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2008-01-12 7:22 PM

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group -Full up!
NAME: PhoenixAzul, real name is Tracey

STORY: I'm a 22 year old graduate student currently studying Art History at the University of Glasgow. I started tri-ing on a whim 4 years ago after volunteering at the Pittsburgh Triathlon. I fell in love. After gaining 30lbs and letting my diabetes get waaaaaayy out of control, tri was just the kick in the pants this retired swimmer needed. Now that I've lost the weight and then some, I've learned so much about myself, had so many meaningful conversations with myself and my maker, and made so many friends through this sport. If you would have asked me 4 years ago if I could run outside of a rhino attack situation, I'd have laughed. But these days, the world is bright with possibilities, and tri is just one of those many possibilities!

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged, gettin' hitched November 15!

CURRENT TRAINING: 2007 was an unfortunately light year race-wise for me, only two races (miami uni. student triathlon and deer creek oly) due to work/school/financial stress. Those things tend to detract from my training, and when I fall off, those are the things that are ruining my mojo. With that acknowledged, it isn't an excuse.

I have dreams of marathoning. I've dreamed about it for a long time. This is my year. But I've got to get a move on, so right now I'm amping up my run times.

I've also got to get back to the pool. I took some time away after getting my tattoo, but there's no excuse now and I've got to just do it.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Miami University Sprint Tri, Deer Creek Oly tri

2008 RACES: Meadow's Marathon 1/2 marathon, March 2.
Edinburgh Uni. Sprint Tri, March 22
Belfast City Marathon, 5 May

WEIGHTLOSS: I have type 1 diabetes, and as such weight loss is a very strange thing. I've got a goal of losing about 5 more lbs, but I'm ok with not losing them. In a very strange way, I *shouldn't* lose weight, rather gain weight, if my diabetes is in control. But I'm hoping that diet and excercise along with watchin' the 'betes will help me tone up a little more so I can start married life strong and healthy. So far through tris and the related healthy eating (strange how that just happens? McDonalds+running=badness), I've lost around 40 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'd like to get more involved with more people on this community. I get a lot of good information from others, and I'd like to contribute my own knowledge. I've got a lot of information on swimming, and I've coached masters swimming as well, and loooove the swim technique questions.

Ultimately, I'd like this relationship to be a give and take, a learning exchange if you will. I've still got scads of things I don't know about (bike maintenance is like quantum physics to me), and hopefully I can pick up some info from others on the board, and pass on/ferret out whatever I can contribute.

I feel that tri's gave me back my life. I've never felt so in control of my body and my mind, and I'm convinced that its because of this sport, and the people in it. I'd love to pass that feeling on to others. So if you're down, I'm down, and I'll do whatever I can to help.


Edited by phoenixazul 2008-02-08 3:19 PM

2008-01-21 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Canfield, Ohio
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Tracey!

I am not sure why nobody wants to be friends with you?

BUT I WILL! Haha...

My name is AJ and I am 25 years old. I live in northeast Ohio and this will be my second tri season coming up. I have completed 3 marathons along with many other running events, but I fell in love with triathlons last year when I did my first tri, which was the Cleveland Tri (olympic). I am currently training for the Florida 70.3 Ironman in May. My long-term goal is to qualify and complete the Ironman Championships in Kona. You sound like a cool gal so hopefully you want to be my friend too.....

2008-01-24 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN

My name is Graham I am 17, currently live in Mission B.C. This will also be my second tri season. I currently have 4 sprint and olympic distance triathlons planned and a couple of 10k's and 1/2 marathons. My long term goals include Finishing Ironman Canada in 2010. I am not the greatest swimmer, so i think it would be nice to get swimming help from you.

Edited by Triboy77 2008-01-24 4:36 PM
2008-01-25 1:17 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey gang, oh ye few but mighty! So glad to see you guys getting involved .

Graham, more than happy to try to answer any swim questions you've got, any time!

AJ, welcome welcome! I'm going to need to pick your brain on some marathon stuff, I need a clue on how to eat my way through the race.

Edited by phoenixazul 2008-01-25 1:22 AM
2008-01-26 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Can I come and play with "yinz" guys??

