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2008-12-19 9:28 AM

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

 Name: suzimmer/susie

Story:  I am a wife, mom and teacher.  I'm also older, (but not old - at 47).  I did my first triathlon the summer of 2006, a small sprint, and absolutely fell in love with the sport.  I do triathlons not only for the health and physical benefits, as I have had to work through some chronic health issues, but for the camaraderie and fun.  I've met some really great people since getting involved.  Plus, I love a good challenge and have always been a goal setter.

Family Status: I'm married 22 years and have two teenage boys. My oldest is a freshman in college, younger, a junior in high school.  We also have a menagerie of animals including a dog, guinea pig, gerbil, frogs, and fish.

Current Training: I work out 5 days a week during the off- season and beginning in March, 6 days a week.  During the winter months I like to focus on a skill or area needing improvement.  Last winter it was my swimming.  This year it's overall strength, especially core strength.  Last year I followed the BT Intermediate IM plan and successfully completed IMWI. ( not technical, just wanted to finish) I also did a HIM and 2 sprints last summer.

2009 races: I'm signed up for and HIM in July, and plan on doing 2 or 3 sprints and one Oly distance races in addition to 3 running races, a 10 miler in April, a Half Mary in June and the Chicago Marathon in October.

Weightloss: Not an area of concern for me, as I am naturally slender. (of course I've noticed as I age it does get a bit harder to maintain a certain weight) But Nutrition is a huge issue for me as I have many food sensitiveities and restrictions.

What will make me a good mentor:  I would love to be a mentor to a group of women that perhaps have never done a triathlon before.  I think my experience of starting triathon at the age of 45 and having to deal with health issues gives me a unique perspective.  I'm a wife, mom and work full time, so I know what it's like to balance work and family with training.  I feel I would be a good mentor, not because I am this great athlete and know everything about triathlon, but because I am an average person, who has set and achieved goals for myself and would like to see others do the same. I love this sport and all it's brought to my life.  I believe I can share that feeling with others and hopefully get some people "hooked" into triathlon. 

I was a member of a mentor group last year and loved it.  In fact, I continue to have e-mail contact with a couple  members of that group.  I am on BT almost daily, logging workouts and checking things out etc, so maintaing regular contact with the group would not be difficult.



Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-02 9:37 PM

2009-01-01 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

Hi Susie,


I am new to triathlon and was looking into a mentor group when my husband found your group was open. It sounds like it is exactly what I need. I started thinking about a triathlon this past August after watching my husband do a HIM and several smaller ones. I have been training for 5 months and am making good progress. I plan on doing a sprint in late May and a OLY in Sept. I want to finish my 2009 season with a half Mary in Oct.


I am 48 years old, married to a wonderful man, have 5 great kids and 4 grand kids. I work part time as an RN. I train 4-5 times a week now and am loving it. My hubby is a great workout partner but, it sounds like it would be fun and helpful to belong to your group. You have accomplished so much already.


I would very much like to join your mentor group if it is a go.



2009-01-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

I would like to join this group also. I am 46 years old and plan to do my first sprint in April, so far I have been only run and swim training. The swim has been hard but feel I am getting better slowly. I am participating in a Valentine relay biathlon where I volunteered to do the swim portion...ugh. This is forcing me to train harder. I don't have a bike yet but been doing spinning and stationary cycling for now. Getting a bike soon and will probably join a beginners bike class as it has been a while.  My sister and a good friend is also participating for the first time also.

 I am divorced and have a six year old son who keeps me busy. I work full time as a RN and live in the state of Hawaii.

 I also would love to lose about 10-15 lbs so starting on a diet tomorrow. Gained 5 over the holidays.. double ugh..

 This looks like the perfect group for me. Thanks







2009-01-01 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1881652

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

Hi Karen and welcome,

You're my first mentee!  I'm really excited about this group.  Ever since I did my first sprint I was hooked on triathlon and I'm so glad to have this opportunity to hopefully encourage others to "get hooked" into this sport.  

