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2008-12-29 7:05 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

NAME: kalalau / Dave

STORY: 40 year old software developer in Maryland, never much of an athlete, but in 2002 was asked by friends to do an 8.15 mile "Great Aloha Run" race.  Hey, I've been hiking that far, I think I can do that!  Got caught up into running, and within a year I had done 6 marathons in my first 7 months of marathons.  28 marathons later, I am still trying to prove the first wasn't a fluke, even with just about all of them being sub 4 hours.  The same friends were talking about triathlons, and I managed to sign up for a "biathlon relay" in Waikiki and loved it.  Got into triathlons in fall 2005, scared to death of the swim like a lot of us are.  Now, I'm decent in all 3 disciplines, and even got in the top 33% at Ironman Arizona in November.  Running is still my passion, but I also like swimming, enough to do the Chesapeake Bay Swim (4.4 miles).  IMAZ was my 2nd IM, I've also done Florida in 2007.


CURRENT TRAINING: I generally try to stay in half marathon shape, close enough to build up to any marathon.  I do about 6-7 marathons a year but that changes with Ironman plans.  The winter is usually marathon focused, and then starting to build up to triathlon after the first of the year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Chesapeake Bay Swim, Savageman Half Triathlon (it's a beast!), Ironman Arizona Nov, Marathons (Disney, Myrtle Beach, B&A Trail, Frederick, Baltimore).

2009 RACES:  Ironman Lake Placid will be the main focus, but currently focused on the Disney World Marathon in 2 weeks.  Other marathons will incude Frederick, Baltimore, and who knows what.  Would be nice to think about the JFK 50 Miler, but I still have time to think about that one.

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight loss has sort of been in stages.  I started out about 9 years ago at 215 or more, got down to 190s with changing my eating habits.  Lowered it more when I started hiking and playing softball, and lowered it to the 170s with marathoning.  Ironman has taken it to a new level and actually has me looking a little fit; imagine the thought.  Getting near 160 now.  Hard to maintain or improve upon that though, we'll see what the next level will be needed.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am currently one of the pace group leaders for the Baltimore and Frederick marathons, and I really enjoy it.  To be there while people are fulfilling their dreams, and doing something they never thought they'd be able to do, is incredible.  And to actually help in that cause?  What more can you ask for?  I'd like to see some of that here.  I've mentored several friends and it's worked out well so far, and it's been a blast.  The relationships found through running and triathlons are invaluable.  As far as providing information, I'm always reading magazines, websites, and talking to folks to get new ideas.  I can usually come up with an answer, or know where to look, for any situation.  Sometimes being smart is more about knowing where to go, than knowing it all. :-)  I'm also pretty experienced in dealing with injuries, and I know what it's like to be a newbie, and doing silly things like wearing the wetsuit on the bike ride by mistake (no I haven't done it since).


Edited by kalalau 2009-01-12 7:45 AM

2008-12-29 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
Just wanted to add that I also have the Columbia Triathlon, and Eagleman, on the schedule for 2009 leading up to Lake Placid. 
2009-01-06 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hi Dave,

 My name is Dave too.  Here in balmy Chicago. I am completely new to the "tri" environment.  I am not sure about how to begin training or how to focus on different aspects of the regiment.  Here is a little on my background and goals for this year.

 BACKGROUND:  I am a soccer player by nature, played my whole life.  I played competitively up until 4 years ago.  Needless to say I have running stamina.  Ever since I quit playing soccer seriously, I try to average about 20 miles a week in the winter and about 25-30 miles in the summer a week.  I will limit any given run to 8 miles and try to never run less than 3.5 miles.

 As for biking, in the summer I am always on my bike, I will bike just about everywhere.  Biking has always been for enjoyment though.

 As for swimming, I swam for a year in high school and swam all childhood.  I was able to swim a mile this past Christmas eve for the first time ever.  I just started the 1st month beginner swimming schedule from this website for beginners from the articles.

 I started thinking very seriously about triathlons this summer. I started working out with  a trainer towards the end of summer to help build some core strength and a little upper torso mass to even myself out.  

 I completely lack any specific "tri" structure to my workouts and want to learn how to be at my best. I really want to push and challenge myself, reach optimum health and achieve goals.

