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2009-04-08 8:29 PM

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Subject: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

NAME: WittyCityGirl / Sara

STORY: I started triathlon to lose weight for my wedding about 1 1/2 years ago.  I needed to have something competitive to train for to keep motivated to hit the gym! I have enjoyed pushing myself physically and mentally ever since. I love meeting the full spectrum of triathletes, from fellow "tri-geeks" to those who seek to satisfy a curiousity about this addictive sport. Plus, I enjoy exploring new places that I travel to for races.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my high school sweetie (married one year, but together for TWELVE!)

CURRENT TRAINING: My big race this year is my first half-Ironman in July.  So, I began training in January to build my endurance.  I was a competitive swimmer through college and therefore I put more emphasis on training for the run and bike.  I get in a workout 5-6 days/week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have completed a handful of sprint and olympic distance races on top of one duathlon.  In 2009, I've mostly tested my running legs in races. Most recently in my first 1/2 marathon!

2009 RACES: July - Broome County Triathlon (sprint) and Mussleman (1/2 IM).  September - Lake George Tri (oly).

WEIGHTLOSS: I am actually a BIG believer in "Health at Any Size", but I have to say that since beginning triathlon training in 2006 I have kept off almost 15 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: My BIGGEST strenght is my swimming background!!! I have been a certified swim instructor for 11 years and I have coached competitive swimming for seven years.  I also ran a swimming program for beginner through advanced triathletes through a local YMCA a few years ago. SO, I would be a good resource for helping triathletes who find this leg of this race to be particularly frightening, daunting, challenging, etc.

Another strength?  In May, I will officially have a M.S. in Nutrition.  Who doesn't need help deciphering the conflicting information we all get thrown our way? High carb? Low carb? Sports drinks? Water? I'm a help (although NOT a registered dietician). 

Lastly, I genuinely believe in people. I want to inspire "newbies" to keep putting in the time and effort to make it through their first race.  I want to ignite the passion in the veterans to keep working towards a PR at the next race, and the next...  Training is tough, but with a little pep talk here or there all of us can hit our own goals for the up-coming season!

Edited by WittyCityGirl 2009-04-15 10:07 PM

2009-04-11 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Sara - I'd like to join your group!  Here's my bio.


STORY: I have always had a love of running but never in a million years thought I would be able to complete a tri!  After watching my fiance (bf at the time) doing a few races, he somehow roped me in.  At first I started with a duathlon (2007).  The swimming portion scared me to death!  I didn't know how to really swim (freestyle..what's that).   I tried to get him to teach me (he swam in college) but that was a mistake.  Never get your bf to teach you to swim!  I decided to invest in a swim coach and started taking lessons last August.  I completed my first tri last October (a pool swim).  

 Engaged and to be married April 2010 to evondo/Eric.

CURRENT TRAINING: swimming 2x a week/biking 3x/running 3x

2008 RACES: 1/2 marathon, 2 10Ks and a triathlon.  

2009 RACES: I started off the season with the Houston marathon and then did a duathon in March (It was supposed to be a tri but the weather wasn't cooperating.)  My next race is in May, another sprint tri.   This year I am just doing sprints.  I will probably throw some 5Ks in there and finish with another 1/2 marathon in the fall.


WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am diligent about logging my workouts and would check the post often.  I like to encourage others and I think joining the group will help me stay motivated as well.
2009-04-12 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hi Betsy!

Welcome to the group. =)  I can definitely relate to having a significant other try to teach me a sport-my husband has been trying to teach me to golf for years!  Congrats on your engagement, by the way.

I hope you find this mentor group to be helpful, I loved being a part of it as a mentee the past several months.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


2009-04-13 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2079388

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Thanks Sara!

Hope you had a great Easter weekend!

WittyCityGirl - 2009-04-12 12:10 PM
Hi Betsy!

