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2008-12-28 9:34 AM

Subject: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
I'm joelle, a beginner triathlete. I was part of Vinnie's inspirational group last spring with a few other really good people (among others Jen and Suzie). We really enjoyed our forum chit chats and the support that the group provided. Therefore, now that we have "graduated" from the very initial beginner level, we'd like to stay in touch through our next steps, again using this forum and maybe welcome a few other newbies.

Vinnie, our previous mentor a pro triathlete will maybe pop in now and again for a quick hello or advice and support, but this season, we feel that we can all help support each other in a small but tight knit group (5-6 people max) and we don't want to impose too much on him.

As someone needs to be a mentor, I'll take on the job. I'll make sure to check in and give news at least 2 or 3 times per week... More, when I can. As i'm learning too, i'll share my ups and downs and lessons learned. For any technical, equipment or training advice I've got my secret "stash" at home: my live-in boyfriend is an experienced ironman, so he'll be sure to have good info. Also, i'm part of a triathlon club, so in addition to finding stuff online, i've got a fair amount of people who can help me answer any questions people have.

A little about me then: I'm 29 and currently living in Pau, in the south of France (hence the international mention in the group name! another member is in the uk and vinnie is in asia). I work in a family business: a language school. I live with my boyfriend Kevin and we're actually moving into a new house in 5 days! He's training for the IRONMAN LANZAROTE which he'll be doing for the 2nd time. I'm still starting out in triathlon and will be focusing on doing a few sprint distances this season and ending with an olymic distance in august or september. I'm not yet signed up for any races yet (still deciding which ones) but i'll post that info asap. I got quite sick last season, which shot my hopes for any races in 2008, so 2009 is a real turning point for me for many reasons. I'll get into that later once the group is closed;

I'm not focusing on weightloss per say, but i'd like to drop 8lbs for good. Mostly my goals are to have a good first competitive season, stay healthy and lighten up.

As i mentionned i'm a beginner triathlete, but i really got alot from the people i met and the back and forths of last season's forum; so now i'm happy to give back by being the mentor for this group. I'd like it to be a really support group almost like a team; I'm happy to be the captain and we can all be the coaches. I really think that between Suzie (an ironlady i might add) and Jen who were part of the group last year, and I (and my secret stash) we can kick in to a really great 2009 triathlon season. If you are interested in joining us, please respond to this thread by explaining your 2009 goals for triathlon with a little info on yourself and what inspires you to join our group.

In the mean time happy holidays to all whatever those holidays may be!

Edited by joellee 2009-01-19 10:01 AM

2009-01-07 1:40 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

I am interested in joing your group, please let me know if there are any spots available.



2009-01-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hi THere,
Yup, still open. Tell me a bit about yourself. Are you new to triathlon?
2009-01-08 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1874338


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi Joelle,

 I would very much like to join your group, if it's still possible?

 Short bio:

I'm a 35 year old woman from Denmark. I'm single, no kids and no pets. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Scheuermann Syndrome, which explained why I have had periods with agonizing backpains. It is imperative that I maintain a strong core in order to avoid those pestering backpains. Triathlon seems to be perfect for several reasons. It provides me with a challenge, mentally and physically, and training will be varied so I won't get bored.

My goals are 1. To build a body with strength and endurance 

                     2. to do my first tri race.

                         I have set my sights on a race in June in DK.

                     3. to lose the weight I have gained these past 9 months due to various injuries.

Because of these injuries I'm starting from scratch.

Previously, I have been doing a lot of running, spinning and weight lifting. Last summer I ran the Viborg Citysprint(9,2 km). The furthest I have ever run is a half marathon(on an injured ancle - not very clever, however, I found out just how much I can push myself)

And as a young girl I used to swim whenever I could, but never in a competitive situation.

I need all the advice I can get

best wishes,


2009-01-08 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi there Joelle,

Just like old times! 

I would love to be a part of this group. Last year's was so much fun.


