BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-12-18 6:58 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
GROUP FOCUS: Sprints, 5K, 10K, this group will be geared more towards those with limited to no experience to get you through your Sprint, 5K, 10K, group bike ride, or whatever challenge you issue to yourself.

NAME: Hunting Triathlete / Todd

STORY: I'm a 35-39 age grouper (38) who tends to finish middle of the pack. I took up triathlon in January of 2010 as a way to help me quit smoking. I smoked a pack a day from just after my high school graduation until Jan. 3, 2010 (over 16 years). I used swimming, cycling, and running to help me through the cravings, and to improve my health. I completed my first Sprint a little more than two months later, then a fifty mile bike ride a month after that, a few more sprints, and then completed the Houston Marathon just a little after my one year smoke free mark. I am proud to say that I have been smoke free for over three years now and will never even take a puff off another cigarette as long as I live. I have chosen to make Triathlon a life style and compete for the enjoyment. I'm not going to say that I never look where I finish, but I compete against myself and care more about the journey along the way. I am not a trainer nor a doctor, but do find great joy and satisfaction through the hard work and accomplishment of others.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for over 13 years, with one beautiful (Spoiled Rotten) daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: Try my hardest to get in three swims, three bikes, and three runs per week. (short, medium, long)

2013 RACES: I completed my first Olympic in Dallas, and my first Half Ironman in Racine, Wisconsin. I also completed other running and cycling events as well but concentrated more on working towards the Half.

2014 RACES: I plan on completing what I call the Texas Triple, which consist of all three Half Ironman that are offered in Texas. (Galveston - April, Buffalo Springs - June, and Austin - October) I will mix in some other events during the training year as well for motivation and training.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am lucky in this category and have never had an issue with my weight. I do want to lower my body fat % and become leaner, but that will come with training.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: As stated above, I enjoy the accomplishments of others, whether they are small or large, because the accomplishment is relative to the individual and should be celebrated. I enjoy interacting with others to keep them motivated and positive about the goals they have set and the positive path they are on. I will make sure to answer any and all questions you have and if I do not know the answer I will do the research and get you the answer. I have been able to make friends through BT with very knowledgeable people who can help me if I need it. I will be there to send out inspires, challenge the group, and keep everyone logging and active. While I am not the most experienced, I am very passionate about this sport and people who are trying to make a change in their life.

Group Rules / Request: I am searching for those subjects that will participate in this group through logging their workouts, questions / comments in the thread, and by inspiring others in the group. No goal is to small for this group and will be celebrated as an accomplishment. We will all work to motivate each other and maintain a positive group. No arguments / discussion about Politics, Religion, Gun Control, and the like topics that tend to inflame others. You are free to take that to Cup of Joe. We can speak of things none Tri related but they should not be negative in any way. I just want a good group that communicates, works out, and enjoys the journey towards their goals.

In case you are wondering "Turtles" has to do with moving at whatever pace is necessary to accomplish the goals that are set. Speed is not an issue in this group, if you have it great, if you don't have it great, it makes no difference.

Note: There will likely be at least 4 or 5 from my last group (will not count towards the 15 or so in this group) that will pop in to say hi, motivate, inspire, and help push you towards your goals. Trust me when I say that they feel as I do about this sport and the journey it takes you on.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2014-01-21 9:06 PM

2013-12-26 11:03 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
To those interested in the group, please use the template below or something similar, to describe yourself. You don't have to post anything you're not comfortable with, but make sure we have enough to know who you are and what you want out of the group.





2013 RACES:

2014 RACES:


2013-12-26 11:41 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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, New Jersey
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
NAME: Anthony

STORY: I am 44 years old and last year I picked up road cycling as a way to get into shape (lose a little weight). I quickly became addicted and biked just around 2100 miles before the weather changed. I did attempt a century ride in August, but fell a little short at 75 miles, still considering I didn't start riding until April I was proud of myself. This year I am training with the South Jersey JDRF cycling team to participate in a ride for the cause, and hope with their help I can finish the Century. The biking lead me to learn about Tri Sprints, and I am trying to train for one (maybe 2) in 2014.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 20 years with 3 kids (15,15,11).

CURRENT TRAINING: As I mentioned I am trying to training myself for a Tri Sprint. So I log about 10 miles running, 40-45 miles biking and 2/3 sessions in the pool (1/2 mile each time). I have also been doing a few simple brick training with riding or running after my swims or riding and running back to back. My weakest leg is the swim but I can complete the distance just need to work on my endurance and speed.