Welcome to the group. =)  I can definitely relate to having a significant other try to teach me a sport-my husband has been trying to teach me to golf for years!  Congrats on your engagement, by the way.

I hope you find this mentor group to be helpful, I loved being a part of it as a mentee the past several months.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


2009-04-13 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Can I join you guys too!?

NAME: Jessica

STORY: I volunteered last year when an Ironman race came to town. After watching the athletes compete, I was inspired to try a tri myself. I started (sort of) working out last fall, and recommitted to the goal this January when I joined a gym and started one of the free training plans here at BT.

I'm currently a grad student pursuing an MA in Teaching, and work at a local library doing children's programs. I'm really looking forward to busting the stereotype that librarians (and maybe teachers too) are boring!


CURRENT TRAINING: My goal is a Sprint Tri in August. I'm following the 3x Balanced 16wk plan, with some additional strength training provided by the personal trainer at my gym. I struggle most with the running, as I've always avoided it, andfeel my strongest leg will be the swimming. I swam for years on a compettive team, though will have some work to do to get back in the rhythm of swimming. 

I bought a used road bike last summer, and am finally getting around to getting it ready for training, and I was recently fitted for running shoes.


2009 RACES: This will be my first race--August 8th, Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon, Emmett, ID

WEIGHTLOSS: While I am not doing this specifically for weightloss, I've already seen the benefits of this. I'm 5'10", and hover around 300lbs. 

I look forward to any helpful hints that you might be able to share!

2009-04-13 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Can I join in?  I need support from a group; my last group got a little quiet by the end .  Plus, I am from Rochester, and am planning on doing the mini-mussel this year (again), and REALLY need help on the swim .

Name: Momandmd/Karen

Story: I have been recovering from and lapsing back into triathlon since my first one in 1991 (scary!).  I had a spurt of activity in the late 90s, early 00s, before I started residency, and now I'm trying to fit it back in.  I'm a pediatrician and I do research, which keeps me very busy.

Family:  Married 18 years, 2 boys (15 and 13), 2 dogs.   

Current training:  I was thinking about doing the Buffalo 1/2 Mary, but overtrained and got injured, so I'm starting up slowly again.  I'm trying to get into a Master's swimming group, but the one that would work for location and timing is (probably) closed.  I do have a call in, but they just had a member die (how horrible would that be!), and it's up in the air.  I'm trying to run 2/week, and bike at least once.  I'm on service this week which will keep things light.

Races: I did 2 sprints last summer, and had a great time, and would like to do a couple more this summer, and maybe a longer running race.  I'd also like to do a couple of 5Ks and bring my PR <26:00.

Weightloss:  I've kept ~15 pounds of for 2 years, but I could lose another 3-5 and be healthier.


2009-04-13 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hi Jessica!

 That's fantastic that you volunteered for an IM race-it gives you a great perspective of the race.  I'm volunteering for Lake Placid (I live in NY) this year in the women's transition area and can't wait.

I'm currently a grad student, too, using the BT program.  I think you'll find that it does a really good job of helping you get in the distance that you'll need to be confident for your first race.  Don't worry if you break away from the schedule, I often did at the beginning to make it fit in with my schedule, but staying consistent is the key!

I have a friend in Illinois going to school to be a librarian.  She certainly has a wild side and kudos to you for breaking that quiet-type stereotype! 

You'll find that you have a HUGE advantage with the swimming background.  I found that it was difficult to go from lap swimming to open water swimming, but the years of experience made me confident.  Definitely use the swimming to your advantage if you feel an overuse injury coming on from biking or running.  I'm a BIG fan of aquajogging, too.  The running hasn't always been my forte, but I have used this to plan out runs to explore different parts of my city.

Good idea to get fitted for running shoes and good idea buying the used bike!  I bought my first bike on for about $170 and because it was cheap I didn't care that it got dinged up which helped with the stress on race day.  Just be sure to learn how to change a flat tire! 

