BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-23 2:32 PM

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
NAME: Tri-Wog StL - Paul

STORY:I began triathlon late in life after being in shape then out of shape, then in, then brother-in-law did a local Oly when my daughter was 1yo and after riding with him during training I decided that I would try that next year....that was 2001 and I weighed 230lbs. Since then I have progressed steadily and consistently to the point where I am now a multi Ironman Finisher (IMFL 2005 and IMKY 2007...both sub 12 hours) and now just live the lifestyle. I came very close to qualifying for Kona in Louisville so I am getting the bug to train harder and smarter

FAMILY STATUS: Married....1 daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly train via HR and mixing endurance and interval workouts in all three sports.

2008 RACES: This years plan is TTT, IM CdA, Muncie 1/2, Pigman 1/2 and a late season Oly

WEIGHTLOSS: My bio above shows my weight loss journey.....I still work at maintaining a "close to ideal" weight...although the charts list me as overweight for my height.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: My belief that everyone can get something out of triathlon.......but you must recognize that like most things in life you must establish realistic goals and accept that you can only achieve what you put into an endeavor. No magic bullets here......but I believe that mental training is the key...!

Edited by Tri-Wog StL 2008-04-29 10:09 AM

2008-04-25 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1357574

New user

Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Hi Id like to join your goup, I am from MA married 3 kids i was always a decent athlete but over time just kind of stopped any kind of excersize with my weight going up and down, OCT 2007 i had a gastric bypass (354 lbs) and began to excersize mostly swim, at the end of Feb decided to do an tri it was one of those things i had always thought about but never got around to. Mar 2nd i was 250 lbs and have been running and using excersize bike at my local y. As the weather has warmed ive been starting to train outdoors running and biking on a borrowed bike. I am going to run a 5k on fathers day and plan to race a tri in july or august. as of today iv'e got my weight down to 228.5, my goal is 200. i look to get there by the fall.

2008-04-26 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1363182

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Welcome aboard! One of the keys to this transformation is balancing time with family while using your kids as motivation to be as fit as you can!


I will send you a private message with my direct e-mail....please use it!

2008-04-27 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1357574

New user

Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

I would like to join this group

Story: I have been out of the training scene for awhile and have decided to jump back in with both feet. I was a cylclist several years ago but have been off of the bike for some time now. I am 34 years old, married with a daughter and a step son. I am looking forward to getting back into shape and learning how to compete in a triathlon.

2008 races: the only event that I have signed up for so far is the HY-Vee olympic tri in Des Moines.

Current training: Not really sure exactly what I am suppose to be doing so I am just putting time in on the road with the bike, swimming at the gym and running.

2008-04-27 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
I'd like to join.
I'm 35 year old, mother of one, husband is a roadie. I'm a 4 day a week attorney so I try to fit this all in (toddler, job, tri, etc). I started tris in 2005 but stopped temporarily due to injury and baby!

I'm back now, I hope for good. My "injury" may be recurring. i may have some back/leg issues (piriformis syndrome?, we're not sure yet). Anyway, I've had to take an entire week off which is killing me. I had gone from generally 4 miles indoor running to 6 outdoor and just killed my leg. I have no idea why this keeps happening as it's not a lot of miles and I've done them before. But it is what it is.

So I have 2 weeks to my first sprint of the season and I was hoping to get up to 1/2 iron late in the season. Given the leg that might not happen. My biggest issues are reminding myself to listen to my body when it's hurting and stop comparing myself!!... My first olympic is not scheduled until July/August so I need to slooooow it down to avoid injury...

2008-04-27 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Hey Paul,

I'm interested in joining your group, as I see you still have space.

I swam competitively in middle school (club swimmer) and high school, doing events nobody else wanted, but overall, I was a middle-of-the-pack swimmer. I haven't done much swimming since then, but I've recently started again at the gym. Over the past two years or so, I've been doing mostly weightlifting and a little bit of cardio once in a while on the elliptical. Overall, I consider myself in good shape, but not great cardio shape. Just started training for my first sprint tri in September. I got running shoes and I'm getting into better running shape now. Gonna do some spin classes at the gym and buy a road bike to start getting outside as well.

