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2008-12-16 12:08 PM

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Subject: Amschrod's Group - FULL

NAME: amschrod/Anthony

STORY: In January 2006, after running and entering local road races for several years, I decided I would give triathlon a shot. Fortunately, I found BT where I have learned an awful lot about triathlon. Found I really liked the change of pace that adding swim and bike training provided, and I was surprised by how much I love cycling. I also love the special excitement of race day, and I was hooked after completing my first sprint tri. In my first 3 seasons, I have completed quite a few sprints, several oly's, and 2 HIM's, and I've had a blast doing it.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 21 years (to the same lovely woman) with 3 children: a boy, 20, girl 19, and boy 12.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now my training is run focused in preparation for a half mary in March, but I will start adding some cycling and swimming back in soon. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 was a great season for me. Won a lottery spot for Escape from Alcatraz, and I also did the New York City Tri, and Timberman HIM, as well as another sprint and a couple of duathlons, 1 HM, and several local 5 and 10k's.

2009 RACES: Definitely Musselman HIM, and probably 2 olympics, 2 sprints and 2 du's.

WEIGHTLOSS: It would help my running to lose 5 lbs, but those last few pounds are tough. I try to stick to a mostly whole foods diet.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I may be pretty slow, but I always have a lot of fun and I really love everything about triathlon.  I'm very good at fitting training into a very busy life and staying motivated. I do all my training alone, and my wife is supportive and proud of me, but she doesn't really "get it", so I understand the importance of the support provided by BT. I am no expert on all the details of training, but you can really learn anything about tri's right here on this site, and I know what works for me.

Edited by amschrod 2008-12-18 9:07 AM

2008-12-17 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1856717

Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN


I would like to join in if that is okay with you.

I am a former college football player, current working and family man.  I got back into fitness last April, I trained for and ran the Long Beach Marathon, my first running event of any kind.  During the training, I did a Sprint Triathlon and decided that is where my future is going to be.  I like running, but I love training for all 3 disciplines and I am very motivated to keep going.  When I started training for my marathon, I was 256, today I am 205.  I am a big guy, being a football body, and I probably can't go down more than another 10 pounds, so I have accomplished my weight loss goals for now.

Family - I am married, 6 1/2 years, with 2 children, both boys 4 1/2 and 1 1/2.  This obviously keeps me very busy, and I don't like to sacrifice family time for my training.  I usually go early in the morning, or late at night or maybe even at lunch when possible. 

Current Training - I am training for the California 70.3, it will be my longest event so far, and I am both nervous and excited about it.  I have been logging my training pretty consistenly for over a month now, and I have just began the first week of my 16 week training program.  Prior to that I was following a plan for winter maintenance.  My end goal is IM Canada.  I got a spot through my company, who is a big believer and sponsor or triathlon.

I tend to jump into things in a big way, knock it off my list, then approach from a more moderate perspective.  I know that I am taking on a lot for 2009, but I also know I can do it. 

I am an open book, so anything else you need to know about me I would be happy to talk to you about.  I am motivated, and am a very competitive person, so even though I know my time doesn't matter for my first long course events, I am still trying to do my best for each race.

Thanks for your time.

2008-12-17 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1856717

New user

Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

NAME: Chris


I just turned 40 in November and have been really looking at getting into Tri's. I am married and have 2 kids (7 and 2 1/2)  I also own a seasonal restaurant at the beach and have  as very busy work schedule.

I have been an avid surfer for the past 21 years and have traveled to many places before the kids

Currently I am looking at getting into a Sprint sometime in march or April.

My past training as really been around weightlifting and surfing.

My big reason for your group is that you have kids and seem to be as busy as me. 

Let me know what else you need!



2008-12-17 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

Hey there,

  If you have room, I would like to join up.  I am completely new to the sport and looking for any and all help I can get!

