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2009-04-07 3:15 PM

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Preferred Mentees

Women only who are entering their first season.






I came to the sport of triathlon with absolutely no background in swimming, biking or running.  I could never even put my face in the water because I could not stand the water up my nose.  I was my high school track team’s equipment manager and honestly never thought I could run.  Biking?  Well, I hadn’t been on a bike since junior high.


With each passing birthday, staying fit became a higher priority.  I needed something extreme to keep me motivated and challenged, though, and nothing was fitting the bill.  One day, I saw an interview with Chef Rocco DiSpirito on the Today Show.  He said he’d been doing triathlons as of late.  I thought, “Hmm.  Triathlons.”


I did some research here on BT and realized this was something I really could do.  Sure it would be difficult, but it was attainable if I put in the work.


I’ve now found a new passion for this sport because it has brought to my attention the potential that had been lying within me this entire time I’d spent thinking I couldn’t.  I love talking about it, writing about it and encouraging others in it.


If you want, you can check out the video in my Profile.  It does a pretty good – albeit cheesy – job of telling my story. 


Family Status

Married with step-kids and 2 large dogs.


Current Training

I train 5-6 days a week and feel like I’m missing-out on something on my rest days.  I just have to tell myself that they’re just as important as training days.  I’m training for a Half-Ironman at the end of the season, as well as an Olympic tri a month before that.  I’ll be doing 2-3 Sprints here at the beginning of the season.


Last Year’s Races

6/28/08: Tri for the Cure Sprint Tri

9/14/08: Toyota Challenge Sprint Tri

10/25/08: Thomas J. Frericks 5K (1st place female in my age group)


This Year’s Races

4/18/09:  Miami University Sprint Tri

6/27/09: Tri for the Cure Sprint Tri.  This was my first tri last year and I look forward to moving up the rankings.

8/2/09: East Fork Sprint Tri

8/23/09: Great Buckeye Challenge Olympic Tri

9/27/09: Toyota Challenge Half Iron


Weight Loss

I could still be cool with losing another 10, but if I have to stay where I am, I’m okay with that.


What Will Make Me a Good Mentor

I absolutely love being a triathlete.  Throughout my journey, I’ve realized that I also have a passion for sharing in the joy and excitement others have as they embark on their own.


I have also been a member of three mentor groups over the last year-and-a-half on BT, so I understand what I like in a group and I hope to pay it forward.


I’m on BT all the time and I can check in regularly with everyone and be available for questions and support.

I'm so excited about getting started!  Here's to a life-changing 2009!

Edited by Lora109 2009-04-23 8:14 AM

2009-04-08 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi Lora,

My name is Alicia and I am signed up for the Sprint distance of the NJ State Triathlon on July 26th.  I'd like to join your group.

About me:

Age: 24, Height: 5'8", Weight: 161lbs

I'm on my fourth week of the 2x balanced Sprint program that's on this site.

My swimming "background" consists of a weekly group program when I was in high school, so I know the basics of good swimming form, but I think I lost a lot during the past 6 years. I am having some trouble finding a time at the YMCA to do my short swim. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go at night, but that's when I usually relax after work and spend time with my husband, so I've been putting it off.

I did a 5k race last November after doing the Couch to 5k. My time was 33:40.
The runs in the tri program are pretty short, but I still find myself worn out after.  Maybe it's because I slacked off during the beginning of the year?
I noticed from a skim of your blog that you recommend ChiRunning.  I bought the book(a couple of months ago), but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

I hadn't been on a bike in several years. I have a 10 year old Huffy mountain-style bike.  My brother-in-law used to do triathlons in college and offered to lend me his bike which is probably around 20 years old. It needs some work, though, so I am training with mine for now.

Edited by XcaliburGirl 2009-04-08 11:58 AM
2009-04-08 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2071206

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Welcome, welcome, welcome, Alicia!!!!

So, July 26th is the big day, huh?  That's great that you've at least got some swimming background coming in to this, as I think that's where most of us struggle.  I totally understand about hubby time.

Congrats on finishing your first 5K!  I definitely recommend ChiRunning.  You'll either love it or not, but it's at least worth a check-out.  I'd be glad to answer any questions about that, too.  I'm still learning new things myself, adding things I forgot, etc., but even with that, it's made a difference for me.

I did my last season on a dept. store bike a friend loaned me and there's absolutely no shame in that.  Just get on something and get in those miles!

Again, welcome to the group, Alicia!

