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2008-12-18 10:42 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

NAME: AKR18 Anne Reed

STORY: I'm a mom of 2 busy kiddos (ages 18 months and 6 years). I started training for my first tri in January of 2008 and haven't stopped. I was delusional after the birth of my second child and told my husband (ridiculously fit triathlete) that I would do a tri in 2008; he handed me training plans in January, and the rest is history. At the time I could not even walk a fast mile, and I cried over how ugly I thought my first pair of properly fitted running shoes were.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to another triathlete (he's obsessed, I just do it for the cookies)

CURRENT TRAINING: I trained for and completed two sprint distance triathlons in 2008 and two 5k races. I am currently doing a winter maintenance program and will train for sprint distances again this spring. THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2008 I completed an all women's triathlon in July (sprint) and a sprint distance tri in Northern Michigan in September.

2009 RACES: I am training for 3 sprint distance races (2 that I did last year- my goal is to improve my times) and a 10k in the fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: I lost 20 pounds prior to having my last child, and used triathlon training to help me lose inches- I have gone down one full size, almost 2. I am currently doing Weight Watchers along with training to help me lose the last 10 pounds.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I was an avid member of 2 mentor groups last year, both of which lost their mentors. I learned how to be a good support system for my fellow group members and stayed in contact with one of them. I firmly believe that if I can go from couch to tri, anyone can. I still have my down days, when it's really hard to get out there and run in the snow, or drag the toddler to the gym, but I still do it, and feel so great afterwards. I want you to feel that, too! And I have all kinds of answers to really odd questions, thanks to the learning experiences of my first season. For example- chafing and the many solutions to that problem; how to get in and out of a wetsuit (not possible to do it gracefully); why you should buy your running shoes from a store that properly fits them and NOT buy them based on how pretty they are; and what to wear for your first race. Put on your FancyPants and let's get moving!

Edited by AKR18 2008-12-26 10:32 AM

2008-12-23 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN

Hi, I'd like to sign up.  I'm focusing on a half marathon in May and then will start actually training for a tri after that.  So I may be a little early, but I'd love to start getting information and pointers now.  I figure I'll be using swimming and biking as cross training during my 1/2 training. 


2008-12-23 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN
I'd like to join the group.  I did my first sprint tri last May at Disney and a 5k.  My plan for 09 is a 1/2 marathon in march, possibly 1/2 ironman in may, sprint in may, and maybe an oly in september...but I'm setting my goals high! I really want to get fit and healthy because my husband and I are planning to start trying for our first baby in the fall of 09! So that's me!
2008-12-25 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN
I have never done a tri, though I have been cycling for quite a long time. My interest in this particular group is the mentor who has small children. I too have small kids (2.5 and 5 years old) and I am trying to find balance between taking care of them, my wife, and myself. My wife is vocally supportive (as a former sprint triathlete) but since the boys have come into our lives, she dedicates 95% of her time to them and very little to herself. Not good. And particularly not good when I am the sole breadwinner for the house and then try to give her some free time to attend to her own needs when I get home from work and on the weekends. In short, I am trying to find someone who has successfully incorporated raising children into an athletic lifestyle without sacrificing the family side of the equation.
2008-12-25 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN
Wow- lots to reply to!

First- WELCOME everyone! It's Christmas night, and we took the day off from training (I'm guessing most of you did as well).

It looks like we have at least two people training for half marathons- that is fantastic! Unfortunately for me I do not have as much training time as I would like to have, so I am sticking to sprints, 5ks, and my goal of a season ending 10k. My husband does both sprint and Oly distance, and is training for his first half ironman this season. He had a major (for him) injury last year- IT Band- and that really interfered with his season and the training he did for what he had hoped would be his first half ironman. Hopefully being his spouse will help with any questions that come my way about training for HIM's. He has a lot more training time- he normally does a workout early in the morning, then one at lunch or in the evening.

Maybe the half marathoners will spur me on- I need help in the run (I get bored). Perhaps longer distances would be better?

