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2008-01-08 4:48 PM

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: IM Jer's group - OPEN
STORY: I am now 40 years old and completed my first tri-sprint at 39 y/o and 276 lbs.  The original goal was to use this sport to meet others that like to eat but struggle with diet.  I 2007 I completed my first ½ marathon, a pool sprint, tow open water sprints, a quarterman race and an Olympic.  I tossed my first Century ride in November and considered it a great year.  As 2008 started I found myself at 240 lbs after Holiday eating with a full marathon one Olympic, the Ironman Boise 70.3 and the Ironman Arizona (November race) already registered for before adding in some shorter events for fun.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with an 8 year old son.  Add to that my extended family of the East Side Cool Kids Triathlon Club, and I find myself with a lot of support.
CURRENT TRAINING: My current training is run focused until March then switching to swim focused HIM plan for BT.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2007 races included the Sedona ½ marathon, the Tempe International Triathlon sprint, The Mountain Man Triathlon sprint, the Nathans (Timex) Triathlon Olympic, the Soma Triathlon Quarterman, the Tour de Tucson Century ride, and the Anthem Holiday Classic triathlon.

2008 RACES:  This year I will race the Sedona Marathon, the Ragnar 189 mile relay, the Tempe international Triathlon Olympic, Ironman Boise 70.3, ad the Ironman Arizona (November).
WEIGHTLOSS: I still have at least 25 pounds to Lose before Ironman as well as a nutrition plan to workout for the longer races.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am new to Triathlons as well as BT as of 2007.  In that time I have had the opportunity to extend my family with a local tri-club that met on BT and have found inspiration, plans, and tricks to keep working-out fun and energetic for those with jobs and children.  Been there and ‘survived’ that attitude makes it easy for me to relate to those with the best skill in the sport – the willingness to tri!

2008-01-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1143446


Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Are you accepting mentees? I am interested, not sure what precisely that entails - I need to peruse the website.

I am a 51 yo male, I gained a huge amount of weight in the past three years. Prior to that, I had gained some, and using the WW system lost it, quit smoking, etc.

I completed several triathlons (all sprint, my swim sucks, I really need to work on it), several half marathons, a marathon, and an ultra 50K. Biking is my strong suite in tris, I have always biked. Re: running, three years ago when I was in shape in races I ran 8 - 9 mn miles.

I have been working on losing weight, lost 25 lbs in the past month and a half. Getting back solidly on WW system. I now weigh (it is embarassing) about 330. I am big boned (hows that for a cliche) I am 6'3". When I did the marathon and was thin, my wife said she could feel my ribs - low body fat - I weighed 230. I signed up for a half marathon in Feb, have been training for that, but it is difficult to balance food intake esp. getting into the long runs - now I am running 18 mn miles on average, but hope to shave off at least 25 more lbs in the next seven weeks. I have four hours to finish the half marathon, as long as I finish I will be happy. My running speed has increased over the past month.

I also lift weights fairly intensely twice a week - freeweights - to total muscle failure. HIT routine. I have also taken martial arts most of my adult life, FMA for the past seven years or so, eskrima for most of it and Pekiti Tirj and Inosanto blend kali for the past few months, but decided to take a break until after the half marathon.

I am really sore now, I realize that I am not in the shape I was. My knees are sore, and I was so tired I could hardly get out of bed this morning.

I'd like to look at setting up some post race goals, I havent swam for over a year. Last year, when I was even heavier, I commuted to work on my bike (alas, I am too fat to comfortably ride my LeMonde, I got a nice commuting bike) 30 mile round trip, I'd like to build that in again this year. I would like to do some tris this year, possibly a marathon later, certainly a half marathon or two.

I have difficulty estimating my own capabilities etc, I either over-estimate and injure myself or burn myself out, or under-estimate.

I don't know what other information would be useful....

2008-01-10 11:54 PM
in reply to: #1143446

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hello My name is Clint Bauer im from Australia. I was wondering if i am able to join your group, have already completed 2 tris but need help to get back into it!
please let me know if im suitable to join and i will give more background info.

