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2008-12-21 11:39 PM

No excuses!
Subject: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Name: Michael

Story: This will be my second year mentoring after being a mentee in the first year of this program. I have been a runner for 10+ years and only got into tris for a change of pace two years ago. I wanted to do an Iron Distance so I did one in 07. I just did Ironman Arizona last month and my focus for next year will be IM Louisville in August.

Family: married with one son almost 3 and one due Dec. 30

Current training: I am an admitted slacker for the last month but am getting ready to get the train rolling again and start the push towards a great 09 season.

09 Races: IM Louisville, fall marathon, HIM still undecided on which one

Weightloss: A huge priority of mine this year. I have been very "sloppy" with my diet over the last year and need to make a serious effort to get back in race shape.

What will make me a good mentor: I think I am very active on the forums and keep good tabs on people in my group. I like to motivate others and love to see them achieve there goals. Join this group if you want to have a great 09 season and be around other motivated people. Looking for mentees who are training for any distance. If your ready, lets go!

Edited by Shermbelle 2009-01-02 8:47 PM

2008-12-28 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Bump, we are open and looking for peeps!
2008-12-29 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1874983

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Michael,

My name is Ken and want to start training for triathlons...  The "shorter" ones!    Specifically, there are a few mini-sprints(tune-up races) in Manassas, VA: 250yd swim, 4m bike, & 1.4m run.  The first is March 29 and the next one is in June.  After that, I'll start looking at longer distance races.

As for me, married, 39, with two tots in diapers: 21 months and 5 months.  Always been athletic and never had to worry about weight 'til recently.  I am 40-50lbs overweight at the moment and am looking to lose all of it, but realize I need to set small goals.  Hence, one of the reasons I am shooting for the mini-sprints.

I started training a few weeks ago with some HIIT biking sessions and 2-3 mile walk/runs and just got some new goggles for Christmas for the swimming.  I have a mt. bike, but am looking to get a good deal on an '08 road bike.  So, I'll be geared to train.

My weaknesses: a weak core(body) and sometimes lack the time to train. 

So, I am looking forward to some advice and support.

2008-12-29 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Welcome Ken,

sounds like we have a lot in common. I too need to lose 40-50 and in about 12 hours will have 2 in diapers.

Welcome to the group. Small steps is how it is started and the sky is the limit. Fire off any questions you have and once we get our group together we will do some fun challenges to keep everyone interested and motivated.

2008-12-30 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1876820

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

First; congratulations, good health, and many happy moments on your new addition.  Who needs tri-training with two, right?!?! 

I am glad that we have the same goals and am looking forward to chatting w/ you. 

2008-12-30 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Thanks, baby is out. Carter William, 10 pounds 2 oz. Dang might have and offensive lineman on my hands.

I think I might need more tri training just to stay fit to keep up with these two in a couple of years.

2008-12-30 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1866775

User image

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Michael & Ken,

I would like to join you. I've been lurking on BT for about a year now but would like to join a group.

My name is Jill. I live in Tucson. I'm 42 years old and I've been happily married for 21 years and we gave one 17 year old daughter. I don't have an athletic background. I hated P.E. in high school. Over the years I have done aerobics classes but not much else.

In the middle of 2007 I decided I wanted to do the Tucson 1/2 marathon. I trained for it and it took me 5 hours but I did it. I spent most of it walking and the last half was spent supporting my right hip by holding my butt cheek up I was determined to finish.

Around April of 2008 I started thinking about triathlons. I went to TTG (Tucson Tri Girls) meeting in April. I missed the May meeting but joined them in June. It's a really great group of ladies. I was going to do The Firecracker triathlon in July but realized I was not ready. I kept training and did my first sprint distance race in October. My goal was to finish and not be the last person. I did both. I now have a time to beat in the races this year.

My exercise has slacked off since the race in October. My husband had open heart surgery on 12/9 so I'm trying to juggle working and taking care of him. I did get on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes. Only did 1.5 miles but it's a start.

I have the 20 week Olympic training plan printed out and am going to use that for the 5/25 race even though it isn't a true Olympic distance.