Looks like you've got a little while before your first tri.  Are there any 5k races that you can sign up for in the mean time? Or, any master's swim meets that you can swim the 500 free in?  These prep races will help you plan for triathlon race day-you'll get used to a pre-race routine and any race day jitters.  It'll also be a confidence boost that you can get through the distance. 

Welcome to the group!

2009-04-13 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hi Karen, come on in!

Hopefully, we won't get too quiet! I check in on the forum at least 2 x day, so I'll at least be keeping a conversation going, even if it is just with myself.  

I'm from Binghamton and planning on doing the Mussleman 1/2 IM distance, so maybe I'll see you there!  Kenj, the mentor of my winter group is also from Rochester, you should add him to your friend list and see if you can meet up to train or race.

Lots of triathletes need help on the swim, so hopefully I can give you some guidance in this area.  

I find it interesting that you do research.  I'm hoping to find my own niche in research as a psychologist some day down the road.  How rewarding to work with pediatric patients!
So, since you've mentioned overtraining, I'm going to keep an extra close eye on your training log.  In the comment area be sure to leave comments about how your body is feeling before & after your workouts.  Lets look for patterns and work on being proactive for this season.  Low mileage to start + consistency will get you to the starting line.
That's too bad about the swim group.  It's definitely hard to get motivated to swim solo.  Rochester seems to have a big triathlete population so I'm sure if the masters group doesn't pan out then something else will.

Like I mentioned to Jessica, keep in mind that you can aqua-jog in the shallow end or deep end of a pool.  It's VERY helpful while increasing mileage, recovering from injury or during taper.  I use it in my own training and I can help you out in this area on top of swimming in general.  if you've never aqua-jogged before, you may feel silly, but if you do anything with confidence and at least act like you know what you're doing then you'll be just fine.

I hope you find this group helpful!

2009-04-14 12:29 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the suggestion to find a 5k before August. I will have to start looking!
2009-04-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Yeah!!!  More peeps!  Welcome Jessica and Karen!  Any men up for the challenge of joining us?  I'd love to get their perspective on things too! 

Jessica - Props to you for being able to swim.  I find it the most difficult since there is so much technique.  And I just have a road bike too....only cost $300.  I'm a firm believer in you don't need an expensive bike to be's all about the engine! 

Karen - Props to you for getting back into tris!  Getting back into things slowly is a great idea that way you aren't prone to injury.

I will add you ladies to my friends list. 

2009-04-14 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

I like a good challenge! If you'll have me in your group, I'd love to join!


Name: James Ford

Memphis, TN (Bartlett)

Story: Did alot of running in college and did my 1st Tri. Continued running, but lost the bug to swim and bike, then got married, had kids yadda yadda yadda. Last spring I decided I was going to quit dipping and get in shape again. I went cold turkey and kicked a 15 year habit. Last year I completed 4 sprint triathlons, 1 Olympic a duathlon and 1 dash N Splash. My goal this year is to complete the same schedule, but I really want to crush those times from last year. I have already completed 1 sprint this year and I can see that a winter's worth of running, swimming and trainer rides has helped, so I am excited about this year. I am working to a HIM next year and hopefully in 2 years I can be an Ironman!

 2009 Races: Memphis in May Olympic, Dragonfly Sprint, MightyMite Sprint, CATS Sprint and Fit City Sprint. 

 Family- Married 12 years, 3 boys (Jacob 9, Jared 8 and Jesse is 4 months)

2009-04-14 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

One more won't hurt!


Name:  Rob

Story:  Did my first try in 2007.  Went pretty bad, threw up in T1, forgot my helmut, road a mountain bike for the bike portion, and never really swam before.  Didn't do any races in 2008 due a big move across country, and just being busy with other sports.  '09 is the year to get back in all of it though!

Status:  Single

Current Training:  Depending on weather (we still have a bit of snow up here!), run 3x a week, bike 4 - 5 times a week, and no swimming yet as the closest pool is 1.5hr drive.  Also lots of hiking, tennis, and some rock climbing.