NAME: ledhead1944; real name Holly

STORY: 34 year old personal trainer/PT manager in Pittsburgh, PA; former education- nursing school (worked as a nurse for a bit and hated it- darn health care system); have been involved in some form of athletics all of my life, 12 years of competitive softball- state champs in 1992 go Leechburg!!!; started mountain biking in 94 and then started racing, then that was all she wrote; raced mountain, adventure and eventually to tris and marathons; (I get really bored and am one of those who needs a goal in order to train


CURRENT TRAINING: preseason rength and conditioning and functional training; and preseason swim, bike and swim training; I am just punching in my training program for the Mounatineer Triathlon in Morgantown, WV
I would love to hear more on your swim background, that is one of my weaknesses

Strengths:/SUseful Knowledge: strength and conditioningpre/post and in season, flexibility training, functional training, injury prevention and injury rehab; so I could be of use to some of you.

Weaknesses: swim, I am coached now and will continue with it for quite some time; would like to hear lots of other feedback on swimming

SCHEDULED RACES: A Races- Pittsburgh Adventure Race, XTERRA Appalachia, Toronto Marathon and Disney Marathon 09 (this will be the 3rd year and it is now an annual pilgrimage)

B Races-Mounatineer Triathlon- Olympic Distance **will be my first olympic**; perhaps some other adventure races and trail races locally in Pittsburgh area

I am a renewing member and I thought I would give the mentoring groups a try. I really like the BT community and the capabilities of the site itself. I wil be spending a lot of time here since I have to plug in my plan for olympic tri and my other training schedules. I have my season all planned out. Now I just have to put it in the training logs.

Looking forward to talking to everyone!!!
2008-01-26 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
I forgot to ask.

Are you from Pittsburgh initially or do you goto school here?

It isn't often that you see someone here that volunteered at the Pittsburgh Tri.

2008-01-28 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1152462


Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Are you still accepting people into your group? My name is Heidi, I'm a 24 year old graduate student at the University of Memphis. I come from a running background, though admittedly it's been a while since I've raced. I got into cycling about a year ago and am looking to combine the two... which leads me to the swim. I've never been a swimmer but have done some reading and drilling and am happy with my quick-ish progress. I'm just starting the 16 week balanced beginner-olympic plan... entered in the Memphis in May Triathlon on May 18. I am the definition of Beginner in all of this, so I'm looking for any tips anyone can offer!

2008-01-28 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1180203

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome hbramble!!

If you are a first time user to BT, it is a great community with lots of support and knowledge. If you have any questions, I would be happy to help along with others!!!

2008-01-28 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Castle Pines North, CO
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN

Tracy and Gang,

 This will be my second Tri season and I have scheduled a 14 mile ascent up Mt. Evans, 2 Sprints, a HIM in September and the Arizona IM in November.  I am thinking of hiring a coach but would really like to be a part of your mentor group if you will have me.  I am 34 years old, live in Denver, CO, injured like an old man but never give up.  I did a HIM last year but want to get more support and train smarter this year.  I hope to hear from you all and how this whole thing works.


Sincerely yours,


2008-01-29 6:29 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hello! Are you still accepting new members to your group?

I am a true true newbie. I am training for my first tri, an all women's tri this July in Sylvania, OH. My husband competed in several duathlons and then made the jump to triathlons this past summer. I am a retired swimmer and runner and have two kiddos- a five year old and a seven month old!

Two years ago I had a sudden onset of severe migraines, and after rounds of tests and lots and lots of medicines, we figured out my nutrition was the problem. Now that I have the nutrition settled, and now that I am sleeping a tiny bit more with the new baby, I'm ready to do my first tri.

I have a great training schedule and tons of support from my husband. However, I have no friends who are into ANY sports. Several of them have just had babies and either don't have the time or don't have the motivation to get moving, and they think the stuff I eat is wierd so the fact that I would consider running and biking and swimming for any length of time is just too strange for them. I'm looking for online support in the forms of tips as I get closer to my race, and encouragement- others who can say "Oh, yea, your parts are supposed to be numb when you hop off the bike! No worries!" And some people who can kick me in the pants when those days come- and I know that they will- when I feel like I just have way too much going on with the kids, the dogs, the husband, the house, to get on my bike or get in the pool or get out and run.
2008-01-29 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Canfield, Ohio
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
WELCOME!! - Holly, Heidi, Ray, & AKR18.....

Sounds like I fit in with all of you gals/guys so we should get a lot out of eachother. If anyone has any questions for me just let me know, I am a newbie like all of you, but I study a lot of this triathlon stuff.