Congrats on taking the leap into the world of triathlon.  With 5 months of training under your belt if you continue you should be in good shape for the sprint in late May.   It's great that you have a race schedule set up, and it looks like a great progression. Are you or are you planning on following a training plan? 

Once again, welcome to the group!




2009-01-01 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1881901

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

Hi territ414  (let me know your first name )and welcome to the group!

Hawaii, I'm jealous!  I went to Hawaii 22 years ago for my honeymoon. Loved it and would love to go back one day.  

Lucky for you the weather is great for training year round so with consistent training you'll be ready in April.  Good idea to participate in the biathlon.  Nothing like actually signing up to get you moving.  For me, swimming was the hardest part. I come from a running background and the first time I got in a pool 4 years ago, I swam 25 meters and thought I was gonna die!    Keep working at it.  After my second season, I actually signed up for a triathlon swim class to work on becoming a more efficient swimmer.

What type of bike are you looking at?  And are you using a training plan?

Once again, welcome to the group!



Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-01 9:52 PM
2009-01-01 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

I'd like to join your group. I decided 3 years ago to do my first triathlon. I was 40 lbs overweight and hadn't done anything physical for years. I'm now 37 years old, a real estate broker, and mom of 3 boys, and I have also had my share of medical problems over the years, including having a kidney removed in 2000. I've never been an athlete, though I was a ballerina and cheerleader as a "youngin." I like to bike, but I can't run worth squat and I was really worried about the swim- which was supposed to be in Monterey Bay.

So, I started training- way too hard right off the bat, and ended up inuring my feet and my shins. So, undaunted, I decided to work on my pathetic swimming. Even though I'm REALLY slow, I got to the point where I could swim for an hour- I was relaxed, and time blew by. I actually forgot what I was doing sometimes because I was just really enjoying the rhythm of everything. That was something I had never experienced before. Excercise for relaxation?! I haven't been able to swim too much since, time constraints, but having had that experience with swimming, I'm not too concerned about the swim portion.

My oldest son was injured in a dirt bike accident a month before the tri, so between that and my own injuries, I didn't make it to that triathlon.

Since then, I've lost 30 of the 40 pounds I needed to lose. I'm now planning to do my first tri on June 6, and have talked some other gals in my area into doing it too. I'm hoping having others to work out with will help. Also, then I'll be less-likely to wimp out! This time I've chosen a local triathlon (15 min from my house) where I'll be able to train anytime I want on the actual course. The swim is in a lake, not the ocean. Mild hills, nothing crazy, road course for the bike and packed dirt for the run. It's 1/2 mi swim, 16 mi bike, 2 mi run.

I have no technique and no athletic background, but I want to do this! I'm hoping you can help keep me motivated and answer my questions as I prepare.



2009-01-01 11:31 PM
in reply to: #1881919

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

Sorry, my name is Terri. Not sure what kind of bike yet. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner  reasonably priced bike?? I definitely will go to a bike shop.

I just been doing the beginner swim plan and will start a plan once I get a bike I am running about 3-4 miles 3XS a week right now.




2009-01-01 11:46 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN
Hi Susie
Can I join???
I'll post a bio soon.
Thanks, Lori
2009-01-02 12:14 AM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN
So here's my story:
I am 47 ( can't lie to tri friends about that one when it's written on your calf!), and have no swimming, running, or cycling background. I have always been active though so when a friend invited me to do a short tri I agreed and trained on my own. Then, everyone backed out and I was so disappointed that I joined a tri group at my local Y and trained with them. I have been active in tris for 2 years now, but have not accomplised my goal of a sprint distance. I developed plantar fascitis this season and had to settle for doing the cycling portion of 2 relays. I am a decent swimmer (not fast), a strong cyclist (for my age...), but a weak runner.

I am a Registered Nurse who works part time, and I have returned to university part time to get my BScN. I have 2 children, a 19 yr old daughter and an 18 year old son. I have been married for 21 years.

My goal for 2009 is to compete in Sprint Distance tris and be able to run a 10km.