2013 RACES: 0

2014 RACES: 1 at least (not sure which yet)


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I am hoping to gain some assistance or tips for my swimming and continued inspiration to keep going, as I am starting to slow on noticeable improvement.
2013-12-26 12:49 PM
in reply to: anttam11

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Not joining, but I encourage everyone thinking of doing so to hop into this group. Todd runs a great group - I was in it last year. He always has good real world advice for those of us who have to juggle life and sport.
We all had a lot of fun, and if you join this group, you will, too! And this time next year, it'll be you encouraging the next Turtle Class.
2013-12-26 6:04 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open

NAME: Jcdyess/Chris

STORY: I am 41 yrs old and brand new to the sport. I have done some running in the past and I love to swim. I recently got a road bike and have just start to cycle. I too are an ex smoker, but it was the choice of either my wife(fiancé at the time) or cigarettes. Pretty easy decision! I am currently a Clyde at 240lbs. But I am currently losing. I am doing this for a combination of weight loss, health benefits, and personal satisfaction. I trained for and completed the inaugural Dallas Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 3 now almost 4 years ago. Also spent 7 years in the U. S. Army, so no stranger to exercise. Really would like to make this a lifestyle and set a good example for my kids.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with 2 great kids. A 12 yr old daughter who is going on 18 and a 7 yr old son

CURRENT TRAINING: just starting a regiment of running and cycling and some strength training.

2013 RACES: a couple of 5k runs. Finished around 35 minutes.

2014 RACES: King Tut Sprint Tri March 23. McKinney Tx. We will see after that.

WEIGHTLOSS: Can't wait!

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: comaraderie, tips, advice, encouragement. Ways to balance sport and busy family life.
2013-12-26 7:14 PM
in reply to: Jcdyess

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Hi Todd, can I join again?

NAME: Hubbie//Beth

STORY: I was in this group last round of mentoring and enjoyed the support and encouragement I was able to give and receive from the group.
I am 32 years old and have been involved in triathlon and road racing for the past four years. I've done a few sprint triathlons, a handfull of Olympic tris, one Half Ironman, four half marathons, two full marathons, and I've lost track of the number of 5k's and 10k runs I've managed to haul myself through.
I started to race just becuase I saw a sign at the local YMCA, and I've never looked back. Racing also sets a good example for my son who watches me constantly. I figured this out when this past summer I caught him trying to ride his Spider-Man bike the way I ride my tri bike.

FAMILY STATUS: I am the single parent to a beautiful (and yes spoiled) boy who is 6 years old.

CURRENT TRAINING: Well I'm really not training right now, just doing maintance. Next Monday I will officially begin to train for my 2014 season which is shaping up to be full of new and wonderful things.

2013 RACES: Really took it easy last year due to a healing hip injury. I did one sprint and one Olympic triathlon. I spent the remainder of my time strenghting my hip and getting both legs to work equally agian.

2014 RACES: So far the only one I've in for sure is the HITS 140.6 in Minnesota. It will be my first long course triathlon so I'm sure training and racing will be quite the adventure this year. I also have my sites on a 5 mile race, 20 k road race, 130 mile bike ride, one half marathon, one full marathon, one sprint and one Olympic triathlon. Yeah, I guess I'm trying to make up for missing so much in 2013.

WEIGHTLOSS: I race as an athena and I spend a good deal of time trying to convice people that I really can qualify for the catagory despite the recent weight changes. Years spent as a weight lifter has given my body a lean but very muscled look.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: This time around my goals are the same as last time. I want to both encourage and support others as well as have other support me as I embark on my new journey.

2013-12-26 8:58 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
NAME: Frances Kirchner

STORY: I'm 32 and started Triathlons a few years ago but because i'm accident prone i'm yet to complete a season. Last season was a total write off after I broke my leg (car v bike). Our season here (I'm in Australia) has already started but i'm only just now able to run without pain in the leg so i'm going to have a good crack at the second half of the season!

FAMILY STATUS: Single, no kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just this week started the Beginner Sprint program with a few of my own modifications (I also rock climb, kayak and mountain bike)

2013 RACES: 200km cycle for cancer (not a race but was still an awesome challenge)

2014 RACES: TBD - tho I really want to do the Dunsborough X-Challenge in March (off-road triathlon).

WEIGHTLOSS: I stacked on 10kg after breaking my leg so that all has to come off!

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: A place where I can come to keep me motivated and excited about training and help others with the same!
2013-12-27 6:36 AM
in reply to: anttam11

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Originally posted by anttam11

NAME: Anthony

STORY: I am 44 years old and last year I picked up road cycling as a way to get into shape (lose a little weight). I quickly became addicted and biked just around 2100 miles before the weather changed. I did attempt a century ride in August, but fell a little short at 75 miles, still considering I didn't start riding until April I was proud of myself. This year I am training with the South Jersey JDRF cycling team to participate in a ride for the cause, and hope with their help I can finish the Century. The biking lead me to learn about Tri Sprints, and I am trying to train for one (maybe 2) in 2014.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 20 years with 3 kids (15,15,11).

CURRENT TRAINING: As I mentioned I am trying to training myself for a Tri Sprint. So I log about 10 miles running, 40-45 miles biking and 2/3 sessions in the pool (1/2 mile each time). I have also been doing a few simple brick training with riding or running after my swims or riding and running back to back. My weakest leg is the swim but I can complete the distance just need to work on my endurance and speed.