Name: Roadtoad22/Paula Rock

Story:  I am an avid runner with no real swim or bike training. I do anything from 5k-1/2 marathon.  I ran in HS and College until I got injured and rekindled my love for beer!   I am currently training for the Myrtle Beach 1/2 in Feb, it will be my 5th one. I just decided to do a triathlon 2 weeks ago.  We had an Iron distance tri in Nov in my town.  I helped out at a water stop and was just amazed by the dedication it must have taken to tackle such a sport. So now I think I will take on a new challenge myself!  A new tri store just opened up in town and  they are going to have some training groups which I plan to take part in too. 

2009 races: My first race will be in May- a sprint.  I found a race that might work out for a vacation back home in July- It's the Musselman on Seneca Lake- is that that the same one on your list too?

Family:  Married, no kids just 2 spoiled rotten dogs and cats

Current Training:  I run 3 days a week to train for the 1/2.  I have just started swimming and biking at the gym until the tri group gets going. I dont currently have a good bike but christmas is coming!

 Weightloss:  I certainly need to drop some weight.  I lost 15 pounds this fall training for a 1/2 marathon in Nov.  Would love to drop another 20 but know it wont be easy.

I would love to join the group if able.  I am also a Physical Therapist so I might be able to help out with some injuries.

Thanks for your time,

Rock On


2008-12-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN


I'd love to join if you still have room! You definitely have similar goals to my own!

NAME: kcovert1/Kelly 

STORY: I am 34 and this will be my 4th full tri season (if you count my first season, which was just one race!)  I got into tris  after my oldest son was born to lose weight and became hooked.  I missed the following year due to the July birth of my second son, and haven't missed a season since. I love the tri community.  I love how encouraging everyone is at races. I love the crowds. I love the look on people's faces when I tell them I am a triathlete. I just love triathlons (and now I feel like a total geek!! Oh well!)

GOALS:  I have 2 big races planned this summer:  Musselman HIM in July, my first HIM, and a marathon in October, also my first.  I also plan on sprinkling in a few sprints and olympics throughout the summer. I am also working on a fundraising project called Racing for Water to raise money to help bring clean water to 3rd world countries.

FAMILY: Married for 9 years with 2 boys, ages 5 and 2.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Working on building my running base and maintaining swim/bike. I'm hoping for a trainer for Christmas, so I can really hit the bike hard beginning in Jan.

'08 RACES:  3 local sprints - place 3rd in AG in one, Fingerlakes Tri olympic distance - 3rd in AG, and a 10k a couple of weeks ago.

WEIGHTLOSS: Would love to lose 10-15 pounds by June by eating whole foods.



2008-12-17 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

I'd like to join the group. I picked you because you said you're slow, but have fun. I'm slow, and trying to improve but realize I'll probably never be a speed demon. I'm ok with that; I just like being out there.

Name: Joann, I turn 47 at the end of December

Story: I've done 2 women-only sprint tris and had a blast at both. I've had injuries and health problems to overcome (knees, cronic sore throat), but am on the mend and ready to increase the intensity of training. I can't run due to knee problems, but I'm willing to walk the run part of the tri. I also plan to walk a half mary in March. I'd like to drop 8-12 pounds.

Family: I'm very happily married to a mailman who has no interest in triathlons, but is supportive of my training. I have a 5 year old daughter and a golden retriever who make my life a lot of fun.

2008-12-17 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1856717


Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

I would be interested in joining your group if possible.

Family - I am married 10 years and have 3 children (6 1/2, 5, 1) and a very supportive wife. We both work full time so most of my training is very early or very late at night.

Races Planned for 2009 - Timberman HIM. It will be my first tri. Currently training to run the Goofy Challenge at Disney in January. Biking every other day (or night) currently. Will jump back into swimming once the January race is done.

Weight - Would like to loose around 15-20 pounds by the race. That would put me around 180 at 6 foot 3. 

I like your philosophy of having fun. I have fun running the Disney races every year. I take my kids, get them involved in the kids races, and hope to set a good example for them. I really want to get through this HIM. I like endurance events over sprint events but always find it a challenge to "squeeze in" the training without sacrificing any time with my kids/family.

