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2008-04-27 12:37 PM

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Edited by AcesFull 2008-05-01 1:01 PM

2008-04-30 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1364599

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

NAME: "tkdrq" real name Rob

STORY: I'll be 42 next month.  I did a sprint tri a couple of years ago and enjoyed it.  Had grand plans to continue in the sport...but didn't.  Am committed to completing at least one Olympic this summer.
CURRENT TRAINING: Am currently using the 16 week 3x per week balanced Olympic plan.  Haven't been very good about logging all my workouts in, but will be more consistent.
WEIGHTLOSS: This is probably my number one goal. Am currently 205 and should be about 180-185.

I like swimming, I like biking, and hate running.  I have run the Hood to Coast relay several times in the past but hated having no other training option than running.  Like Tri's because of the variety.

2008-04-30 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1372286

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2008-04-30 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
Name: ANOVA, John
Story: 45 year old male. Hodgkins survivor (2 years). My wife was pregnant with our daughter the same time I was undergoing chemo.

Family status: Wife and one 17 month old daughter

Current training: Walking at work and 3X weekly after work. Cycling on trainer 3X weekly.

This year's goals: weight loss and a solid base for 2 sprints next year. I currently weigh 229 and would like to be at 185.

My challenges: I work in agriculture. My company will start planting in a few days and we will work from sunrise to sunset until all the fields are planted. Around the 4th of July we will go full bore again for about three weeks and in mid to late August we will go 12 hours a day for about 6 to 8 weeks. Trying to fit in training will mean greater intensity over shorter times. Also, I need to safeguard my knees. I find they get painful in cold weather without a complete warm-up. The knees might be less cranky after I lose the pounds.

2008-04-30 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
Ok so I know this is going to be a little odd, because I'm not a 40 year old guy. But I really like what Dan said in his profile so what the heck, I'm sure you are all nice.

Name: Maggie

Story: Had been tossing around the idea of a triathlon just lightly in my head, when one day I found out that triathlons come in different sizes! I then found my college tri club, joined and was instantly hooked. I absolutely love this sport. I wasn't an active person before, little work-outs here and there but for me it was either feast or famine. I was either working out everyday or taking three month 'rest periods'. Right now I'm currently on that rest period but am going on a long bike ride today with a group and planning to start training again. I have some triathlons coming up too, so I guess I have to train! (I have a sprint, and two olympics, plus a mintri that I'm forcing my friend to do with me)

Family Status: Big suprise, I'm not married, but I have a brother who is going through some serious medical problems so I'm helping out with that and of course I got two parents at home.

Current Training: Starting in May (tomorrow) I start an actual training session, I need to settle down at home and get into a summer schedule before I can say exactly what I'm going to do but I'm betting on 5/6x a week, doing each sport. I love swimming and biking, (I have a great new bike) but I hate hate hate running, so I guess I'll be running a lot to see if I can get over that.

2008 Races: I have a century on May 20th, a sprint on July 13th, and an Olympic in August and to finish an olympic triathlon to be done in Wash. DC. which I've heard is pretty cool.

Weightloss: Everyone's dream, I've stopped worrying about it, at this point and after everything, losing weight is just a great bonus.

Hope you'll don't pass me off as a youngster, I'd love to get to know everyone and be a supprt also, as well as learn all I can!
2008-04-30 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1364599

Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

I would like to add one more old fart to the mix.

NAME: bbarr66.  Real name is Brian


I am 41 year-old engineer with a passion for triathlons.  I have been doing triathlons for around 8 years.  I have been doing the races mainly to just do them.  I am overweight (255 lbs) and think one reason I do triathlons is to prove to others I can!  I really enjoy the training and gadgets (HR monitors, computrainer, etc).  I would like to do a full Ironman race in the future but know I really need to loose weight.  I would also like to get more competitive in all my races.


Married with three children, ages 9, 13 & 15.


I am current doing the P90X 90 day challenge.  I am going to start my HIM training in a week but plan on doing the P90X program also.  With my training, I need to be careful with the wife and not neglect her or the rest of the family.  I try to do a lot of the training before they wake for the day and seems to be working ok.