2013 RACES: 0

2014 RACES: 1 at least (not sure which yet)


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I am hoping to gain some assistance or tips for my swimming and continued inspiration to keep going, as I am starting to slow on noticeable improvement.

Anthony, welcome to the group and thanks for letting us come all for the ride with you! That is some serious cycling mileage for the year and something that you should be proud of. Don't worry about having to cut the century short as that was 75 miles more that the majority of people would / could do. I am sure that you have looked at that day several times and know what you should have or could have done different, which is good, but make sure the accomplishment of the day was not overlooked. Also if you don't know don't worry about it because by the end of this group you will know. Planning to ride for Juvenile Diabetes is an awesome cause and should also provide great personal and ride support. Again Welcome to the Turtles
2013-12-27 7:01 AM
in reply to: Jcdyess

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Originally posted by Jcdyess

NAME: Jcdyess/Chris

STORY: I am 41 yrs old and brand new to the sport. I have done some running in the past and I love to swim. I recently got a road bike and have just start to cycle. I too are an ex smoker, but it was the choice of either my wife(fiancé at the time) or cigarettes. Pretty easy decision! I am currently a Clyde at 240lbs. But I am currently losing. I am doing this for a combination of weight loss, health benefits, and personal satisfaction. I trained for and completed the inaugural Dallas Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 3 now almost 4 years ago. Also spent 7 years in the U. S. Army, so no stranger to exercise. Really would like to make this a lifestyle and set a good example for my kids.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with 2 great kids. A 12 yr old daughter who is going on 18 and a 7 yr old son

CURRENT TRAINING: just starting a regiment of running and cycling and some strength training.

2013 RACES: a couple of 5k runs. Finished around 35 minutes.

2014 RACES: King Tut Sprint Tri March 23. McKinney Tx. We will see after that.

WEIGHTLOSS: Can't wait!

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: comaraderie, tips, advice, encouragement. Ways to balance sport and busy family life.

Chris, first welcome to the group from a fellow Texan. Second, thank you for your service to our country and the sacrifices that you and your family made in you doing so. I can tell you from personal experience that you are picking a great promoter for your first tri. The Olympic that I did was the Playtri International Festival (Las Colinas). They put on one heck of a race and were well organized in my opinion. They caught flak for some things at my race but what people were complaining about they explained twice that morning and people just were not listening. As far as making this a lifestyle, I will tell not to take this sport or yourself to seriously at the start. Do it for the enjoyment, not a podium spot. If a spot comes then great, but if not you know you accomplished something and had a great time in doing so. To many people in this sport are all about distance and podiums, but once they get there they are left with nothing. They got what they were after and just as quickly as they got into the sport they are back out of it. I can also tell you that I plan all of my races with my family in mind. I pick locations where the day before or after the race my family and I can go out and do something together. For instance when I did Playtri we went up to Dallas two days early and went to the World Aquarium and other locations. When I did my Half Ironman in Racine, WI, we drove and made it a family vacation along with a stay in Chicago. I operate off a tight budget, as so many others, so I try to knock out two birds with one stone. For example another event I try to do each year is Redemption Racings Rocking R Triathlon in Gruene during May. You swim in the Guadalupe River, bike is beautiful, and the run is hard and easy all at the same time. The kicker is that you have great things for you and the wife to do in Gruene (Grismill, Gruene Hall, Shopping) and the kids have Schliterbahn and the ability to ride all day with basically no lines.
2013-12-27 7:08 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Originally posted by Hubbie

Hi Todd, can I join again?

NAME: Hubbie//Beth

STORY: I was in this group last round of mentoring and enjoyed the support and encouragement I was able to give and receive from the group.
I am 32 years old and have been involved in triathlon and road racing for the past four years. I've done a few sprint triathlons, a handfull of Olympic tris, one Half Ironman, four half marathons, two full marathons, and I've lost track of the number of 5k's and 10k runs I've managed to haul myself through.

No you can't, officially that is You are always welcome but are already a Turtle and will not count towards the total in this group. You will be here to further learn with ME and to assist others.

Plus, we want to ride / run along with you as you start to prepare for your Full Ironman Distance Race.

So to recap, Yes you are in, but no you will not count towards the number, and already have your shell.
2013-12-27 7:13 AM
in reply to: Grilledmonkey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Originally posted by Grilledmonkey

NAME: Frances Kirchner

STORY: I'm 32 and started Triathlons a few years ago but because i'm accident prone i'm yet to complete a season. Last season was a total write off after I broke my leg (car v bike). Our season here (I'm in Australia) has already started but i'm only just now able to run without pain in the leg so i'm going to have a good crack at the second half of the season!

