General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-01-23 5:59 PM

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Garland, Texas
Subject: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Hello all, I will be doing Redman as my first full distance triathlon. I did HIM Buffalo Springs 2012 as my only other triathlon and am looking forward to the new challenge.

I am looking forward to hearing how other peoples training is going through the Spring and Summer.

2014-04-01 5:59 PM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I've done the half at Redman the last 2 years and plan on doing it again this year. Great race!
2014-04-06 9:07 AM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I am in for Redman . Did Tyler half last year- whew tough course. Doing Xterra this spring . Struggling to do any strength training as I increase volume- time is at a premium for all of us..

Favorite workout tip?
I would share run off road as much as possible. My recov time is less when I don't pound the pavement- a lot less!
2014-04-06 3:15 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Todd13

Favorite workout tip?
I would share run off road as much as possible. My recov time is less when I don't pound the pavement- a lot less!

That is a tip I live by. When ever my legs are feeling beat up I hit the trails or run on the high school track a mile from my house. Running on softer surfaces can do wonders for your legs.
2014-04-06 11:58 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
ok, looking for your tip to share.... i read they are using Hammer gels, but in bulk - hence bring your flasks if going to use their 'gu'. i want keep this simple and use mostly stuff at aid stations. i will use some perpetuem powder though.

2014-04-07 6:25 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Last year they handed out gel flasks with your grab bag. Although I think they may have also had gel packets on the run course. Not sure though since I brought my own gel packets for the race. The aid stations on the run are well stocked with a wide variety of things so it is very easy to live off the course during the run if you want to.

2014-04-09 10:40 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I prefer Gu products, but will use just Hammer I guess after my May 3 race to train with. I like their stuff, just like Gu better. I have plenty of flasks, so no biggie. What is bottle set up?

I have a torpedo and one on the down tube. I think I may put the flasks in my pocket and just stop every 20 miles for water refill. Does that sound about right? In my bag at 56 miles I will have my bottle with Perpetuem and maybe a payday and Gu Chomps.

You've done a half also, but not a full I think I read, so we are in the same boat with experience.

Tell me, how smooth is the grass next to the sidewalk for the run? I hate running on concrete and if that grass is as smooth as it looks, I want to run the first 10-15 miles on the softer surface.

How is your trng going?
2014-04-10 6:20 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Todd13

I prefer Gu products, but will use just Hammer I guess after my May 3 race to train with. I like their stuff, just like Gu better. I have plenty of flasks, so no biggie. What is bottle set up?

I have a torpedo and one on the down tube. I think I may put the flasks in my pocket and just stop every 20 miles for water refill. Does that sound about right? In my bag at 56 miles I will have my bottle with Perpetuem and maybe a payday and Gu Chomps.

You've done a half also, but not a full I think I read, so we are in the same boat with experience.

Tell me, how smooth is the grass next to the sidewalk for the run? I hate running on concrete and if that grass is as smooth as it looks, I want to run the first 10-15 miles on the softer surface.

How is your trng going?

I'm not doing the full. I'm doing the half again.

My bottle set up is I have a profile design aero bottle between the bars and I carry a bottle on the down tube. I always tape my GU packets to my top tube and just tear them off when needed.

The grass is pretty smooth along the path. I ran for several stretches on the grass when the path would get to congested and I wanted to pass. I remember talking with somebody that ran almost the entire run leg on the grass due to shin splints.

Training is going pretty good so far. How about yours?
2014-04-10 10:08 PM
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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
that is tremendous news about the grass - thanks. that will dictate my shoe choice most likely. Trng is awesome. I am working hard for a 5.5 hr Xterra race on May 3rd, then I will focus on the Redman. Swimming volume is up b/c I joined a masters swim program and my running is gaining consistency. Will miss a 4 day block next week/weekend due to visiting my daughter in college. I will try to squeeze in some short intensity stuff. I will follow a 'simple training plan' - not HR or watt driven. Just volume and RPE....I have a better chance of getting the work in if it is simple to be honest. I do use HR to train with, but I don't geek out like I could. I use it as guide and I train mostly in zones, but not 100%. I am learning about slowing down my longer rides and runs to focus on trng in a aerobic zone vs. that zone 2.5-4 stuff. Trying to train the run about zone 1.5 for long runs. I think it is helping.

I see the aero bottle now in your photo. As I think about the downtube, I just hate using that for a bottle - it is such an important part of the aerodynamics. I did read the most efficient set up was a torpedo and one on the down tube. So it is not so bad I guess. I am working on tweaking my elbow pads. I am struggling on getting my traps from tightening up. I think I am too narrow. Project for Sunday

Edited by Todd13 2014-04-10 10:14 PM
2014-04-11 6:35 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I do all my running and bike training by time instead of distance and use HR on all runs/rides. I do 90% of my training in Z1 and Z2 but I do some Z4 bike intervals throughout training.

I experimented with a torpedo mount last year but I just wasn't drinking often enough. I usually don't have the urge to drink and when I finally start feeling thirsty it is to late. So it really helped having the straw right in front of my face to remind me to drink.