May – Willow Duathlon (sprint)

June – Ann Arbor Triathlon (sprint)

July – Clark Lake (sprint) and/or Blue Water Triathlons (sprint)

Aug – Steelhead HIM, Benton Harbor, MI

Oct – Detroit Freepress Marathon, Detroit, MI


2008-04-30 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1372468

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2008-04-30 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1372654

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2008-04-30 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
Thanks for letting me join!

I know I have to get a plan and I'll have a consistent one in about a week. I'm moving back home (from JMU) for the summer so I've got to pack, move, unpack and then I can get started, full force.

I live in Sterling, Virginia! I'm excited that you used to live here, what a small world. So at least you know the area a little bit, I'll have to find some good hills to train on, so if you can remember any let me know!

About the weightloss thing, I didn't mean it like I had given up! I'm just not going to focus on that anymore, because everyother girl in the world is focusing on the scale. I like focusing on getting stronger and proving that I can do these triathlons. People are amazed when I tell them I'm training, I want them to be amazed when I start finishing them and continue signing up for more punishment... I mean good times, good times.
2008-04-30 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1372394

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

I haven't been doing a great job the last couple of weeks about updating my training logs.  Now that someone might actually look at them I'll do better.  I have not used a HRM.  Was a choice between an indoor trainer or HRM.  I bought the trainer last month.  Was thinking about picking up a HRM this month, but have no idea how to use one.

 I thought it would be nice to have someone to give input for my training as I go along.  I don't train with anyone else (although I do swim on a Masters team).  I enjoy riding my bike but really don't know a lot about the technical aspects of it.  Have run a lot in the past, but have gotten away from it (and thus the added pounds).

2008-04-30 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1372860

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2008-04-30 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1372718

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2008-04-30 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

My Name is Luis and I am a 21 year old male EMT in Jackson, MI  I am looking to get in to the triathlons to lose wieght and goodie bags.  I have been out of shape for a few years topping out at 235 lbs. at the beginning of this year.  I am down to 219 and working on getting to 190 by the Clarklake triathlon (I see there is another Clarklaker in this group).  Clarklake will be my first sprint tri.  I plan on doing a Tin Man in Jackson so i am not totally lost come race time.  I would also like to do a few 5ks and a 10k by the end of this year.

Tin Man June 21 super sprint

Clarklake July 20 sprint

Half Mary?????

Edited by L-Train0502 2008-04-30 4:01 PM
2008-04-30 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1373117

Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
I am currently 253.5 lbs and would like to eventually get down to 190 lbs.  I just seem to be stuck in the 250's.  I think I do enough exercise but I really need to concentrate on my eating.
2008-05-01 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1364599


Near Gent
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

If there's space for one more tri-wannabee, I'dd like to join.

My name is Leo, I live in Belgium and I'm happily maried with 2 great kids (g:9, b:7). I'm trained as an engineer and travel frequently to the Far-East (it should probably be called the Far-Far West for people in the US).

I was never a very 'sporty' guy till I turned 35. Then my doctor told me I should loose some weight. I was about 200 pound then. I started swimming and weight-lifting, and about one year ago started running with a 0-5k and later a 5-10k running program. Kept swimming and started cycling in the weekends. About June last year, the obvious struck me, I was training for a triathlon

So I looked up some triathlon clubs in the neighbourhood, found one dedicated to recreative triathletes, participated in their 1/16th tri in the summer and got hooked.
I spent most of this year building some base condition, and plan to participate in the sprint of our club, end of August. Not many sprint triathlons are organized in our country, so that will probably be it for this year. I'll try to throw in a fun triathlon early this season to practice transitions or so.

Competition isn't that important to me, not even as a motivator. My signature expresses it well I think.

2008-05-01 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1372731

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
AcesFull - 2008-04-30 1:04 PM

Welcome, John.

I was unable to look at your log, so I don't know if you are logging workouts or not.  Keeping track is definitely helpful (at least to me).  You really do have your work cut out if you are going to be able to get your training in.  I know when work is busy for me, it is easier to get pizza or McD's than to eat real food.  Is this an issue for you with your schedule? 