 GOALS:  I would like to participate in my first sprint by May of this year by the fall I would like to do my first Olympic size triathlon.  I really like the Olympic size and do not really have much of an ambition at this point to do a half, but I have been thinking that I may like to try a half some time.  I would really like to learn to improve my bike and really learn to run harder for longer.  I feel that running is my strongest and I know I have never trained at all to run longer and harder.

 I would really like to learn form you Dave and absorb some fruitful knowledge of your experiences.

 Thank you...Dave

2009-01-07 12:06 AM
in reply to: #1891275

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hey Dave!

I'm up late, packing for Disney.  Gotta love the last minute obsessing over race gear.

It sounds like you've really got a nice base so far.  Really, you could do a sprint today if you wanted to.  But don't let that let you slack.  One of the things you will want to work on is called a "brick," that is, a session where you are doing a swim/bike or a bike/run.  It's amazing how your legs will feel after that bike ride.  In my first few triathlons, I felt like my legs were like wooden blocks, trying to run.  The more you work on that in your training, the less that will be.

You seem pretty smart about your training, with limiting your runs the way you do.  I have a friend who has a similar background to you with the soccer, and running has come easy for him.  But since it's been easy, he tends to do things like ramp up his mileage too quickly (the recommended % is about 10% increase per week).  So he's gotten injured a couple of times, and got a serious wakeup call with a DNF (did not finish) in the Baltimore Marathon in October.

What's your running speed like now?  Have you done any running races, like a 5k or 10k?

Do you have any specific races in mind, or just looking for May/fall in general?

I've always wanted to come to Chicago and run that Lakefront area.  It sounds great.  Maybe I'll come and do the marathon one day.  Have you seen "Spirit of the Marathon"?  It's a movie based around the Chicago Marathon.  Very inspirational.

Ok, I've written enough for now, time to get to bed.  Thanks for joining!  It's going to be a blast.


2009-01-07 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
  • Hi Dave -
  • I was wondering if your group was still open? I am new to triathlons and I plan to do my first one this year. I am VERY excited and motivated. I am a 42 year old mother of 2. I began running about 2 years ago and became hooked. I have competed in a few 5Ks and enjoyed them.

  • Currently I run 5 days a week at least 4 miles a day. I average under 8 minutes a mile. I am sure I can get that lower. I also strength train at least 2 days a week. I printed out the 20 week program and plan to start it Monday. I live in NJ so my training is all done indoor for now. I belong to a YMCA so I have access to any equipment. I am looking for any advice and inspiration you can offer. I don't just want to finish a triathlon...I wanna win!
Thanks - Abbie
2009-01-07 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1891775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hi Abbie!

Wow, you're awesome!  Yes this group is still open.  Are you doing sub 8 minute miles on your training runs, or in races?  You've got a pretty nice start too.  I'll have to print out the 20 week plan myself so I can look it over.

There are a lot of good NJ triathlons.  Do you have one scoped out?

2009-01-07 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Dave & Abbie,

One of the first things that pops up when you decide to do your first race, is wetsuits.  Have you thought about a wetsuit?  In NJ you can probably find a race that won't need a wetsuit, but in Chicago that might be pretty tough if you want to do a May race.  When I first started out, I wasn't sure of my committment to continuing triathlons after my first race, so I bought something pretty cheap.  Luckily, I got a $30 wetsuit from Costco, and it's been great for me.  I've seen them since then, for $40.  It's a shorty, meaning short sleeves and short legs, but that's good enough for most races for a newbie.  I also bought one on clearance from REI once for $40, with long legs (farmer john type).  Both wetsuits weren't really made for triathlons, but worked out fine.

If you want a triathlon specific wetsuit, buying a used one would be a good route.  You can find them on Ebay, but even better would be to find a local store that sells used wetsuits.  I think most of the triathlon specific shops have some.  Then, you can try it on as well.

Once I got more serious about triathlons, I went out and got a nice suit.  But then you are talking serious bucks.  You can spend upwards of $500+ if you want.  Lower end might be in the lower $100s.

2009-01-07 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1892008

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

The last 5K I did was in Nov and I finished 25:40. It was the last one I will do till spring..TOO COLD! Running on a treadmill I have run 7:15 miles. I use the nike+ to keep logs of all my runs. I was thinking of doing the Danskin Women's triathlon in Sept. Its down the shore..the swim is in the ocean. Do most wear wetsuits? Is there time to change between each event? I did see several other triathlons in NJ..I guess I will wait to see how the training progresses.