This year's races:  None yet!

2009 Racesmight do a sprint in June.  10k planned for July.  The big one, and my real only concern this year, is the Muskoka half Ironman in September.

Weightloss:  I am 6'4 so I will never be light.  I could lose a good 15-20lbs I put on put over the last year, but its not my primary goal (I like to eat).


2009-04-14 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hey James!

Welcome to the group.  Sounds like you've got some good experience under your belt and have a good plan, so let's keep your energy going without developing overuse injuries.  Good for you for kicking your 15 year habit, that's tough for a lot of folks.  Since your experience and mine are similar (started out with a bunch of sprint/oly races and working towards HIM/IM distance) I'd be more than happy to share with you any insight I have while training for my first HIM this July.

Since you have a race coming up in May, how prepared are you feeling for it at this point?

2009-04-14 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hey Rob,

Welcome to the group.  Although your 2007 racing season wasn't a turning point for you to go pro it's still an experience that the new-to-triathlon folks can learn from - be prepared!  I did a handful of races on a mountain bike and so I think it is a rite of passage for some of us tri folks to upgrade (graduate) to a road bike. 

 Looks like you're getting in your run & bike workouts, with the closest pool 1.5 hours away, what are your plans for getting prepped for swimming?  If you have a gym nearby with a freedom trainer (I can look into other names for it) you may want to incorporate that into your training.  Since it uses pulleys it mimics the instability you experience while pulling your hand through the water...I can go into more depth about this equipment if you want.  It's great that you have other sports that you're interested in.  I look to other sports when I feel any burn out coming on.

So, you might have a sprint race in June. Is it just the swim holding you back from racing?  Since you sounds pretty set on the half IM in September now is a good time for you to start planning a few other short races here and there. Which is your strong leg, the bike or the run?

2009-04-14 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Thanks for the warm welcome Sara.


I actually just moved (again) from Alberta to Ontario, and am staying up at the cottage in northern ontario, which is why there are no pools.  I will be moving into a city hopefully soon, which will give me access to a pool and proper gym.


As for the HIM, I am already signed up and paid for, so there is no turning back!  Swimming is by far my weakest, but my plan is to just finish the swim, nothing quick.  Biking is my strongest (even on a MTB I finished mid-pack), so I am trying to focus on my run endurance, slowly increasing distance.

2009-04-14 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Thanks for the welcome!

As for my upcoming race in May, this one is my Lex Luther in a way. I was really disappointed in this race last year, so I have vowed to do much better this year. Last year I finished it in 3:44. It was my first Olympic race ever and the swim kicked my butt, not because of the distance, but the water temp freaked me out. The swim was very hard, which in turn took alot out of me for the bike and run. So I have been working hard all winter with this one race in mind.

I feel pretty good overall, but my runnning slacked off last month due to some issues with the feet, but my new orthotics seem to be helping alot. SO I need to get out and get more miles running.

I look forward to getting to know this group and watching people progress towards their goals, I know I need a kick in the butt every now and again!

2009-04-14 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Welcome to the group gentlemen!

James - I can totally relate to freaking out in the cold water.  It can be brown and dirty (which is all I have here in Houston) but it needs to be warm!  I could never make it where Rob lives!  That's way too cold!
2009-04-14 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hi Sara - is it too late to join your group?  I hope not, I need all the help I can get; here's my story...

i am 51 years old, living with the same patient, woman for 22 years, and have two very large dogs, Arrow and Tiber who believe they are lap dogs and the world revolves around them.  it does.  I work full-time in risk management/insurance and spend most of my day sitting and computing so i love to work hard when i workout.

I think the last time i competed in an event was two years ago when i did a 5k so i am definitely a light-weight but i plan to change that this spring.  i am fascinated with competing in a tri but - you guessed it.  i stink at swimming    cycling fits me like a glove, running has become a mild addiction over the past winter but swimming is the wicked step-child and scares me quite frankly - that's the joke behind my nickname...