2008-12-17 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

New user

Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN
Would like to join your group if there is still room.

Name: Michelle

Story: Have been running and doing sprint tris for the past couple of years. Have finished two half-marathons and training for another in February. Just finished college and will start articling with an accounting firm in January. Have a supportive boyfriend and my dog who is the most motivating running partner ever.

Current training: Try to ride on the trainer once a week for at least an hour, run 2x/wk to train for half-marathon and currently swimming once a week but looking to join a masters program in the new year. Strength train 3x/wk but will cut back to 2x/wk once I start working in Jan.

2008 races: Two sprint tris, a couple 10k's & a 5k.

2009 races: Major goal race is to finish a HIM, the Calgary 70.3 is new this year or a locally-run HIM that starts & finishes at my neighbourhood's lake a block from my house. Will also try to schedule at least one Oly, one sprint and a du.

Weightloss: Would love to lose five pounds but if I work at being more consistent with training and maintain my current nutrition I'm not going to stress about it.

2008-12-17 11:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

Anthony - I would certainly appreciate joining your group if you have a spot

STORY: I have been running for a number of years, completing the London and Paris marathons in 2001 and 2002, before moving the US to work, where my wife and I had two lovely kids and training tailed off a little. I have run a number of races since then, including 10k races pushing one of the kids in a baby jogger in 48 mins and the Big Sur marathon. I am yet to do a tri but I am looking for a least the local series of oly tris this summer, maybe a HIM if I can train up to it. I am a reasonable swimmer and I recently took up cycling again after 15 years off, with a group that I work with.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 10 years (also to the same lovely woman - not your loely woman though) with 2 children: a boy, 2, girl 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now my training is cycling focused to get my legs in some sort of shape other than running.  I swim whenever I can get up early enough to get to the pool.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Big Sur marathon dominated this year, a few 10ks and half marathons.

2009 RACES: At least one triathlon! Hopefully 2 or 3 olympics, and a HIM.

WEIGHTLOSS: As with you it would help my running to lose 5 lbs (or even 10), but I am also finding those last few pounds are tough.

I was particularly drawn to you as a mentor as I also generally train alone and find it hard to fit training around a busy work and home schedule.


P.S. I will be offline until Dec 20th as I am taking the family on a little vacation

2008-12-18 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - OPEN

WOW!! I left my office late last night wondering if anyone was going to join my group. I just got back from my morning run, checked in to BT and find that we now have a great group of 9 people from all over. Fantastic! Welcome aboard everyone!

It's time for me to get my youngest up for school, but I will be back  later to respond to all of you individually.

Make sure you are logging everything in your training log; it's the best online log and really a great tool.


2008-12-18 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - CLOSED

Hello again everyone. Had a great run this morning and I feel terrifc. Who needs coffee!? This brings up one of the nice things about being on BT and part of a group. As you probably know, people who are not into fitness think some of the things we do are a little crazy, but we all think it's normal.  You do all think that getting up at 5:30 AM in Winter to run 6 miles in the dark is normal don't you?

Pac10er2: You do "tend to jump into things in a big way".  I really admire your ambition. I'm not familiar w/IM Canada so I'll have to check out some of the Race Reports, but I have heard all sorts of good things about the California 70.3.  I understand family time: most of my training is before anybody wakes up or atl unchtime. BTW, where did you play college ball?

Chris: Surfing should be great prep for the swim. You won't have that fear of open water that some newcomers have. Where is your restaurant? That is a tough business. Make sure you use the logs and make them public (you can change the setting in your control panel)

Paula: Another runner entering the wonderful world of tris. Cool! My HM is in March, and yours is in February; maybe we can push each other along a little. Make sure you start logging your training.

