Recently bought my first road bike and my wife got us signed up for Masters swim in July. My wife and I did a full marathon back in 2007, but we made a lot of mistakes and I'm not sure I ever want to go down that road again.

Family Status: Married for almost 15 years; 9 year old boy and 7 year old girl (who also runs and does multi-sport events including a kids tri).

Current training: I  haven't been running much, but have been swimming 2-3 times a week since July. I also have several Spinervals DVD's that I do on my bike/trainer. My wife and I recently joined a gym and I have been running more there lately. I also did a few OWS's before the water got too cold.

2011 events: Ran a handful of 5k races, an 11k run and a half marathon. The half marathon was done at my son's pace. I also participated in a multisport event consisting of a 500 OWS swim followed by a 5k run.

2012 calendar: Nothing firm yet, but my wife wants us to do one of the 5i50 events before we move to Germany in June. Plan on doing a few of the 500 swim/5k run events as well, but those don't start up until April.

Weight loss: I put on quite a bit of weight lately that I need to get rid of. I am 5'10 and weigh about 214. Would like to get down to 180, so I know I have a lot of work to do.

I would like to be a part of this group to get tips on training, nutrition, and anything else Tri-related! I am a stay-at-home dad, so I can train during the day while the kids are at school (in-between watching ESPN and eating my bon-bons all day, because that's what people think I do)!

Edited by mwsahd 2011-12-31 11:35 AM
2011-12-31 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Logan Ut
Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Hi I would like to join your group.

Story: I am a father looking to get into better shape and live longer for my three girls.  I am 6' and 240 lbs.  I have not been under 200 in over 16 years.  I know i have the weight to lose and need the help and support.  I have little help at home, wife wants me to spend all my free time with her and not out riding my bike, running or swimming.  I hate getting up in the morning and don't like to train late at night before bed. My ideal time is in the middle of the day.  As a stay at home dad I have lots of time durring the day but my wife works as a nurse and only works 3 days a week.  Cant allways leave the house when she is at work because of my 3 year old and 6 month old.  I try to do what I can when I can.   Ran my first 5k in november and want to do more.

Family Status: Married for almost 8 years; three girls 6, 3, and 6 months.

Current training: I have a treadmill in the garage that I run on when my wife is at work. Other wise out side and and not very far. Try to ride when the weather is not cold.  do very little swimming.  only three places that have pool that are open year round, and have crapie hours for swimming.  Nice dam close by  that works great in the summer for OWS.

Goals:   Run a 5k in under 25 min.   Run a marathon.    Do at least three sprints this summer.   And last do an IM in 2013 Tongue out

2012-01-01 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3945983

New user

Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Hello Adrian,

I live on long island NY, 42 years old and a father of a 4 year old.  My goal this year is to compete in 4 triathalons.  I want to finish the season with an olympic distance event.

I am new to the Tri-world and am looking to pick up the pace this year! Last year I did a sprint and learned a lot.  First, my swimming is horide (as with most newbie).  Therefore, I will consentrate on my technique this year. 

Hope to learn from you and others and maximize my training time. I read your bio that you have a young child and manage to find time to train. 

Thank you for taking the time to mentor us newbies and point us in the right direction. 

Happy New Year- Jesse 


2012-01-01 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3945983


Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Hey BlaserB, 

I am a stay at home dad as well, although my children are now a little older. It is tough when they are that young, but have you tried getting a double jogging stroller? That would make it easier for you to get out of the house to go for a run. They even have some that can convert into bike trailers - kind of kill two birds with one stone. 

Have you tried to get your wife involved with you? Perhaps go on a family walk or sign up for a 5k fun run (2 little ones in the stroller with your 6 y/o running with mom)? Just a thought...

I'll keep thinking, but I agree, it is tough to train a) with little people and b) with a spouse that's not totally on board. Good luck!


2012-01-01 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3945983


Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

WOW - slow group. Maybe everyone is just recovering from last night...

I did Spinervals 19.0 "Bending Crank Arms" today with my son. It was a tough workout that incorporated some strength training in with the bike portion. Will have to do that one again!

Hope everyone is doing well and Happy New Year.