My goals for this year are:
1.) Tucson Triathlon 3/29
2.) The Sahuarita Lake Triathlon 5/25
3.) Firecracker Triathlon 7/5
4.) Tinfoilman Triathlon 10/25
5.) El Tour de Tucson 11/21 (have not decided on

The races are spread out far enough to keep me training between them. # 1, 3 & 4 are Sprint distance races. #1 & 4 are the same race course I did this past October (825 yd swim, 12 bike and 3 mile run). Since it is a course I have already done my goal is to beat my October time.
# 3 is the same course but they do the swim set up long course so it’s slightly different so I’ll need to set a basis with that one for following years. #2 is a new race for me (1093.61 yd swim, 15.53 mile bike and a 5K run). The swim and bike are longer than the previous races. I’m glad that the run portion is the same distance as the other races since it is my least favorite. Okay, let's just say it: I HATE RUNNING. Probably because I can't do more than maybe 2 minutes straight without dying.

The El Tour is something I’ve watched every year and wondered if I could do it. Sort of like the ½ marathon I watched every year and finally did in 2007. Now that I have the new bike I want to try El Tour. I’m deciding on the 35 or 67 mile. I have time to decide and train on the course since the race is in town. This year there were 9,000 cyclists. It’s a bit intimidating.

That's it for me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys. I need to play around some more with BT and figure out how to post by workouts.

Have a great day.

2008-12-30 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1877968

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Jill,

Welcome aboard and a wishful speedy recovery for your husband!

I have to admit I am a bit embarrassed with my goals compared to yours.  Maybe I'll bump mine up a bit.    Looking forward to taking this journey with you and Michael.

Take care,


2008-12-30 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Welcome Jill,

Sounds like some achievable goals. Hope recovery is speedy for your husband. Great job on getting on the treadmill. That is half of the battle just getting ourselves to start the workout and usually it will end up great if we can just make ourselves take that first step.

So again welcome and for the record jealous of your weather down there, sure beats Michigan winters!

2008-12-30 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi I'd like to join you all. My name is Trudee. I'm a total newbie. I have done a few 5K's, 10K's and a half marathon over the years with friends and family and I have always been the slow one (12-13 min miles ). I've never stuck to a training plan, barely ran 2-3 times a week for a few weeks before each race. This time, I'm ready to be dedicated (because I don't want to be last). I'm working on preparing a base and then doing training plan with the goal of a sprint in June. Funny thing is that I don't really love running or biking or swimming (I'm hoping my love grows ). I promise I'll be a good teammate for the group, I'm serious this time (and committed to do a tri with two friends). I'm pretty athletic, going for my 2nd degree black belt in karate in January and do lots of core strength training, so I'm fit, but it's totally not cardio so I'm finding the tri sport to be challenging (and I suck).

Personally, I'm 40, divorced, have great kids 15 year old girl and 13 year old boy who are super active with karate, hockey, soccer, volleyball, etc. When they do runs with me, they do 10 min miles without any training. We started doing races together when they were small and the would walk/jog, now they leave me at the starting line and wait for me at the finish, lol. I work full time, but work from home so I have a little flexiblity in training. I do karate Tues/Thur at lunchtime so I have to work that in. I have a gym membership to a great gym with a pool.

To start with, I've been running on the treadmill 2 min at 10 min mile pace, walking 1:30 min at 20 min mile pace for 20-30 minutes twice a week. I've been cycling 2 min level 5, alternating with 1 min level 3 for 20-30 mins twice a week, 75-85 rpw cadence. I usually strength train after each cardio. I swam a couple of days ago and did 10 lengths stopping at the ends. I bought a road bike a few years ago but I'm embarrassed to admit, I haven't ridden it much (and it's cold and snowy here in Colorado). I put it on a trainer a few days ago and decided I need a new seat because it hurts my a** even with bike shorts on. I'm in a panic about the swim and wondering if I should buy the dvd on Any advice there? I'm trying to read books (Triathlon 101) and surf the web but I feel like I'm drowning. I debated about doing the Gold Plan to get some coaching but figured I'd start with Bronze for now. I did buy a new pair of good running shoes fit at a running store (have done this for the last 5 years after my toenail fell off after a 10K because my shoes didn't fit, lol). I also have achy knees, had ACL surgery on one about 4 years ago.

2008-12-30 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1878404

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Trudee,

Welcome aboard! 

2nd degree BB?!?!  Nice!  I train in BJJ, Muay Thai, and CSW.  Well, when life lets me.  If I could train those all the time I wouldn't need to do cardio.    Talk about a workout!

I've also thought about the video from  I started a thread asking the same question and got a decent thread or two.  Here is the thread:

I'd still like to inquire more about that video though.