It also sounds like you will need to talk to your wife about training, so as to avoid strife on the homefront.  Bottom line, you can do a sprint with limited training, but only if work and family are kept happy. 


Yep, trying to balance family and work with training will be a challenge. The log should be opened up now. As for diet, if I can stay away from the Mountain Dew, it should be able to stay on track. Once I start on the simple carbs I have a hard time staying on track with both exercise and diet.

2008-05-01 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN

Do you have room for one more?

Name: Mwhitely, AKA, Matt

Family: I am 30 years old. Happily married  to Kirstin (29) and have one son named Oscar (3). 

Story:  My wife and I have started to train for Tri's togther. The reason I started Tri's is two fold. 1st is to prove to myself that I can do it and the other is the raise money in honor of my wife's sister, Meghan, that passed away 2 years ago at age 24. She drowned attempting to save a friend in a pool. He pulled her under and he died himself of a heart attack. We race in her memory!!

Exp: I have just recently completed my first 10k with a time of 56:58 in May. I loved training and wanted to branch out, so Tri's were calling me. My wife and I are signed up to do out first Sprint Tri in July, back in Ohio. We are originally from there. It will be a Xterra Sprint, so it will be mountain biking and trail running. We are going to be signing up for a few 5k mountain bike races and trail runs before our sprint.  

Weight Loss: I am not concerned with weight loss. I have been between 155-165 for 12+ years. I am currently at 162. I have to worry about keeping some weight on.

Challenges: My biggest area for improvement is of course swimming. My wife is like a dolphin and I am like the Titanic. She is helping me in this area, since it is her strength.

I really look forward to everyones advice and tips. Hopefully some of us will meet in the future at a race.



2008-05-01 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1364599

Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
Hey, Is there room for one more??

NAME: My real name is Teresa and I will be celebrating the 24th aniversary of my 21st birthday on Saturday.

STORY: Last June I went to watch a friend of a friend compete in Ironman Coeur d Alene. I had no idea how much it would impact me. I sat at the finish line and cried like a baby watching all the people cross the finish line. AMAZING! The following week I went and bought the first swimsuit I owned in 10 years, a pair of running shoes I actually planned to run in and started walking. The week after that, I bought a bike and quit smoking. I did my first try-it-tri in 5 weeks and was totally addicted!

FAMILY: I have three great boys age 22, 20 & 15.

CURRENT TRAINING: I started the 20 week 3x Oly training in December with the intent of doing Iron Girl in Las Vegas. But, since my running did not progress as planned, I did the sprint distance. Finished 14th in my age group and took 1/2 hour off my time. Am starting the 20 week Oly again after 10 days in Mexico (just got home) .

2008 RACES: April Iron Girl Las Vegas Sprint
June Moses Lake Family Tri Sprint
July Tiger Tri Oly
August Coeur d Alene Tri Oly

WT LOSS: I started at 175 (I'm 5'11") and 30% body fat and now weigh 160 @ 17% body fat, so I'm happy with that. The swimsuit is not as scary anymore!!

Hope there is room for one more.
2008-05-01 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1373301

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2008-05-01 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1374457

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2008-05-01 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1374766

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2008-05-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1374565

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2008-05-01 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1374903

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2008-05-01 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1364599

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Edited by AcesFull 2008-05-01 1:29 PM
2008-05-01 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1375575


Near Gent
Subject: RE: AcesFull's Group - OPEN
AcesFull - 2008-05-01 8:06 PM

Welcome to the group! Be sure to add other members to your friends list. It looks like you are pretty active in clubs and are in this to build yourself and support others. I love the tri community for exactly that reason. Few of us are in it for the hardware, and the encouragement and support has really helped me a lot.

Only 1 club actually Like you say, I'm in it for the community: I found out I like blogging about my trainings and daily tri-imposed challenges. I hope people see they're not alone with their struggles and get inspired by it.

Talking about inspirations, I found out the "inspire me" tags on peoples logs are a great way of communicating one on one with the group members.

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