Currently I own a mountain bike. Will that be good for training or do I need to invest in a different bike?  I wont be training outdoor for a while. Do you think spin classes are good?


2009-01-07 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1876643

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hello, Dave.

If you have availability, I'd love to join your group.

I'm 38, married with two step children (18 and 16) and one of my own (10).

I live in Pennsylvania, about 1/2 hour from the Pocono mountains.

I have very few races under my belt - two Sprint Triathlons (2001 & 2003) and a 5K running race in 2007.

I finished last in my first tri and second-to-last in the second. 5K race time was 25:15. I think I'm built more for endurance than speed, but I haven't really pushed myself in either. In fact, the 5K was a whim during my training for a 15K, but achieving my "under 30 min" goal left me with a case of runner's knee. I'm running again, but I have to train smart, if you know what I mean. No "cramming" before the test, so to speak.

I'm not a "competitive" person. I prefer goals of "this distance" or "that time" rather than "be first". I don't like to measure my success based on other people's performance.

I have the same bike I used in the Sprint Tri's - a hybrid bike built for roads or trails. Certainly not a race bike, but with one kid starting college this year I'm reluctant to invest in a $5000 bike. I may change my mind if this becomes a major limiter. My biking skills are learned from childhood. I can pedal around town, but I have no experience with racing.

My swimming is weak. I know how to get through the water, but it's not a pretty sight. I bought Terry Laughlin's "Total Immersion" DVD and book and am working on his techniques. I measure my progress in terms of "strokes per pool length". I've reduced that number from 36 to 15. I can sustain a swim session for about 25 minutes before needing rest.

I can run about 6 miles without too much effort. This is probably the easiest sport for me to improve. I just keep increasing the distance week over week. I haven't done any "drills" to increase speed. My area has beautiful farmlands and state parks to run through, though a bit hilly.

I'm confident I can complete an Olympic distance triathlon this spring, but my stretch-goal is to complete the "Black Bear Half Ironman" on May 31.

The Half IM would push my endurance where the Olympic would be endurance + speed.

I'd love to get your thoughts (or Other-Dave's or Abbie's) on this.



2009-01-07 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1891310

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN


 Good stuff...first and foremost, I hope all goes well with you this weekend.

 I am glad to hear that I have been creating a good base, everything revolves around a solid foundation.  I just do not want to create any bad habits early from ignorance.  When I contain my cardio to just a run for the day, I will usually run about 4- 6 miles and try to run at a 7min mile pace.  I have tried to brick my bike to run twice, starting small.  I have done 15 mile bike and then tried to do at least 3 miles but have never been able to do more than 2 with out wanting to stop to possibly avoid injury.  I thought I would get some real advise on how to properly do the brick before attempting again.

 When I bike I try to maintain a 20mph pace, which I have been able to do with the bike set to a "random" program and then when I brick the bike stays the same and my run pace is at 8 - 7.5 min miles...

 I have done a few 5k runs for fun, I am doing the Shamrock Shuffle which is an 8k this March.  In May I was originally eyeing the Tempe Tri in AZ and I believe there is one near chicago, both on the 17th.

 I would like to do a sprint or two to get the feel for the race environment, since I have never experienced it before.

 Safe travels, talk to you soon.

2009-01-07 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1892101

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
abbiesue - 2009-01-07 11:36 AM

The last 5K I did was in Nov and I finished 25:40. It was the last one I will do till spring..TOO COLD! Running on a treadmill I have run 7:15 miles. I use the nike+ to keep logs of all my runs. I was thinking of doing the Danskin Women's triathlon in Sept. Its down the shore..the swim is in the ocean. Do most wear wetsuits? Is there time to change between each event? I did see several other triathlons in NJ..I guess I will wait to see how the training progresses.

Currently I own a mountain bike. Will that be good for training or do I need to invest in a different bike?  I wont be training outdoor for a while. Do you think spin classes are good?



I understand about the cold, I've been especially wuss this winter.  But if I push myself out the door, I usually find that it's not that cold once you warm up, and I actually enjoy it outside.  It's just getting out that door.  It's just so easy to hit the gym instead. :-)  We've had a couple of nice warm days so far this winter, which has been nice.  I always take advantage of those.

That Danskin race looks great for you!  I've heard good things about these women's races.  Sandy Hook sounds nice too, though, they don't have this year's race information posted yet.  I read some of the previous race reports and it sounds great.

