BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-14 11:27 AM

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Name:  username: pastoops but 'Phil' is just fine!


I was challenged to complete a triathlon in February 2008 at age 38 by a friend who is ex-military. It was the 'Tri for our Vets' sprint distance race in Sea Isle City, NJ.  I had been attending 'bootcamp' training at my local Y for about a year or so but I was not prepared for the physical challenge of triathlon.  I signed up for a 'tri-clinic' at my local Y and began working on all the aspects of race training and prep.  The instructor (and my current mentor) Nicki Atkinson helped get a group of us ready for our summer races.  I also joined BT at this time as I was looking for an outlet for all my questions and someplace to help me log my training.

I completed that first tri succesfully and the bug bit! I went on to complete five races in 2008, all sprint distances including my first half and full marathon (both in Philly) I was also sponsored by my company, AT&T, to run in the Boston Marathon! Just a year ago I would have never had imagined completing the tri's or a marathon. What a difference a year can make. I love the community, the friends, the events, the energy and mostly how I feel! I've lost over 30lbs and have energy I haven't had in years.

I immediately set my sights on 2009 and with the assistance of BT and my mentor Nicki (also a current BT member), went on to complete four tri's and increased my race distance in each one. Sea Isle sprint in May, the Philly Olympic distance in June, a 'half-iron' light in August and I culminated the season with a half-iron distance (70.3) in September.  It's been a great year and I'm looking forward to exceeding my goals and helping others do the same in 2010.

Family Status: Married for almost 15 years (Feb 2010) to my wife Alex. Three kids: Erin (10); Bridget (7) and Garrett (2)

Current Training:  Working with my mentor Nicki in off season mode currently so 4-6 hours a week (early mornings...5 AM alarms!) depending on my schedule. Mostly tri-specific workouts (s/b/r) but do work in small 'bricks' and light weight training along with some Y 'classes' like spin or body pump. In season workouts will ramp to 7-12 hours as goals and primary race decisions are made.

2009 Races:

- April: Half-Marathon, Wilmington, DE
- May: Open
- June: Philly Olympic Distance
- July: NJ State Olympic Distance
- August: Open
- September: Diamondman 70.3

Weightloss:  It's been awesome! Down from 200lbs in 2007 to 175lbs currently! I hit 172lbs immediately after my half-iron and I'm looking to sustain the 175lb mark during the off season. My race weight goal for this year is 165-170.

What will make me a good mentor:

I love this sport. I've made great friends and had some awesome experiences. My kids have even gotten involved as my 10YO finished a 'kids tri' this past year. I was so proud and it made me realize that my actions are rubbing off on them all the time.

I enjoy discussing the sport, the different disciplines and with over 15 years of sales management experience I have a good idea of how to motivate and stay focused. I'd love to share my experience and help a group of new members have a succesful season. (oh, and have a blast doing it!)

Edited by pastoops 2010-01-07 1:06 PM

2009-12-15 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2557655

New user

Westmoreland County
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN

I would like to part of your group, if you'll have me.

My name is Paul and turned the big 4 0 this year.  While at my daughter's 3rd bday party this summer, my two brother in laws (one is a swimmer and the other a marathoner) challenged me to do a tri.  I am one to not refuse a challenge and started working on it the end of August.  I am prior military some 18 years ago and have not kept myself in the shape I would like. 

I have been married for 13 years, and have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who was truely our heaven sent gift.  Spending as much time with her is my priority.

 I started my training the end of this August with walking.  My last few weeks of running I was logging 20 miles, with my long run at 10 miles at an aerobic pace.  I have a trianer and also use that for my biking nights.  I have not been in a pool for a looong time.  I won't drown, but I am by no means a swimmer.  I will start swimming after Jan 1st as the pool at the YMCA is down till then for repairs.  I do most of my weekly training in the evenings or at night.  I am already getting up for work at 5:15 am. 

I plan on doing 4-6 sprints this season and maybe an OLY.  Future goals maybe a 1/2 IM.

I started my training at the weight of 246.  I am 6'2" and am fairly large chested. My current weight is 216 and could see me dropping down to 200 or so.  I have changed my diet significantly.

I can definitely use some encouragement, focus, stucture, and guidance.  I tend to give it my all when I know somebody is watching/checking on me.

Hope to be part of your group and make you (and me) proud!


2009-12-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2561207

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Paul,Welcome! Absolutely would love to have you. Sounds like you've made some good progress already! What is the date of your first race?Phil
2009-12-15 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2557655

New user

Westmoreland County
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Phil, that's a good question.  I am still trying to find then whens and wheres of the local (the western side of the state) races.

And thanks for having me.  I have been patiently waiting for the mentor program to start.


