BT Development Mentor Program Archives » joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-03-06 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1987264

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

By the way, Jenn, Dave and all you european you guys have as nice weather as we are having at the moment? Temperatures this afternoon are supposed to reach highs of 70°F!!!! I'll definitely be running and cycling. K hope everyone is well, happy training joelle

Woke up yesterday to an inch of very wet snow again - very bizarre weather again! I Have my 1st mini tri on sunday (forecast wet, cold and windy), I shall be up at 5 a.m. eating porridge. Wish me luck! It's fairly short but will tell me whether my training is working or not. 

2009-03-07 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED


I made my list of races for the season, including running and tri.  I discovered today that two of them, one half mary and a sprint tri, changed the weekend that they have always been on and now conflict.   Why can't they leave it alone!  Plus, both have been taken over and the price has gone WAY UP.  Guess that's a reason to ditch them both and do a brand new race.  But I like these races.  Right now I really don't know what to do.



2009-03-22 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
hey suzie
that sucks; If i were you, i'd take it as an opportunity to :
1. do one of the two (preferably the most practical one=
2. since you can't do the other, try out another race!!

good luck
2009-03-24 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hello All-


Well, I'm finally done with the brace and the sunshine is back!  I have been able to run 4 miles without pain and am very happy.  Still can't ride my bike, only due to my new pedals- have to twist my foot to release and my knee is still not ready for that.  Been swimming and my stroke is slowly but surely getting better.  Now I just have to work on endurance in the pool.  Swimming really takes it out of you!  I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. 

Take care and happy training!


2009-04-02 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1874338


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all,


Still alive and kickin'. Training goes well. All though I haven't been swimming for almost 3 weeks now.But I resume swimming this weekend. Otherwise I've been running and biking. I can run 5k in 28:46 min now. That's an improvement of 6 minutes in 2 months. I'm quite proud of that achievement:-) It's been years since my personal best has been under 30 minutes. Tri rules!

I've been thinking about investing in a tri bike. Any advice on what I should take into consideration before buying one?


How is every one doing with their training?

 tri&tri again



2009-04-02 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Kim, glad to hear you are back in action again.  My knee is OK. Still some pain, but now it's my shoulder.  Getting older bites.  To many aches and pains and joints giving you trouble.  I've been swimming more so I'm sure that 's what's causing the shoulder issue.  Will see what the chiro doc has to say when I see him in a week.

Otherwise training is going OK.  I wish the weather would improve around here so I could finally bike outside.  I've been able to get some runs on the trail, but it hasn't been warm enough for the bike, although I have seen some hearty souls out there...BRRRR!  I'm trying to get more time on the trainer instead of spin class now, to prepare for the outdoor season.  Only problem is I find the trainer very boring, even with the TV on.

Well, gotta go. My son has a band concert tonight.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-04-02 6:52 PM

2009-04-03 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Susie- it's funny you mention shoulder pain, you suspect from swimming?  I have been swimming more lately and have noticed pain in my right shoulder-noticed it yesterday and today.  Since I'm so new to swimming, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.  I will have to talk to someone about that   You're so right...getting older really does bite! 

I've been riding my bike a lot lately and have really fallen in love with it.  I'm starting to get over my fear of being "out there" with the traffic and also am beginning to love the fast downhill segments.  I used to not be such a chicken, but ever since I had kids, I'm a lot less ballsy! 

Spring has sprung here in my neck kof the woods and wind and pollen are something fierce!  My allergies are really driving me crazy but it doesn't keep me from enjoying the sunshine. 

I hope everyone is doing well.  I have been flaky and haven't been filling in my logs so I think I will do that now.  Take care all!

2009-04-08 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
HI Guys

Good to hear from you, and to hear that the nice weather is starting to show.
Congrats Kim and Suzie on the knees getting better and also a huge congrats to yo Majj Brit on the progress. Keep it up!!
It seems like everyone is almost for the season which is slowly but surely getting closer.

As you may have noticed we have been bumped to the archives as the program is coming to an end and the spring programs are starting up.

I hope that you have all enjoyed reading and writing on the forum as much as I have.
I wish I could have been more available. I'll do better next time.
I really enjoyed exchanging with such a variety of people from all around.

I'll keep on checking in on your blogs and posting inspires when I can.

Please keep in touch and don't hesitate to check my blog as well and let me know if i can help in any way.
For my part, I'll be on vacation next week - in the alps, where Kevin will be doing a tri clinic to finish preparing the ironman. Altough I won't be doing as much, it'll definitely kick start my training and hopefully i'll be ready for my first race of the season on may 2nd.

Best of luck to all!!
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