2009-01-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1874338


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi There,

If there is still room here, I'd love to join!! I'm a first time triathlete-in-the-making!  I did my first half-marathon last summer...loved it, but knew that my knees couldn't handle the long distance running forever.  I have always loved to swim, so I just need to get comfy on the bike, and I'm good to go (with some hard training of course).  I haven't picked a race yet, but I'm looking to doing one in June/July.  I'm in Toronto Canada (Hence, good for the international group!), and will be travelling to FRANCE at the end of July, so want to get my triathlon in before then.

 I'm 27 years old, and want to do a triathlon because I love distance sports and endurance exercise.  It's the only type of activity I really love to do.  I too could lose a couple of lbs, but that's not my goal...if I lose 5 lbs, its just an added bonus.  I work full-time, and am married. My husband hates endurance sport, so I'm alone on this one.  That's why a group like this would be just terrific!!

 My biggest concern at this point is the cycling.  Toronto is a brutal city to cycle through - the traffic is just awful.  I don't even own a bicycle! And, I'm not sure that I would be comfortable on one if I did.  I do cycling classes just fine, so I just need to get up the courage to get on a bike and just do it.

So...that's me. 


Edited by ybeck 2009-01-08 1:11 PM

2009-01-09 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hi guys,

Welcome to all the newbies and hiya there to Suzie!! Great to be back in for year two, are you kidding if course you can join this group!

Eric, tell us a bit about yourself, from the pic it looks like you're a fireman? Are you new to triathlon?

Maj Britt, welcome! You sound really motivated, which is great. I'm sorry to hear about your injuries, but what's great with triathlon is that it really does help your whole body and in fact prevents injuries by keeping you fit all over...that being said triathelets get injured too...just ask Suzie and I. The key is to look at your training in time, not overdo and expect immediate results, which usually leads to overextending yourself...thus injury.
Do you have a bike? Or do you spin in a fitness center for the moment?
This time of the year is usually focused on swimming, since it takes a while to build up real stamina and it's many people"s weakest event. Have you chosen a training plan yet? If not, browse the site in "programs"; they have quite a good selection, at least to start out with. Anyhow, again, welcome and let us know how your training is doing.

It's great to have people from all over. Denmark, Canada, France, US...

Ayla, welcome to you too! don't worry about being alone in it, because as you'll quickly find out you're not! At least not with a few cool people to tune into in this group.
As I mentionned to Majj-Brit, this part of the year I'd get started in regular swimming to build up stamina. There is a big difference between pool swimming and open water swimming, so it is definitely not something to neglect. I'd also have a look at programs as it'll keep you motivated to respect a routine.
About the bike. If you are going to do a triathlon, you will at some point have to get a bike. It can definitely be second hand in the beginning until you know what you want. There's really no need to invest in a high tech great bike, if you don't know how to ride it, fix it or position yourself on it; maybe see if you can borrow one for the moment. I did in the beginning.
In terms of cycling, I don't know much about Toronto, but i do know it is a big city: therefore please BE CAREFUL; a few things to keep in mind: wear a helmet, it can really save a life. Also, start by going on a few leisure rides in residential areas you know; get comfy with the bike and cars; If it is as big a city as i think it is you may want to look into a cycling association; they usually meet on week ends and cycle as a group, which is both motivating and much safer.
Ah yes, and where will you be going in france?

Very cool to have you back. Jen just started training this week, I think. Have you been training too? Or just uber-mentoring?
Have you decided on any races yet?

I'll be swimming tonight so I have to get going.

Good training all!

2009-01-09 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1897452


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2


Are there any swimming drills that you would recommend - or just do laps?  I have done open water swimming before - but only breast stroke.  I find doing breast stroke I am able to keep up my speed and endurance, much better than frontcrawl/freestroke.  I am also nursing a knee injury - so getting back into swimming would probably be good for me!

Since we are in the off-season technically, are there any off-season training plans that you would recommend? 

As for France - I don't know where I'm going yet - I've just booked my flight in and out of CDG airport!  I still have to plan my itinerary! 