I currently train with a tri group at my local YMCA. We swim as a group once a week and cycle/run brick once a week. When Spring comes there are rides and runs almost daily. I swim 2xweek, run 3xweek, and cycle2xweek. I also strenght train2-3xweek.

I have joined this group in a quest to improve my discipline so I can achieve my goals.
Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
2009-01-02 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1863127

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN
Hi Susie, can I join? Here is my story:

Name: juls2bfit / Julie

Family: I am married and have 2 children ages 11 and 9. We stay extremely busy between 3 soccer teams, swim team and school activities. My husband works for Marriott opening new hotels and travels about 90% of the time. I have come to realize that I have used those excuses the past few months and have not done something active for myself. That is going to change. New Year's resolution - Julie needs time too!

Why I want to do this: I am ready to get back in the swing of things! I not only want to do this for personal health reasons (I have 40 lbs to lose) but truly enjoy meeting great people, and set a positive and healthy example for my children. Last summer my children experienced the joy of tri's and did 3 races over the summer months and loved it. My daughter even joined a running club that meets before school. I want this sport to be a family event that we can continue to do together. I am even trying to talk my husband into trying it.

Races: I did my first tri last year on Mother's day - YAHOO. It was a sprint and man I was so proud to finish. It was through IronBabe and all women which was wonderful! I have to say I loved it and the discipline it took for me to train. Swimming is my weakest link - it was much harder at the race in open water (just after a storm had passed - not sure if that had a part in it) than practice in the pool. I just was not used to swimming with a current and having waves crash over my head. I have decided I will need to invest in some private lessons or just spend a heck of a lot of time in the pool building up endurance. I was excited to have finished the swim (especially since there were a couple of ladies who had to be rescued next to me) and kept telling myself if I can get through this part then the rest is a breeze! Ha! In looking at the race calendar I hope to race in 3 sprint tri races this season with the first one in March. I would also like to do some 5K and maybe even a 10K by the end of the year.

Training: Right now I have really just been running 3 miles 3 times a week. I have also been using my road bike (on a stationary trainer) in the mornings for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week. I take 1-2 strength classes at the gym each week as well.

I look forward to working with everyone and can't wait to see a slimmer, fit and multi-tri finisher by the end of 2009!

2009-01-02 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN
Hi Susie

I'd like to join your group. I'm 43 years old and plan on doing my first tri in June 2009. I just started training this year (well last year since it's now 2009 ) in October. I love it and having a group and a mentor to encourage and motivate me is exactly what I need.

I train 5 days a week. I joined a tri-club this year to help me with the technical part of swimming. Oh I can swim, but swim 750m without stopping is another story. I'm getting a lot better, not very fast though! We swim 3 times a week, run 3 times a week and starting this week, we will be biking indoors once a week. (I have an old mountain bike for now, but it will do for the trainer) oh btw I like in Quebec, Canada so no biking outdoors right now.

I really really love training. I'm very motivated and I can't wait to do my first tri this summer. I have a teenage daughter that I take running with me some times because she's not very much into sports but I kinda force her into doing physical activity and making it fun for her


Edited by mekira 2009-01-02 9:12 AM

2009-01-02 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1863127

New user

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

I would also like to join if there isn't too many people. My name is Tiffany I am also a RN and starting back to school for my masters. My husband started training for triathlons last year and completed two Sprint distances. It was (and still is) amazing to see how his body transformed. I decided to work towards one and I did a short distance duathlon in September and a 5k in November. Since then I have not done much (I need that goal in front of me to keep me motivated). So my first triathlon will be in June Sprint distance. I may do one or two more over the summer. My community rec center does 3 a year all Sprint but starting a little short and ending a little long.

 I have two daughters 4 and almost 2. I think balancing everything is going to be tricky but I can do it.

Thank you for being a part of this! Have a wonderful day.