28 years old, living in Los Angeles. I'm a public school teacher by profession. Single, no kids.

I'm doing a short 5K run with some work people in a few weeks, as well as the Bay to Breakers race (about 7 miles) in San Francisco next month.  Then, the LA Triathlon (sprint distance) in September.

Edited by mqvn 2008-04-27 5:29 PM

2008-04-27 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1364539

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Welcome, welcome!

I've heard good things about the HY-Vee.....first tip.....get used to running after biking.....start working on this'll understand soon enough why...

I'll send an PM with my direct e-mail so you can keep in touch when I'm not on BT......

2008-04-27 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1364551

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Welcome aboard....I will send you a PM with my most used e-mail so you can keep in touch when I'm not around on BT...

As for your "injury".....get it checked out NOW! I have had Piriformis issues for at least the last 5 years....I have had excellent results with ART therapy......between that and some very targeted stretching, I have been "O.K." since late 2005. ( I do still occasionally have flareups but I now know that means I need to get in my stretches after running)

Also you might have your shoes checked as well....too much or not enough support can aggravate hips muscle injuries!


Edited by Tri-Wog StL 2008-04-27 9:33 PM
2008-04-27 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1364995

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Ah good, we've added a swimmer to our group......I will admit to not being the strongest swimmer out there but I get by.....

First congratulations on being a teacher! You guys don't get nearly enough credit for what you do!

I remember that one of the key things I learned when starting multisports (I did duathlons until I forced myself to learn how to "really" swim....I swam as a kid in the ocean, etc but that whole lane, lap, etc......huh!) was how to transition into running after biking (not the shoe changing stuff but the muscle memory)...try it and you'll see what I mean!

Also, don't be afraid to start shopping now for a might find some of last years models still hanging around your local bike shop....Deal Time! And DO seek out help with running shoes...not the chain stores but someplace where the runners go...someone that will fit you after watching you run of the best ways to avoid injury is properly fit shoes!!

2008-04-28 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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New user

Westchester County
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

I would like to join your group.

I am 41. and have spent the past yeartrying to get back into shape after a dozen years of lost focus- from a fanatical runner and racer in my 'early years.' I am married with two great kids 5yrs and 7 yrs and a time sapping job. After an intense comback to training last year, I was side-lined with severe plantar fasciitis followed by posterior tibialis, making me appreciate the 'under appreciated' foot ! I need to lose weight and improve my stamina for myself and my family and to enjoy life. I think your group can motivate me and help me focus. My goal is a Fall- half or full marathon and working toward a Spring Sprint Tri.

2008-04-28 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1365848

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Welcome in Scott!

Be careful with those "overuse" type's really easy when you get "in the groove" to push too far too fast! You probably will be best served by more consistent but shorter runs versus trying to stretch out the mileage. Shorter runs will help acclimate your body to the training and will have the added benefit of keeping your metabolism fired up!!

I will send you a PM with my direct e-mail so you can keep in contact when I'm away from BT.......

Train Smart!

2008-04-28 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Hello, I would like to join your group if you still have room.

This will be my 3rd season doing tris. The first year I did 2 springs. Second year I did a half mary and one sprint. This year I took the plunge - I did the Myrtle Beach Marathon in February, I am doing the White Lake Half Ironman this weekend, and I am registered for IMFL in November. I am still learning how to juggle fulltime work and fulltime family with fulltime training. I am not an athlete, nor am I fast, my goal is always just to finish the race and avoid getting injuries along the way. My main learning curves this year is for the long stuff - nutrition, etc. Looking forward to learning a lot and having lots of good discussions!

2008-04-28 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1357574

Poplar Bluff, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN


 I am interested in joining your group.