- Lora
2009-04-08 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
I would like to join your group.

I am 38 and doing my first season of Tri's. I have done some open water swimming and I like to tool around on my hybrid, but this is the first truly athletic thing I have done. I am planning to do two sprints this summer and the swimming portion of an Olympic Distance. I am also doing a 5k mostly to see if I can propel myself forward for this distance.  I live in Oregon, am a teacher and have been married for a decade. We have 4 wonderful puppies.

2009-04-08 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi Lora

I'd like to join your group

I'll update more about me later cause right now I'm at work and now suppose to be online hehe

2009-04-08 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2071352

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Welcome to the group, Theresa!!!!

You are really so ahead of the game having not just done swimming, but open water swimming!  Even the best swimmers can have tough moments in the open water, so kudos to you.

So, two Sprint tris, the swim-part of an Olympic and a 5K.  That'll be a great first season; not too much, not too little.  When is your 5K in relation to the rest of your races?

I have 2 wonderful pups myself.  Dogs are the best!

Huge welcomes again!

2009-04-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2071378

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
mekira - 2009-04-08 1:57 PM Hi Lora I'd like to join your group I'll update more about me later cause right now I'm at work and now suppose to be online hehe Patricia

Welcome aboard, Patricia!  Completely understand about the work thing.  Looking forward to reading your bio.
2009-04-08 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hey, girls.  Just some housekeeping as we get started.

1)  Be sure - if you don't already - to start logging your training, even if all you're doing now is Yoga.

2)  Set your Training Log to Public so that we can see how you're doing.  One of the best ways to motivate - and be motivated yourself - is leaving Inspires on others' Training Logs.

3)  With the last thing in mind, be sure to add everyone in the group to your Friends list.  That way, while you're on your own Training Log, you can just scroll down to their link to go visit their Training Log and see how it's going.  Our group's interaction takes place both here on the forum and in each others' Training Logs.

4)  Finally, so that we can all get a good picture of where you're coming from, just cut and paste my bio info into your own reply, delete my stuff and add-in your own.  You can cut out or add in as much as you'd like.  It'll be great to look back on your intro bio a few months down the road and see how far you've come.  Trust me!

If you have any questions about anything technical I've mentioned - or haven't - click on the PM button at the end of my message and it'll let you send me a private e-mail.  I'll be glad to answer your questions.

- Lora
2009-04-08 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Am I allowed to be part of 2 different groups?  I like the group I'm currently with (I think they're staying together - some of them at least), but they're all a lot more advanced than I am.  I've learned a lot from them, but would also like to get some different perspectives.  If so, I'd like to join you ladies.


soccermom15 - Janet



No real consistent athletic background before about 2-1/2 years ago.  I played basketball and volleyball in grade school and ran track 1 year in HS and played racquetball for 2 years.  Then basically nothing except for the occasional softball game and a little indoor soccer (that was an experience considering I had never played soccer before in my life!).

In August of 2006 I volunteered at a local sprint triathlon.  I was really surprised at the number of "normal" people I saw there.  I was at a point where I needed to find something to do for myself, so I thought this might be it.  I started with the running portion since I knew that would be the hardest thing for me.  I've done quite a few 5k's, a couple of 10k's and 2 half marathons.  Finally this year I am getting around to actually training for a triathlon.  My first sprint is in less than 4 weeksSurprised and I plan to do another in the fall - the local one that I volunteered for in 2006 & 2008.  

Family Status

Married with 2 teenagers and 2-1/2 cats.

Current Training

So far my training is going pretty well although I have yet to get out for a real bike ride (been using the stationary at the gym).  I only have an old Target brand mountain bike but I've put road tires on it and pedals with cages - not ready for clipless yet.  Also my swimming needs some work, but it's good enough to get me through my first.  I train 5-6 days a week whenever I can find the time.  One of the reasons my swimming needs work - the pool hours just don't work well with my schedule.  

Last Year’s Races

mostly local 5k's, a couple of 10k's, Lewis & Clark half, St Louis Track Club half



This Year’s Races

5/3/09 - TriZOU in Columbia, MO
8/16/09 - Alligator's Creek in O'Fallon, MO
also some road races just to keep my running up

I think that's everything.  Oh, one more thing - I'm not much of a talker and that pretty much translates into not a frequent poster.  I do check in every day, but may not post every day.  Hope that's OK.