2009-01-02 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN

Hi Suzie -

I'm new to these forums so I'm not sure about the rules.  I asked to join another group yesterday after not finding any groups with any women.  Now I see yours with all women about my age, can I switch groups, or be part of 2? :-)




2009-01-02 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

HI everyone,

I have closed the group as we now have 8 members.  They are:

Karen an RN from Michigan who has 5 kids and 4 grandkids!

Terri another RN from Honolulu who has a 6 yr old son.

Jennifer a real estate broker with 3 boys

Lori yet another RN with a 19 yr old son and 18 yr old daughter.

Julie from Texas who has 2 children ages 11 and 9.

Patricia from Quebec, Canada who has a teenage daughter.

Tiffany another RN with 2 daughters ages 4 and 2

Ruth from West Richland - yes,Ruth I believe you can change groups, just notifiy the other group.  Then come on back and tell me a bit about yourself.

Hope I covered everyone and got the info correct.

I'm very excited about this group.  I was part of a mentor group last year and thought the experience was very helpful, especially when I was feeling down or discouraged with my training.  I hope that I can be a part of helping all of you realize your goals.  But, I think that each one of you can help each other too.  There is something about being a part of a group that can be so motivating.

Basically, this is an open forum.  Post questions (I'll answer to the best of my ability and if I don't know an answer I'll try to point you in the right direction or if anyone else knows the answer etc. chime in)) Post comments, thoughts, rants, or just how your day was.  If you are not already logging your workouts on BT, get started.  It's fun to watch those totals add up.

I thought I'd share a bit more about myself.  I was a runner for many years and actually had comtemplated doing a triathlon about 20 years ago.  But, as with many grand plans, life gets in the way and the years fly by.   Over several years starting in my late 30's, I was diagnosed with several chronic conditions; asthma, interstial cystitis (a bladder disease) and ulcerative colitis.  I thought my active days were over.  After a time of feeling sorry for myself, I decided that knowledge is power and I had the power to change my outlook.  I began to do extenisive research. I changed doctors, made dramatic changes to my diet. I began running again and never looked back.  Becoming an Ironman this past September was the realization of a dream and validation that if you put your mind to something and work hard, you can achieve it.  I plan on doing another IM in a few years.

Well, must go for now.  (gotta make dinner) then it's off to the library to pick up some books for my classroom.  I'm an Early Childhood Special Education teacher and school starts up again on Monday. 

I'll check in later.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-02 5:38 PM
2009-01-02 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Wow, Susie! Thanks for sharing about yourself. That IS a lot to overcome.

I look forward to getting to know all of you better. I'm just getting going with the training, and I've started one of the work-out programs. I can't remember the exact name, but Mike somebody-or-another's Sprint program, a 22-week program for non-athletes. That would be me! Anyhow, we'll be on vacation for 2 1/2 weeks starting the last week of March, which I realize isn't fantastic timing for my triathlon, but there is a jogging track on the ship and a work-out room, so I think I should be fine.

So I've identified a couple problems w/training AND ways to fix them. My biggest problem was where to swim. I just found a gym that will let me do a "swim only" membership for $30/mo and they have an indoor pool. We don't have a YMCA near us or I would've tried that. I just bought a heart monitor today- I really wanted to spring for the high-dollar jobby, but decided to keep it simple for now. Then if I figure out I can actually DO this, I'll treat myself later. I have a history of esophogitis, and sometimes I can't tell if that's the problem or it's actual chest pain, so I figured the heart monitor would give me some piece of mind. I had a recent EKG and everything was great. Complete approval from my Dr. to do this.

I wish there was a tri group here locally I could join. Of course, I also wish I had been training even a little bit for the last 2 years! Oh well, I'm off the couch now!

So are any of you doing any of the other training programs? Oh, and what's a brick? I've seen that several places, and I don't have a clue!


2009-01-02 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1881916

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - OPEN
suzimmer - 2009-01-01 9:40 PM

Hi Karen and welcome,

You're my first mentee!  I'm really excited about this group.  Ever since I did my first sprint I was hooked on triathlon and I'm so glad to have this opportunity to hopefully encourage others to "get hooked" into this sport.  