This may be one of those races that sells out quickly, so keep your eye on the registration when it opens.

It sure looks like it's warm enough to do this one without a wetsuit if you like.  Unless it's forbidden, most people wear wetsuits because it makes you faster.  But in the beginner friendly races like this one, there will be a lot of non-wetsuit swimmers as well.  You won't stick out if you don't wear one.  Far from it.  You may even 'look fast' to others because you "don't need a wetsuit to make it through the swim" like some people do.

The time between each leg of the race is all added to your finish time.  So the faster you can do it, the faster you finish.  That's something we will have to get you trained in this spring.  Ideally, you can wear something that you'll wear the whole race.  If you bike/run in your swimsuit, you can maybe wear that and throw a shirt on top before you get on the bike.  As you get more serious about triathlons (or maybe for this race), you can buy what are called tri shorts, and a tri shirt, and do the whole event in one suit.

I'm pretty sure there will be some mountain bikes in this race.  It will slow you down though.  Investing in a new bike is a balance of what you want out of this race, and how much you'll want to do it in the future.  If you're looking to just get this race experience, you're ok the way you are now.  You won't finish last even with a mountain bike.  I haven't done a spin class yet, but I've heard really good things about them, so yes jump on that.





2009-01-07 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1892245

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Mooney - 2009-01-07 12:17 PM

I'm confident I can complete an Olympic distance triathlon this spring, but my stretch-goal is to complete the "Black Bear Half Ironman" on May 31.

Wow, Mike is hard core!   That is awesome.  I've wanted to do Black Bear, but I got scared off by the hills last year, and this year I have Eagleman, which is too close to Black Bear to do both.  I drove the course last year and it looks fantastic.  The swim is beautiful, and the run looks great.  The bike is pretty, and tough.

I am going to be in the Poconos in February.  Haven't decided what I will do yet, but I'm sure I will be running.  Maybe the Lehigh Gorge Trail again.

Your 5k time doesn't look slow, it's hard to believe you were last and 2nd to last in your triathlons.  Was it a small number of people in the race?

You can get cheap road bikes that will help a lot.  My first road bike was $450.  I still use that bike on hilly races.

I also used Total Immersion when I signed up for my first half ironman.  I mainly used the book, and then I bought the DVD last year.  Really good stuff.   The book is really cheap on Amazon, used.  15 strokes to get across the pool is great.  I don't think I've gotten to 15 yet.

It sounds like a couple of you are looking to improve your running speed.  I'll get some info on run training with doing tempo runs and interval training for you.


2009-01-07 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1892790

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN


Mooney - 2009-01-07 12:17 PM

I'm confident I can complete an Olympic distance triathlon this spring, but my stretch-goal is to complete the "Black Bear Half Ironman" on May 31.


BTW, most people would probably say doing this half IM on May 31st is too much too soon.  But let's get you going and see where we can get you.

2009-01-07 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1892694

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
gone - 2009-01-07 2:37 PM

 I am glad to hear that I have been creating a good base, everything revolves around a solid foundation.  I just do not want to create any bad habits early from ignorance.  When I contain my cardio to just a run for the day, I will usually run about 4- 6 miles and try to run at a 7min mile pace.  I have tried to brick my bike to run twice, starting small.  I have done 15 mile bike and then tried to do at least 3 miles but have never been able to do more than 2 with out wanting to stop to possibly avoid injury.  I thought I would get some real advise on how to properly do the brick before attempting again.

 When I bike I try to maintain a 20mph pace, which I have been able to do with the bike set to a "random" program and then when I brick the bike stays the same and my run pace is at 8 - 7.5 min miles...

 I have done a few 5k runs for fun, I am doing the Shamrock Shuffle which is an 8k this March.  In May I was originally eyeing the Tempe Tri in AZ and I believe there is one near chicago, both on the 17th.

 I would like to do a sprint or two to get the feel for the race environment, since I have never experienced it before.


 I don't think there's anything special to remember about doing bricks.  They are just really tough when you first start out.  When I did my first tri, I did a little "rehearsal" a couple of weeks beforehand, doing the whole distance at home.  I just about died on the run, and couldn't imagine imagine how in the world I was going to "race" a 5k after doing the swim and bike.  It's just something you get your legs used to.  I did find a BT article on it though:

Make sure you keep your fluids going, and don't kill yourself on the bike ride.  