FAMILY STATUS: Single, no kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just this week started the Beginner Sprint program with a few of my own modifications (I also rock climb, kayak and mountain bike)

2013 RACES: 200km cycle for cancer (not a race but was still an awesome challenge)

2014 RACES: TBD - tho I really want to do the Dunsborough X-Challenge in March (off-road triathlon).

WEIGHTLOSS: I stacked on 10kg after breaking my leg so that all has to come off!

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: A place where I can come to keep me motivated and excited about training and help others with the same!

Frances, welcome to the group and my side of the globe I like how you think that getting hit by a car is being Injury Prone. I also like the fact that you are from Australia as I had one last year (Taringa - who will likely be in and out like Beth and a few others) and it was nice because she would post while we were asleep so I almost always had something to read or post about in the morning. Again welcome.

2013-12-27 7:16 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Ok, those in and those still to come. I will be away from the computer until Monday due to a weekend hunting trip with my family and no computer access. My other joy besides Tri is Hunting so I will be away this and next weekend, but then should not be gone much more after that, as I will be kicking up my own training, and deer season will be over.
2013-12-27 11:49 AM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Hi Todd I would love to join your Turtle Group!

NAME: Darcie

STORY: I am a former Marine that got burned out on working out. Once out of active duty I hated running and the gym was a long drive, so for 20 years I only rode my horses and did some at home DVD workouts to stay in some sort of shape. In 2011 my husband who is a active duty Marine told me he wanted to train for a upcoming half marathon. He entered a local 5k and I loved how the runners all cheered each other on and how much fun it looked. The half marathon he was training for was coming up in less then two weeks. I ENTERED IT, had 10 days of training, was totally clueless and ended up finishing in 3:06.... I was worn out and feet were on fire but I did it! We trained together and entered many 5ks, 10ks, a few half marathons and did one full marathon. I was becoming REALLY bored with running. I found a local group who ran but unfortunately they also thought that at workouts you were racing. I was the oldest one out there and it became old really fast. I am comfortable running at a slower pace, I do not care about being"fast". After doing the full marathon I decided I never wanted to run one again as I simply became bored out of my mind. In 2012 I saw a sprint was coming to the YMCA. It was on my 42 birthday and I had the sudden urge to enter the race. I have never been taught to swim laps and never knew how to do any strokes. I told myself I would just float along and get to the bike and run.

I had a heavy beach cruiser bike complete with basket on the front. I didn't want to drop money on special gear until I knew I had interest. Race day came and my pool swim was super slow and painful as I was not in swim shape, The bike was ok and the run was so so. I was not prepared but I wanted to see what it was like to do a Tri.....I LOVED IT! I have only done Sprint distance and still do not know how to properly swim. Lessons for adults are non existent in my area so I just try and do my best with side stroking. I volunteer at Iron Distance races and My goal is to do the half Iron Distance. I admire those who can go the full distance but it is not something I want to do. Last year I did zero racing as I was injured then my crazy work with its crazy hours and super long 13-16 hour days got in the way. I hope to learn to swim this year and enter more Sprint races working towards the half distance.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my awesome hubby who also is a Triathlete, Two spoiled fur babies that we love to death and we choose to lead a childfree life and love every minute of it!

CURRENT TRAINING: Totally out of shape and recovering in Physical therapy for Piaraformis issues.

2013 RACES: None

2014 RACES: hopefully some local sprints, maybe one Olympic


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: To be around positive, supportive, like minded people and hope we can motivate each other and cheer each other on!! I am a great friend and cheerleader and hope to meet some new friends through this group. I would love help in the swimming department. I get bored and burned out when my training schedule is over loaded. I do not believe in having to work out every single day of the week. I found out the hard way what happens when you go along with the crowd and put in way to many runs. I do this to stay healthy and active and hope I can support anyone that needs encouragement or just a friend to talk with. I have no one here that does Triathlons except my husband. Everyone here is into running only, and they run as fast, hard and long as possible...not for me! I am excited to be a part of this group.

Edited by Pixiedustlady 2013-12-28 7:32 PM
2013-12-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Would like to join Todd's Tri Turtles.

NAME: Vicki Allen

STORY: I have always wanted to complete a triathlon. For over 25 years, I annually participate in a number of fundraising walks and a few bike rides (MS, Diabetes, AIDS, Breast Cancer, NAMI). In 1997. at age 30, I completed the 50 mile Rosarito--Ensenada Bike Ride, which for the next year got me into Southern CA bike rides for the next year. In 2012, I completed 32 miles of the Avon Breast Cancer walk which was quite an accomplishment for me. In 2009, I worked out with a group of colleagues to enter a triathlon about 40 days before the event I re-injuried my knee and wasn't approved by my doctor to compete, however; I was the best cheerleader for my colleagues and other's at the event. Two years ago my nephew was in a serious car accident and has a traumatic brain injury. Needless to say, I have focused a lot of my energy in helping my sister and brother-n-law take care of him. He has come a long way and I now feel that I can get back to this goal. I am looking forward to having the encouragement from other's to keep me focused.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, mommie to my doggie Mocha, the best auntie to 4 nieces, 3 nephews and great auntie to 2 nieces and 1 nephew.