Congrats on taking the leap into the world of triathlon.  With 5 months of training under your belt if you continue you should be in good shape for the sprint in late May.   It's great that you have a race schedule set up, and it looks like a great progression. Are you or are you planning on following a training plan? 

Once again, welcome to the group!





Susie, thanks for taking this group on. Sounds like a great group of ladies, we'll have fun. I don't have a plan yet, as soon as I do I will let you know. I need to find one within a couple weeks, time is ticking away. Thus far I have been doing my own thing and following my husbands lead.


2009-01-02 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hope you don't mind me summarizing too, but here's what I have. See if I got it right:

Karen: 1st Sprint in May, Oly in Sept, 1/2 Marathon in Oct

Terri: 1 leg of a biathlon in Feb, 1st Sprint in April

Jennifer: 1st Sprint in June

Lori: Wants to complete a Sprint after successfully completing shorter distances.

Julie has done 1, now has 1 to do in March, plus some 5ks and possibly a 10k. Wants to lose weight.

Patricia: 1st tri in June

Tiffany: has her 1st Sprint in June.

Now, maybe it's because my mind always thinks in 30-day increments (escrows!) but here would be a calendar of events:

 Feb Terri's Biathlon Relay
 March Julie's Sprint
 April Terris' Sprint
 May Karen's Sprint
 June Jen's, Patricia's & Tiffany's Sprints
 Sept Karen's Olympic
 Oct Karen's 1/2 Marathon

Did I miss anything? Lori, do you have one planned yet?


2009-01-02 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Ruth! I forgot Ruth! What do you have planned?
2009-01-02 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1883452

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Ruth, thanks for the summery. This is going to be so exciting. I can't wait to get to know all of you soon to be triathletes.


2009-01-02 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Jennifer: Wow, Thanks for the race summary!  I printed it out along with the bios so I can keep everybody and their goals etc. straight. Don't get intimidated by not having any athletic background.  The fact that you can now swim for 1 hour straight, no matter how slow, is fantastic! do you realize how many people can't even swim 1 length of the pool? Running:  how much running have you done? 

Karen:  It's great that you are able to train with your husband.  I'm glad you're looking into a plan.  Even if you end up making some changes it will keep you on track.

Terri: Bikes- are you planning on getting a road bike? (I don't want to assume) do you have a price range in mind.  Trek and Giant both have some good reasonably priced entry level road bikes.  Definately go to a good bike shop and get fitted. Not an all out bike fitting, those are BIG BUCKS, but a reputable bike shop will put you on different bikes you're interested in to see what is the correct size frame.  They should have you on the trainer and let you take it out for a "test drive".  Also, some bikes come in frames that are woman specific. 

Lori: You've got a great headstart with being part of relays.  How's the plantar fascitis now.  That's a tough injury.    Sound's like you've got a good routine going.  Do you have a race in mind.  Training with a group at the Y can be very motivating.  What races are the group doing?  I'm part of Tri group at the club where I train and it was great to see  familiar faces at races.  We also planned road trips to bike the courses of the HIM and IM that  many of us were doing.

Julie: Yeah for you! You've got one sprint under your belt.  I would definately look into a training plan.  It also sounds like your not really swimming right now. Time to get in the pool    And how great is it that your kids are racing!  My sons will come cheer on old mom, but do a tri... ah, no thanks.  (They both do gymnastics and diving so I'm not complaining.)

Patricia: As I said to Lori, being in a group can be great and  it's great that you're encouraging your daughter to be physically active.  You are certainly setting the right example with your training.  As far as the old mountian bike, if getting a new bike is not in the cards for you right now don't worry too much.  At Sprint races you will see all manner of bikes. And for your first race, it's all about the experience, not the toys.  I raced my first two sprints on my old comfort style bike.

Tiffany:  Way to go on the duathlon and 5k!  A great start on the road to triathlon. You are going to be busy with work, school and two little ones, but it can be done. It just requires a little extra planning (and a supportive husband).  Do you have a bike trailer for your girls?  That's one way of getting in some great training without having to get a baby sitter.