2008-01-11 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Welcome Rand.  It sounds as if you, like so many of us, had quite an adventure getting into triathlons.  I hope BT and the friends that you meet here will be of use to you.  I know that the folks I met here (ESCKTC) and then later at races and now training with have sure inspired me to keep on track.  Before we get too involved, post up a note about what plan you are using and most importantly - what rest days are included.
2008-01-11 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Malphh - 2008-01-10 9:54 PM Hello My name is Clint Bauer im from Australia. I was wondering if i am able to join your group, have already completed 2 tris but need help to get back into it! please let me know if im suitable to join and i will give more background info. Cheers clint

Everyone with and interest in the addictive sport of triathlons is suitable, just post up you goals or ideas about what you are looking to accomplish by spring. (BTW- lots of pros come out of your area of the world. )

Edited by perkins_jerryw 2008-01-12 5:28 PM
2008-01-14 5:26 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hey guys!

My Name is Clint Bauer I Live just down the road from You guys in a small place called Australia. Might of heard of it, not sure? hehe I live in Brisbane city which is north of sydney for those who are interrested.

I am 27 years old and i have a fantastic girlfriend

I started in triathlons last year where i competed in two sprint events. my times were about 1 hour 20 mins I have just started my training again trying to get on the bike and swimming. I am terrible at swimming. I play a few other sports and strength train once a week

i have also finished a personal training course recently so any weight related questions feel free to send them my way.

I plan to lose another 5-10kgs but have lost 30 odd kgs in the last couple years

2008-01-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Great clint!  Now you just need to add me to your freinds list under control panel.  That and any other members that we can get on this group.  Check back often this week for adidtional people and posts!

2008-01-15 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
I finally broke the 240 barrier that I was on thru the holidays, 239.4 lbs this morning!
2008-01-16 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Count me in Jerry.
2008-01-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Name: Mark Anthony Gallegos (aka: sfcgallegos)

Story: Well, I am a retired Army Soldier. I have been retired since January of 2007. I was used to working out (running and strength conditioning) for the last twenty years. I took the most part of 2007 off to concentrate on relocating my family and setting up a new residence, new job and all of that good stuff. In the process I gained about fifteen pounds and I found that my back condition (I used to jump out of planes) gets worse with the more weight I put on and the inactivity of not working out like I should. So that made me realize that I need to plan a few goals and get to making it happen.

I am not an elite athelete by any means, I like to stay active. I have been consistent at running, mountain biking and weight lifting.

Family status: Married for twenty years with three children that are from 18-22 y/o. I also have a Chihuaha.

Current Training: I am coming off of an episode where my back went out of town for about two weeks, so I am getting back into running on the treadmill five times a week for at least twenty minutes and and weight lifting five days a week also. I am going to upgrade my membership in the very near future and pick a plan that will help me reach my goal.

My Goal: To run a Sprint in April, July and October of 2007.

My strengths: I am motivated when I have a goal.

My weakness: I have to be sure to time manage, I work a weekday job and a weekend job, so time is at a premium. I have a tempermental back, it likes to go on unannounced vacations at the least opportune time.

Thanks for your time.
2008-01-16 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Welcome again Mark!  Lucky for you, you live in the Phoenix area - unlike our down under freind.  There is a group run every Wed evening at 5;30 at Tempe town Lake if you are intrested.  Different people do different distances from 3 miles to 14 miles including the IMAZ loop.

2008-01-18 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

The weekend is upon us!  I hope everyone can get out (or to the gym) and have some fun this weekend while logging some workout time! 

2008-01-19 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Robinson, TX
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Jerry - Your group is still open - can I join?

I'm in need of some encouragement as well as a group of guys to egg me on and I hope to return the favor.

My training has dropped off a lot in the past year due to increased work-load at the job.  I find myself struggling now to get motivated to get out there an do it.

I did my first sprint in Aug 2004, struggled through an iron-distance tri in Sept 2005 and since then have just been slogging through ultrus.  I didn't do any tri's in 2007, but ran a couple of 50 milers, one 50k and one marathon.  Ran, is relative (I should say Run-Walk).

I plan on at least one 50k in March and if I can get my butt out there, I'll run another 50 miler before it gets too hot here in Texas.

I don't have any plans for tris this year, but would like to put at least a 1/2 iron on my calendar.  

I enjoy longer distance things, I'm kind of cheap when it comes to race registration fees and feel if I do something that takes 6-10 hours and only cost $50 then that is pretty cheap entertainment for the day.   

I'm married for 18 years and have 3 kids (7,9,10).   Two boys and one girl. 

2008-01-19 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1165403

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
shornick - 2008-01-19 8:09 AM

Jerry - Your group is still open - can I join?

I'm in need of some encouragement as well as a group of guys to egg me on and I hope to return the favor.