HOLLY - I live in Youngstown OHIO, which is just about an hour away from you. My Girlfriend actually lives in Pittsburgh and is a nurse at Childrens Hospital. Small World - - - I am actually in the process of becoming a Personal Trainer myself. What do you think about the field? Wanna give me a job? ALSO, I did the MICKEY (Disney) MARATHON myself in 2007, 06, and 05! It is in fact an amazing race. I didn't do it this year because I am gonna do the Half IM in May at DISNEY.....can't get enough!

Hey nice to meet you all and I look forward to picking your brains....


Edited by adidasaj2 2008-01-29 4:15 PM

2008-01-30 4:56 AM
in reply to: #1182378

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Good Morning AJ,

It really is a small world!! I'll PM you regarding getting certified and about the field.

Disney is looking like an annual thing for me. Let us know about the HIM there as well. Do they have the swim portion in the lagoon at the Magic Kingdom? I wondered that when I was down there. This year, they had the most ever for the marathon- 18,000 people.
2008-01-30 5:03 AM
in reply to: #1181110

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
I work with someone who did the Sylvania Tri and she had lived there in a few years ago. She said it was a really great race and some fantastic community support as well.

I am a certified personal trainer and you wouldn't believe how many migraine sufferes are out there and have tried everything to get rid of them. From the clients I have worked with, some of the issues that precipitated the migraines were stress and nutrition. Fortuneately, you were able to work with someone to help you recognize it was your nutrition. What set off the migraines?

As far as your friends, you have thousands of friends here on BT for support and motivation!! What program are you doing for your triathlon?
2008-01-30 5:06 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
I realise the some of us are going to do the "first race" so this may get the ball rolling on some general questions.

How about I open this to everyone?

How many tris have you done?
What were some of your strengths and weaknesses in those races?
What trype of training program did you do for those races?

2008-01-30 6:37 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
I have done 0 tris. I've been the support system/cheerleader/behind the scenes gal for my husband for 4 duathlons, 1 triathlon. I got to be his starter swim coach- he has since moved on to a real coach (in the form of a weekly technique clinic). He's always been irked by my ease in the pool and has told me for years I should try to do a tri. We just had to wait until I decided it was time to do one- and until we were done having kids.

My training- right now I'm doing a plan based on the couchpotato to first tri plan. Trying to build a good base, since I just had a baby 7 months ago and had to quit exercising once I found out I was pregnant (high risk pregnancy). The swim is a lot easier than the biking and running; and I have to admit that I have really crappy balance and coordination, so the bike is scary for me. Right now I run 2 days a week at the Y; swim 2 days a week at a different Y; and bike two days a week in the basement on my bike on the trainers. The time spent doing the bike and swim increases each week; right now I guess the focus is just getting a good base built, then I will start really training after Spring Break (I have to take a week off from training to go take care of my mum, who is having surgery). Luckily I have my husband to bike with me, and maybe even run with me eventually.

Oh the migraines. We still are unsure of the initial cause- I was never a headache girl. I had an episode that mimicked a stroke, and it came a week after I began experiencing constant vertigo. Then we went through two weeks of constantly firing migraines and all the fun that goes with them until I was diagnosed. I still have to take a preventative medicine but we figured out that if I stick to a diet of non-processed foods and avoid white sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup, I'm good. My main trigger is high fructose corn syrup, so much so that if I have even a little bit my head starts to burn.

There is huge community support here for triathletes. My husband did his first tri last year in August at the Sylvania Triathlon at Olander Park. Tons of people came out to watch the race and I met lots of raceday fans and volunteers that were just there to be there and support everyone. I've heard lots of good things about the women's tri at the quarry and I really like that the swim start is staggered so, for my first tri, I'm not worried about the giant rush to the water. I'm the kind of person who holds the door for everyone, let other people go in front of me in the check out line- so you can just imagine what a nut I'd be about staying out of everyone's way during the swim.

Last night at the running shop I did find out there there is an electrolyte drink mix out there that is sugar free. This was one of my big questions, because I can't tolerate the sugar and hfcs, but I know that once the summer heat hits I'll need something besides my usual water during or after a ride. The gal said it was really good- has anyone else had any success with any sugar free electrolyte drinks? If so, what brands? I don't remember the name of the one at the shop.