Some people go out and do really long bricks, and they are nice confidence boosters, but I like doing smaller ones.  My Ironman guide, "Iron Fit" suggested that as well.  In IM training, I will almost never do a bike ride without some sort of run afterward.  The plan I followed had a weekly 45 minute bike ride followed by a 15 minute run, and that was a IM schedule.  Even if I got off the bike and did a half mile, it is still teaching your legs how to deal with the change.

You're a pretty fast cyclist and runner.  Just hold back a little bit when you do these bricks and see how much better it feels.

The Tempe Int Tri sounds nice.  It looks to be on the same course as the Ironman.  

Yeah you're good with the idea of doing a couple of sprints just to get used to it.  Everything feels so rushed during a race, it's easy to forget something or mess up the transitions.  The more you do it by habit, the better you'll get.  Cutting your transition time down is like free time on your clock.  Imagine, if you can cut your T1 time (swim to bike) from 5 minutes to 2, that is like running 1 minute per mile faster in your 5k!

I always get nervous before the first sprint tri of the year, and that's because it's been 5-6 months since the last tri, and I've fallen out of practice of setting up for the race, and transitions.  Doing the distance isn't that bad, but doing them correctly, is something else.

Practicing transitions at home helps a lot, but it is really hard to keep interest in doing that. :-)


Edited by kalalau 2009-01-07 9:36 PM
2009-01-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1893838

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
Thanks Dave...I will keep all that in mind.
2009-01-08 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1876643

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Went running today over lunch. What a wakeup call!
My laziness over the hollidays has really brought me down.
I ran 2.5 miles and felt like I was going to die!

I really need to stay focused if I'm going to do any races this spring!

Abbie / Chicago-Dave: How are you doing with your training?

Dave Kalalau - Good luck at Disney this weekend. Are you in Florida already?

You might be right about the too much / too soon thing. It's too bad Black Bear isn't in the fall. It sounds like a great course. I haven't given up on it yet though.

2009-01-09 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1895209

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
I am still running everyday. I started a new strength training routine suggested for triathlon training. I am a little sore. But you know what they pain, NO GAIN! I plan to get on the bike anyway today. I was reading what everyone was saying, should I be ending with a quick run after i bike? I have not been able to convince myself to get in the pool yet. Hard to think of putting on a swimsuit when its 20 degrees outside!
2009-01-09 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1896892

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
Yes I am in Florida, typing fun on cell phone. 'Ready' is debatable, I've been sick and out of sorts. I think I will do ok, just not the best I can do. Will write more when I get to a computer. I am interested in hearing about tri specific strength training though.
2009-01-09 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1897302

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

This is where I got the information about modifying my strength training routine. 

I was doing strength training 2X a week anyway. This changed it up just a bit. I also added in some squats and lunges. What do you think?

2009-01-09 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1876643

New user

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hi all -

 I am going out on a limb here to force myself to commit to another Tri. I have found I need someone to hold me accountable.  I did a sprint in '07 and really liked it much better than doing a 1/2 marathon.  I'm not much of an athlete, but need these goals so that I at least do something! 

I'm a 39 yo mom of one (8 yr old boy) and have been married for 16 yrs.  I started running on a bet from a friend when my son was 4, and have done various races since.  I have done one Duathlon and one Triathlon, and I prefer these to just running.  I get bored.  I even struggle to run on the treadmill (it makes me feel somewhat like those gerbils I had when I was 9 or 10).  I took 2008 off (as in NO exercise of any form) just due to a way crazy schedule and sheer laziness, so I'm working my way back into things.  I've added Group Power to my workouts to try to get some strength back. 

 My goals: Duathlon in March, 1/2 marathon in June, and Tri in August.

The Tri in '07 was mostly just to see if I could do it; this time I feel the need to do it right by getting some training and advice - and this seemed like a great place to get it!


2009-01-09 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1876643

New user

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hi Dave!  I'm Christi from Alexandria, VA.  I'm hoping your group is still open!

I am registered for my first triathlons this year...I'm excited and ready to get started!

A bit about me and what I've been doing/what I have planned:

I have been running for almost three years with a group about three days/week, 3-4 miles 2x/week with a long run of 10-12 miles 1x/week.  I've run in the Annapolis 10-miler, GW Parkway Classic 10-miler and the Army 10-miler for the past three years, my pace settling around 9 min/mile.  In addition I weight train 2-3x/week and try to fit in a yoga class when I can.