My training has dropped off a lot in the past year due to increased work-load at the job.  I find myself struggling now to get motivated to get out there an do it.

I did my first sprint in Aug 2004, struggled through an iron-distance tri in Sept 2005 and since then have just been slogging through ultrus.  I didn't do any tri's in 2007, but ran a couple of 50 milers, one 50k and one marathon.  Ran, is relative (I should say Run-Walk).

I plan on at least one 50k in March and if I can get my butt out there, I'll run another 50 miler before it gets too hot here in Texas.

I don't have any plans for tris this year, but would like to put at least a 1/2 iron on my calendar.  

I enjoy longer distance things, I'm kind of cheap when it comes to race registration fees and feel if I do something that takes 6-10 hours and only cost $50 then that is pretty cheap entertainment for the day.   

I'm married for 18 years and have 3 kids (7,9,10).   Two boys and one girl. 

Welcome aboard!  Practically neighbors as I am in AZ.  I totally undertand the workload issue as when I was getting started i was working two jobs and averaging 70 hrs per week not counting commute time.  I would sleep in my car between jobs to meet up with the group I train with for Bike rides and open water swims.  Not easy and I am in a much better place now.

Add me to your freinds list and we can help each other.  Post a snapshot of what you have planned this week in the forum as it gives us all an idea of the variety that traing can take on. 

BTW- Ironman is a difficult race, but a 50 miler sounds like a leg breaker!

2008-01-19 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1143446

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Robinson, TX
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Thanks for letting me in.

This week should be a decent week for me, I'll be in Ft. Worth at a management training Tuesday-Thursday so I usually do really well getting up when I only have myself to worry about in the mornings. 

Tomorrow I should be on the trails for a couple of hours
Monday - trainer ride/short weight workout at lunch
Tuesday - Thursday (AM run down the river while in Ft. Worth)
Friday - trainer ride in the AM/ weights at lunch
Weekend - Long trail run - if it is warm I may try to get my bike out on the road for an hour or so.  I haven't been on my bike in a long time.


2008-01-21 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1165968

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
shornick - 2008-01-19 6:34 PM

Thanks for letting me in.

This week should be a decent week for me, I'll be in Ft. Worth at a management training Tuesday-Thursday so I usually do really well getting up when I only have myself to worry about in the mornings. 

Tomorrow I should be on the trails for a couple of hours
Monday - trainer ride/short weight workout at lunch
Tuesday - Thursday (AM run down the river while in Ft. Worth)
Friday - trainer ride in the AM/ weights at lunch
Weekend - Long trail run - if it is warm I may try to get my bike out on the road for an hour or so.  I haven't been on my bike in a long time.


Being a State employee I am spending the extra day off hiking for a few hours with the son (age 8).  Add in a swim, run and bike today and this week should start strong for me as well.  I just need to carry the momentum thru the rest of the days.

Sounds like you have a great plan for this week, are you on a training plan, or just taking advantage of the travel schedule?  Best part of traveling is running in new places!

2008-01-22 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
So, what "fun" training will you plan for this week in addition to other tasks?
2008-01-23 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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New user

Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Alright Jer I am back, was away from my computer but I did continue to work (except for Sunday).
Here is a question, do I need a halfsuit for an April Tempe Town lake swim?

2008-01-23 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1171591

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
sfcgallegos - 2008-01-23 7:35 AM Alright Jer I am back, was away from my computer but I did continue to work (except for Sunday). Here is a question, do I need a halfsuit for an April Tempe Town lake swim? Mark
  I would swim in a wetsuit for all races, but it is not required and Tempe is a warm water swim most of the year.  If you are using a suit for the first time, I recommend renting one ( ussually lists this option when signing up for the race and several local stores also rent them.).  If you rent one, you save some money in the begining and get to test drive - so to speak- a suit before buying one.  If you buy, go sleeved!  Unless you have olympic swimming in your background, the extra floatation and ability to stay warm in all swims will be worth the sleeves.
2008-01-25 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hi I'm looking to join your mentor group if you will have me.

STORY: I am 35 years old (36 tomorrow) and began my tri training in November. I have trained in martial arts since the age of twelve although I had a 10 year break between 22 - 32. Spent most of my twenties in a daze, overweight, not exercising with a young family. About 4 years ago I started lifting free weights at home and later joined a gym. I lost some weight and began martial arts again. (I train in Kendo, Iaido and kickboxing). I now also coach kids football (soccer) as my eldest daughter plays. Started running along the beach with the dog early last year then after watching a DVD of Kona I thought I would have a go at Tri and have quickly become hooked to the training.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with two childeren.

