General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Last 20% of bike... what's my pace? Rss Feed  
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2008-08-20 7:40 AM

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Melbourne, FL
Subject: Last 20% of bike... what's my pace?

A friend of mine who also does Tri's is a big believer in the "sprint it in" mentality no matter what leg of the race it is.  We got into a discussion about it, especially about the last few miles of the bike leg.  I like to believe that those last few miles should be used to prepare for the upcomig run which would involve downing some last minute fluids and keeping a steady pace before you get off the bike.

Any input about personal strategies when it comes to transition pacing (last 10-20%)?

2008-08-20 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1615534

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Last 20% of bike... what's my pace?

Spin up your cadence to help the legs to loosen up a bit, but don't put forth more effort.  Don't hammer it in.  All that does is gain you a few seconds on the "in" portion of the leg, but then makes your legs tired and HR high during your transition which then makes it hard to settle into the run and you lose time that you may have thought you gained earlier.

At least that's my opinion.

Edited by Daremo 2008-08-20 7:53 AM
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