Jonah's Whale- balancing the training and kids is interesting. I had some health issues prior to having our second kiddo, and it made me realize I had to shape up and take care of me. I was devoting so much time to a failing business, home life, extended family and our one kiddo (and our struggles with fertility) that I was really slacking on taking care of me. My husband has been doing tris since before our first kiddo was born- and had spent years telling me this was something I could and should do. This site really helps us plan our time well- especially in the summer time when weekends are taken up with long rides. We both use training plans from the site and usually spend time on Sunday planning out our week and what workouts we have to fit in and when. We also have babysitters we use in the summer when we have open water swims or long rides scheduled. One of the high points for me was doing our last race of the season together and seeing each other on the run (I did the sprint, he did the OLY). Maybe your wife will get back to the triathlons- just give it time. In the meantime, will this be your first sprint tri? You definitely have an advantage if you already have the cycling down.

So, gator416- you did Disney? My husband drools over those races. And you have a great weather for training! We opened a lot of cold weather training gear this morning. And did you know they actually make and sell snow chains for your running shoes? No, I did not get those for Christmas, but saw them at our local running store and decided I officially live too far north. The nice thing about fitting your sprint in there mid-season is it will be more like part of your training for your season-ending big race. And being in such great shape will be a big advantage for you when you pursue having a baby after the season.

Scubagrrl- a fellow Ohioan! Are you following a specific training plan for your half marathon? I do think the bike and swim training for the tri will be great cross training and it will help break up your run workouts. Are you central Northern, or central Southern Ohio? Just thinking race-wise there are some great races around Columbus, a half Ironman my husband used to dream of doing at Mohican, and then HFP does a few at Caesar's Creek Lake around Wilmington, OH.

Unfortunately, as of now, runs are not my strong point. My best area is my swim- but my run was my best area of improvement last year, and I'm hoping my off season maintenance will help me on the run next year. This group sounds like a good mix, and I'd like to make it a goal for us that we support each other. I will be checking in with you regularly- several times a week- and please check in here on our forum, and check on each other's training logs. One of the things I loved about my mentor group last year was that, even though our mentor dropped out, three of us stayed active in the group and regularly checked in with each other and answered questions for each other.

We'll hold off on closing the group until we get a few more people. In the meantime, I hope all of you had a great Christmas! It's icy here, but I'm hoping to get out in the next two days and try out all of my new cold weather running gear. I have been running in my husband's when I actually brave the ice and snow - which is not often. What is on everyone's schedules this weekend? Bike day tomorrow (on trainers in the basement), then a swim Saturday, and a run Sunday.

Happy training!
2008-12-25 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN

Hi Anne - I'd like to join in too.  My history is that I was a recreational ice hockey player that did nothing but skate until I stopped playing around age 30.  My wife bought me a mountain bike for my 30th birthday, then I bought me a road bike and I was a cyclist for 6 or so years.  I've ridden many rides in the 60 - 65 mile range.  A usual long weekend ride was in the neighborhood of 40-45 miles.  Then life gets in the way of cycling, and I gain a lot of weight.  Fast forward a year or two, I drop nearly 40 lbs and start running and find that while not the fastest guy, I'm far from the slowest.  I've run a few 5K's and 10K's.  I'm currently training for a 10 mile race in May, and will hopefully run the PDR (1/2 marathon) in September.  I've also been riding my bike on the trainer in the basement again.  I'm also looking for a place to swim.  I'll probably wind up joining a gym early in 09 so that I can swim.  I've never been a swimmer, so this will be my weakest link.  There are a few sprints that I'd like to enter this summer, just to get my feet wet, so to speak.  I'm also looking for a balance between my midlife crisis (just turned 40 in November) and my family (wife and 8 yo son).

One thing to add....I DIDN'T take today off as a training day.  I did a 6 mile run this morning after gifts and breakfast was done!  Which is a good thing, based on what I've eaten over the past two days!



2008-12-26 1:55 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN

Room for 1 more??

I'm Jeff, from Boise, ID.  46, recently divorced, single parent of 15 yr old son and shared custody of 14 yr old and 7 yr old.  Have been a runner for most my life, started cycling in the late 80's when LeMond was 'the man'.   This last season was my first real tri season (1 sprint, 1 duo, 2 olys), but I will regularly do a handful of half-marathons, 10Ks and local charity bike rides and multi-day bike tours.  I work 12 hours shifts that rotate every 10 weeks while trying to maintain some kind of 'personal' life.  I could bring to the table a fair bit of mechanical expertise ( I work pt in my LBS) and some hard earned "life lessons" type" of cycling advice.  Swimming is my weakness by far.  I believe in training smarter not longer.   I hope you all can find a spot for me.  Happy Holidays.