Edited by Ripper10 2009-12-15 10:06 PM
2009-12-16 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2561299

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN

Great. Let me know if you have any questions regarding races, strategy, transition, etc..whatever's on your mind...don't hesitate to ask. I'll certainly answer and I have local resources w/ my current coach/mentor to discuss training strategy and plans as well. I'm not a certified trainer, just a mentor but my coach Nicki (who is on BT as well) is certified and I can pull her for good recommendations. (she got me to my first HIM last year) I'll even have her post here as well.

Do you log your workouts on BT? I'd really enjoy seeing your training volumes and workouts. 

2009-12-16 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Phil,If you are willing, I woud really like to be part of your group.My name is Jeff, I am 48yrs old and reside in Poulsbo, Washington, 30 min and a ferry ride away from Seattle. My home town, however is Tannersville, PA, where my parents and one of my brothers still live. On Dec 30 my wife and I will have been married 20 yrs. Together, we have 4 kids, 2 girls, 18, 16 and 2 boys, 15, 13.My first Tri was Sprint in Sept 2008 and I LOVED it. Due to surgeries and my work, I was unable to do much in the way of training and have not done any Trithlons since. I am determined to Tri again next year and and become more active and dedicated to this great sport.My goal, is to start small with a few Sprints, then move up to Olympic, and finish a half IM before years end. I would also like to lose weight. I am currently 245lbs and would like to see myself around 200lbs.My main problems areas are motivation and training, mostly due to my work. I am a tug boat operator and sail from Seattle to Whittier, Alaska on a 120' tug boat towiing a 420' barge loaded with freight and rail cars. When I am not working on my tug I work driving boats for the U.S. Coast Guard, which I have been a member of, as a Reservist, for 16yrs. The rest of my time is spent with my family who thinks I'm nuts for doing Triathlons, but came out to cheer me on during my first one.If you allow me in your group. I hope to be part of something that will keep me motivated and will be able to give me some exercise routine ideas that I can do in confined spaces. In return, maybe I will me able to pass along you kindness, and wisdom to others.I am looking forward to hearing from you. JeffPlease forgive any typos in this email. I am typing it om my phone, while I am an work on my tug. Thank you.

2009-12-16 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
I'd like to join your group.  I'll post a full intro later today.

Thanks for taking this on!
2009-12-16 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Hi Phil,

I would like to be a part of your group as well.  My name is Brent and I am looking to do my first sprint tri in may 2010.  I have some experience in running, but have gained some weight due to injuries.  I live in MN and am on my third week of a training program to develop a base for training for the triathlon.

My first tri is set for may 15th at the lakes to pines triathlon in northern MN.  I'm very excited for it and need a little motivation and probably a lot of pointers and advice throughout training and preparing for the race.

I am also looking to complete an Oly mid summer or early fall as well.  I figured it was a great New Years Resolution.

So if you have room, thank you for taking me on.

2009-12-16 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2562101

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Hey Jeff! Welcome aboard, literally! You have quite a daily commute and I really love the area you live in. Quite beautiful. My brother is Navy and was stationed in Washington state for a while near Seattle.  And hey, you're from PA!

More than happy to provide you with some direction and guidance. I'm not a certified trainer but I can help you find some resources that might be able to provide you with some guidance for workouts. A lot of tri training is endurance building but strength is important to. If you have access to a portable DVD player or laptop on those travels I would look into the PX90 program. I haven't done it personally but know folks who rave about it.

Congrats on that first tri! I'm going to look to make introductions for everyone in the group so we can all chip in and help each other.

Be safe and I'll look forward to watching you post your workouts (if you are) and helping you along. Please feel free to post any questions, concern, etc.

2009-12-16 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2562212

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
not a problem! Looking forward to it! Group is filling up quick...i'm jazzed.

2009-12-16 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2562312

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Brent...welcome! Please feel free to ask away...I'm really looking forward to getting our group started.  May 15th sounds like a good date to start...far enough away that we can get you to the race if you have a good 16-20 week plan.

Do you currently have a training program. BT offers some good ones that are pretty straightforward and build on the volume of hours up until race day.

This is an excellent New Years resolution! so proud of you. You're gonna do great!

I always tell myself I only have today to make a difference. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow doesn't exist. So make each day count...even if it's an off day...those are important too. (like mine is today...I'm off...but planning for tomorrow!)


2009-12-16 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2557655


Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Hi phil iwould love to join your group if you will have me my name is karl swanick im 44 with 5 kids & 4 grandkids i live in Liverpool UK
ive been training for about 4 months and have made ome good gains i dont have a problem with the bike my swimming is ok i just have to concentrate on my running but as i loose weight that will improve as at the moment im 245lb
i have signed up for the Liverpool tri on 27th of june 2010
hope its ok       karl
2009-12-16 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2562748

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN

would love to have you aboard.

Love the Reds b/t/w..they are my 'adopted' Premier league team...and wow I would someday love to race in Liverpool. Is that race a sprint or Oly distance?