CURRENT TRAINING: Following Jon Mora's sprint plan in his "Triathlon 101" book. Increasing run and cycle times by 10% for 3 weeks then reduce in fourth rest week. I plan on following this base training until mid March then including some race pace, bricks and tempo stuff. Swimming is going okay and I am working on technique and hopefully progressing. Running again not bad but I must admit the cycling side is a struggle.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have entered the Blenheim supersprint June 7th. Plan on one more sprint this year.

I live on the east coast of England which makes outdoor training on the bike very interesting this time of year. Can't wait for the wind and rain to stop so I can see if I'm progressing.

2008-01-26 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1143446

New user
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hello Jerry,
I would like to join your group if I can?

Background:I am 53 y/o former Marine. Have not done a whole lot of working out since 1977. In 2005 I trained and ran Chicago Marathon.then in 2006 I trained again for the marathon,. also trained a bit for a sprint triathlon , that I did in July. Although I did not finnish , At 15 miles I pulled myself from the race due to an injury. Since I have been trying to get back to a workout program I now have been going to the club for 2 weeks with no problems.I swim 1 mile, run slowly for 3 miles, and bike for 45 -60 min. I swim every other day and alternate the run and swim for now.

Family status: Married 25 yrs. 3 kids 24,22 18 1 cat

2008 races: Shamrock shuffle 8k,2-5k's,sprint triathlon in July

Also i do need to lose some bagage , I am 5'7' 212 lbs

2008-01-27 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1143446

New user
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Thank you for the opp. to apply for your group ,but I got into another group.

2008-01-28 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1175999

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

hagakure - 2008-01-25 9:51 AM Hi I'm looking to join your mentor group if you will have me. STORY: I am 35 years old (36 tomorrow) and began my tri training in November. I have trained in martial arts since the age of twelve although I had a 10 year break between 22 - 32. Spent most of my twenties in a daze, overweight, not exercising with a young family. About 4 years ago I started lifting free weights at home and later joined a gym. I lost some weight and began martial arts again. (I train in Kendo, Iaido and kickboxing). I now also coach kids football (soccer) as my eldest daughter plays. Started running along the beach with the dog early last year then after watching a DVD of Kona I thought I would have a go at Tri and have quickly become hooked to the training. FAMILY STATUS: I am married with two childeren. CURRENT TRAINING: Following Jon Mora's sprint plan in his "Triathlon 101" book. Increasing run and cycle times by 10% for 3 weeks then reduce in fourth rest week. I plan on following this base training until mid March then including some race pace, bricks and tempo stuff. Swimming is going okay and I am working on technique and hopefully progressing. Running again not bad but I must admit the cycling side is a struggle. THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have entered the Blenheim supersprint June 7th. Plan on one more sprint this year. I live on the east coast of England which makes outdoor training on the bike very interesting this time of year. Can't wait for the wind and rain to stop so I can see if I'm progressing.


Welcome and happy B-Day!  A B-day was my inspiration for Tri training myself.

2008-01-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1178044

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

kurt5134 - 2008-01-27 4:21 AM Jerry, Thank you for the opp. to apply for your group ,but I got into another group. kurt

OK Kurt, have fun with training!

2008-01-29 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1179432

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hi Jerry, just wondering if you have room for one more down here in Phoenix.

I live out in Ahwatukee and am finally getting my butt off the couch in order to get back into shape.

I a 35 year old male who has managed to put on 40 pounds over the last year and a half (arrrrghhhhh). I have a background in marathons, running the Cape Cod twice, and the Rock n' Roll once. I have some tri-training before and (before I let myself go) was training for the AZ ironman in 2006--Did not compete due to Illness--damn damn.
Anyway, I have decided that it is time to give it another go and get back into shape, and i know that during the training cycle I need all the help i can get (specially if i need to drop 40).

A little about me:

Been married for 9 years and have three kids- 4, 3, and 3 months (no i don't sleep much). I love the running and biking portion of the tri, but my swimming is still a little weak--mainly i am discourage that my fitness level has deteriorated so badly over the last year or so. Also, my wife and I are pretty avid golfers and football fans (and we lived in Boston--so you know we are rooting for everyones favorite team to bust some giant butt this week)!!!

Anyhoo. Thats me

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