Subject: RE: Orthotics only orthotics for my work shoes...need arch. my shoe store guy told me to shy away from orthotics in my running shoes (if that is what your asking) they should have shoes for most ranges of feet types from flat to arched...occasionaly one may need to mod them with orthotics BUT basically i got the jist of not to mess with a good pair of running shoes. " BT - Is it necessary for someone having foot problems to get orthotics? Cassano - Our feelings, and the feelings of our local podiatrists, are that you do not need an orthotic if you are in appropriate footwear. There are some rare circumstances where there is some mechanical issue that cannot be controlled by footwear, but that’s usually pretty rare. Otherwise, orthotic wear outside of your running shoes – for every day – is appropriate. " dont get me wrong....orthotics for everday life can be very necessary...i would not be walking without them. |