Have you been using BT to log your training? Do you have a plan to get to the race in June? Let me know. I'm not a trainer so to speak but I'd love to hear about what you do daily to get your workouts in.

I lost a good bit of weight and found that it helped improve my run considerably....I'm 5'10 and was over 200lbs as well and it was like carrying a pack of cinder blocks on my frame....youwhat is your goal weight?

talk to you soon and congrats on making the decision to tri!

2009-12-16 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN

Would love to join the group.  I'm part of a common theme of people hitting the 40 range.   I've done a couple of sprints about 4 years ago.  Moved from Boston to NJ for a job, spent the first year entertaining for a sales job and packing the weight back on.  Competed in a Sprint and the NJ Olympic distance last summer (So proud that I finished as I've never raced in such heat).  Was planning on trying the Philly 1/2 marathon in November but I ended up with a lot of right knee pain which the Dr. diagnosed as an overuse injury.  The obvious remedy for that is a better training program and to do these races at a much lighter weight. 

This year (39yo) with the second child on the way.  I'm presently at 268 from a high in the 290's.  Right now working on muscle tone and loosing weight.  Plan on doing two sprints, the NJ Oly again and signed up for the Austion 1/2 IM in October (the weekend before I turn 40).  My goal is compete in this race at a weight of 225 basically 40 lbs from now.

Best regards,

Phil B.

I'd really like to be part of the community of the Tri Group.
2009-12-16 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2562942

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Yo Phil B! Welcome!

Sounds like you have some good races picked out already. I'll be competing in the NJ State Oly for the first time this year.  If you're looking for a good race in June the Philly Sprint or Oly would be a good choice. It's pricey unfortunately ($185 for Oly) but it's well run and appears to be close to home for you.

I've done the entertaining thing for sales before and man it's tough to keep the weight off and get up early to get the workouts in....I really have to pull myself out of bed some mornings to get them in but once I get the feet on the floor I know there's no turning back!

Looking forward to having you aboard and we'll definately work towards that NJ Oly in July! I'll be 41 only a few days after that race..

2009-12-16 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Hey Phil,

Yeah, I'm workin on a 16 week program right now and that should work out nicely and then maybe started working into an oly program after that.  I'm doing about 10 min miles on the run, 1000 yards swim in 25 minutes or so, and up to about 45 minute bike so far, but still working on that to give you an idea where i'm at with numbers.  Looking forward to this program.


2009-12-16 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN

Id like to join your group if possible.  Ya'll need a Southerner on yer team LOL!! 

Name: William Fisher (SAWFISH50

Bio: I’m 41 years old Live near Houston Texas. I did not play sports in High school. I rode BMX bikes and did lots of trick riding until cars and girls stopped that. A friend and I decided we were going to join the military and not to be outdone we chose the Marines. I started running in prep for boot camp and by the end of boot camp in July of 1987 I ran my final 3 mi PFT (Physical fitness test ) in 17:56. After boot camp I had a knee injury and after recovery I still always managed to complete the 5K distance in 19 to 20 minutes with little to no training. I started taking martial arts and eventually move on to Full Contact kickboxing. I got burnt out on that in my early 30’s and in the next several years proceeded to move from a lean mean 150 pounds to a pleasantly plump 200. Being  5’-6” tall 200 pounds makes you look like a UMPA –LUMPa. When I finally got tired of buying new britches I did the “Body For Life” program and lost 40 pounds of fat and gained about 10 of muscle in 6 months, I was at a lean 160 Pounds and maintained that until a car wreck derailed me with a  Soft tissue back injury. After a 6 month layoff I yo-yo dieted and exercised.
In 2006 I completed a ½ Marathon run in 1H54m. 2007 I took a field Supervisor position for my company and spent a year traveling living in hotel rooms & eating like crap and at the end of the project I was completely out of shape back at 200 lbs. My attempts at returning to my previous state of physical fitness at 41 years of age have been Humbling to say the least. Where a 10 minute mile pace use to be an easy training pace and 3 miles a short run this time around it has been no less than a complete @$$ Whoopin. I couldn’t complete the 3 miles at first and my pace was about 15M miles. I have got the weight down to 182 pounds and my easy pace is about 12 ½ M miles with 10 ½ a threshold run. Endurance is returning faster than speed I’m up to 7 Mile long slow run now. Part of the problem as diagnosed by a doctor after me hacking up blood on a run was Exercised induced asthma which Is getting much better. I’m sure that extra 30 to 40 pounds of @$$ im carying hasn't helped either LOL!!

Family: Married 21 years Wife (Becky), with 1 boy (Hayden) he is 5 years old. We also have 2 dogs “Collie’s” (Chloe & Dodger)

Training: I have a treadmill and a spin bike for bad weather days and a mountain bike and Nike’s for good weather days. I am following a ½ marathon training program and riding the spin bike or mountain bike and weight training on alternating days. I usually train 5 to 6 days a week.