Kelly: Congrats on Finger Lakes! I did the Oly there in '06 and '07 mostly because my oldest kid is a student at Rochester Institute of Technology, so it was an excuse to visit him. Didn't do it this year because he took the Fall off, , but I should be back next year. A great race and a great group of BTer's. I will also be doing Musselman HIM this year. I hear it is another great race.

Joann: Not being a "speed demon" is very cool. All those fast people at the front of the pack don't get to appreciate the scenery as much as we not quite so fast people do Let us know a little more about your knees.

Tsmith67: Yes, I do have a lot of fun; I have heard several times at races spectators say something like "hey look at that guy, he's smiling!". Timberman is a top notch race. I did it the last 2 years and was very impressed. It was also my first HIM. If i could do it, you can, too. Please make sure to start logging your training.

Michelle: Another Winter Half Marathon. Maybe between you, me and Paula we can push each other to PR's. The "70.3" brand events are all so well run, but having an HIM right in your backyard sounds wonderful, so I don't think you can go wrong whichever you pick.

Julian: Paris, London, and Big Sur Marathons: very impressive. From the pictures I've seen of Big Sur, it has got to be the most scenic Marathon there is. Hope your vacation is good. BTW, if I may ask, where are you from originally?

Well everybody, that's it for now. I will be checking everyone's logs soon, so, if you're not already, please start logging your training.


2008-12-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1860720

Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - CLOSED

This was my day off, but reading your post about your morning run made me wish I had gotten up anyway.  Especially since I "shorted" my run last night.  I am in Southern California, and it was pouring rain, and very cold (40 degrees is very cold for us) so I was on the treadmill.  I hate treadmills, and had done spin class that morning, so I only did half of my planned workout.

Anyway, football was played at Cal Berkeley, I was a fullback.  Being 250 was helpful then, but it wouldn't do me much good anymore, so I am very happy I have made the transition to Tri.

I believe, although I am not certain, that my training log is open.  If you aren't able to view it, let me know and I will try to figure out how to make it so.

Thank you!

2008-12-19 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey everyone, what do you all have planned for the weekend? I was hoping to get a little ride in tomorrow, but it's snowing here so I guess I will have to break down and get out the trainer. As long as it's above 20 degreees I like riding outside, but obviously not in the snow! Sunday I have an 8 mile easy run, so I'm looking forward to that. I generally prefer the longer runs because I feel like it takes me 2 or 3 miles to get into a groove, and then I seem to find that zone where I get into a "runner's high".

Mike, (pac10er2), has added a half mary to his race schedule for January, so that makes 4 of us doing HM's this Winter. I personally think that, although Winter maintenance is important in all 3 sports, it's most important in running. My first few years running I took a little too much time off in the Winter, and then when Spring came it was almost like starting over. My local runner's club runs a series of 4 very laid back 5K's in Jan. and Feb., so a few years ago I started doing them, which really helped me maintain my running over the Winter. So if there are any local events, think about entering them.

I've been checking your logs briefly, but I'll be cchecking them more over the weekend.

BTW does anybody use an HRM for training? I tried for a little while, but I don't anymore, and now mostly go by RPE. For me, it got a little too detailed and took some of the fun out of training, but if you do use HR, let me know.

2008-12-19 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1861120

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - CLOSED
Pac10er2 - 2008-12-18 12:17 PM

This was my day off, but reading your post about your morning run made me wish I had gotten up anyway.  Especially since I "shorted" my run last night.  I am in Southern California, and it was pouring rain, and very cold (40 degrees is very cold for us) so I was on the treadmill.  I hate treadmills, and had done spin class that morning, so I only did half of my planned workout.

Anyway, football was played at Cal Berkeley, I was a fullback.  Being 250 was helpful then, but it wouldn't do me much good anymore, so I am very happy I have made the transition to Tri.

I believe, although I am not certain, that my training log is open.  If you aren't able to view it, let me know and I will try to figure out how to make it so.

Thank you!