CURRENT TRAINING: Starting swimming September 2013 twice a week, will be starting a walking 1/2 marathon training schedule (bad knees) and getting back on my bike.

2013 RACES: No Triathlon but I completed the Homeboys 5K Run/Walk September 21, 2013.

2014 RACES: Tinker Bell Never Land Family Fun Run 5K, plan on registering for Long Beach Triathlon Sprint or Super Sprint scheduled for August 17, 2014. Hope to find some other's that are local in Southern CA.

WEIGHTLOSS: Well, I need to lose a lot of weight. My goal is to focus on 1-2 pounds per week.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I want to get support and encouragement from this group. I also want to learn from team members how best to train, make good nutritional decision and to avoid injury. When I set a goal and have other's that challenge me to complete that goal for some reason my competitive spirit comes out. In this case it will be the spirit to finish what I've started. Probably the most important part of being in this group will be the accountability.
2013-12-27 1:33 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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New user

Winter Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open

STORY: I just turned 50, this December. I love to workout, but lately I have no motivation.

Last year I was running a few 5K's, a few cycling events, Gran Fondo, doing crossfit 4 to 5 times a week and even got a swimming coach. Then everything stopped, got a divorce, got a new job, moved to a new town,and all my workouts stopped. All my workouts and crossfit were done with a large group of friends. Moving to a new town and not having any friends has been hard. Most of my family members and new co-workers have lots of negative comments. Even my swimming coach said she would NEVER swim in the ocean(sharks) or in any of the lakes here in Florida (alligators). Most Florida swimming section is done in the ocean or lakes.

I have volunteer at many Tri events and felt great helping others reach their Tri dreams, but wishing it was me doing the tri . I'm working to make MY triathlon dream come true in 2014.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced. A son 11 years old, and a daughter 22 years old (in college).

CURRENT TRAINING: Checking out TRX training, walking and cycling with my son

2013 RACES: two-5Ks, two cycling events 20 and 30 miles and Crossfit events.

2014 RACES: 25 mile Cycling event in February, Corporate 5K in April and Triathlon in June. I will also like to participate in Gran Fondo Hincapie in October (lots of mountains......not like Florida)


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: A good group to get motivation, tips, nutrition tips and keep me accountable. A group of people that understands why I want to do a Tri.
2013-12-28 9:03 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Name - Michael

Story I am a 40 year old single dad in Australia. Having hit 40 and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror today (it wasn't good) I decided this is the year to get fit and healthy before my lifestyle becomes problematic health wise. I am hoping to turn from an inactive overweight me to a fitter healthier one. I have just brought a bike (pick up next week) and can't run any major distance. As for swimming I am so slow I need to pack my lunch if I am to get to the end of one lap of a 50 meter pool. So I am more a beginner exerciser than triathlete. Just to complicate things a little I have a chronic back injury from 8 years ago that I need to watch.

Family Status : Long distance relationship and have my son (who is 7yrs and swims and bike rides just because its fun) with me part-time.

Current training. None, zero, not a thing. Will start with a 30 minute brisk walk tomorrow.

Weight loss: Hmm...yes... I need to lose about 15kgs (sorry I'm an Aussie so we do kilos not pounds) but I think that might be about 33 ponds that I want to lose.

Goals for the year: To eat better.
Exercise regularly (including swim, bike, and run)
Drop the 15kg I don't need.
Keep this new year resolution going past February (which is where it usually fades away)

Maybe not this year but next Australian season complete a couple of sprint race distances and if I do reassess and may be look at increasing the distances the following season. I know this will take time but the result will be worth it.

I am looking forward to seeing every ones progress.
Chat soon

2013-12-28 9:39 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
Hi Todd, I'm new and I'd like to join your group

NAME: Stacey Shaler (sshaler)

STORY: I'm 45, live just outside the healthy mecca that is Boulder CO and am tired of being overweight. I've always wanted to do a tri (my sister competes and has done several 70.3) plus everyday I am surrounded by fit people training for one thing or another. I have a son who is autisic and has taken up a lot of my energy but he's getting to a place where I don't need to monitor him as closely as before, so now it's my turn to achieve some of my goals, the first being a triathlon! Looking forward to turning it into a lifestyle. I used to swim competitively and have bough a new road bike but I'm lost as to where to start the training part.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 10 years (hoping to get hubby to train with me), 8 year old son, one dog

CURRENT TRAINING: walking 5 miles almost daily, started swimming,

2013 RACES:

2014 RACES: would like to do a beginner race later in the fall, with some running races monthly as mini-goals (I'm a sloooow runner)


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP:I seek specific training help (how much, when, what should I look to get out of each workout so I don't aimlessly drift), motivation support for those days when I don't "want" too, equipment help (i don't know how to change a bike tire yet) and make some friends that are also embarking on this journey.
2013-12-28 10:59 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open

NAME: Paul Walker (male) age 51, born and living in Scotland.