Swimming: I can keep from drowning but I would speculate that my freestyle stroke looks like a modified doggie paddle Laughing. I will either find a instructor to give me a few lesions or look for someone on this board that lives in my area that is willing to give me a few live pointers in exchange for Open water Swim training support Boat when Our lakes get warm enough. (I have a nice Fish n Ski boat)

Races 2010: I’m concentrating on building a good base loosing this extra weight back close to 160pounds and if my body cooperates with my plan and schedule I will run a ½ marathon in mid March. If I have managed to learn to properly swim at that point I will quickly look for a Sprint distance Tri to get my feet wet in this sport.

Looking forward to being an active member in the group.

Semper Fi

William Fisher


2009-12-16 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Hi Phil, my name  is Kristen and I am interested in joining your group!
I am 23 years old and am originally from Bergen county in New Jersey but currently reside in Pennsauken, NJ (right over the ben franklin from Philly) with my fiance Joe and dog Tebow.  I am a 7th and 8th social studies teacher at a school in philly.
 I had always wanted to compete in triathlons but was always pretty out of shape and when I did lose weight (50lbs from 185-135,) I stuck to running.  A friend of mine asked if I could fill in on her team for the nj state tri this past July.  I had such a great time and after seeing the face of all the finishers I knew i had to sign up.  I competed in the women's revolutionary tri in August, in Morristown NJ and then the Jesse Anderson tri in Lavallette, NJ in September.
Current training
between 4-6 days a week, this time of year is a little rough at school and after being on my feet all day sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to go to the gym.

I was a lifeguard in high school and I feel pretty confident swimming.  I just worry that sometimes I'm going to wear myself out.  Both swims last year were 1/4 miles this year will be 1/2 miles.

I hate the bike!!! Hate is a strong word, but most of it is due to the fact that I did the three races last year on my trek mountain bike (not fun.)  I will be taking home a brand new trek wsd 1.2 from my hometown bike shop over Christmas.  I also attend spin class twice a week so I'm hoping that helps.

I run about a 28:00 5k, not very good but I'm working on pacing myself for that distance since I had always run 2 miles for so long.

2010 races 
May 15 Women's Jersey shore kickoff sprint
July 11 Philly women's sprint
July 24th NJ State sprint
August 1 Danskin philly sprint
August 8 Jersey girl sprint
August 15 Women's revolutionary tri

I'm really excited to see how I can improve this season and welcome all the help I can get!!! 

Edited by Kristen8040 2009-12-16 5:18 PM
2009-12-16 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2562893


Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
hi phil
the liverpool tri is an olympic distance so ive a lot of work to do as i have about 50lb's to loose
2009-12-16 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
I'd like to join!

I will post a bio later - still at work right now...
2009-12-16 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2563094

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
brentrolf - 2009-12-16 4:47 PMYeah, I'm workin on a 16 week program right now and that should work out nicely and then maybe started working into an oly program after that.  I'm doing about 10 min miles on the run, 1000 yards swim in 25 minutes or so, and up to about 45 minute bike so far, but still working on that to give you an idea where i'm at with numbers.  Looking forward to this program.

\\Good good! Keep following and if you have any questions let me know!

2009-12-16 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2563198

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
William,Great. Some southern hospitality would be welcome. Gotta be hot and flat near Houston...great for biking and running!! hope the pool cools you off....sounds like you have a great attitude and are ready to succeed!Swim fitness and working on stroke efficiency is important so you can enjoy the swim and not wear yourself out for the rest of the race. I started off with a swim clinic to improve my overall performance and learn how to swim for fitness. (drills help and any swim instructor will probably work with you on them to improve overall stroke performance) I would absolutely encourage finding a swim clinic or coach son.Let me know when you start looking at races.Phil
2009-12-16 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2563249

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Kristen,Awesome start to your tri career! It's the people and the accomplishment that keep me going too!(on a side note, my parents were both teachers so I know the schedule and the challenges...)I'll certainly add you to the group.You'll improve considerably with the new bike. I would encourage an indoor trainer if you can. I use spin class for cardio work but I saw a big improvement in my bike fitness and endurance when my current coach/mentor moved me to using a trainer and got me out of spin class. We can discuss at any time...Great race calendar...having and setting a goal is always the way to get yourself moving! I'll check out your training log and post there too.Let's have a great season!
2009-12-16 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2563338

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
Karl1965 - 2009-12-16 6:57 PMhi phil
the liverpool tri is an olympic distance so ive a lot of work to do as i have about 50lb's to loose
2009-12-16 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2563430

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN
thanks...I'm gonna close the group tonight....I have 8 interested so we'll keep it tight this year....look forward to your bio.Phil
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