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2008-08-25 7:19 AM

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Rota, Spain
Subject: Fear of Commitment
How long does it take to actually get the huevos to sign up for an iron distance?  Every time I go to actually put my name on the line, I find a reason not to...  I am thinking my wife should just sign me up and let me know when it's done....

2008-08-25 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment
VVATC - 2008-08-25 7:19 AM How long does it take to actually get the huevos to sign up for an iron distance?  Every time I go to actually put my name on the line, I find a reason not to...  I am thinking my wife should just sign me up and let me know when it's done....
Its not for everybody and if you have reasons you can truly justify to not do it, then dont cuz its a big committment.  In the end you have to come to terms with why you do or dont do the distance and either one really is fine.  Its a race, not life or death.
2008-08-25 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment

For me a week before I actually signed up for my first IM, I was sure I wasn't going to.

It took me a week of thinking about it, making lists pros and cons, then I pulled the trigger and signed up.

I had a bad bike crash the month before and realized how quickly my ability to train and do an IM could be taken away. I had the time, desire, family support and financial ability to commit to training for it. So I did. Did I have doubts? Yes, but I am glad I took what for me was a bold big step. I grew a lot during my IM training and learned a lot about myself both in and out of sport.

2008-08-25 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment
I was more nervous to sign up for my IM than I was on race morning Especially if you do one of the brand IM's where you have to sign up a year in advance, its harder to wrap your brain around. If you can take the brain out, and use the heart, do you really want to do one? Then that may help. I had a couple of others decide to join me should I sign up, and that made it a little easier. But I still would have signed up on my own, as I had made my mind up that I was pulling the trigger and signing up for a 08' race. That was probably the key.

that said, if you think you would be upset if you DIDNT sign up, then sign up
2008-08-25 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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Evansville, IN
Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment
Bok bok bok bgok!!! Cmon, it's only a year commitment and countless hours of free time doing nothing but mind numbing training! What's to keep you from that? Letcha know after this Sunday if it was worth it.
2008-08-25 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment
pull the trigger and sign up. No matter how busy you are there is always enough time to train, just have to cut the down time out of you life for 20 weeks. Sign up!!!

2008-08-25 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1625092

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2008-08-25 9:23 PM
in reply to: #1626926

Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment
JeepFleeb - 2008-08-25 6:15 PM

After I finished my first sprint tri, about 6 hours later I was registered for my first IM.

Probably not my best idea now that I look back on it.

 You're only slightly more ridiculous than I am ... I signed up for my first IM 2 mo after my first sprint and one week after my first Oly

2008-08-26 4:16 AM
in reply to: #1626926

Rota, Spain
Subject: RE: Fear of Commitment

I do have a great support system with my wife and son, they are all for it.  I would be looking at IM UK or IM France in 09.  I guess I was just wondering if anyone had the same reservations as me.  Thanks all, I will get signed up as soon as entry opens for next year.


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