Ruth:  Looking forward to hearing about you and your goals.

Well, time for bed.  7am spin class.  No biking outside in Chi-town in January.  At least for me (I've actually seen some crazy diehards out there on the trail- Brrrrr)


Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-02 9:38 PM
2009-01-02 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1883624

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
suzimmer - 2009-01-02 7:37 PM

Running:  how much running have you done?  

Not much! 3 years ago when I was planning to do the other tri, I was only up to 1 mile. Then I got plantar fascitis and pretty much stopped. Had shin splints in high school when I tried to run track. I obviously don't have a good history with running. I'm starting from scratch, and I'm starting slow so I don't injure myself again. My training program says to start by walking for 20 minutes, and I'm going to find out where our local trails are so I'm not running on concrete or asphalt. Dirt is better, right? Compacted, trail dirt I mean. I live in Northern California, near Sacramento, so weather won't be a huge factor, except in the case of rain. I also have an eliptical trainer at home if all else fails, I suppose.

Terri- I have a woman-specific Trek Pilot. I bought it 3 years ago with our tax refund. It wasn't cheap, but not horrible, and I LOVE it! I am only 5' 3" on a good day, so many other bikes were just not comfortable. The bike shop was REALLY helpful, and they didn't make me feel stupid for being new at things. The first bike shop I went into was obviously set-up for the really, truly serious cyclists and they weren't too helpful, so I just went somewhere else. Good luck, and let us know what you find. I have 3 friends in the market for bikes too.

2009-01-02 11:39 PM
in reply to: #1863127

New user

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Susie- Thanks again for volunteering to be a mentor. You have overcome a lot and that is very encouraging!
I am very lucky to have such a supportive husband. Because he is also training for a HIM this year he understands the importance me getting my training in also. He loves to see me reach my goals almost as much as I do, he really is a special man. Same with me returning for my masters I had been talking about it for awhile and he was the one that finally said you need to do this go for it.
We do have a trailer but I usually (well lets be honest, always) let my husband pull it when we go on rides together. I have a phobia of street riding. I have been trying to get over it but really don't think I could do it with the girls on the back. My husband has a trainer so I will be using that mostly through the winter. There is so much sand on the road I worry about sliding. My husband did get me a hitch and bike holder for my car for Christmas which I think we be so helpful because now I can take my bike to a path and not have to worry about the roads.

Jennifer- Thanks for putting everything together that is great!

Karen- That's wonderful you have a buddy for training. Because we have little ones my husband and I have to go out opposite of each other. We do try and put the girls in the trailer and go for a ride every once in awhile.

Terri- I will be watching what you have to say. I need a new bike, using my husband's old mountain bike right now.

Lori- That is so great that you are a part of a training group. I have gone back and forth on this. There is an all women group here (Colorado) but the fee is a little pricey.

Julie- I am also looking at a training plan. I am going between the free 20 week sprint or the 22 week sprint (I think this is the same on Jennifer is doing). There are things I like about them both so if anyone has a comment on them I would love to hear them.

Patricia- I am also riding a mountain bike and would love to make an upgrade.

Ruth- Look forward to hearing more about you.

 Have a wonderful weekend ladies!


2009-01-03 12:02 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
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Hi Ladies -

So glad I made it in the group. I'll try to get caught up.  I'm 46 and a mother of 3 (23, 21 & 16).  I work at a national research lab in Richland WA; an architect by training.