2008-01-30 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Holly and AJ-

My husband has mentioned Disney several times and I think he's hoping to work it into his schedule for 2009. AJ, I would definitely be interested to know what you think of the HIM there; Mike is doing his first HIM this summer and is trying to decide between Steelhead (?) and a new one in East Tawas, Michigan, in September. I want him to do the East Tawas one but he is leery because it is their first year. I think he has held off on Disney this year because he wants both of the girls to be old enough to remember Daddy running there.

Youngstown? AJ you are just on the opposite side of the state from me. Let me know if you are looking at any races on this side of Lake Erie this summer- Mike did Maumee Bay last year (olympic distance) and really liked it- the race was very well run, as is the Sylvania Tri at Olander Park.

When we lived in Southern Ohio Mike raced a lot at Caesar's Creek- other than that I don't have much input on races.


2008-01-30 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Okay, the sugar free electrolyte drink mix I saw at the running store is called Ultima Replenisher. Anyone tried it? Thoughts?
2008-01-30 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
In my last season of triathlon I did two sprint distance triathlons. My weakest part of both was my swim 17:31 and 20:14. I am currently swiming 3 to 4 times a week, running 2-3 times, biking 2-3 times and doing strength training at least twice a week.
2008-01-30 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1183156

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Castle Pines North, CO
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN

I will be interviewing a coach tonight so we will see how that goes.

I did 2 Sprints and a HIM. I'd say that I was really really fast except for the swim, bike, and the run portion.   My transition times were SCREAMING!!!!!

Seriously, I have endurance but am not that quick at any one.  My hardest hurdle by far is that I have serious pain on the outside of my left knee so running is not fun.  I have been told from others it is called ITBS  and that stretching can help.  I ran 7 miles last night but the last 2 I really felt it.  My goal this year is to not only complete, but to compete in my events.  I am in hopes taht my coach once I find one can help me with nutrition and running in regards to my injury, and hopefully speed up my overall bricks and ultimately across the IM finish line without being bumped because of a cutoff.  Sounds lame, but that is my goal.


2008-01-30 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1184835

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Yes, stretching will help ITBS tremendously. I would also highly recommend you do massage and some myofascial release. You can work with a certified massage therapist to get you started and also use a foam roller like these ones here:

I can't stress to you how important stretching is. I preach this to all of my clients that I work with. If you got any stretching questions, ask. I will be happy to help you.

Let me tell you something... your goals are by no means lame. How many people do you know do what you do? Coaches will help as well. Make sure you get their references and check them. After all, you will be spending a good chuck of money and it should be money well spent.

I have a goal of doing a IM before I am 40 so I have 6 years to go. I'll get there. I just need to get the swim craziness out of my head and the only way I can do that is just enter races and throw myself in.


2008-01-31 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Ray, I think determination is more important than speed. I've never been fast at anything! And it looks like from your picture that you have a kiddo looking up to you and watching what you do. One of the reasons I decided to finally get off my butt and do a triathlon was because I watched my daughter run across the finish line with my husband and I wanted that feeling! And I didn't want her to grow up thinking our lives included time for Daddy to train for a triathlon, but Mommy didn't find time to exercise. How did your interviews go for a coach?

2008-01-31 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1183683

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
What kind of troubles did you have during the swim? We can compare notes?
2008-02-01 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1152462

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
If your group is still open, I'd like to be a part of it.
2008-02-01 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1152462

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Well its not realy that i had troubles, its more that i just learned how to swim last year, and although i have progressed alot, i am still quite slow. One thing i know i have to work on is my balance, and learning to breath bilaterly, but that will come with the balance
2008-02-01 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1190351

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Subject: RE: PhoenixAzul's Mentor Group - OPEN
Learning how to breath properly took me a few months. I had to get comfortable with developing a pattern of bilateral breathing and which patterns I can use and for how long until I need to take a breath. It also took me a few months to figure out how long I can handle being uncomforatable without breathing.

Not, nothing prepared me for the swim leg as far as anxiety and breathing. In short, my first race was a sprint and it wasn't a sanctioned one so you had all kinds of folks swimming. It was a group of about 65 people split into 2 waves. I took the back of the pack. I was fine for the first 25 yards and then as soon as I made a left at the bouy, WHAM, it hit me. I started to panic and that I wasn't going to make it. I have no idea what happened. I was calm in the beginning and didn't have any mental or physical issues. The swim course was laid out in an "L" pattern.

I think I may have just lost it with the adrenaline. I knew I could do the distance and I swam the course before.

So I have to work on getting over that feeling and I don't think you can really traen for it. You just have to enter races and get more experience with it
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