2008-12-30 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1866775

User image

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Trudee,

Welcome! We had a pool as a kid and I "swam" then but this April was the first time I had gotten in the pool to really swim. The only thing I can say is keep trying. I too thought I was drowning. I thought I need to get those nose plugs or something but thought I would look ridiculous so I just kept doing it and feeling like I was going to inhale all of the water. Just in Sept/Oct was when I started getting comfortable. I think I've only been in the pool about 3 times though since the race in Oct so I hope it isn't like starting over. Keep your chin tucked and don't look forward. It's a lot easier to explain in person than the computer. I won't even attempt a picture

I'm off to go weigh in at my weekly meeting. I belong to TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly). I'm currently about 149 (we'll see what the holidays did). I should probably be closer to 120-125 since I'm only 5'1". I keep trying to lose weight. This is my year to get healthier.

See Ya,

2008-12-30 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Michael.. Congrats on the baby..

My goal is to complete my first sprint on April 11th.  It is a 1/4 mile swim, 13 mile bike and 3 mile run.  My real goal is to finish the first one do better in the second one wether that be in July or August I don't know.  I have been training off and on in Nov.  and then starting in Dec. I really buckled down and have been trying to be more regular about it.  I have been posting my work outs on the training logs.. and am having my first swim lesson tonight. 


Thanks and I look forward to it all..



2008-12-30 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi! I would like to join this group too! I am new to New to Beginner Triathlete! Heck I was so inspired by this group, I just knew it was for me so I registered!!

Background: I have got my feet wet with triathlons. Last year I did a sprint relay, this year I did an all women super-sprint and to finish the season I did the real thing..well a legitimate sprint race

Family: I'm 32 and married to my triathlon husband (who got me interested in the sport) of 9 years. We live near Salt Lake City Utah and have two crazy, crazy, little boys 4 and 2. I can't blame them, but my lifestyle as a stay at home mom has wrecked havoc on the healthy me. Before son #1 came along I had lost 30 lbs, was a pretty avid gym goer etc. That is pretty much down the toilet BUT I am desperate to get my body back again!

Current training: In September I did my last triathlon with minimal training (not good!!!) followed by a family vacation hiking in Rocky Mt. National Park, followed by a neighborhood fun run. Needless to say I ended up tearing my meniscus (ligament in the knee) and am awaiting a scope on Jan 22nd. I have been trying to stay in shape by biking and swimming a couple days a week. Dr. says I should be good as new in a month or so, and definitely ready for a triathlon in March or April. I am desperately needing some motivation!

09 Races: Just a couple! Balancing two training triathletes and two kids...a little nuts! I would like to do: Vikingman-Aquabike (I am loving no running especially with the bum knee) in Burley ID, and possibly the Blacktail Tri in Idaho Falls (Utah triathlons are too expensive for beginner me)

Weightloss: This is huge! I really want to take back what I have done to myself the last 4 years! First goal is 17 lbs gone by June. My anniversary, and hubby is taking me to Hawaii!!! I really just want to feel good! 

What I am looking for: The AquaBike event is big for me. 1.2 mile swim, and a 56 mile bike ride! Wowzers! How does a person train for that? Looking forward to getting to know all of you! Rebecca

2008-12-30 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hello all - My name is James and I did my first triathlon in 2007 on my 35th birthday. I did 4 triathlons this year as well as many foot races (from 5k to 1/2 mary). I look forward to the coming season with my A races being the New Orleans 1/2 ironman in April and the Louisville Full Ironman in August. I plan on doing several more shorter distance triathlons thoughout the season.

I am very goal oriented. I am seeking motivation, advice and encouragement from a group environment.

2008-12-30 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Okay Trudee, Tammy, James, Rebecca are all in. I will update more tomorrow when I have a few more hours of sleep under me and I can focus again.

Welcome all to our group. Probably take on a few more up to around 10 or so and then close it out like this year!

2008-12-31 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hye guys-

Just wanted to give some personal information, I was in a time crunch last night when I posted.

I was an athelete (softball) in high school, but that was  15 years ago.  I have twin boys that are 15, and have been married for 11 years.  My family is very supportive and are excited about being my "pit crew". 