PAST RACES: I tried my first tri in '05 with the Chelan Try-a-Tri.  It's a sprint with a 1/4 swim for newbies.  I finished under 2 hours, which wasn't too bad for being 40 pounds heavier than I am now.  I did no races in '06 but did deal with some health issues (insulin resistance) and was able to start taking weight off at the end of '06.  In '07 I repeated the Chelan Try-a-Tri race and took 25 minutes off my time.  At the end of the season a did the bike leg of our local Olympic distance and decided to set a goal of doing the entire race the next year.  In ’09 I did a couple of sprint distance races (Chelan Man & Danskin Seattle) and finally reached my goal by completing our local Olympic distance race.  I was very slow, finished at 3:28, but I did not stop, and I was not last! :-)

RACES PLANNED FOR ’09 – I want to do the Chelan Man again on July 18th (Olympic distance this time, the 1 mile swim will be the big challenge) and the Titanium Man, Olympic distance on August 29th.  I’m still looking for some other sprint distance races that are not too far away.  I will probably do a few local running races as well.

TRAINING GOALS:  I’m not completely sure of my training goals except to get more structured and focused in my training.  I just read Joe Friel’s Triathlete’s Training Bible and I’m trying to put a training plan together, modifying what he has for my skill and fitness level.   I thought the BT mentoring program might help as well.  I love to work out but know I need to do more if I want to get  faster.   I am now able to do the Olympic distance but I’m embarrassingly slow!

TRAINING HISTORY:  I typically work out 4-5 times a week, just doing what I feel like, making sure I cover every sport during the week.  In winter '07/'08 I focused on my run (just trying to get to where I could run 6 mi) and in the spring of ’08 I bought Terry Laughlin’s Total Immersion book and DVD.  I was able to dramatically improve my swim.  My favorite workout is my Saturday morning routine in the summer where I take my bike to the river and do all three legs back to back, just like a race.  A cool dip back in the river after the run is the best! 

WEIGHTLOSS:  Weight loss was my primary reason for starting this crazy adventure in the first place.  I have always had lots of trouble with my weight.  Controlling my insulin levels has been an absolute God-send.  I finally feel like a normal person and not held hostage by my diet.  I still need to lose another 20 pounds or so, I know this will help me get faster for sure.

On the like question, I have a Specialized Sequoia (low end for Specialized at $600 in '06), I did my first tri on a mountain bike and decided I needed all the help I could get with fast wheels.  It's been a great bike for me at 5'2".

I look forward to getting to know you all.  I put today's workout in my training log. I'm new to forums like this and using the logs so I'll have to keep learning.  On that note, is there a way to link directly to this thread so I don't have to look in the big mentor list every time?


2009-01-03 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1883415

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Off the couch is a great start and you need to applaud yourself for that! I think you will like your heart rate monitor, I use mine all the time! I take it your trip is a cruise? I am so jealous

2009-01-03 9:10 AM
in reply to: #1863127

User image

Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'm so happy I'm in!! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Susie - thanks for voluntering for being a mentor I'm sure I'll learn a lot.

Jennifer - (Susie, please correct me if I'm wrong) a brick is when you do 2 or 3 of the sports back to back in training. For example, my training on Saturday mornings is a brick of swimming (1 hour) and then running. We take the time to change in between because where I live it's cold as heck so we dry off, dry our hair, change into winter running clothes and then immediatly go run for another 40 to 60 minutes. (we have about 10-15 minutes of transition) I can tell you that after this workout, I'm ready for a nap LOL

I forgot to mention that I'll probably be doing the Ottawa half marathon in April (25) too. I wasn't sure about my level of running and if I would be able to actually run for a few hours but I'm making good progress and it will definitely be doable by May.

I know my mountain bike will do the trick right now, but I can't wait to get my hands on a road bike. We are signing our collective agreement at work soon and I'll be getting a bit of retro money and I'll be using some of that to get my new bike. I'll looking at OPUS (it's a Quebec made bike), specialized (my mountain bike is a specialized and I love it) or Trek. It's so hard to choose. Of course I'd like to buy local (OPUS) but I'm open to anything as long as it fits right and is the best bike for me (it's like running shoes I guess - you have to try a bunch on to see which ones fit the best).

Do you guys use the training logs here? Would be fun to see what everybody is doing.

Today I'm going ice skating with my family and some friends. That will be my workout for the day. Tomorrow I have a 65 minute run planned with my running partner and then I start swimming again on Tuesday night.

Have a great day

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