STORY: My story is a long one. When I was at school I played rugby very high standard. Then I injured my cruciate ligaments in both knees. I then decided to become a coach and became the youngest coach in Scotland but playing rugby was what I love doing and coaching didn't come close. So I then decided that I would become a runner and I self trained to be able to run a mile in 4.2 minutes and run a half marathon and 73 minutes.
My challenge seems to be sticking at something for more than six months at a time or at least it used to be. Since then time, lack of self esteem and self discipline has led to me ballooning in weight.
About 20 years ago I was sitting on a rock at the back of the Waikoloa Hilton and Hawai’i and looking out to sea I saw some whales blowing out the distance. I don’t know why the thought popped into my head at that particular moment but I decided I would do the Kona Ironman. Of course the time I didn't realise you had to qualify for the race, but that is my dream.
My goal is somewhat more modest at the moment. Getting round a 5 km run without getting injured or pain is what I'm aiming for. I have been a member of the site in the past and I will update my profile next few days. It is also my intention to start filming a vlog so if you have any questions, you can contact me and I will film an answer. It should be up and running in the next week.
I was recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes about four weeks ago and take metformin tablets. I was diagnosed with asthma but that doesn't bother me at all really. I have had problems with my back. Acute sacro iliac joint dysfunction. (Who would guess that I am dysfunctional?) Also in the last few years I have also had trouble with plantar fasciitis

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to Fiona we've been married for 29 years coming up. I have two boys, Stephen (16) who is a keen cyclist and Harrison (13) who is a Royal Marine Cadet and wants to join as an officer.

CURRENT TRAINING: In the last month or so since I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes I have started to get out and exercise and I am up to about 2 to 3 hours a day. Up to two hours on the turbo trainer or the exercise bike and an hour of walking. Currently walking at this stage to try and stay injury free.

2013 RACES: I’m embarrassed to say I have done no races in the past year.

2014 RACES: At the moment I'm just trying to stay uninjured and rather than doing official I will do my own test ‘races’. I'll be doing a 5K by the end of March a 10k by the end of June. Again just thinking about getting around and not stopping and hopefully injury free. Maybe do a novices triathlon by the end of the year. The real aim this year is to get the weight down and to remain uninjured.

WEIGHTLOSS: In the not too distant past I have been up to 298 lbs in weight. In the last four weeks I have come down from about 277 lbs and I'm currently 265 lbs. I take Herbalife products at the moment, not sure that they are any better than anybody else's but certainly back up and support is excellent.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: “ask not what your group can do for you – ask what you can do for your group”. I want to give encouragement and offer of friendship and help wherever I can. If I get a little of what I put in I will be happy. I hope you can find small space or perhaps a slightly larger space in the group for me. Thank you
2013-12-28 4:28 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open


I started triathlon in 2011 with The World's Shortest Triathlon Ever in Emeryville, I was fairly terrified of the whole idea of it, but always think it's good to do what scares you, so did that one and then went on to the Tri For Fun series. I found in training that I had far fewer aches and pains than when I was simply running. I love those friendly little lake sprint triathlons now, but would like to progress successfully to Olympic distance.

I am hopelessly slow in all 3 disciplines, and the world's worst swimmer. I don't mind too much being so slow, but I am relatively competitive with myself, I don't want to melt into old-age, would rather run bike & swim screamingly into it.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids grown & flown

DELINQUENT! I've been barely maintaining since Thanksgiving but have just built myself a custom Olympic program starting Jan 5th

2013 RACES:
- Tri For Fun Sprint in June (really is FUN)
- Las Vegas Olympic Triathlon in September - very very hard and I came DEAD LAST, but thankfully not actually dead so I will tri again
- See Jane Run Sprint in October, very good fun indeed

2014 RACES:
19 April - Silicon Valley Super Sprint (?- depends on travel)
18 May - Morgan Hill Sprint Tri (?- depends on travel)
8 June Monte Rio Olympic - signed up & plan in place
10 August Tri Santa Cruz (sea swim - eek!)

and if I'm around I will do any of the Tri For Funs I can get to in Pleasanton

WEIGHTLOSS: I lost 25 lbs when I started running in 2003, and then lost another 15 in 2009 when I trained for & ran my first & only marathon. Then I had some health issues which benched me for a year or so, & I gained the 15 back. Since then, I've worked very hard to stay almost exactly the same over the last 4 years, going up & down in a 10 lb window, which I'm currently at the top of (par for the course after Christmas). I'd like in 2014 to shift that once and for all and another 10lbs on top too, hopefully getting back to my marathon weight which was comfortable.


I want to get more consistent with my training and go into Monte Rio feeling like I've done all I can to make it a fun event. I got a bit lost last year, the event I started to train for was cancelled and the one I entered instead was far more challenging. Also the training plan I followed, from a well-meaning but over-enthusiastic friend, was way too intense and I got burned out and felt a bit of a failure before I even started the race in the end. The custom plan I've created here seems much more manageable.

