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2008-08-16 3:46 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Brambleton, VA
Subject: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
Looking for everyday suggestions as to what fluids I can use to clean my bike (without damaging her). Official de-greasing bike fluid does not exist out here. Thoughts are Gasoline (?) and/or wd-40 (if I can find it).


2008-08-16 5:04 AM
in reply to: #1607627

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
ummm.... there are LOTS of bike degreasers out there... your local bike shop should have a good selection in stock. Here are a few options:

And those are just a few. If you can't find one locally, you can always order from someplace like Performance: Nashbar:

Edited by jsnowash 2008-08-16 5:05 AM
2008-08-16 5:10 AM
in reply to: #1607632

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas

jsnowash - 2008-08-16 5:04 AM ummm.... there are LOTS of bike degreasers out there... your local bike shop should have a good selection in stock.

Local to him, I'm guessing, is Bangkok, which creates the problem. Do the online options work for the OP?

2008-08-16 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1607627

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
oops... my bad! Didn't notice OP's location!!
2008-08-16 6:14 AM
in reply to: #1607627

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas

I wouldn't want to use either of those. If you can find automobile brake cleaning fluid, I've heard that does a nice job cleaning the gunk out of freewheels.  It might be too strong for the chain, though.  The problem is that it may take all the lube out from within the links.

Mail order from a bike supply company might be too expensive to be worthwhile.

How about a grease cutting detergent like Dawn? That seems like something you could find in Bangkok. Dilute it in some hot water and scrub away.

But there might still be the issue of getting fresh lube for the chain. Don't do what my bike-naive friend did, and grease it with motorcycle chain lube! (That was a real mess to clean up for him!)

2008-08-16 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1607627

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Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas

Simple Green is great stuff. Use it wisely as I have heard plenty of rumors and even an Air Force test that says it will "eat" aluminium. I actually use it full strength to clean several of my firearms and it does a great job. Just remember to re-lube.

Brake cleaner is also great for nasty stuff. It pretty much eats the carbon buildup right off the bolt of am AR-15/M4. MAKE SURE YOU USE NON-CHROLINATED BRAKE CLEANER.

 Not sure of a good lube for bike chains. I would venture to say Break Free but I am sure others no more than I as Break Free will probably attract grit etc.

Mail Order Bro if you can't obtain locally. If you have a Walmart, you're golden.


2008-08-17 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1607647

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
gearboy - 2008-08-16 7:14 AM

How about a grease cutting detergent like Dawn? That seems like something you could find in Bangkok. Dilute it in some hot water and scrub away.

X2, this is what I use for day to day cleaning and it takes the grease off and makes my bike shiny. (I actually keep a spray bottle of diluted detergent in the garage so it's ready all the time)

2008-08-17 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1607627

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Chaska, MN
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
If you use brake cleaner it will likely strip the paint clean off your bike.  That's not a good option.  I look for liquid car wash soap and follow up with a good lube.
2008-08-17 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1608788

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas

KCD1974 - 2008-08-17 2:41 PM If you use brake cleaner it will likely strip the paint clean off your bike.  That's not a good option.  I look for liquid car wash soap and follow up with a good lube.

I didn't mean to clean the bike, just the cassette.  I would hope the person would take the rear wheel off the bike, and work in a well ventilated area outside, with no flames or cigarettes nearby to combust. The intent is to remove the old lube and road grime that has accumulated.

Also, not to let it get too much into the interior of the cassette, which would result in all the bearings getting de-greased.

Yes, it's probably a huge PITA, but if you don't have access to simple green or a citrus based cleaner, it may be the best option readily available.

2008-08-17 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1607627

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Extreme Veteran
Brambleton, VA
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
Thanks a ton for the info. Been out here for less than a month, and I am amazed how dirty the bike (and I) end up after a ride. Lots of very fine particles from the polution. Plus when ever you hit water, use can be sure there are some interesting things in there - oil, grease, sweage run-off (yum).

I have found dry lube (once I clean the bike), the trick is getting her clean. Mail order is not an option - too expensive. Your posts have been a big help. Cheers.


ps: did manage to find WD40.
2008-08-17 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1607627

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
I always use the citrus degreaser on my bike. It's easy on the paint, skin and grass. Plus, it's inexpensive and usually come sin gallon jugs....

2008-08-18 6:13 AM
in reply to: #1607627

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Bike Cleaning . . . looking for ideas
I wash my bike with car wash soap and a paint brush (to get into all the nooks and crannies). For the chain drive I use the car wash soap straight. I scrub it for a few revolutions and it cuts most of the grease. This may not be the case if you still have the original chain prep from the factory or use some other type of thick gooey lube. In that case I remove the cassette and chain and use something beefier like an actual degreaser.

One word of caution keep the harsh stuf away from anything carbon.
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