My story:  I have never been very exercise oriented at all.  The only excpetion to that was running a half-marathon in 2004.  I thought I would keep up the running but never did.  I have always been overweight, but on October 15, 2007, I had Lap-Band surgery and once again hit the gym.  However that gets so boring, I needed to find something to motivate me forward to a couple of weeks ago and my wife mentioned a triathlon, I thought she was crazy....but I started looking into them and decided to try a sprint.  I am totally pumped about it.  It has consumed my thinking for the past week.  So while riding this emotional high, I started searching for a nearby sprint....the first one I found is in Columbia, MO but it is May 4, much to soon.  But in 17 weeks there is one in Republic, MO which is just about 3 to 4 hours away from here.  So hopefully I can work myself into some shape that I need to be in just to finish.

As far as family goes, I am a recently married (again) man.  I have 3 daughters (10, 2 and 3 weeks), I also have a step son that is nine.  I am hoping to show them that after school time does not mean just vegging out in front of the TV.

The Lap-Band issue, I am so extremely pleased with it, that I recommend it to anyone that has the same struggles I have had....right after my divorce in 2005, I was up to 375 and that does not look good on a 6'0" frame.  In six months since sugery, I am down to about 260 (I find out Wednesday when I go to the doctor).  My ultimate goal is 175 by next April 15.

On the training aspect, I try to hit the gym at 4 each morning but now that the weather is turning nice, I am planning on going outside much more often. 

Equipment wise, I am in the market for a bike.  I have an older Trek somewhere (providing I did not lose that in the divorce) and I am using one of the local gyms that has a pool for the swimming.  I prefer road running to treadmills although I occasionally like to use the treadmill just to get a feel for how fast I can push myself.

Edited by gamblin 2008-04-28 3:42 PM
2008-04-28 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1357574


Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Hi Paul,

I would like to join your group, my name is Collin, I am 33, married, father of 2--19 month old boy and an 8 week old girl, way over weight (285) and coming straight off the couch! I am an RN in a busy Detroit ICU so I get a lot of walking done but not a lot of time to train. I have started a couch to 5k program via podfitness and I will have my new bike within a couple weeks. I plan to commute to work which will log me about 60-90 miles per week on the bike. Swimming will be my biggest challenge, I grew up in MI surrounded by lakes and I am very comfortable both in a pool or open water but I have no form and can't find any local swimming lessons that jive with my schedule. So if you think you can help this hard case, I am ready to get started!



2008-04-28 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1357574

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Hi. I'd like to join your group. This is my first season training for a triathlon. I refer to myself as a "crypto-athlete", meaning I've got a "hidden" athlete inside of me trying to come out (now at the age of 43). I grew up with a insecurities about my lack of athleticism. I was always small and thin and afraid of sports. I am a single mom of two, 5 and 9 year old girl and boy. I started running just before Thanksgiving using the Galloway walk-run method. I did my first race ever in Feb (5K) and won my age group. I was shocked. It gave me some confidence that I might be able to do this tri thing. I am signed up for Danskin Austin in June, which will be my first triathlon ever, and then another sprint in NY with my sister whose done IM's twice. I plan to close the season with an Olympic distance in September (if I am still going strong).

I was hoping to shed a few pounds during training, but I am struggling with the nutrition piece and actually gained 5 pounds (and no, it isn't muscle).

2008-04-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1368391

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Mama J - 2008-04-29 12:27 AM  (and no, it isn't muscle). Julia

That makes me laugh - I always have to battle the same argument - "No mom, the 20 pounds and 4 inches of jiggly stuff I gained around my waist is not muscle".

2008-04-29 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1367276

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Don't know if you go by Mandy or Amanda but either way, Welcome in! I am excited to have someone in our group that's an Iron'll understand that significance at the pre-race dinner!

I will send you a PM with e-mail info for me so you can keep in contact with me even when I'm not on BT....