2009-04-08 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2071716

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Yes!  Welcome aboard, Janet!  My last 2 mentor groups (of which I was a mentee) still post, so no prob at all.  No prob about the frequency of your posting either.  We all have our styles.

Too funny!  I had never played soccer before but a friend was heading-up an indoor team at the Y and she assured me you didn't have to be good to play.  I signed-up and had the best time, though I soon found out that pretty much everyone else did have a good deal of experience.

That's great you've done running races already, especially the half-marys.

As I mentioned earlier, my first ride was on a dept. store bike and I rode as is.  Just find something to get you through and go for it!  Definitely get out on that bike as soon as you can.  You'll find a huge difference between being on the road vs. using those bikes at the gym.

With regard to swimming, as long as you're comfortable enough to make it through, go for it.  I actually backstroked my first one if that tells you anything.  It'll be nice once the weather warms up and you don't have to rely on your pool for your swimming because you can go outside.  You can have that time to train for your tri in the fall.  Is your first tri indoor or is it an open water swim?

Again, welcome aboard, Janet!  Let me know if you have any questions!

- Lora
2009-04-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi to everyone else!

I figured out how to add friends, but I'm not sure if I made my log public. Can anyone see it?

To follow the approved format:




I started running mainly to lose weight and just to be healthier in general.  The sporatic, directionless gym trips weren't doing the trick, so I decided to run my town's 5k and found the Couch to 5k program ( has all the info in one place).

For my next goal I wanted to get some variety in my workouts and also triathlons had always facinated me.  Like I said I had swam before and liked it.  And for the bike, I think there's a little psycological desire to get over the childhood embarressment of not learning to ride a bike until I was 12... Or maybe just because it sounds fun and challenging. ;-)

Family Status

Married (2 1/2 years)

Current Training

2x Balanced Sprint (free one from BT) with some tweaks.  I like to stick to my plan fairly rigidly, otherwise I'm afraid I'll slack off.

Last Year’s Races

11/27/2008 - 5k Turkey Trot

This Year’s Races

07/26/2009 - NJ State Triathlon Sprint

Maybe another sprint tri in September and/or a half-marathon run in October: I'm not really sure how to train if I'm not starting from scratch, and how much time between races?

Weight Loss

I lost 45 lbs in 2008. Right now my immediate goal is to be under 150 for my race to justify the fact that I registered in my age group rather than as an Athena.

2009-04-08 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2071936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Your log is, indeed, viewable!

(BTW, you were fine on filling out your bio.    I was lurking in some other mentor threads and just realized I had forgotten to mention it.)

2009-04-08 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Ok I'm at home and have the computer for myself for a little while


mekira / Patricia


I have a figure skating background. Even came back to it at age 30 and competed in adult synchronized skating for a few years. I started jogging to help my cardio for my skating. I couldn't get through the 3.5 minute routine without being very very out of breath. As my cardio improved, I started looking for races to do and read something somewhere about triathlons. I thought a tri was an ironman and didn't know there were shorter races. I thought triathletes where crazy LOL (maybe a bit )

Then I injured my back. Herniated disk. Couldn't run anymore, couldn't bike so I went back to skating. I started seeing a chiropractor and she basicaly cured me. So in October I joined a local tri-club and have been training with them ever since.

I've been having a hard time with my back for the past few weeks. I've been taking it easy and went back to swimming last night and it seems ok this today. I notice that I'm very tense when I swim especially when I'm trying to go faster. I have to correct this in order to stay healthy.

I had no swimming background and I learned from scratch. The funny thing is that when I started swimming in October I hated it and now it's my favorite of the 3 sports. I feel free in the water. The workouts are hard but I love the feeling I have after I get out of the pool.

I've been running since last July. I can now run for 60 minutes and I did a 5k last weekend and finally broke the 35 minute mark (34:09).

I have a mountain bike that's hooked up on a trainer in my living room. I live in Montreal and the weather has not been nice for riding outside. I'm buying a road bike in May.

In other words, I'm a beginner

Family Status

Married with a teenage daughter and a dog. I'm 43 years old. We are building a house right now and I moving in June.

Current Training

I train 5-6 days a week (right now, I'm taking it day by day depending how I feel). 3 days with the club and 2-3 days on my own. I have a training plan and really really good coaches. I came here because I need the motivation and I need people that know what I'm going through.

This Year’s Races

June 20th - Sprint tri. That's the plan for now.

Weight Loss

I don't really have weight to lose but I really would need to do some weight training to build strength (especially my core and back).