Edited by ybeck 2009-01-09 12:26 PM
2009-01-09 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi Joelle and everyone,

Yes, I'm always training Actually, in addtition to the regular stuff, you know, the swim, bike run stuff, I'm taking a class at our club called Strength, Endurance, Stamina.  It's run by the Tri Club and it's quite challenging.  I haven't been the pool for the past two weeks as I recently got my m-dot tatoo so I have to stay out until it is completely healed. I'm hoping that I can join the tri club for the swim workout on Wed.  But, I see it's 9pm, my bed time.  I have a 6 am tri club spin, followed by the SES workout, so I'd better get some sleep.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


2009-01-10 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1897452


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi Joelle,


Too much, too fast...yup! That was my "downfall". However, lesson learned and this time I will do a better job listening to my body's signals.

In winter, I primarily spin in a fitness center. When spring arrives, my means of transportation is my bike. But it's simply too cold during winter(for me, anyway).

I have been looking at some of the training plans here on the site. I haven't chosen one yet. These first two weeks I'm going to concentrate on just getting started. On monday, I'll start building my swimming stamina. And I'm looking forward to it

My plan is to swim twice a week, lift weights twice a week and run/spin after my weight lifting.

That ought to get me started without overdoing it. I hope.

Starting out, I expect that I should just focus on swimming for as long as I can?  

I'm really glad that I found this site and this group. Being a complete novice in the tri-universe, it can be quite daunting having to figure out how to train for a tri-race. Not to mention the race itself. But now advice is never far away:-)

Good training, guys!


2009-01-10 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hello, everyone! I'm Jenn, another member of Joelle's group from last year, and I am excited about being part of another group this year.

A bit about me:
I am a 32-year-old wife and mother of 3. Audrey is 6, JT is 5, and Kenny is 3. We moved to the UK in August (the reason for my 6 month break from training). My husband is in the US Air Force, and I teach math at a British secondary school. This is my second year of triathlon. After my first race last year, I became totally addicted. The people involved in triathlons are fantastic! I am working on losing weight. I am proof that you don't have to be thin to do this. At race time last year, I weighed in at 180 pounds, and I'm only 5 feet 4 inches tall. I put some of the pounds that I worked so hard to lose back on during my time off from training. Now, I'm trying to work off more weight during my training. Overall, my goal is to be healthy and to finish another race, preferably not in last place!

Welcome to the group everyone! Take care, and happy training!


2009-01-10 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1899827


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

quick question for everyone:

What distance Tri are you aiming for?  Try a tri, sprint, olympic, ironman???

I'm still trying to decide.  Since it's my first, I'm aiming for a sprint, but would love to aim higher for the olympic distance!


2009-01-11 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi there,

Is there still space in the group?

I'm Dave, 38 y.o. living on the s.coast in the UK. Have just signed up for a sprint in march and a mini tri in May with the aim of an olympic length in July. Have a reasonable base fitness from lots of windsurfing!

Anyway, need all the encouragement possible. If theres space i'll give you some more info!


2009-01-11 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1874338


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi. I too am a beginner training for first for a mini.  Is your group still open?  I would really like to join with others who have some experience, more to ensure I am training correctly and also encouragement.  I was a disciplined athlete years ago.  But... after having both my knees scoped, I've worked out for years around protecting them.  So yes, cardio and toning and circuit training, but all around not abusing my knees (per my surgeon's instruction).  I've been challenged to do a mini tri in August, so I need to get on a plan to prepare.  I'll wear braces on both knees, but I wan to try.  The running portion is 3 mi, so I think I can work up to it. 

Any advice as to a regular training schedule will be greatly appreciated to work up to physically and mentally.  I've been getting my cardio and training in other ways for so long, that I'm guessing my breathing for this level of competition is just not there today.  I'm not a couch potato, but I haven't been at the competition level for a long while.  Yes, of course, losing 10 lbs on this schedule will be great too. 

 I'm very excited about this opportunity, but need some direction for workout routine and all helpful tips you can provide.  I eat very good.  But also, if there are suggested foods and vitamins I should be including, great.  Truthfully, I feel like I'm starting from ground zero, since I've never trained/prepared for a tri.