I can't really blame you for cutting your run short on the treadmill. I gave up on the treadmill a couple years ago. Besides the boredom, somehow my legs don't feel right when I run on the treadmill. I always run outside, and in New York we have lots of interesting weather, so I've run in everything from temps in the 90's w/ close to 100% humidity, to down into the single digits. I actually love to run in the rain; I'm able to shut out the rest of the world ind get into that great zone much more easily.

Yes, I can see your logs, and they look pretty darned good!

2008-12-19 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1863381

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
amschrod - 2008-12-19 9:03 AM

Hey everyone, what do you all have planned for the weekend?

Greetings everyone,
We're snowed in for the weekend. The city is basically shut down, so I won't get out of the house for any workouts. But the good(?!) news is that there's plenty of snow-shoveling on my agenda, and that's just about the best workout in the world for me.

Thanks for being our leader, Anthony. I look forward to learning from you and everyone in the group. I'm going to add you all to my friends' list, or try to make a little box of all of us like Anthony has in his log (if I can figure out how to do that...).

2008-12-19 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey, everyone!

We're snowed in here in Syracuse.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get to the gym tomorrow for a spin class, and then, if the roads are clear, I'll go for a long run (8 miles or so) on Sunday.

Anthony, I've been training lately with a HRM mostly to keep myself in check during my long and easy runs.  I did the LT test and am really trying to "train slow to go fast." I'm not doing any speed work at all right now, just trying to lay down my base before things pick up in March.  I guess I won't really know if it worked until I get going in the spring, but it sure does feel great to run a nice, long run and not feel beat up at the end. I have decided I'm going to do the Mountain Goat -a 10 mile road race in Syr.- in May.

2008-12-19 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1863480

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I'm going to add you all to my friends' list, or try to make a little box of all of us like Anthony has in his log (if I can figure out how to do that...). Joann

Ditto for me, but how do I do this?

2008-12-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1863381

Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I have learned one thing already from the group, I should be happy for the weather.  I was worried about weather in the 40's, and you guys are all snowed in!  I am going to go for my run outside tonight and be happy for the temp's in the 40's. 

For the weekend, I will do a 2 hour bike tomorrow, then a very quick lift. Sunday I have a 45 minute run and a 4000 yard swim.

I am following the Intermediate Half Iron plan, it seems pretty tough so far.  The swims are really long.  I guess I will be that much more comfortable in the water when the event hits though. 

 I also wanted to thank you for leading the group.  Doing training solo is tough after a while, and it is good to have people to talk to that are doing the same thing.

 I am not using a HRM yet, but should be getting one for Christmas if my wife has paid attention to my constant, never ending hinting.  Costco has, or at least had, the Garmin 305 on sale for $160.  I have never used one of these, but I will have one shortly.  We'll see how it goes.

I had signed up the HM a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to put it on my races.  Seeing that everyone else had put theirs on, it reminded me to do it.

 I also am glad to "meet" everyone else in the group, it is really cool to have something like this.  My wife thinks I am a lunatic for donig triathlons so it's nice to talk to people that are into them.  I have always had athletics in my life, and I really need something to do so I don't feel like a waste.  I really think it is going to make me a better husband and father because I am just a happier person when I am doing something physical.

Have a great weekend.

2008-12-19 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1856717

New user

Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I was looking forward to a nice long weekend in LA, away from the cold but I'm stuck in the Las Vegas airport for who knows how long. When I finally make it I'm planning on getting in a couple longer runs (90 min or so). It been so cold back home I haven't been making it past 50 minutes before I'm frozen solid and back inside.

I used a HRM when I trained for my first half-marathon but this last summer I ditched it and just ran (I only used it for running). I like the simplicity of running by feel, not based on the number on the watch. Now when I'm on the trainer I use it, just to make sure I'm not going too hard which I find I'll do on the trainer.

Hope everyone stays warm, seems like storms have hit almost everyone this last week!
2008-12-19 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Howdy groupies!