I do it for health and fitness reasons, and want to keep the fitness quest fun. I am always more motivated if I can connect with a smallish group of like-minded people. I'm not going into these events with a can of beer in my hand, but I 'm equally not interested in tallying up roadkill or hurting myself for the sake of shaving a couple of minutes off my finish time.

2013-12-28 6:52 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
NAME: Graham

STORY: I turn 40 in January. In December of 2012 a friend described doing a Tough Mudder and I thought "No way, not me". It sounded intimidating and yet the thought of it sparked something for me. In May of 2013 I committed to doing the October race in NJ. I also enrolled 4 others to come along for the ride. I started running and did bodyweight training. I had no plan other than to not stop. I exceeded my own expectations and loved every minute of it. The satisfaction/payoff of all the work was incredible. I altered my lifestyle for this event. The idea of doing triathlons excites me and I'm up for the challenge. Im currently reading Joe Friel's "Triathlete's Training Bible"( I get that I need a plan!). Im signed up for a TI Swim workshop 1/4,5 in New Paltz. Until this year I've never trained, ran, cycled or swam with any thought of competing. The key word for me is Liberated. Breaking free of how I know myself to be.

FAMILY STATUS: Separated since January of 2013(apparently, I'm finding myself). Two amazing daughters ages 7 and 4.5.

CURRENT TRAINING: I either have ITB or a hamstring issue thats been dogging me a few months and prevents running. Im currently looking into physical therapists as massage, strengthening and stretching have not yielded results. In the process of formulating a plan. I also work 65 hours a week(12-14 hours a day mon-fri) and have my kids 1 day each weekend.

2013 RACES: Tough Mudder

2014 RACES: haven't signed up yet but interested in doing some sprints and an Olympic by the end of the year

WEIGHTLOSS: i'm fine with my weight

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I'm looking for support. That shows up for me as encouragement, acknowledgment, holding me responsible/ accountable and keeping me focused.

Edited by 2gs 2013-12-28 7:57 PM
2013-12-28 7:36 PM
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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open

Hi Todd,

I am joining again, unofficially. I was in this group the last session.

NAME: Lovey/Tracy

STORY: I was in this group last round of mentoring. I can't say enough about the support and encouragement I received.
Over the past 5 years, I have done maybe 3 triathlons, 1 duathlon and dozens of road races (5ks, 10Ks, 10 milers, half mary's and 1 marathon). I was pulled from my first sprint triathlon but that just motivated me to finish that race the following year. Running is my preference. I started this journey to get in shape and found my love of running. I took most of 2012 off after shattering my ankle in a bike crash. After surgery, 8 screws and a plate in my ankle, I took 2013 to start my journey over. Running a mile was an accomplishment!

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 boys, 15 and 10 years old.

CURRENT TRAINING: No specific training plan yet. Working on being consistent with my workouts. My training plan will be swim focused since I suck at it.

2013 RACES: After getting back into running slowly, I did one road 5K, one trail 5K (hated it), a 10K and 5 miler.

2014 RACES: Currently only registered for a sprint duathlon in August. Hoping to not be afraid of getting back on my bike.
I would like to do a triathlon and a half marathon but have not decided on which one yet.

WEIGHTLOSS: I race as an athena and will likely stay there. However, I would like to be a smaller Athena. Goal is to eat clean, get lean and lose 30 pounds. I use My Fitness Pal to track my eating and lost 20 pounds this year. I stopped tracking and so did my weight loss. I will start tracking again.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: Accountability. I want to both give and receive encouragement and support.

Edited by Lovey 2013-12-28 7:46 PM

2013-12-29 12:16 AM
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Subject: Introduction
NAME: Kelly

STORY: My name is Kelly; I live in Durham, NC and am 30 years old. I was a HS athlete (mainly competitive softball) who went sedentary after HS. I have flirted with running, over trained when I was 25 and very overweight, and gave myself a stress fracture. I’m trying to rediscover my inner athlete, get healthier, and enjoy my body. I had weight lost surgery in April 2013 and have lost 60 lbs. I am currently training for a ½ marathon using the Galloway method and have signed up for a sprint tri in Raleigh in May 2014. I’m looking to increase my overall fitness, stay engaged mentally, and continue to lose weight in a healthy way.

FAMILY STATUS: I’m engaged (wedding is March 22, 2014) and we have a small zoo (2 dogs and 2 cats).

CURRENT TRAINING: Short runs 2x/week; Long run 1x/week; Cross-training 2x/week. I’m looking to add some “yoga for athlete” sessions in for injury prevention. My left leg is prone to issues (has had 2 stress fractures in my foot and dislocated my left knee) so I’m trying to build up slowly, focus on form, and really listen to my body to avoid injury. I just got a bike for Christmas (the 2013 Specialized's Dolce Elite Compact!) and can’t wait to get it delivered so I can start riding more (I currently have a Giant Commuter bike).