That's about it for now.
2009-04-08 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2072450

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Figure skating?  Oh, now that is fun!!!

Triathletes ARE crazy! 

I just joined my tri club and our kick-off training session was awesome.  I'm so pleased that you've got that local support.

That's too bad about that back pain while swimming.  Next time you're swimming with the club, have some of the guys and gals take a look at you while you swim to see if they might be able to spot the cause.  Not saying they will, but other than your doc, that's what I'd do.  That's great that what turned out to be your least fav has become your favorite.  I think swimming's peaceful.

Congrats on your personal record on the 5K!  That's awesome!

Any ideas on what your first road bike will be?

Again, welcome to the group!
2009-04-09 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2071881

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
With regard to swimming, as long as you're comfortable enough to make it through, go for it.  I actually backstroked my first one if that tells you anything.  It'll be nice once the weather warms up and you don't have to rely on your pool for your swimming because you can go outside.  You can have that time to train for your tri in the fall.  Is your first tri indoor or is it an open water swim?

Again, welcome aboard, Janet!  Let me know if you have any questions!

- Lora

Actually both of the tri's I'm doing this year are pool swims.  I purposely chose 2 that were pool swims because I'm not that strong of a swimmer and an OWS scares the bejesus out of me, lol! If I decide to keep doing tri's (and I'm pretty sure I willSmile), then I'll consider a couple that have OWS.  That way I have another year to get more comfortable with my swimming before I attempt that. 
2009-04-09 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN





I've been in team sports for all my life.  I've done one 5K in my life, and that was my senior year in college (2003).  Since then I've put back on the 20 lbs I had lost and then some!! My exercise status has gone in spurts since then...I'll go 3 to 4 times a week and do cardio and weights and then I get tired of it...or I get sick...or lazy!

Last year, my mom and I were coming back from visiting her friend in Milwaukee and stopped to eat lunch (and go to the Jelly Belly Factory) and ran into the remains of the end of a Triathlon.  I looked it up because I became fascinated - it was an all women's "tri" and looking at the women - they were all sizes and ages...I began to think...hmmm.... Months pass and I move into a new apartment - which has an indoor pool.  The only exercise I can convince myself to do is swimming...I really enjoy it!  I've never really been able to do laps, but have found the rhythym... I currently have no hobbies and am trying to learn to live my life! I was bored at work and start doing some searching - and I find a sprint tri in early August.  4 months from today - I think it's time to start training and ~tri~!!!


Family Status

Ginger, aka Princess, my "big-boned" 4 yr old kitty.  

Current Training

If I can convince myself to exercise 3 times a week I'm doing good...I am currently enjoying swimming at the pool at my apartment.  Its probably only about 30 feet long, but I'll do laps for 15 to 20 minutes with small breaks.

 I have a training plan that starts 4/20...and am trying to "kick it up a notch" until then...

This Year’s Races

8/9/09: HRMS Naperville Sprint Tri

 Weight Loss

I could lose 40 lbs and just be in the "average weight".  Weight loss is a goal, but I'd really rather like the way I look and fit into clothes more easily!

 Note: Lora, I'm very interested in joining the group! And I'm very excited because I was looking through your races last year and saw that you did the Frericks 5K - - and I was like - the Frericks at UD?!?!?  I'm pretty sure it is!  I currently am in the Chicago area - but I am a proud flyer Alum!

2009-04-09 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2073339

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Lisa, yes that 5K was at the University of Dayton!!!  Small world!  That was a fun 5K because I actually came in 1st place female in my age group.  Granted there weren't but a handful in my AG, but a win is a win is a win!

I had only done one 5K in my life before coming to tris and it was my senior year in college, too ('99)!

Anyway, that's great that you've come to love swimming and have access to a pool - any pool.

That's great that you've got a race date and a training plan to help get you there.  Looking forward to being a part of your journey!

Welcome aboard, Lisa!
2009-04-09 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hi Lora and other first timers!

I would love to join this group! My Name is Jen I live in Hattiesburg, MS. About 55 miles north of the Gulf Coast (yes we got whacked by Katrina).  I have always been active but in the past 10 years I have let things go a bit to concentrate on my career as a University Art Professor and working artist. Last January (2008) when my gyno mentioned something about checking for diabetes I freaked and started on my running career. I since have lost 15 lbs. I ran a bunch of 5K's a 5 miler and a 10K and was prepping for my first half mary when I had a foot injury. That lead me to swimming and biking and I love multi sport! Since then I have done my first duathlon, a few more 5Ks and have a 10k on Saturday (my 44th Birthday!). I also am registered for two sprints and a half mary in June. So I have never done a tri yet and would like to get with a group that can offer support and advice.