I've recently started biking 2x/week (although it's been quite cold recently).  The bike I have right now is a Gary Fisher mountain bike I've fitted with more road-friendly tires...not the best for the situation, but it works for right now.  I've also been swimming at my gym 2x/week, but I have to say it's been killing me.  I haven't really been in a pool since I was on my school swim team in high school. 

I have a pretty busy schedule (running and tri) planned for this year.  It includes:

National 1/2 Marathon, Cherry Blossom 10-miler, GW Parkway Classic, Marine Corps Historic 1/2 Marathon, Philadelphia Women's Triathlon, Columbia IronGirl, Annapolis 10-miler, Army 10-miler, and Marine Corps Marathon. 

I'd appreciate any advice and guidance you can give to this tri-newbie.  Thanks!  -Christi 


2009-01-10 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN

Hi Dave,

My name is Becky and I am looking to join your group.  I will be 29 in February and have yet to do my first tri.  I live in Frederick County, MD. 

When I was (much) younger I did volleyball, softball, and track competitively.  During/after college I did some aerobics instruction and did short runs (5k) just to stay in shape.  After moving to Maryland and continuing to run 3-4 miles a couple times a week, my running friend decided we needed a goal, and we did our first half marathon in 2005 (Baltimore).  Afterwards, I sat under a tree and swore I would never take another step past 13.1 miles.  Well, time makes you forget and within a month or so, I decided I would be doing the Marine Corps Marathon in 2006.  In total, I've now done 7 marathons and 6 halves.  I am slow, but persistent.  My time goal for the full continues to be 5 hours.  I've been within 3 minutes more than once, but have yet to get it right.  My half PR is a 2:13. 

Where I'm at now:
Always looking for a challenge, my boyfriend and I decided tris would be a fun new adventure.  In July I bought a road bike and joined a gym to learn to swim.  However, fall marathon training ramped up and I just really got back into going to the pool, and my rides are now on the trainer.  I am still getting used to my bike, and the swims are getting easier, although some may still consider it more flailing than swimming.  I have done up to 42 laps without stopping, but it's at a pace of like 2:38/100.  My improvement has been measurable though, and I'm trying to incorporate drills to help technique. 

My goals:
I am signed up for my first and second tris in May and June: Columbia (oly) and EagleMan(hIM).  I will start formal training Jan.26, and all I want is to finish Eagleman without being pulled off the course due to time cutoffs.  I'm optimistic, but know it will take a lot of hard work. I am excited for the challenge!  My logs are *mostly* up to date.  I'll work on that later today. 

Thanks in advance for being a great mentor!!

2009-01-10 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1899499

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - OPEN
I can't write much right now but welcome! This is exciting.
2009-01-11 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1876643


Subject: Openings?

Hey Dave,

    I was wondering if they are still openings for your mentorship.  I have run 3 half-marathons in the past almost 2 years, but I have been doing that while finishing up school.  Now I want to challenge my competitive natured self and take on the Iron-man journey.  I am running the Nashville Music Marathon on April 25th, but before and after I am attempting triathlons.  I plan on starting with a sprint to warm up and get used to the transtitioning periods, then my goal this summer/ late fall is to conquer a 70.3.  I have been doing the 20 week bronze iron-man schedule provided by beginner triathlete and currently on week 9 of this regiment.  I am currently in Grad School to get my Master's and hoping that I can still grind out these workouts and do well in my studies.  I am living in Richmond, VA right now and attending VCU.  I would consider my-self a better runner than the rest, but with all this training I must admit my swimming and cycling have improved drastically.  I just look forward to the challenges ahead.

Dave, I hope this gives ya a bit of a background on me.  It seems as if all the individuals in this mentor group are just as enthuised as I in this upcoming year.

Hope all is well,

Keith Austin Jr.

2009-01-12 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1900804

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Openings?

Welcome Keith!

Yes, it's still open but I think you make 7 so I'm going to shut it down from there just so this doesn't get unmanageable.

Keith, are you currently on an IM program or a half IM program?  I wouldln't recommend doing a IM program now if you don't have an IM on your schedule yet.  You will tear your body down, and then when you do sign up for an IM, you won't be able to train for it well and do your best.  Better to be on a half IM schedule now.

Which IM are you eying up? Some of these, you have to be signing up a year in advance, and some are so sought-after that you pretty much have to be on-site the year before, like at Lake Placid.

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