General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Ezcema sufferers? Rss Feed  
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2004-03-05 11:11 AM

New user

Browns Point, WA
Subject: Ezcema sufferers?
I just got diagnosed with ezcema and at first it was just from chaffing in the sports bra area. But several weeks ago after a long sweaty run my arms and legs became enflamed with this itchy crap! Since then everytime I sweat it comes back or gets worse. I can't get a workout and live in my skin! I have to apply ointments and creams 3 times a day (Clobex, Dermatopp, and Caramol) I am really bummed out and discouraged that if this keeps up I will never get ready for my race. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

2004-03-05 11:25 AM
in reply to: #10690

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
My daughter suffers from excema also. She has had it since she was a newborn. It is always present to some degree on her forearms and elbows. The severity increases during growth spurts and also when she is anxious or nervous. She usually does much better in the summer months. I have found that calendula cream, from the health food store, works very well. The only other help I can offer is to rinse chlorine and sweat off as quickly as possible, both of which are aggravators. Also, do you take any antihistimines? I have found that Claritin works best for my daughter. Good luck!
2004-03-05 12:11 PM
in reply to: #10690

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NW Suburbs of Chicago
Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
I also have eczema. The winter months are especially bad.

This is what works for me.
1) Don't use any soaps, especially deodorant soaps. They are too harsh.
I use CETAPHIL liquid cleansing solution or bar, BASIS superfatted products, or glycerin soaps.
2) Apply BODYGLIDE to high risk areas of chaffing before working out.
3) Shower asap after workouts - especially pool workouts.
4) Stay away from saunas and hot tubs as they suck the moisture out of your skin. I am able to do ok with steam rooms....
5) Take antihistamines during/after "major breakouts". I prefer Allegra and Chlor-Trimeton, but find ones that work for you.
Benadryl puts me to sleep.....
6) During summer workouts if I get hive-like or super itchy I look for a hose or other areas that has cold water and put it on my skin. It tends to stop the itching.
7) Cortisone creams for local skin areas that are prone to break open.
8) Use dandruff control shampoos as they are less harsh to both hair and skin.

These work for me, but of course you will have to experiment on your perfect combos.

Hope these are helpful.
Good luck!!

Edited by LJSChicago 2004-03-05 12:11 PM
2004-03-05 2:00 PM
in reply to: #10690

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2004-03-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #10690

Kingston Ontario
Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
YES!!! I have had eczema forever, so it seems. It is primarily on my hands and a little on my face now, but it used to be OUT OF CONTROL and all over me. I used to have to take antihistamines and cortisone shots and had every strength of cortisone cream known to man.

I agree with the strategies listed by others. I found that the biggest help was to change my diet. NOT FUN, but highly effective. I basically eat a gluten free diet and limit dairy, tomatoes and green peppers. As soon as I start the grains, my immune system falls apart and my skin goes crazy (then so do I). It took a long time to figure this out, but it was well worth it. When you know that certain foods will cause immense aggravation, it isn't too hard to avoid them.

Best of luck
2004-03-05 5:56 PM
in reply to: #10766

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Edited by Lara_SD 2004-03-05 5:57 PM

2004-03-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #10690

New user

Browns Point, WA
Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
Thank you for your tips and help! i will share anything that I discover in the future that helps.
2004-03-10 1:39 PM
in reply to: #10690

Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
My two cents is to experiment with clothing
I find the cooler i can keep myself the better it is.
I find Fila's version of coolmax more comfortable then say Nike
and Sugoi makes a great line of clothing. (
2004-03-10 4:23 PM
in reply to: #10690

New user
Subject: RE: Ezcema sufferers?
I had it from head to toe so bad that the doctor gave me steriods to calm it down. I had sores oozing, I would scrath my legs so hard in my sleep I would wake up with blood on my sheets. The only place I didnt have it was on my scalp and feet. I had it on my eye lids, around my lips and every where else. I wouldnt/couldnt where shorts in the summer- my legs were the worst. In fact I am surprised I am not scarred up!

What I found that worked the most was changing my diet. If I have too much dairy, it comes back. I also stop eating meat (excluding seafood). If I use Egg Beaters too often I get it- but not eggs. For me it has been mostly a change in diet.

You really need to find what is causing it and work from there. All the medications and what not are not going to stop it. That is just reaction- not a solution
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