I hope it will work out!

2009-04-09 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2073453

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group, Jennifer!  Do you prefer Jennifer or Jen?

Congrats on finishing your first du!  What a feeling!

That's just terrific that you've lost those 15 pounds.  Sorry about your foot injury, though.

That'll be really cool doing a race on your birthday.

I have so much respect for artists.  I wish I could paint or draw for expression and I just admire those who can.

Looking forward to being a part of your tri journey and following your blog as well.  Again, welcome to the group!

2009-04-09 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2073453

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group, Jennifer!  Do you prefer Jennifer or Jen?

Congrats on finishing your first du!  What a feeling!

That's just terrific that you've lost those 15 pounds.  Sorry about your foot injury, though.

That'll be really cool doing a race on your birthday.

I have so much respect for artists.  I wish I could paint or draw for expression and I just admire those who can.

Looking forward to being a part of your tri journey and following your blog as well.  Again, welcome to the group!

2009-04-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2073327

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
soccermom15 - 2009-04-09 9:35 AM
With regard to swimming, as long as you're comfortable enough to make it through, go for it.  I actually backstroked my first one if that tells you anything.  It'll be nice once the weather warms up and you don't have to rely on your pool for your swimming because you can go outside.  You can have that time to train for your tri in the fall.  Is your first tri indoor or is it an open water swim?

Again, welcome aboard, Janet!  Let me know if you have any questions!

- Lora

Actually both of the tri's I'm doing this year are pool swims.  I purposely chose 2 that were pool swims because I'm not that strong of a swimmer and an OWS scares the bejesus out of me, lol! If I decide to keep doing tri's (and I'm pretty sure I willSmile), then I'll consider a couple that have OWS.  That way I have another year to get more comfortable with my swimming before I attempt that. 

I think that sounds like a great plan and you're lucky you've got the option of pool tris.  This stuff's addicting so I'm sure we'll be seeing you off on an OWS tri someday, too! 

2009-04-09 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hi Lora,

I absolutely loved your video bio, it was fantastic!  I would like to join your group, if you still have room.  Since I am at work right now I will have to give you more detailed information later.  Briefly:  My name is Stacy. I am 44 years old, married, with three children and one grandchild (second on the way).  I am doing my first tri on July 26th, the Danskin Womens in Webster, MA.  More details to follow.

2009-04-09 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2073574

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Welcome aboard, Stacy!  Of course we still have room and no prob about getting the bio later.

I hear nothing but great things about the Danskin.  That was the first tri for a good friend of mine and she absolutely loved it!
2009-04-09 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2073574

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Welcome aboard, Stacy!  Of course we still have room and no prob about getting the bio later.

I hear nothing but great things about the Danskin.  That was the first tri for a good friend of mine and she absolutely loved it!

Oops.  Double-post.  Sorry.

Edited by lkagop 2009-04-09 10:26 AM
2009-04-09 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hello! If you'll have me, I'd love to join in! I've been lurking in some of the "challenge me" or triing for weightloss and clydes & athenas forums. I've found the motivation comes and goes for me and those on the thread. I think maybe this will help me keep my motivation going and aid in attaining my goals! So, a little bio:




I used to be a gymnast in high school and coached youth while in college. I married 13 years ago and moved from Texas to Wisconsin. Somewhere in there I forgot to take care of myself, and quit doing things I loved. Focused on finishing school, working full time, and being a wife to a very busy husband who travels. Two kiddos later, and adjusting to being a SAHM I've realized I'm 50 pounds heavier, and not very athletic anymore. I have a few friends who were running triathlons, and always said, "next year I'm doing it". Well, in 2007 I trained for 4 months 3 x balanced couch to sprint plan. 2 things: Took a trip to Texas to see family. The night before my flight home (also 2 days before the race) I went to the ER for kidney stones. My gosh, I'd rather go through child birth than kidney stones. Much less painful. Needless to say, missed the flight, missed the race. That was disheartning. Also, the entire time I trained, I never lost a pound. Not one. So I'm thinking I have to get the nutrition aspect figured out this time. My thoughts are over training and not eating enough..... anyway. Here I am, 2009 is upon us. There is a sprint tri I've got my eye on that is mid-August. I'm planning to sign up. Now I need to train better than I did in 2007 to get success in 2009! My standard activity level: I play on a slightly competitive volleyball league one night weekly. I sub for another team, so on occasion I'll play 2 nights. We do 2 matches, so it's about an hour and a half of game. We get sweaty, so there's effort there. Otherwise, I love yoga but don't do it more than a couple times a month. We camp and hike, and love to get out on the kayak with a friend. I love being outdoors. I truly miss being as active as I used to be. I know the extra weight is the reason I stopped. So, it's time to get back the ol' Shannon and get out and get going.