 Thanks so much for your consideration.  April B


2009-01-11 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hi Everybody,

Sorry I haven't responded earlier or updated my log; Since I moved last friday, I have yet to get internet working at home. I am in fact at my office at the moment (sunday night 8pm) just to check emails and the forum of course. SO annoying; oh welll; It should all be set in a few days; I guess it's a good thing though: less computer time leaves more time for triiing!!

Hey Suzie,
You do realize you are wonder woman right?? It really helps me get me outta bed when I hear all the things you tackle! By the way, you mentionned how cold it was last year, what's it like at the moment? Here it's been really cold...I mean for the south of France: snow and negative temps. Almost unheard of!

Hiya Jen , so good to have you back!! You sound really motivated. Congrats! I am too, and hearing your enthusiasm really boosts me!! It'd be great to have you guys visit, whenever it may be. I haven't planned any races yet, the calendar just came out, so Kevin (my own ironman) and I are having a look at what we can do. He's signed up for Ironman Lanzarote (Canary Islands) in May...with the objective of Hawaii...fingers crossed; but that limits us in terms of finances; we have to plan carefully, especially with the new house and all.
I'll probably do sprints this season, hopefully 4 or 5 and one or 2 olympic distances in august or september. We'll see, I'll keep you posted.

Ossy, Yes the group is still open, so if you are interested welcome! Sounds like a good plan you've got : start slow then work your way up. Have you started training yet? Tells us more!

Majj Brit,
I definitely understand the butterflies associated with taking on 3 sports in one, but we're all in it together and as you can see from Jen's feedback, it really is worht it!
About your training, I'd say definitely focus on the swimming for the moment. Spinning is great to keep up your bike stamina, and the weights will strengthen your core (in turn helping your swimming skills). I wouldn't leave running totally out though; maybe try to run on the tread mill as a warm up before weight lifting: something like 20mn run and 40 weights then another 20 run.
Gradually increase run time or incline.
Anyhow, like you mentionned, start slow and listen to your body. Doing what feels right is key.

Yes, I'd focus on swimming at the moment. It's really good that you've been open water swimming, as you'll see from various articles, many people get freaked out by it, so you're already a step ahead. However, although it's good to have a stroke you are very comfy with, in case you get tired, i'd try to work on freestyle as a basis for triathlon swimming. In addition, breakstroke is the worst for injured or sensitive knees. I myself never swim more than a 100m of breast at at time because of that. So, you asked about plans, I'd try to start swimming between 2 and 3 times per week for the first month. Leave a day between each session if possible.
For the moment focus on technique to improve efficiency, once you are efficient stamina and distance will be next; I'd target swimming between 1100m and 2000m depending on what swimming shape you're in. A few things you should invest in if you don't already have them: a very good pair of goggles (that fit right, without letting water in and without giving you a headache - i have 2 favorite pairs; one for pool swimming and one for open water); a pull buoy (the triathlete's best swimming friend) and eventually a pair of paddles; i'll try to post a few workouts in the next few days with detailed drills and feel free to check out my training log too (i'll start detailing it more); have fun!!

OKay, stay warm all and happy training!
2009-01-11 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi Jenn!  Nice to hear from you again.  So how do you like England.  Also, how was the transition from stay-at-home mom to working mom. Are you working full time?  I remember when I went back to work after an "extended maternity leave" ...of 12 years.  It was crazy.  It was tough getting used to just the logistics of teaching full time and still getting all the family stuff done. I can't even imagine throwing in moving half way across the world.

To every one else.. a bit about me.  I'm 47 years old and have been participating in triathlon for the past 3 summers, so I'm a bit of a late starter, although I was a runner for many years.  I live in a suburb of Chicago with my husband and our two teenage boys.  My older son Brendan is a freshman in college and my younger son Ryan is a junior in high school.  We also have a Jack Russell Terrier, Toby.  I entered a little sprint tri in a neigboring community in 2006 and as soon as I crossed the finish line I was hooked. Since then I have competed in 11 races covering every distance of triathlon.  I finished IM Wisconsin this past September.  An incredible experience that I hope to repeat in a few years. My day job, when I'm not training, is a teacher.  I teach early childhood special education.  I work with young kids, ages 3-5, who have developmental delays.  Having my summers off is definitely a plus when it comes to training.