BTW, I did IMFL as my first Ironman and LOVED it......I think I have very good knowledge of the course and it challenges having raced both IMFL and Gulf Coast 1/2 IM down in PCB.....

Train Smart!
2008-04-29 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1367405

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Wow! Great stuff man! Probably best that you passed on Race for is a pretty low key event but not REAL conducive to newbies....both the course and the time of's a great race however and if you want to see how a good sprint is run, c'mon out! I will racing that as my first tune-up race of the year!!

As for the group, Welcome in! I will send you a PM to keep in contact with me when I'm not on BT (like this weekend)......please feel free to contact me with anything about this great sport! Bike shopping can be confusing too, so let me know if you want some info on that!

Train Smart,
2008-04-29 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1368315

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN
Cheers back at 'cha! Welcome in......hmmm, a scheduling can be done but we will want to make sure you can find a bit of consistent time to devote to working out......just some time each week that can be yours "for fitness". A wise friend of mine (local Dr. that is an Ironman champ in an older guys AG) says that sometime you need to make yourself a priority and fitness is a great place to start!

I will send you a PM with my contact info....please use it to let me know how things are going and if you need any ideas about what type of exercise can maximize your time!

Train Smart,
2008-04-29 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1368391

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group -OPEN

Welcome in! O.K. you've got the running training plan in place and that is GREAT! Congratulations on your AG win! I would suggest that you work on getting into that running form after riding the bike.....this will feel weird initially and if you've read my other intros to the group you'll see I believe it to be one of the keys to being successful and have fun with Triathlon......

Depending on where you are versus your goal weight you may want to either focus on you calorie counts so that you don't do like I do (true confessions time!) and allow yourself too much leeway after workouts to "refill" and eat a bit too much! If you're pretty close to your goal...don't worry, the pounds will come off if you keep things sensible......

I will send you an PM with my contact info to keep in touch when I'm away from BT....please let me know if you have any questions!

Train Smart!
2008-04-29 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: Weekly Foucs Point for my group!
Remember that training is a process and like any process takes time and patience!

Avoid injury by controlling your buildup of will come out ahead if you stay consistent rather than doing too much, too soon!

Train Smart, folks!!


Also, to everyone racing this weekend (I know Mandy and myself are scheduled) Best of Luck and HAVE FUN!

2008-04-29 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1357574

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I will be doing a 5K on Sunday. Good luck, all and nice "meeting" everyone.

2008-04-29 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1370480

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Go get 'em.....Have Fun, Go Fast!
2008-04-30 5:46 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Hi Paul,
Injury update. Normal spine MRI, that's good. Chiro/ART doc yesterday said I had a ton of SI joint dysfunction. Have an appt next week to check out w/the ortho to see what's up. not sure if back/leg are connected. If it's not CS then probably so.

Anyway, it's feeling better, still stiff. I haven't run in 7 days and have a sprint in a week and a half. I hope I feel better for it. I haven't done much training recently (last week) b/c of the injury so I better get my butt to the pool today for a quick TT and maybe some water jogging!! I do not want to overdo it. I'm doing a 20 mile group ride Sunday, all things staying the same...

Regarding the shoes, I'm debating about going to a foot/ankle specialist or seeing the ortho only. I probably should go there stone left unturned here! I had orthotics made but the running store said if they were prepregnancy they were useless now as feet change. they also disagreed with my docs use of half orthotics. I ended up with Mizunos and Superfeet. Who knows. I think I answered my own question and will go to the foot/ankle doc as well! Between three opinions maybe someone will figure it out.


Edited by bboston88 2008-04-30 5:49 AM
2008-04-30 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1371374

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I like your cautious approach and long-term solution plan......get this figured will be way better off once you do......have you considered taking all the data from the Chiro/ortho/etc. and getting to a Sports Med specialist? I have found that orthos and chiros (unless they specifically understand/treat sports-related afflictions) tend to discount the goal of getting us back on the road.....just a thought....

Healing thoughts being sent your way!

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