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2009-07-27 10:33 AM


Subject: 1st Ironman Help!
I'm doing my first ironman IMCozumel in November and I'm kind of nervous.  I have been batteling stress fractures off and on for 2 years so I'm just getting back into running now.  Any advice how to make it through this long event.  What should I be eating and what type of workouts should I be doing everyday.  I feel like maybe I'm overtraining which is causing my body to always be in pain and tired.

2009-07-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2309998

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Newton, MA
Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!

If your goal is to just make to the race and finish with a smile, why not substitute some of the road running for elliptical or pool running or even some softer running on some grass? Your aerobic endurance will be fine due to the biking/swimming. I'm not a coach but I think you could do your long run and substitute some of the shorter stuff out. Won't KQ but you should be able to finish and enjoy some post IM cervesas.

2009-07-28 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2309998

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East San Francisco Bay Area
Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!
I am no expert (as I am in the early phases of my training for IM St. George) but there are a lot of training plans out there that call for a run/walk strategy. Fink's book, which is very popular on this site has a whole section of perfecting the run/walk.

I think its OK to be a little nervous but maybe a backup plan like Finks to get through the run may take the stress off.
2009-07-28 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2309998

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Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!
Are you following a plan?

If you are following a plan it should keep you from overtraining.

There are some free plans here on BT, you should check them out.
2009-07-28 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2309998

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Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!

In addition to the other running suggestions, you could add in the cookie run.  Say you can run 60 minutes w/o injury but you have a three hour run scheduled.  Run :20, bike @ same effort 2:00, run :40.  During the second run segment your legs are tired almost as if you've been running 2+ hours.   I used it + water running for IM prep and it worked fine.

Oh yeah: the bike segment is analogous to the Oreo filling.  Mmmm...

2009-07-28 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2313089

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Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!
KathyG - 2009-07-28 2:29 PM Are you following a plan?

If you are following a plan it should keep you from overtraining.

There are some free plans here on BT, you should check them out.

x2.  I'm also doing IMCOZ and have been following the BT silver intermediate training plan.

2009-07-29 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2309998

Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!
I'm doing IMCoz also. In my experience, your long workouts should build up to swimming 1:15-1:30 in open water or 4k pool swim, biking 100 mi/5-6 hrs and running 2.5-3.0 hrs. You could probably get by with less. For me peak run week is about 4 weeks out, biking 3 wks and usually swim long until race week. So, bike and run may look like this
July bike 2 hrs, run 1hr
August bike 3 hrs; 1-1.5 hr run
September bike 4 hrs; 1.5-2 hr run
October bike 5 hrs, 2-2.5 hr run
early November bike 5-6 hrs, 2.5-3 hr run

Hope this helps. It doesn't have to be rocket science. Get a calender and work backwards. If there are 1/2 marys or fall centuries plan them into your schedule.

See ya in a couple of months.

2009-08-27 11:26 PM
in reply to: #2309998

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Santa Maria
Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!
I am also doing cozumel as my first im race. i am a little nervous about the race but it should be fun and hope to see everyone who signed up at the start line
2009-08-28 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2309998

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 1st Ironman Help!

What are your race goals?  Have you seen a doctor, or are you self-diagnosing the stress fractures? 

IF you're really shooting for an aggressive finish time, keep running, get lots of rest, and hope that the stress fracture issues subside (not likely).  Expect to hurt a lot and maybe injure yourself so much you can't even start the race. 

IF your goal is more to finish the race, back off the running to get your legs healed.  Accept that you won't be "running" 26.2 miles at anything resembling a "fast" pace, but you should find yourself healthy enough to finish and enjoy the day.  You'll sacrifice a fast finish time for the greater possibility to start/finish the race. 

Either way, your "big volume" training months are still ahead of you.  You'll have lots of opportunity to aggravate the overuse injuries, wear yourself out to the point of sickness, etc.  Nutrition can help, but it won't overcome poor training strategies.  You can train on an elliptical, aqua-jog, or simply walk several hours instead of "running" to give your bones a chance to heal.  None of these are a great substitute for "running," they'll give you a cardio workout, but the low-impact won't set you up for the impact of "running" a marathon.  As others have asked, are you following a specific plan? 

Edited by McFuzz 2009-08-28 9:50 AM
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