2008-12-26 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN

Looking forward to getting to know everyone.  I'm very new to the site so figuring out how to add friends, etc., is still new for me.  I'm fumbling around with it.

I do not have a plan yet for my HM.  I am signed up with a local running company here in Columbus to join  one of their training groups.  Although I'm not sure if I will be able to follow through with that since they do their long runs on Sat etc.  My kids are almost full grown, but I still have family obligations with them and my BF, so Saturdays just don't work for me.  I do most of my training on my lunch hour and the weekends are usually full with other things. 

The longest I have ever run is 8 miles so working up to 13 is going to be a challenge for me.  I want to do it at least the one time and then we'll see from there.  I think I'll probably drop back to 5 - 10K's after that with the sprint tri and possibly a oly.  We'll see.

I need the training to keep me motivated with working out and to help keep off the 40 lbs I lost a few years ago. 

Anne, I am from Columbus and have seen several tri's listed in the area for this coming year.  I just have to decide which one(s) I want to do that won't interfere with camping/hiking/diving etc.  My BF isn't into running etc, but we do enjoy many other activities together.  It's hard to not let my obsession take over and remember to make time for the other things we enjoy together.  So I'm being very careful to work racing etc, around our other passions.  It's a juggling act sometimes. 

2008-12-26 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1861022


Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN

Hello!  I would love to join the group!  I am a busy mom of 4 looking to participate in my very first tri athlon in August.  It is an all womens sprint called Tri for a Cure here in Maine where i live.  I am a complete newbie to a lot of training.  My strength I believe is bicycling although my fitness level is very much beginner.  I am most nervous about the swimming portion as I am a very weak swimmer.  I gained and lost 70lbs with my last child and have been active fairly regularly for the last year.  i want to take my fitness to the next level and I believe a triathlon sprint would be a great gauge of how far zi've come.  I look forward to learning all aspects of the sport especially training and transitioning.  Thanks!


2008-12-26 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- OPEN
Hey can I join. I will be able to help when needed.
2008-12-26 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hey guys- I'm going to close it here. We have a great variety in this group, and I dragged Mike (my husband) in since he is much more of a veteran, and we normally sit around and talk training in the evenings, so he'll be adding his two cents anyway.

Welcome to everyone- I'm more than happy to call you by your BT user names, but if you would rather, start signing your posts with your name. (I'm Anne, Mike is my coach/husband)

Scout- welcome! AND good job on fitting in a run yesterday. I have one of those spouses who can eat anything, but I am quite the opposite, so I am right on track with you about needing a workout or two (or more) to make up for what I ate yesterday. I have surprised myself, though, and am very lucky in that over the last few years our families have all started to eat healthier, and there are lots of good options alongside the oh-so-tasty cheeseballs and such. I'm going to own up to the fact that I really admire those of you who are so strong on the bike, as I consistently fall off my bike in the transition zone each race. My husband LOVES the bike, and has a goal of doing a century ride soon. Fire away on those swim questions- getting in a pool and just starting with a nice, slow hundred yards is a good idea.

Welcome Jeff! Yes we have a spot for you- especially since you promised some mechanical expertise. One of my goals this winter is to read as much as I can on triathlon nutrition AND bike maintenance. I need to learn basic stuff. What a great first tri season you had!

leathern9- wow- 4 kids! I don't know how you do it- most days I feel like I can barely handle the controlled chaos of our two kids and schedules. An all women's tri is a great experience for your first race. I highly recommend it! I loved how supportive all of the racers were in my first race - no slight to you guys, but women are chatty even when racing, and it was so sweet to hear all of the words of encouragement.

and Miker1818- that's my Mike. Welcome to you, even if I sort of dragged you in. He's training for a season of OLY's and his first HIM.

So....did anyone get any cool tri gear for the holidays? Anything you are super excited about? (please don't say snow chains for your running shoes.....)