2012-01-01 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3964841

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2012-01-01 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3963588

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2012-01-01 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3963650

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2012-01-01 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3964626

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2012-01-01 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3945983

New user

Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Hi, I'd like to join your group!

Name: Sarah

Story: I don't have much of an athletic background. I was in the military for a while and got in shape on deployments. Now I'm finishing my bachelor's degree and want to get back into shape. I did my first triathlon last October, the Napa Valley Tri, Girl, Tri sprint. It was a great experience! I logged most of my workouts for that in the training log (I was pretty bad about logging June, July, and August). I'd like to work up to an olympic, but haven't trained since the triathlon. 

Family status: Married 2 years with a german shorthaired pointer, Emma.

Current training: None, but I want to start again and incorporate strength training. 

Weight loss: 20 pounds for now (currently 180).

I don't have any races planned yet for 2012.

Goals: Get faster on the bike portion!

I have a lot of questions about training, gear, and nutrition. I used a couple books, BT, and friends to answer questions from my last race, but it would be nice to have a group of people to ask! I am excited to get back into training and eventually race!


2012-01-01 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3965325

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2012-01-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3945983


Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Here's the event link: 

My wife did the first one last September and then my daughter and I did the one in October (my wife swam with my daughter and they only did about a 250m swim). It was pretty laid back and everyone had a good time. 

My wife plans on being in the pool at 0500 tomorrow morning and then I hope to meet her at the gym after I get the kids to school for 0730. I think we plan on doing some running and then light weight training, but we'll see. It will be nice to enjoy a quiet day with her (she's active duty and works in medical, so if she's not at work, she's on call). 

Have a great first Monday of the year!

2012-01-01 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3964841

Logan Ut
Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open
mwsahd - 2012-01-01 11:05 AM

Hey BlaserB, 

I am a stay at home dad as well, although my children are now a little older. It is tough when they are that young, but have you tried getting a double jogging stroller? That would make it easier for you to get out of the house to go for a run. They even have some that can convert into bike trailers - kind of kill two birds with one stone. 

Have you tried to get your wife involved with you? Perhaps go on a family walk or sign up for a 5k fun run (2 little ones in the stroller with your 6 y/o running with mom)? Just a thought...

I'll keep thinking, but I agree, it is tough to train a) with little people and b) with a spouse that's not totally on board. Good luck!



I have a trailer for my bike tha is also a stroller but is missing the front wheel.  i tried to get my wife involved but she doesn't want to run with me, or bike.  she has finally said yes to helping train me in the swimming part but she would rather swim then train.  go figure.  I am still working on her.  She had to work on the day I ran my first 5k but I was able to have my 6 yr old their t cheer me on.

2012-01-02 1:38 AM
in reply to: #3945983

New user

Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

Hi Foggy,

I'd like to join if there's still space available.  My first 70.3 scheduled for March 31 (California). 

I'll have a short bio for you shortly.



2012-01-02 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3965803

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2012-01-02 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3945983

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2012-01-02 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Waterford, MI.
Subject: RE: FoggyGog's Mentor Group - Open

I'm in if there is still room.

Name- Josh

Story- Hello everybody.  I was bitten by the Tri bug about six years ago after going to cheer on a friend at his first race.  I started training, bought all the gear and completed my first sprint.  One week after my race I had a accident at work and needless to say, four years of numerous surgeries (15) on my wrist, shoulder and knee I was finally able to start training again in 2010.  I did a few relays in 2010, only doing the swim and bike since I still wasn't able to run.  

2011 season- After finally getting the OK from my Doc to start running again, I started to race on my own, finishing MOP in all races. 

Family status- No children.  Married for seven years to the most supportive wife anyone could ask for.  Not only is she supportive of triathlon, but she has given me the OK to leave my job and return to school to pursue a career in PT.  I figured I've been in it so much over the last six years I may as well get paid for it.

Current training- I'm on a winter maintenance program right now, training about 10 hours a week.  My logs have been very erratic at best but will try harder to keep them up to date.

2012 goals- Improve my running base. Get my weight back to what it was before my accident. I'm 6'1" currently weighing in at 212lbs. I want to get back down to around 180.  I'm registered for a one sprint, two Oly's and Ironman Louisville.

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