2013 RACES: I ran three 5ks

2014 RACES: Rock & Roll ½ Marathon, Ramblin Rose Triathlon, Tar Heel 10 Miler, an open water swim (TBD)

WEIGHTLOSS: I am hoping to lose 40 more pounds.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I’m brand new to adult athletics, including triathlons. I would love to learn from others and have a sounding board when questions arise.

Looking forward to interacting with and learning from you all!

Edited by Just_Kelly 2013-12-29 9:49 AM
2013-12-29 12:51 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
NAME: Brian

STORY: I have wanted to do a triathlon since I was a teenager, but never had the training, motivation, or work ethic to actually train for it. I started doing 5k runs a few years ago and enjoyed training, so I figure it's time to take my training to the next step.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 33, have been married for 11 years and have 3 kids. My wife is going to train with me and we are going to do this together. I am trying to convince my 7-year old to do it with us too (he would do the kids tri), but he's on the fence.

CURRENT TRAINING: None at this moment. I have stopped running due to work and school commitments, but need a boost to get back into it. I figure if I register for a race, I will have some motivation to do it!

2013 RACES: 5k Color Me Rad Run in Calgary

2014 RACES: Stirling Triathlon, Likely Color Me Rad again, and possibly a few more.

WEIGHTLOSS: I just want to lose a few pounds. I'm not super overweight (6'1" and 200 lbs), but I do have a gut I'd like to get rid of.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: My biggest issue is how to get up to speed on swimming. I was a diver in high school, but never really ventured to the other side of the pool to figure out what the swimmers were up to. I love swimming and I'm good at it, but I have no stamina at all.
2013-12-29 12:11 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open

NAME: Bobick

STORY: I am 46 years old have not been into any sport just playing with PC games, until about 2 years ago when a friend of mine introduce me to road biking. Have done a couple of centuries and a 10 miler run last year. Swimming is my Waterloo not motivated enough and I cannot even complete 50 yards without running out of breaths or have to stay at least a minute to catch my breaths. Time is what i don`t have the luxury, with 3 busy kids 14, 13 and 11 with both the 13 and 11 year old as State swimmers.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 kids and a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: Road biking and a little running running , found a swim coach with the local Y
2013 RACES: MS 150, some road bike events, 10 for Texas run.

2014 RACES: Thinking about doing CB&I in the Woodlands Texas

WEIGHTLOSS: 155 lbs right now 5`7``

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP:Looking forward to the support and motivation a mentor group would provide me.
2013-12-29 1:29 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Open
STORY: I'm 27 years old and I started running again when I got pulled into a "I'll do it if you will" type thing for a work 5K. My coworker fizzed out after the race, but I was hooked. I kept running and signed up for a couple more 5K. I found out pretty quickly that if I'm not working towards something any sort of training just goes out the window. I started getting a bit bored since I wasn't sure how to spice up the running workouts and signed up for a triathlon before I really realized what I was in for. I'm not too worried about the biking and running, but I don't swim well at all. I showed up to a swim lesson and got a wake up call... I've never done any sort of real stroke (I'm guessing doggie paddle doesn't count) and I never had any lesson. I found this website when I realized just how over my head I was.

FAMILY STATUS: In a steady relationship with my boyfriend. May be moving closer to work soon, since the drive seems to take up most of my day.

CURRENT TRAINING: I haven't done much for the majority of December. I was running regularly the rest of the year, but completely wimped out with the colder weather. I went to a handful of swimming lessons, but an outdoor pool when it's barely above freezing was a bit much for me. I've joined a gym with an indoor pool so I can practice what I learned at the few lessons I had.

2013 RACES: Three (I think) 5K races.

2014 RACES: I've signed up for the Kemah Sprint Triathlon in April, and a second sprint triathlon in late Aug or early Sep. There is also Foam Fest 5K that I signed up for to force myself to move at least a bit before the April triathlon.

WEIGHT LOSS: I have lost a bit since I've started running, but I haven't kept track. Weight loss isn't a goal for me as much as a nice side effect of the training.

WHAT I WANT FROM THIS GROUP: Mostly I'm looking for the moral support. My boyfriend doesn't really get it and can be pretty discouraging at times. I do better when I can talk about my training and races with people who are as excited about this stuff as I am. I'm looking for the accountability that comes from other people that are working towards similar goals.
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date : March 29, 2013
author : jtriathlete
comments : 0
I'm curious about the 'don't increase your run by more than 10% per week' rule. Is there a minimum mileage under which this doesn't apply?
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : June 5, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
How should I go about training for the marathon while also building base in the other two events? Doing this seems like it's causing me to break the 10% rule in running.
date : October 2, 2005
author : DominiqueL
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Yes, the Dual is a little heavier than Cervèlo’s high end counterparts. But…the price is within reach of the masses and it still incorporates all of the design features that make a Cervèlo special.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.