Joelle, you asked about the weather.  Well, it is January in Chicago so it's absolutely delightful...not.  We got 12 inches of snow yesterday with more predicted for Tues and Wed. and then an "artic blast" is coming with a predicted high temperature on Thursday of -5. Yes, that's 5 DEGREES BELOW ZERO.  So you can say it will be a bit chilly around here. 

Well, gotta go. 


2009-01-12 4:02 AM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi i'm Dave - thanks for the invitation to join the group!

A little more about me. I'm 38, married with with 2 small children and work in education on the south coast of the UK (so fitting in all this training should prove to be interesting!). I'm pretty active due to the fact that I windsurf a lot all year round (we're a hardy lot down here) and this keeps me pretty fit. But when the wind doesn't blow (or when the air temp is really cold as is now - not as cold as Chicago though, blimey!!) I tend to sit around drinking too much beer and moaning about the lack of exercise.

I've tried other things to keep me active and actually bought a road bike a couple of years ago which I sold at the end of last summer (doh!) as I wasn't using it. Am now doing some mountain biking and have a pair of slick tryes I can put on the mtb so when I finally get another road bike I reckon I will fly! In the past i've completed a couple of 1/2 marathons but don't really enjoy running - i've recently realised that i'm a heel striker and am trying to alter my style to full/front foot which is making a positive difference. Running wise I have a fit friend to train with sometimes (plus he's a doctor which is a bonus for those aches and pains!!) so am feeling pretty motivated at present.

Swimming wise I spent a couple of years a while back living in Bangkok and attended masters swimming lessons which has helped with my technique. At present am swimming 1000m freestyle (front crawl) twice a week but it is still a painful experience! I completed a few adventure races while is s.e. Asia which was fun.

Training wise, I started in December, but lapsed over the xmas break but am well back into it now. I've downloaded the 20 week olympic tri plan and am aiming for 2 of each discipline a week. I have entered a mini triathlon in March and then a large fast twitch one in May with the eventual aim of an olympic tri with an open water swim in July (b'mouth intl tri).

As I said earlier I am feeling pretty motivated at present but am famous for running out of steam when it comes to keeping up the training (but then it was only running based in the past which I found sole destroying - excuse the pun!) However, with you lot for encouragement and inspiration and a good training partner am very hopeful that I will make my goals. Am already appreciating the benefits of sustained exercise and am really enjoying the variation.

Anyway, happy training to everybody!!Laughing

Edited by ossy 2009-01-12 4:03 AM
2009-01-12 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hey Guys

Ok Suzie, I'm officially a wuss and promise the cold...or rather cool weather outside will not have the best of me. As a matter of fact I'll be running out there tonight after work!

April, you are definitely welcome to join. So Welcome!!
Not to worry, I think you'll find that the variety of people we have in the group will really help you out. As I mentionned to Majj Brit, browse the programs on the site. As you said, you are not a couch potato, I'd maybe still choose one of those, as they are aimed for beginners, but maybe skip the first 5 weeks. Basically take it from where you feel comfy. Let us know if you are hesitating between a few different programs and I'll check em out and give you feedback.
As you said your knees are sensitive, wait a bit before starting training in running till the weather is a bit warmer - or take it very easy. It's always harder to warm up in cold weather and sometimes the cold...depending on how cold it is where you are - can silence a pain that you should be paying attention to. Anyhow, have a look at the trainings and jump into the pool!!

Alrightee, gotta get back to work.

2009-01-12 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Joelle, Are you still open?  I am a 42 year old woman from Canada.  I've done one tri a tri, then a sprint, then I completely lost it and have signed up for an ironman.  I have a coach, but most of the people on my triathlon training team are a lot more experienced and well, one can only get away with so many dumb questions, so a mentor group could be just what I need.  More info available if you're still taking new people. 




2009-01-14 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hi - Still space?