2008-12-26 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hey all. This is very exciting for me. Living in South Florida, there are tri's all year round (not trying to rub it in). My real name is Jeff (also). I just submitted a user name change to BT to "tritoleed" ("Tri To Leed"). Long story about the name, but personally motivational.

Looking forward to getting to know each of you!
2008-12-26 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
scubagrrl- thanks for all the info and for answering my questions. You are right- it's hard to find that balance.

training is tough to do for me with groups. the only group training i manage to make it to is Open Water Swims in the summertime. Have you checked here on BT for training plans? Or any plans in magazines, like Triathlete Magazine? The only book source I can think of is The Triathlete Training Bible (husband has it). Just trying to think of places to look. I checked out your training log- you do fit in a lot of miles!!!! Great job!

(pause- we're chatting about resources)

Mike says for any beginners in the group- he highly recommends a subscription to Triathlete magazine. It gets a little repetitive after a few years but we have binders full of workouts and training plans.

2008-12-26 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Oh, Other Jeff (formerly known as Jonah's Whale). No, please, do not rub it in. I have an inch (or more) of ice that came down this morning. No, teasing me with warm weather and year-round tris is not mean AT ALL.

2008-12-26 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Good news!  I may have found a pool that I can use that won't break the bank.  I found a swim center that's about 20 minutes from my house where you buy a 10 visit card that has no expiration!  I can put my boy on the bus, then go swim for 30 or 40 minutes and be home in time to start my work day (I telecommute full time) relatively on time!  I'm going to check it out next week.  I'll also check out Triathlete magazine...Thanks for the tip!


2008-12-26 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I am completely annoyed. We just joined the new LA Fitness near our house because they built an indoor pool. Except the pool is not open because they claim they have not received their C.O. I called the City (as I used to work there) to see what's up, and they claim everything has received it's required approvals. Something strange going on....

2008-12-26 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1872541

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

AKR18 - 2008-12-26 11:42 AM Just trying to think of places to look. I checked out your training log- you do fit in a lot of miles!!!! Great job! (pause- we're chatting about resources) .


I uploaded my log from another site and something isn't quite right with it.  I've redone it and tweeked it several times but it's still showing way more miles that what I did last year.  (I think some how it's got some duplicates somewhere.)  I gave up   My real mileage is between 12 - 18 mpw and I have just under 700 for the year.  I thought I might hit the 700 goal, but the weather here in Ohio hasn't been condusive as you know.  (No more rubbing it in Jeff

Ginny AKA Scubagrrl

2008-12-26 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Jeff, nice to meet a fellow south floridian.  I grew up in Tampa, FL and moved to SC for two years for hubby's job, but I am so glad to be back.  Even though south florida is pretty different from the west coast of fl. 

As for the tri Christmas gifts, I was lucky and got a helium fuel belt from my mom and I picked one up for my hubby too.  He's joining me on the princess 1/2 marathon race in Disney and we are both a little nervous about our first 13.1 mile race. I also got the January issue of triathlete magazine and a book, "Triathlon Training in Four Hours a Week".  Hopefully it's a good one.

I even got in a little training christmas eve, 2 mile run, and christmas day, 10 mile bike ride. Today was just a short 2 mile walk because hubby and I got into a discussion instead of running :-) Tomorrow is another day though!

I really need to find a pool in South FL to start swimming again.  Running and biking is great down there (I don't know how those in the north do it, kudos to you!), but swimming is my problem. I guess I could swim in the ocean... Ah well, it's nice to meet everyone and enjoy your weekend!


2008-12-26 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Born in SoFla and have never really left. Like Godfather III, everything I try to get out, it pulls me back in. Live in Boca Raton, the nouveau-riche capital of the tri-county area. Don't know how I survive. However, lots of triathletes here and therefore, lots of resources (, etc.).
2008-12-27 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1872622

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Jonah's Whale - 2008-12-26 12:14 PM I am completely annoyed. We just joined the new LA Fitness near our house because they built an indoor pool. Except the pool is not open because they claim they have not received their C.O. I called the City (as I used to work there) to see what's up, and they claim everything has received it's required approvals. Something strange going on....



