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Gasparilla 5K - Run

View Member's Race Log
Tampa Bay, Florida
United States
Total Time = 22m 53s
Overall Rank = 350/6419
Age Group = M20-24
Age Group Rank = 32/181
Pre-race routine:

Spent the night at Jess(Tri Take Me Away)'s house. The race didn't start until 9:30 so I got to sleep in a bit for a change. Got up and took a quick shower. Ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast and then Haley(Comet) and I headed to the race.
Event warmup:

Planned on getting to the race with a half hour to spare because I still needed to pick-up my packet. Unfortunately we hit a wall of traffic and had to park pretty far away. The crowds in the starting corral were HUGE! I had no idea how big this 5K was going to be! We fight our way into the convention center and get my packet as fast as humanly possible. The woman handed me my number and before she could even ask if I needed any safety pins I had it attached to my race belt and was headed out the door.

Downstairs we ran into Hollis(possum) who I was thrilled to finally meet but I couldn't stop to talk since the race had already started outside! I was supposed to be in the first starting corral but by the time I got there the back of the pack was making their way across the start line. So I jumped the fence and off I went!
  • 22m 53s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 07m 22s  min/mile

The crowds were huge! I was trying to break my 5K PR at this race but the waves of slow moving people were really working against me. I was darting back and forth, running on medians and sidewalks; whatever I could do to get around people. I finished the first mile in a surprising 6:48 despite all the obstacles, but I'm sure that I ran at least and extra quarter mile with all the weaving.

This really took a toll on me the last half of the race. We made a right turn by the water and I was finally able to run on the opposite side of the street where I had some room. I had to consciously slow my pace down to keep myself from blowing up. Just a steady cadence and slowly passing people on by one. Shortly after the race leaders came into sight and I hopped on the median to get out of their way.

After a minute the bigger chase packs started heading my way and I couldn't get back on that side of the street anymore. So I'd run on the median until I hit a group of slow-pokes, pace behind them for a few seconds to let my HR calm down, kindly ask them to move the hell out of my way and go on with my business of destroying them.

The aid station at the halfway point was a zoo and there was no way I could afford to slow down that much to get a drink and still PR. No fluids for Aaron today. My pace was finally taking its toll on me but at least I had gotten past the middle of the pack and had room to run. Then I hear someone yelling, "JeeeeeepFleeeeeeeb!" on my left! It turned out to be Rick(rkreuser) and a handfull of other BTers heading the opposite direction. In my head I meant to point at them to at least acknowledge them but I'm not sure if the message ever made it down to my arm. I was too focused on breaking that PR.

Mile 2 went by in 8:07. I could give up a little time with how well that first mile went, but I couldn't afford to slow down now. Luckily for me there was a second aid station just after mile 2 that was practically empty. I grabbed a quick drink and never broke my stride.

By the time I hit 2.5 I just wanted it to end. I was hurting really bad and my heart rate was through the roof. It seemed like an eternity before I saw the flag hanging from the bridge at mile 3. I looked at my watch and I had a minute and a half to get to the finish line! I was going to make it.

A race official was telling the runners that they could run in the left lane and didn't have to crowd up on the right. I was more than happy to get away from everyone and run on my own. The spctators at the finish were great and I did what I could to sprint in the last tenth of a mile.

PR by 30 seconds on the dot! Also finished in the top 5.5% overall.
What would you do differently?:

Get there earlier. Have someone pick-up my packet the day before. Don't start with 6,000 slower people in front of me.
Post race
Warm down:

I was handed a bottle of water and had to have someone open it for me. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I've never run that fast before. I wanted to find the other BTers but just couldn't think straight. I went to the baracades on the left and asked a random woman to hold my flag while I chugged my water and caught my breath. This race really kicked my ass.

After a minute or two I regained my composure, untied the chip from my shoe, handed it to the volunteer, took my flag and looked for the rest of the BTers. I found Haley and Lane(cavu9) on the other side of the road. Had my finisher picture taken with a pirate, got some food and hung out until the other BTers finished so we could make lunch plans.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Starting at the back of the pack. I could have run faster if I didn't need to rush at the start and weave back and forth to pass people. A consistent start with some rabbits to chase would have pushed me under 22:00.

Event comments:

Fun race. I wish I would have known about the Jeep Challenge (15K, 5K and half marathon) earlier. Otherwise I would have signed up for sure. If the BT gathering is just as big next year, I'll seriously think about coming back.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-02-21 12:00 AM
00:22:53 | 03.11 miles | 07m 22s  min/mile
Age Group: 32/181
Overall: 350/6419
Performance: Good
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %0
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Too easy
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-03-02 2:18 PM

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2006-03-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #359194

Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K

What a crazy morning that was.

"Why are you heading north of I4????!!!! Turnaround! Turnaround!"

"Oh great, you made it to the race start! What? Race packet pickup? You don't have the race packet?!"

I think I was more frantic than you were. AND I COULD HAVE PICKED UP YOUR PACKET IF YOU HAD TOLD ME!

Nice run, Aaron!

2006-03-02 2:49 PM
in reply to: #359194

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K

Your driver should have 1. had you there on time and 2. not gotten lost!!

Great race!! Oh wow, that was hectic and fun!

2006-03-02 3:21 PM
in reply to: #359194

South Florida
Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K
Oh god - this made me laugh. It is funny enough as it is, picturing you jumping the fence with your flag, running on thw wrong side of the street, seeing all the other BTers as you're trying to blaze b y everyone. But now that I've met you it is even funnier to imagine you telling the story in your excited demeanor!

Congrats on such a good race - I don't know how the heck you run so fast with that flag. Must be drinking that salt water!
2006-03-02 6:20 PM
in reply to: #359194

Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K

Hahaha...that's the funniest race report I've read all week!  I arrived in Tampa and got to the race about 15 minutes before the start of the 5-K.  I kept thinking maybe I should run in and register and do the race.  Then I figured, hey, that's pretty silly.  Little did I know that's nearly what you did.  LOL, kind of like Roller Derby without the helmets!

Congrats on the PR...and it was a blast hanging with you and all the others!!


2006-03-02 6:46 PM
in reply to: #359194

Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K
You are crazy fast.

2006-03-02 7:54 PM
in reply to: #359194

Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K
You know, it must be hard when people expect you to PR at every single race you do. That's a lot of pressure! But too bad, because I expect you to continue to PR at every race!! Great job!
2006-03-02 9:52 PM
in reply to: #359194

Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K

Great Race...congrats on the PB...just think with out all those slow pokes ahead of you and all the weaving and jumping over stuff you could have done.

Do you race every weekend? All over the country?

Come up here to NE and do Cranberry Country in August lots and lots of BTers are doing it....we'd love to have you....but I think who ever would drive you to the race would get you there a tad bit earlier!

2006-03-03 5:43 PM
in reply to: #359194

Subject: RE: Gasparilla 5K
Way to go Aaron. Some serious running there.
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