I am a 43yr old from South England who continues to dabble at triathlons. I am currently training for the UK 70.3. I completed it five years ago and have done very little since. Unfortunately that is a pattern despite having taken part in my first triathlon in 1987.

However I have always wanted to do an IM and therefore have resolved to lose the weight that has crept on (and on and on) and am not only training more regulary but also changing my lifestyle.

In support of this I have a wife who trains and races hard and three children who often laugh. I have never posted anything before and am looking for a group to share ideas and support on the days when life seems to busy to train.
2009-01-14 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hiya! Hopin to squeeze in before you close the group!!

I'm Amy, 33, in Savannah, GA for now... Originally from Pensacola, FL. Even though I completed my 1st actual tri season last year, I still very much feel like a beginner! I started the season with a sprint here and there, and somehow ended up at HIM Cancun. Last year I just wanted to finish. This year I wanna finish strong. I love what triathlon did for me despite my half hearted training, can't wait to see what happens when I train right!!! Have been in a bit of a training rut since Dec. Can't wait to get myself back on track!

2009-01-16 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1903392

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
katherinel - 2009-01-12 7:44 PM

Joelle, Are you still open?  I am a 42 year old woman from Canada.  I've done one tri a tri, then a sprint, then I completely lost it and have signed up for an ironman.  I have a coach, but most of the people on my triathlon training team are a lot more experienced and well, one can only get away with so many dumb questions, so a mentor group could be just what I need.  More info available if you're still taking new people. 


I understand....I was only in my second season of when I signed up for an IM.  Although I had done 2 olys.  But, with determination it can be done.




2009-01-16 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi Joelle_


I am very interested in joining your group and was wondering if you had any room.  I am a beginner triathelete as well with some of the same aspirations as yourself.  I would like to compete in a few sprints this spring culmintaing in a olympic or 70.3 this summer/fall before my 40th birthday!  I am a runner, have run 4 marathons, but need help with swimming.  I am a Mt. biker so will need to work on the cycling part as well. I live in Sonoma County (wine country) in California- some of the most beautiful areas to run and ride.  I have two young kids, 4 and 6 and am a stay-at-home mom.  I hope there is still room in your group as I would love to train with you and the rest.


Kim Neal

2009-01-17 5:30 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
Hey, y'all! Welcome to all the new members! I've been reading posts today (for this group and one other group I joined) and I'm getting really motivated! It helps when I know there are others going through the same things!

Suzie, it's good to hear from you, too! It's been difficult adjusting to being back at work, but I do enjoy teaching most days. There are always a few turkeys I want to strangle, but overall, the students are good and want to learn. I am still struggling to find a balance between getting school work done, house work done, and getting to the gym, but I know I will get it sorted before too long.

I've found several races to do around where we live in England. My husband and one of my friends may even do one of the races with me. One of the trainers at the gym will be running his first tri this year and gave me the information about the local races.

Well, I've got some neverending work to do before I go to the gym later. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Take care, and happy training!

2009-01-17 5:42 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
HI Everybody !

First of all sorry for not repsponding earlier. I've had a tough tough week and as the most curious of you will have noticed, I haven't updated my training log this week...not that there's much to put in. I work in a family business (a language school) and all our teachers were out this week!!! SIck leave or holidays abraod, which left my mom and I all the work! It was hell but now it's finally over, and I've taken monday off!! Ha!
It's also really a difficult time at the moment as we are in the process of selling our business...things should settle down in a couple weeks...
Plus, as I've just moved, I still don't have internet at home...which made it difficult to log on.
Anyhow I'm here now. Hopefully I'll get it today or monday.

So for the newcomers: welcome! I will be closing the group now, so as not to be too many.
The members are as follows:
Majj Britt

Suzie and Jen of course are in too, as they are returning members and also in different groups and have loads to share.

I'll be taking time this week end to check out all the training logs and posting swim sessions as requested. I'll also be planning my own training and calendar, so I'll get back to you guys real soon.

So, has everybody started training? tell us about your week? Hard stuff, etc.

Happy training!
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