I grew up swimming in our backyard pool. It was a good sized one, I could do laps. but I've never had formal training. I started swimming last November but only for a month. This is my favorite of the three. I could swim all day. Not fast. But all day. I've had a coach that was there during open swim critique my form, and she said it looked good. So I'm comfortable with that, I just need to work on the drills and distance.


I used to live on a trail that used to be an old rail line. So I use my mountain bike, the only bike I have. We've since moved to West Fargo, ND and there really isn't a trail. So I'm riding on paved roads, sidewalks, and paved trails with my mountain bike. At some point, I think I'll need a road bike, just not in finances at this point. We'll see how it works out. Love to cycle, just need to switch to appropriate gear, and do some training.


My nemisis. I've NEVER been a runner. Other than doing sprint drills for vault in gymnastics 18 years ago, I've never run. I used to be REALLY proud of myself if I ever made a mile. I remember in '96 we got a tread mill, and I worked hard to bust out 2.5 miles. WHAT an accomplishment. Well, it's '09. I bought better shoes, and got a membership to a "Snap Fitness Center", and started running on a tread mill (winter is really cold and snowy here in ND). Funny, I am one of those "Face your Fears and Conquer Them" person. So I signed up for a half marathon. Several good friends are running it this year, and after some help from a couple bottles of Red Wine, I found the courage to sign up for it too. Well, did I mention it's May 9th? yah, 5 weeks. So I found the "Hal Higdon half marathon training plan" (spelling?), counted back from race day to see what week I should be on, and started on that week's training. I'm quite surprised at what I've been able to do!!! I think maybe I'm not giving myself the credit I deserve for what I'm capable of. this week I've run 4.5 mi Monday/ 3 Mi Tuesday/ 4.5 mi Wed/ today is rest day. I did it. And I'm not die-ing! Who knew? I really like that this training plan is for distance and not time. That way I know how long I need to go to complete the distance. So, I am going to be a lover of the run by May. I'm really excited about the challenge.

Family Status

Married with a 4 and 6 year old, and a 9 month old Lab. My husband travels a LOT for his work (4-5 months of the year), so time to get in training can be tricky. I'm learning that it needs to be a priority, so I have to schedule it around things, and at times try to use friends to watch the kids for me. That is the hardest part. I'm at home full time. So it's working around kindergarten/ preschool/ kids gymnastics/ my volleyball/ family time/ and just daily responsibilities. Did I mention I'm terrible at time management? ; )

Current Training

Currently I'm doing the 1/2 marathon training plan. It has days of cross training in there, so I plan to use cycling on those days. The pool here only has open swim for 35 minutes 3 x week for me, so that might become an issue later. BUT I still plan to find the way to get in the time. After the half marathon (May 9th), I plan to pick up on the couch to sprint 3 x balanced training plan.

This Year’s Races

May 9th: Fargo Marathon (half marathon portion for me) Fargo, ND
August 15th: Young Life Castaway Club Triathlon (sprint) Detroit Lakes, MN

Previous Races: Zilch. None. Nada.

Weight Loss

Currently I'm at 176 pounds. I'm only 5'3'', and I'm thinking a good weight for me is my old college weight of 125. That's about a 50 pounder loss there. (using the ol' north dakota accent) heehee. I'd love to see 2 pounds a week fall, but after '07 I'd almost be happy with anything. I need to get the nutrition aspect down. I can't think of any other reason nothing came off back then. I was putting in serious milage with swimming and biking. The running......never made more than 2.5 miles, and never ran for more than 15 minutes back then before walking...... Even did the block workouts. Still, not a nudge on the scale, and nothing lost in the clothes. endurance was there, but not much otherwise......

So there it is. I'm looking forward to a fantastic '09. Just with the running I've done in the past couple weeks, I am feeling really good. I can't wait to see how things come around by May!
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