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2009-03-11 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi all,

Yes, This mentor program ends in April, however there is another starting in April. I have really enjoyed this and I too am disappointed to see it end so soon.  If everyone is interested in continuing, I will see how to either keep the group going, or start a new one with the same participants.  Of course you are welcome to join a different group.  Let me know what you guys would like to do.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-03-11 7:02 PM

2009-03-11 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'd like to stay with the woudl be great to see how everyone does- it motivates me to see how much everyone is accomplishing!
2009-03-15 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Everyone,

Well, I will see how to keep the group going.  I think I just have to be a mentor again for the new session and everyone just joins again plus we could add a few new members.

Hows it going? 

The good thing about my knee is I think the ART treatments are helping in that the pain is not as long lived as before.  Feels pretty good today.  I am going for a SHORT run today.  I am going to take my own advice.  3 mile run today, a 3 mile run on Tuesday (both outside - YEAH!) and a 3 mile run on Friday.  If all goes well I will add 1 mile to next Sunday's run.  I think I did too much too soon coming off an injury. 

So, lets hear fom everyone.  Now that Spring is trying to get a foothold in the northern climes it's time ot get out and train.   Still too cold for the bike (at least for me) but it's wonderful to be outside for runs.


2009-03-18 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
It is finally warm enough to run outside. So, I got up from working night shift yesterday and headed to a local canal path that has the kms marked. I was running along, listening to my music, enjoying the view and thinking I was moving at a decent pace, when this man, who honest to God was at least 70, passed me.....and he didn't even look like he was going fast! I tried to pick up my pace and catch him but no chance.
Needless to say, I am having mental issues about my speed and ability for triathlon.
Hope everyone is having a great week.
2009-03-19 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2025742

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Lori,

Please don't let someone passing you (looking 70 or anything else) undermine your training or confidence. For all you know he is a former olympic runner or has been running marathons for years.  The point is, you don't know anyone else's story or fitness level so you can't possibly compare yourself to anyone else.  Something I like about triathlon is that is an individual sport.  Yes, there are pros and people who do compete for the top places, but most people are only competing against themselves, for their own enjoyment or physical betterment.  Set your own goals based only on you.  Keep on training!

So, what's everyone have planned for the weekend.  

We had one absolutely AWESOME day this week.  Temps in the lower 70's Yahoo.  Unfortunatley it was just a teaser.  Back to the 40's after that.  but it was great to run outside in a sleeveless shirt.


2009-03-19 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Amen Suzie!! My first 5k, I was passed by all sorts of people- old ladies, fat people, little kids, a lady with a stroller, an old hippy dude with long hair and no shirt on...but I wasn't doing it to compete against them. I've already figured out I'm never going to be "competitive" at this sport. This is all about ME (which, as a mom, we never get to say!)

I ran my 2nd 5k last Saturday, really hoping to break that 30 minute mark. (See, I'm a slowpoke!) My first one was 32:31 (in Feb.) I didn't break 30 min, but my time was 31:18- so it was better than the first one. And of course, afterwards my nose started to burn and then started running (it's not even normal how awful it is!!) And I had a horrible nose the whole rest of the day and even Sunday! Monday I messaged my doctor again about my nose, who originally had said it was allergies. But I had tried EVERYTHING for the allergies, and nothing worked. This time she prescribed me a nasal spray that stops the production of the "stuff."

So, today I went 16 miles on my bike in 1:02 then ran 3.2 miles. It was the SLOWEST 3 miles EVER! Just trying to get my legs used to the transition. Guess what? When I finished, my nose started to burn and I thought, "Oh no, here comes the geyser." But it never did start running! I'm so happy!! So no more post-exercise nasal misery!! WHooppeee!

2009-03-20 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2025742

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks Girls- I do tend to get down on myself about my running ability. I really need to put more time into running. Hopefully with the weather improving, I can do that.
Our team website is up and running. Check it out at:
Our entire group is run by an amazing collection of volunteers. We train out of our local YMCA. We use the facilities at off times so that we don't interrupt regular members. For example, we swim Sunday mornings at 0630 - not exactly a coveted time slot....Once the weather improves, we will move outside to group runs, rides, and open water swims. I am very lucky to have this environment to train in, and to have made such good friends as well.
2009-03-20 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Lori- I checked out your team's website. That looks great! What a great bunch of people you seem to have a great group of people!

It's official- my friend and I were selected in the random drawing to participate in the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in you know what I'll be doing all summer! I'm a bit freaked out at the possibility, but also excited!

Also, I bought a picture from my 5k last weekend. I look like I'm going to die, but the most interesting thing is the picture clearly shows my left foot hitting the ground, and I'm definitely rolling my foot outward (that's over-pronation, right?) I run in a neutral shoe. I think I'll go back to my running store, show them the picture, and talk to them about possibly changing shoes. I may be a neutral runner when I'm on a treadmill for 3 minutes in the store, but it doesn't look like it when I actually run further. We'll see what they say, but that might be one reason for the pain in my left foot that one time (and I could feel it again when I did 6 miles)

2009-03-21 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Congrats on the Marathon entry Jennifer!  So just a few months ago did you every think you would be signed up to do a marathon?   

As far as the running gait.  Good question.  I would definitely bring the picture to the running store and see what they say.  It could have been that you just had an awkward step just then.  Look at your shoes especially a shoe that has been worn a lot.  Is it worn down on one side?  You could also try and find a place that does an actual running gait analysis.  I did one and it was very helpful.  They assess your leg and core muscle strength, flexibility, and video tape you running.  They also did a foot analysis.  I was given specific exercises to address some hamstring tightness and weakness.  I also found out I actually slightly pronate.  I have always worn a neutral shoe.  I now have superfeet inserts in my shoes to compensate.

 Lori, great website.  Sounds like you have a really wonderful group to train with.

I'm fighting something, feels like the beginning of cold, but not quite.  It's weird.  I'm VERY TIRED and have been for a couple days.  I did two hours of spin today and I could really tell that I'm  not 100%.  Anyone every hear of Perceived Rate of Exertion.  It's basically how hard you think you are working.  I felt like I was working my butt off, but my heart rate monitor told a different story.   I was barely in zone 3 and just dying.  Ended up taking a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow because the weather is supposed to be nice and I'd like to get at least a run in, perhaps  the first outdoor bike of the season too.

Happy training all!




2009-03-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

OK everybody, now that we are nearing the end it would nice to have everyone check in and report on progress, or lack there of.  Don't be afraid to let us know that perhaps training for a tri didn't work out for you so far.  Maybe it's not your season yet.  It took me 20 years from the time the idea of doing a triathlon entered into my head to actually completing my first.  Life sometimes has a way of derailing our grand plans, but don't give up your dream.

I've really enjoyed the experience of being a mentor.  Things kind of petered out toward the end, but I hope everyone gained something from being a part of this group.  If I don't get another mentor group in April, please send me a PM and let me know how your races went.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.  


2009-03-31 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2045794

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi Susie
Sorry I haven't participated recently, but I finally caught that nasty cold virus and have been out of commission for over a week. Yuck. Thanks so much for taking the time to mentor. Yes, it did peter out at the end, but I still enjoyed hearing how everyone was doing. getting feedback, and giving support.
My season doesn't even start until June, so I'll keep on battling those run demons.
Jennifer, good luck to you. You have accomplished alot and your enthusiasm is infectious. Enjoy your first tri and be very proud of yourself
Thanks again Susie.

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