I also would like to lose about 40 more pounds.  I didn't realize how much I had let myself go until I was weighing in at about 200 lbs, I am only 5'2.  I lost 30 lbs on weight watchers 2 years ago and have kept it off, I know the rest is going to have to be excerise and good eating.

I enjoy my work outs way more than I did in the begining, and actually feel pretty good about my self.  I ordered my tri suit already and have it hanging on my wall as a reminder as to why I am doing this.  I really just want to finish the first one and then build from there.  As I said earlier, April 11th is my date.  The one I selected was specific about the run and bike that it was flat and great for 1st timers...

 I really amd excited and hope to give as much feedback as I get. Cool


  "Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive... then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. "Howard Thurman


2008-12-31 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi everyone! Yesterday I attempted some swim drills. I felt like a dork but everyone seemed to ignore me, whew. So I agree I feel lighter if I keep my head down, but it feels awkward and feels harder to breathe. I did the side float with one arm extended and could do that, but I got water up my nose every time I changed sides (did a couple of lengths each side, then a couple of laps alternating sides). Then I did a couple of lengths trying to drag my fingertips - big difference for me because I was doing super huge strokes. Then I did a couple of laps trying to touch my thumbs out front to keep one arm extended - again felt foreign to me, I was swimming like a propeller using the other arm to push me up when I took a breath. Then I did a couple of laps trying to incorporate it all (did not feel good). Any suggestions? Am I biting off too much at once? Oh and I put my hair in a ponytail but it was falling in my face when I took a breath, suffocating me, sooo, now I guess I really need a swim cap. Ladies - any suggestions for a swim cap? Can I buy a cheap one? Do I put my hair in a ponytail first and then put the cap on? Also, there's a Garmin 305 on sale at for $159, should I invest in that? Recommendations?

BTW - I was so hungry after swimming, I had buffalo wings and chips and cookie for dinner, not good. I'm perpetually 5-10 lbs over weight and I used to be able to hide my baby belly well, but that's not going to work for swimming

Any suggestions on where I should start? I want to go faster, so I've been doing intervals cycling and running, no long runs/rides. Not crazy intervals, just 10 min mile pace and keeping my cadence up. I was planning on adding 30 sec to 1 min to my fast pace until I can run 2 miles at a 10 min mile pace and cycle 5 miles at 80 RPM.

Congrats on the baby Michael! My son's middle name is Carter Thanks for helping us!!!
2008-12-31 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Ken.
Thanks for the link to the swim post. I did stumble upon that yesterday. I think it helped but I still felt like I was suffocating yesterday. I was on swim team when I was 10 and that totally doesn't count. I did borrow a Total Immersion book a couple of years ago and found it confusing, I think there may be a dvd for that program too . . . . eek, I hate buying things that totally don't work but I have seen rave recommendations . . .
2008-12-31 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1879740

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Trudee!  I think you are off to a great start.  Everything will feel awkward at first and I am expecting a HUGE feeling of being uncomfortable/dorky when I hit the pool.  When I do, I'll probably spend 90% of my time on a certain technique and then try incorporating some of the other ones during the last 10%.  For me, it'll be about trying to learn one before the other and alternate after each session.

As far as water in the nose...  I hate that, but I found that if I mildly "hmmmmm" during the times I am not taking a breath, it works well.

A Garmin 305 for $150?  I'd say get it if you can.  They're normally over $250'ish.

I love buffalo wings!    Swimming can be dangerous for the waistline because you are depleting your energy stores in two ways: body heat loss & cardio.  Both of which will make you very hungry as your body tries to make up for your effort.  Sort of a double whammy.  When I used to scuba-dive, there would always be some fruit afterwards, but only enough for a few bites.  So, basically, just enough to satisfy the cravings.  After a few minutes, the hunger would go away.  So, take an apple(fruit) and eat it on the way home.  That may help.

 For speed, trying doing HIITs when running/biking.  They seem to be working for me.

Sorry to be so long-winded and I hope it helps.  By the way, I used to be a personal trainer in my youth.  So, I may be able to help in those areas.

Edited by K Robert 2008-12-31 11:38 AM
2008-12-31 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

I could use more advice on how to incorporate HIIT training. I googled it Am I better off doing 1 min run/1 min jog instead of 2 min run/1 min walk? Should I be changing the interval times? Increase the high level? Decrease the low level? Or am I supposed to increase the run speed (theoretically, if I get better). How about cycling, should I stick with 1 min hard/1 min easy? Am I supposed to keep my cadence at 80 on the hard interval? And increase the "level" if I get better?