I'm struggling with getting comfortable in aero too. Although my shoulders, neck, and back are just not use to getting into aero since I really haven't rode in that position since last Oct. It usually takes me a month or so to get comfortable again.

What Xterra race are you doing? I've kicked around getting a mountain bike and training for an Xterra.
2014-04-13 10:43 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
doing the Bluebonnet Xterra in 2 weeks, but my A race is really on May 3 in Ruston, LA. They have an epic distance one there (only 4 in the country of the extended distance). Basically a mile swim, 30 miles on MTB trail and 10 mile trail run. It will hurt for sure. I am planning on doing 3 others during summer for fun as I train for Redman.

Knocked out the best run I have had in 20 yrs. Not hard to do since I did not run anything more than 5 miles until last year! But I did train for a 70.3 last year so I am pleased with the work today.

Got to plan carefully this week - travelling to visit my daughter in college. Not sure what my trng plan is yet. Trying to take off Friday and just stay there for 4 days. Maybe take wetsuit and MTB....hopefully.

Have a good week. Maybe I can play with my aero bars. Busy week...

2014-04-14 7:04 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Congrats on the run! The race in Ruston, LA sounds very cool! Hearing about cool races like that just adds fuel to the fire about wanting to get a MTB.

Usually when I go on vacation I just get my planned runs in and don't worry about biking or swimming. The years I went to Hawaii and Jamaica I just knew I was going to get in some awesome swims but ended up just running in the mornings and spending the rest of the time with my family.

2014-04-26 12:20 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
i copied you - travelled this wk qnd only planned on a run. bingo! easy and got it in.

I leave in the morning for XTERRA near Austin. Hope to break top 5 in AG. Maybe podium...
5 months out now....I will retool my plan after next week's big xterra (the 5+ hr one)

do you write your own plan or have a template from 'back when'?
2014-04-26 12:21 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
i copied you - travelled this wk qnd only planned on a run. bingo! easy and got it in.

I leave in the morning for XTERRA near Austin. Hope to break top 5 in AG. Maybe podium...
5 months out now....I will retool my plan after next week's big xterra (the 5+ hr one)

do you write your own plan or have a template from 'back when'?
2014-04-27 9:07 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Good luck this weekend!

The bike part of my training plan comes from the book IronFit by Don Fink. I use the competitive plan and add my own running and swimming plan around it.

Did you write your own plan?
2014-05-17 7:24 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
sorry for the long delay - took a little time off after race.

Race went great - won AG. That is a big deal. Can't remember last time I won a race of any kind. Well non-5k..... It was a lot of fun.

Trng plan - I write my own workouts. I do look at a simple plan based on RPE and draw upon my cycling background ( I used to race mtb and on a road team - local, nothing serious). I train using HR on bike and run and swim in a master's class. The swim class is really beneficial - I couldn't do it on my own at this level.

I start cranking it up this week! pretty excited: rode over 6 hrs this week and got in a couple of runs as well got back in pool. Took 9 days off. Ready to go! Will update log this weekend.

How about you? Trng going ok?

2014-05-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Congrats on the AG win! That is awesome!

My training has been so so. I've been hitting all my swim and bike workouts so that is good, but I took 19 days off from running due to foot pain I just could not shake. I ran a little yesterday and today. I've had a few twinges in my foot so not sure. Although I have a doctors (podiatrist) appointment tomorrow so I will see how that goes. Doctor is in Denison Tx and was recommended by several runners so I hope he is good!

I really wish I had a masters swim class I could go to. The closest one is an hour away. I live in rural Oklahoma so swimming options are very limited and it is by FAR my weakest area. I do live 10 min away from a lake so I get a lot of ow swimming in during the summer.
2014-05-29 10:59 PM
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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Thanks for the kudos on the AG win. That was a race I was really prepared for. I mentally and physically was ready for that one. I have had a bunch of podiums in MTB racing, but that was my favorite podium ever b/c of the work involved during the prep.

so give me an update on the foot rehab or prognosis. I took a little time off after the big race on may 3. Getting back in full swing. Sorry the swim is not easy, living in the rural community. I have it easy and I know it - plenty of ride options and mostly good roads with the masters class. No excuses -

I do hope your foot pain is better, nothing like a a nagging injury. My son played almost an entire football season with a cast over his thumb and wrist until the final game....that was the season after he had led team in TD. Oh well, got to persevere. Now he is an impact player on the defensive side of the ball. I guess he learned how to play another position, huh?

One thing that has helped me monumentally is increased cadence on my running. shorter strides, less impact. I may have mentioned that in my a previous msg.

Keep me updated.

any recommendations on hotels near course?

Edited by Todd13 2014-05-29 11:01 PM
2014-06-05 12:34 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Doctor diagnosed me with Hallux rigidus. He x-rayed my foot and said I don't have any cartilage left in my big toe. Due to my big toe not being able to flex much it is making me roll to the outside of my foot when I run. He told me that it would not get better and I would eventually need surgery. Although I've made a few adjustments to my shoes and I seem to be running without as much pain lately.

