Canadian Triathlon Forum British Columbia » OK BCers Whats up? Rss Feed  
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2012-09-05 11:01 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: OK BCers Whats up?

As the season winds down what do you have planned for the rest of the season?

What did you do this year that was fun or otherwise important to you?

What are you planning to work on for the "off season"?

What are you considering for next year?

I am currently considering a new race: "Pavillion Lake Triathlon Sprint" September 16th (North east of Cache Creek) or the local Terry Fox Run (same day).  That will pretty much finish my season except for a possible stand alone run as yet to be determined.

For next year I am considering:

Bare Bones Duathlon - May, 2013 in Penticton,

Wine Capital of Canada - June, 2013 in Oliver (Sprint or Oly),

Oliver Half Ironman - June, 2013 also in Oliver (not sure I'm ready for that distance).

Tour de Victoria bike ride - June, 2013

Penticton Gran Fondo - July, 2013

Kelowna Apple Sprint - August, 2013 I need to beat this years time.

Challenge Penticton - Take part in a relay team.  Sister Madonna Buder already has her team so I can't ask her to do it with me. 

Summerland Sprint - September, 2013


Edited by wenceslasz 2012-09-05 11:02 PM

2012-09-06 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4397665

Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?

Wow...that is an inspirational 2013 it!

Mine: after being ill this year and missing Ironman(still not over that), I have rebooted everything about training, eating, wt and lifestyle. Coming back with focus and gusto I didn't have before getting sick. Nothing like being unable to walk 4 months prior to Ironman, to make you want it more!!

2013: February - 2000m erg rowing race - lightwt masters

April --  Delta Tri

July -- Osoyoos Half Iron or Penticton Gran Fondo + Canada Day Sasamat OWS

August -- Challenge Penticton or Ironman Canada(up in the air)

2014  Crash B March erg rowing race, Penticton GF, Bay Challenge 10 km open water swim + Ironman/Challenge Penticton

This should keep me outa trouble

Anyone else?



2012-09-07 3:58 AM
in reply to: #4397665

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?
Not much planned for the rest of the season except for some local cyclocross action.

This year I had a great year.  22 months ago I was in a bad accident and last summer I barely got active as I was still recovering, pretty well learning to walk without a walker, doing some pool walking, spin bike at the gym a bit etc.  was horrible.

After ballooning to almost 225 lbs and hitting the obese mark, I had enough, and finally was healed enough to really do something about it.

Christmas passed and I was hitting the gym hard.  I'm not allowed to run so I was on the elliptical, got a trainer for at home, did weights, swam, rowed, whatever I could to be active.

6 months later I was down 40 pounds, and starting to hit my stride on the bike.  Finally matching my pre-accident speeds ( I had JUST started biking before the accident, so I had no base ) I was able to start going for group rides and going to the local time trials and criteriums.

Time trials were awesome, improved my speed every week, best I did was 38.5 km/h average over a slightly rolling 10 mile TT course in town here.   Won my first "B" group crit race.

I ended up having to do "A" group after that but got dropped fast, so my goal for the end of the summer was to complete a crit without getting dropped.

Sure enough, last crit of the summer i did it!!

Did the Vernon gran fondo earlier in the season, but learned a hard lesson about going out too hard and bonked HARD coming the back way to kelowna from vernon at the end.

Lastly, day before ironman, I completed a double century.  I biked from kelowna to vernon, biked the IMC bike course, then biked back to kelowna.  Awesome stuff and my biggest achievement of the year.


2 more months until I get cleared to run.  My accident required hip surgery, busted the femur at the femoral head so I'm rocking 2 internal titanium femur rods, but the location of the break leaves me at an increased risk for bone death due to lack of bloodflow, so running regularly on it is a bad idea since it kills it a lot faster.  I have ran a bit here and there, and have already beat 24 1/2 minutes for my 5k though, a personal best for me.

As far as the off season goes, I want to improve my swimming, going to get a good swim coach to help me get past this 1:55/100m rut I am stuck in.

I also plan on marathon training, HARD!!


Next year I am tentatively planning on the Vancouver Marathon in May.  I can do 10k in an hour without too much trouble now, and have done 15 in 1:40 so the winter should be enough time to do some speedwork and get my distance up

I am also planning on the Oliver half ( maybe i will see you there ) and MAYBE the desert half if I don't think it messes with my other plans.

I'd love to do either Challenge Penticton or IMC next year depending on where they announce the venue to be.

Any other sprints/olys inbetween could be a possibility.

Probably do the BMO Kelowna marathon in October too.

Across the lake swim too in Kelowna!!

Gran  fondos, I only do the cheap ones without timing chips personally.  I can't justify the price for a bikeride on the more expensive ones atm with my already expensive hobby :p

Sounds like I may see some BTers at some of my races!

Edited by dfquigley 2012-09-07 4:00 AM
2012-09-07 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4397665

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Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?

This was my first year is Triathlon.. and i got bit hard, previous to this year, I have only ran 2 races,  Marathons, one in 2007, one in 2008, no other events at all, so this year has been big for me Cool.. 

I did the following races this year -

Running races

Up the creek 10k - Port Coquitlam

Run for Mom 8k - Chilliwack

Fort Langley Half

Abbotsford Run for Water Half 

Scotia Vancouver Half


Oliver Sprint

Subaru Vancouver Sprint

Peach Classic Penticton Oly

Subaru Calgary IM 70.3 HIM

Subaru Sooke Sprint

Kelowna Apple Oly

And will be doing the Cultus Lake Sprint this weekend for my last tri of the year.


2013 should be interesting...

Fort Langley Half Marathon Feb 2013

IM Los Cabos - March 2013

IM Coeur D'Alene June 2013

Cultus Lake Oly or Sprint dunno yet Sept 2013

The rest is up in the air at the moment... I'll need to see how I survive the full IM's... 










2012-11-02 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4397665

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Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?

Going into my second season as a "Triathlete"  still like the sound of that.  Last season I did my first Sprint at Shawnigan Lake in May, the Ride to Conquer Cancer in June, the Tinman Olympic distance in Waikiki and the Sooke Olympic distance in Aug. 

Season Two plans (so far, need to figure out work schedule)

- Oliver Half Iron (Already Registered)

- Kelowna Grand Fondo

- Sooke Olympic (Need to redeem this years performance)

- Good Life Half Marathon Victoria in Oct  (Maybe full)

Will likely add another Olympic distance in there somewhere depending on schedule.

2012-11-03 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4480331

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?
Oh yeah, registered for the Oliver Half and Challenge Penticton next year :p

2012-11-08 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4397665

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New user

Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?

I was looking into Subaru Shawnigan Lake or Victoria (1/2)

Then Subaru Vancouver (1/2)

I can't know until the end of the year, do these Fill up?

2012-11-13 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4490874

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Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?
wiglebot - 2012-11-08 6:08 PM

I was looking into Subaru Shawnigan Lake or Victoria (1/2)

Then Subaru Vancouver (1/2)

I can't know until the end of the year, do these Fill up?


Did both of those last year.  I registered within 6 weeks of the race for both.

Shawnigan lake race is beautiful.    Vancouver i've done many times, very nice as well, but shawnigan i really thought was unique.  


2012-11-30 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4397665

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New user

Surrey, BC
Subject: RE: OK BCers Whats up?

First year of tri's this year, and i'm absolutley hooked.  Can't wait till next year.

UBC tri (olympic)

Sun Run (10k)

Delta tri (sprint)

BMO (full marathon)

Van Subaru Tri (Half Iron)

Whistler Subaru IMC

Seattle Marathon

-great forrum-


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