Sorry for all the questions, I feel absolutely clueless. Thanks for the confirmation on the GPS. I checked the forum and there was a post about the good Costco deal and lots of positive response so I'm going to go for it. Helps me feel less guilty about the splurge if you recommend it, ha. So yay, I now have good running shoes, a road bike (5 years old but otherwise brand new), and soon a GPS in my repertoire and of course, you guys for support.

I have picked the 5430 tri in Boulder on June 21st, 1/2 mile swim, 17.2 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. Open water swim in a reservoir but it says it's beginner friendly and close to my house. I also picked the 20 Week Sprint - Swim Focused training plan and loaded it. It starts in Feb 2nd based on my finish date. Ugh on the swim focus, but it was less of a time commitment than the balanced plan and swim is my worst event.

Feels very scary! I still don't know how to change a flat tire on my bike and I've never squeezed into a wetsuit.


2008-12-31 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Michael and everyone,

I would like to join your group if there is still room for one more.

Name: Irwin

Location: St. Louis, MO 

Story: I was moderately athletic during my early years through my mid 20's, played soccer when I was a kid, tennis and basketball through high school and into college. Slowly morphed into more couch time in my late 20's, early 30's. Started running August 2007, finished 3 half marathons, 1 hurricane-shortened half marathon, and various road races from 5K's to 15K's. Sustained a running knee injury after my 2nd half and had to shut it down for 6 weeks. What do you do when you can't run? Buy a bike, of course! Started lap swimming once a week in Dec. 2007 as a cross-training activity to complement the running. Did my first sprint tri in July, followed it up with 2 more sprints shortly after. My first tri season ended prematurely after I fractured two metacarpals in my left hand.

Family: Single, you'd think I would have lots of time to train, but I'm finding that to be just as challenging.

Current training: Working my way towards my first Oly, St. Anthony's at the end of April. I'm training and fundraising with Team In Training.

Goals for 09: Depending on how St. Anthony's goes, do a few more sprints and olys and possibly tackle a HIM in late September. Augusta 70.3 is my target. Not sure I'll be ready for a HIM by then, but I'm willing to give it a shot.


Looking forward to getting to know the rest of the group! Thanks.



2008-12-31 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1879946

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


First, I just got an email from  in which I inquired if the DVD was for beginners and Kevin emailed back and said, "it's aimed for beginners".

For HIIT, it's all up to you.  The more advanced HIIT'ers will do 1/1(high/low) splits, but you'll see benefits from any of the combinations you mentioned.  I think the key concept to remember is "percentage" as opposed to cadence.  Your "highs" should be 80%-90% capacity and "lows" 30%-50%.  Of course, those numbers change depending on who you talk to, but as your endurance/stamina increases, so does your "80%-90%".  See what I mean?  That way you'll never have to worry about cadence.  It also lends itself to your bodies effectiveness on any given day.  80% on "bad" days is much different on than 80% on "good" days.  So, it's sort of a "listen to your body" and do what it asks.

Caution: HIIT for running is far more prone to injury than biking.  I do my intense HIIT on the bike and tone it down for running since there are many more variables you have to account for.  Fir running, I do 1/2 splits at 60%-70% & 20%-30% and then mix in a .5/1 split at 70%-80% & 30%-40%.  I even do 2/2 or 1/3.  Just depends on how I feel.

For tri's, I think the speed will come from the endurance we have and not so much "pure" speed.  The longer you can swim, bike, and run at a certain pace will get you to the finish line faster. Of course, I your neck-and-neck with someone and there's a "race" to the finish line, that's when you want that burst of "pure" speed.  HIIT will help with both.

I ramble, so cut me off if need be. 


Edited by K Robert 2008-12-31 1:31 PM
2008-12-31 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hey  Irwin, you are in.

Sounds like you are in good company with your life situations and training goals. Finding time and making time is key, being consistent is the fastest way to get in shape and meet your goals. (I need to hear that and follow it myself)

2008-12-31 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


I am going with a few swim lessons to re-orient my self in the water.. I had my first lesson last night and only almost drowned twice.  But she gave me a lot of information and tips to work on for the next 2 weeks before my next lesson. 

As far as the cap goes, i would think you want to put it up in a ponytail and then put the cap over the top.. keeps it all tucked in.. but then I have short hair..


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