No swimming is not ideal around me but I have tons of great bike riding. I live 1 mile from a national park and live in the middle of the Arbuckle mountains. Although even with all the great riding options I have I only ride outside on the weekend the rest of my riding is done on a trainer.

On hotels the last two years I have stayed at the Country Inn and Suites and been very happy. They are fairly new and if you let them know you are doing Redman you get a good deal ($89 I think).
2014-06-13 9:27 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread sorry to read about your toe. What is your plan? Can you just 'survive' this season and do surgery later? Ok - bad joke coming: I guess you could just cut it off! Tough way to lose weight, but you do lose weight. Seriously, sorry to read that. Careful with your hips - sometimes changing form like that will alter how your other joints work.... I guess you will adapt your style and mileage accordingly. Keep me posted.

Funny story about swimming - at my last XTERRA a guy asked me AFTER the race if any gators were in the lake (the one in LA). It was funny.

And thanks for the hotel advice - I will make a reservation soon.

2014-06-13 9:39 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
alright: anyone else going to OK? Let's get some chatter going...

How many calories / hr are you planning on consuming? I am targeting 400+/hr on the bike. I will only be using GU on the bike and run.

Summer is here - get those miles in!

2014-06-13 5:22 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Re: my toe I've bought a hallux rigidus insole to wear in my walking around shoes. I tried to run in them but it has a carbon plate and is just to stiff for me to run in. Also, all my longer runs I've been running in Hoka's which have a rocker sole on them which seems to take a lot of the pressure off. So far I've been running 5 days a week (not very many miles) with very limited pain. The good thing is I'm a pretty decent runner and can normally run pretty good splits even with limited training. So my plan is to run when I can and try and focus on biking and swimming. I'm not planning on getting surgery anytime in the near future hopefully never.

My nutrient plan for the race is the one I used last year and it seemed to work. I took a GU every 30min on the bike and drank water no sports drink. On the run I ended up taking 2 more GU's plus some gatoraide. So I ended up taking in 500 calories on the bike and 200 calories in GU plus some sports drink on the run. Although I'm just doing the half not sure I would stick with this plan if I was doing the full.

The big question I'm kicking around is what to do when I have to go through the aid station and pick up water. I will carry 24oz in my aero drink holder and another 24oz on my down tube but I will need 1 more bottle to finish the bike leg. Last year I had a pretty good wreck in the aid station getting a bottle of water. When I grabbed the bottle on the fly it was soaking wet and ended up slipping out of my hand while attempting to put it in the down tube and caused me to wreck. I ended up getting a flat tire out of the deal and tons of road rash on my elbow and hip. It ended up costing 10min in the race. I know it was a fluke and probably wont happen again but I'm a little gun shy. Not sure if I just need to pull over and get a bottle, try and carry enough with me that I don't have to stop, or just suck it up and face my fear and take it on they fly like I have done in the past.
2014-06-15 11:13 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I finally got to ride outside today! Lately all of my rides have been on the trainer. Got in 57mi this morning felt good to finally be outside!
2014-06-15 8:58 PM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Garland, Texas
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I will be going to OK for Redman. I appreciate the information that you have shared on this page. I am coming off of the Edinburgh Marathon over Memorial Day weekend, so I have a decent run base, but I still have not swam. I plan to start swimming this week.

It will be my first full distance triathlon (as said in the first post on this page), so my training plan is completely made up. My goals are to complete the swim in the time limit, survive the bike, and finish the run.

I know the bike course is rolling hills, but I do not understand the bike elevation map on the website. Do you guys have any information on the elevation? I am trying to ensure my training route in Plano, TX is getting me ready for the hills.

During my bike training I have been drinking 32 oz of water and eating 200 calories of granola bars and shot blocks per hour. I have gotten up to 68 miles on my long ride. Most of my outdoor rides have been completed in 80+ temperatures, but not in high humidity.

What are your weekly miles looking like?

Run - 21 miles
Indoor Bike - 26 miles
Outdoor Bike - 104 miles
Swim - none

2014-06-16 1:47 PM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

The bike course is flat with some rolling hills. I pretty much stayed in the big ring the entire ride I may have rode in the smaller ring a couple times on hills but not many. Also, I never had to come out of aero on a hill. The only time I came out of aero was through a couple spots such as aid stations and traffic intersections so I could have my hands on the brakes if I needed them. I promise you the hills on the bike course are nothing to worry about.

Last week my weekly mileage/time

Swimming - 2hrs 20min 6,900yards

Biking - Indoor trainer 2hrs 30min
Outside 2hrs 54min 57miles

Running - 2hrs 18min 16.1 miles
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Executing this full Ironman plan for 17 weeks would give people with one Ironman under their belts very good preparation for a 2nd and 3rd. Preferably, you should have a 6:30 or faster HIM time.
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Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
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If a heart patient can do these things, then so can those of you who haven't been split open like a fish and sewn back together.
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I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
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This program should be used for an athlete who has been following the progression of the Half Iron Distance program and is 12 weeks out from their first Iron distance race.
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