 Ditto the thankfulness for warm weather.  I think it was over 70 degrees today!  I took a much needed day off from any training.  I know I just started swimming and biking last week but I missed a few hours of sleep every night this week and could tell that my body was begging for a break.  Of course the christmas shopping I did today should count as an olympic event!  I have an 8 miler planned for tomorrow then off on Sunday and back to the pool/bike for monday, run tues.

I am super excited about the group, I think a little support goes a long way- especially for those of us that are new to the sport.  Those of you that plan to do the Musselman in July- does the race sell out quickly?  I know that here, the big races sell out the day they go online which is tough because that starts jan 2nd- Hard to commit for a race in the fall in jan but if you dont, it will sell out.

Have a great weekend

Rock On


2008-12-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1864084

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Roadtoad22 - 2008-12-19 5:43 PM I am super excited about the group, I think a little support goes a long way- especially for those of us that are new to the sport.  Those of you that plan to do the Musselman in July- does the race sell out quickly?  I know that here, the big races sell out the day they go online which is tough because that starts jan 2nd- Hard to commit for a race in the fall in jan but if you dont, it will sell out.

From what I hear Musselman is usually open until spring.  I think they have the discounted rate until beginning of Feb., so I'm holding off until after Christmas to sign up.  I agree that it seems early to commit to something next July, but I don't think I will feel that way in Jan!! It would be great if some of us could do it and then meet up!

2008-12-21 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1860720

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - CLOSED



Sorry for not replying sooner, I was in San Francisco for a few days and now I am off to Tahoe until Christmas. Family is in town so we are showing them around. 

As to your previous questions - I am originally from England, born in Birmingham and worked in London. I now live in Northern California. 

As to the 5:30am winter runs - perfectly normal!!


2008-12-21 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Sorry I haven't checked in for a little while. Things were a little hectic this weekend. Snow causes some scheduling problems at my office plus we had a party at my house Saturday night. The party went smoothly, but afterwards, my wife said, "NEVER AGAIN". Managed to squeeze in a pretty good run this morning, even though it was snowing pretty hard, and the roads were still snow covered. It was really pretty and very peaceful; I think I saw maybe 10 cars my whole run.

Good news: the Winter solstice which means the days will be getting longer so more daylight time for training. Not so good news: Winter just started, and we had at least 20 inches of snow in the last 2 days in my little corner of New York Surprised

All of your logs are now public, and I see some of you are  using them. Not to sound like a broken record, but the training log is very useful. Here's an article if you would like some help getting started:

     Logging Your Workouts

There are all sorts of great features. One of my favorites is routes. If you save a favorite route, you can get a history of your times so you can track your progress.


2008-12-21 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1863480

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

SpokaneJo - 2008-12-19 12:50 PM
amschrod - 2008-12-19 9:03 AM Hey everyone, what do you all have planned for the weekend? Anthony
Greetings everyone, We're snowed in for the weekend. The city is basically shut down, so I won't get out of the house for any workouts. But the good(?!) news is that there's plenty of snow-shoveling on my agenda, and that's just about the best workout in the world for me. . Joann

What is with all that snow in the PNW? Was surprised when I turned on the Jets/Seahawks game and saw it was snowing.  Snow shoveling is a good workout, but I don't have to do so much because I have slaves children.


2008-12-21 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1863931

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2008-12-19 4:02 PM

Anthony, I've been training lately with a HRM mostly to keep myself in check during my long and easy runs.  I did the LT test and am really trying to "train slow to go fast." I'm not doing any speed work at all right now, just trying to lay down my base before things pick up in March.  I guess I won't really know if it worked until I get going in the spring, but it sure does feel great to run a nice, long run and not feel beat up at the end. I have decided I'm going to do the Mountain Goat -a 10 mile road race in Syr.- in May.

Yes, very important to keep yourself in check on those long, easy base building runs. Keep working on that base. Mountain Goat 10 mile run? Sounds interesting. Is it called Mountain Goat because it's hilly?


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