GRRR.....I can relate.  I heard back from the swim center.  Due to some "financial distress" they are currently not open.  They are hoping to reopen at some point and will keep me on their lap swimmers mailing list.  When I read the minutes of their last meeting online, I read distress to mean mismanagement.

2008-12-27 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
yikes! pool frustration and swim time needed all around. We are very fortunate here to have a great YMCA system. The outdoor pool is close to us, so we can bike there in the summer for lap swim, and the lake where we do our OWS with a local tri club is also within biking distance. We do have to make sure we get in the open water as soon as June hits so we get used to sighting and swimming without lane lines. Today was a swim day for me- the pool was super crowded.

as for biking and running in the north- we run in the snow. Mike is more hardy than I am, but you can only do so much on the treadmills around here (our YMCA has a 30 minute time limit, and if it is busy, they are pretty clear about enforcing it). And the bikes- we ride on trainers in the basement (which is VERY helpful with 2 kids, because they can play while we ride) and as soon as it is remotely warm, and the roads are clear of melting snow, we hit the pavement. I would love to live someplace warm- but I am not sure I could put in as much swim time if I had to just swim in the ocean (what about sharks? jellyfish? I'm such a scaredy cat)

So....for those of you having pool is almost the new year, and so many people make fitness resolutions, I bet you will see that pool center reopening as interest (and fundage) comes in. This time last year Mike and I started working with a swim coach. He was great! A local swim coach who did intermediate swim classes at our Y. We got lucky in that all of us in the class were triathletes. He did a great job correcting our stroke to make us more efficient in the water- and that really helps with endurance. We worked with him for 12 weeks and both saw drastic improvement. The most improvement was Mike- he flies through the water now, and before he used to sink like a plow. I hope the pool issues get worked out soon- I wouldn't be into tris if it wasn't for the swim.

It's warm here today, so Mike is heading out for a long run and I'll head out later too. I leave to visit family and will not get workouts in Monday through Wednesday of next week, so I'm trying to get everything in now. I'll check back in later tonight. Happy training! And scubagrrl, hope you are getting in a good run in this crazy warm weather we are having!

2008-12-28 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Okay, so things aren't looking great on the pool front.  I'll probably wind up joining a gym pretty soon.  With the discount through my health insurance company, it won't hurt that much. 

 Just got back from 10.4 miles on the bike...such a nice day temp wise around here that I actually rode outside for the first time in a long time.  I was reminded that there is no way to simulate hills on a trainer.  I need to ride outside more!


2008-12-29 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hello all and thanks for allowing me into the group.

My logs have been pretty bare the last couple months, I know.  Stress, fretting and 'pondering life' are not training log-able activities. I've been taking some time off to try and heal a detached hamstring attachment and a cantankerous, 46 yr old, right knee.  I'm a federal police officer for the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs so I often work long and unusal hours.  I will return to my workouts before Jan. 01-I don't want to be called a "resolutionist"  

I'm doing a 10 second OWS on New Years Day (The Great Polar Bear Challenge for the Idaho Make-A-Wish Foundation).  Nice to meet you all! jeff

2008-12-30 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Got a swim in yesterday with the masters team.  We were doing 100's...I got mine down to 1:35 with 10 seconds rest, my fastest yet.  But I doubt I could hold that for very long.  Hopefully that will soon become easy.

I didn't get to go out on Saturday when it was almost 70 degrees here   Family in town running for me over the weekend.  Which really is not unusual.  I try to get all of my training done during the week, the weekend is normally not scheduled although when the weather is better I usually do lots of cross training in ways such as skiing, camping, hiking etc. 

Today is supposed to be our last day of fairly good weather (50 I think) So I'm hoping to make a run outside today.  Might be my last one for a while. 


2008-12-31 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

7 mile, very windy run for me this morning.  7 miles is my new distance pr!  Woo hoo!  I've also been in touch with the local Y.  Their membership coordinator is going to leave a one day pass for me at the desk that I can use to check out the masters swim group.  Looks like I'll be joining the Y early in 09.

Question about the masters swim group though.  Generally what can I expect when I get there?  Is it typically a very organized swim team type practice, or is it more along the lines of casual lap swimming?  I really have no idea what it's like, so if you have any experience with a masters swim group, please post some experiences!


 Matt (scout21)

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