Currently I run 4- 5 miles/day at least 5 days/week.  i go to the local pool about 1x/month kicking and screaming the whole time.  i just haven't found a comfort level with it and am looking to you and others to prodd me along i guess.  I haven't dusted off my bike yet but that will happen in the next few weeks so I don't worry about that piece.

i'm good about posting my workouts but i don't get into all the other stuff on the blog, perhaps i will change that with this new season.  my diet is fairly healthy and i don't deprive myself i just try to be sensible.

i want to participate in a local sprint tri the fantastic natasket which occurs in late september but prior to that i would really like to do the danskin women's only in late july.  do you think this is realistic given my weak swimming?

2009-04-14 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hi Cindy.


I had a couple of people tell me "just do a duathlon if you hate swimming", but I always felt like it would be taking the easy way out.  You may want to try a duathlon first if you want, but I wouldn't let the swim scare you from a triathlon.  I was pretty close to last place in the swim in my first sprint, but I was only a few mins off the leader's pace since a 500m swim is so short.  So even if you will be slow, you can still have a great race if your other two portions are stong (which they sound like they are).

2009-04-14 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2084697

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hi Robb,  thanks for the encouragement.  it's funny but i feel the same way about the duathlon vs. the tri.  it just seems like the challenge is missing.  of course i could be completely off my rocker but i do think that throwing the swim in the mix is the incentive for me.  i thrive on being scared to death. 

i'm not worried about coming in last, i'm worried about drowning!  actually, i'm more worried about the crowd effect in the water; being such a weak swimmer wreaks havoc on my head when i think about all those crazy people trying to outswim each other.  i know, i'm thinking too much - welcome to my world Embarassed
2009-04-14 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2082124

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Karen, here's a reply I got from Kenj:

"I swim with the Canandaigua Masters and they meet Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 pm at the Canandaigua High School.
What group is she with now that is folding? There are 3 or 4 groups in Rochester that are active so I am sure I know someone that is swimming at one closer to her than Canandaigua. "

Hope that helps!

I'm trying to get into a Master's swimming group, but the one that would work for location and timing is (probably) closed.  I do have a call in, but they just had a member die (how horrible would that be!), and it's up in the air.  I'm trying to run 2/week, and bike at least once.  I'm on service this week which will keep things light.

2009-04-14 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2083907

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Ahhh, a Canadian in the group!  I have a friend from Calgary and another from Toronto.  I had the opportunity to go to a wedding in Banf, but the flight from the States was crazy.  I hear that Ontario has good wineries. =)

I used the BT free HIM training program and it has been great.  What I have found most helpful is focusing on time spent on a sport at a low RPE (so, in January I started running 30 minutes at a Rate of Perceived Exertion at a 2...and when I add distance I go at an RPE of 2.  It really helps cut down on injury and your body gets acclimated to putting in the time.  The speed will come later.

For most folks, the swim is weak because a) they are a runner first, swimmer second and so the ankles aren't flexible enough to kick the water behind them, so sit down with your legs out and front and point your toes.  How close to the floor can you get them?  Not far? Then look into different ankle stretches, b) breathing is an issue so some folks don't get enough air, don't have enough lung capacity, only breathe on one side...get nice n comfy with your breathing!, c) their pull is all sorts of goofed up, the stroke is too short, the arms are too long when pulling through the water, etc. 

If you can have someone, who knows swimming, watch you swim and give you three good pointers, then just focus on those for a while.  You'll be swimming faster in no time, or at the very least you'll feel less exhausted going into T1.
Robb - 2009-04-14 2:52 PM

I actually just moved (again) from Alberta to Ontario, and am staying up at the cottage in northern ontario, which is why there are no pools. 
As for the HIM, I am already signed up and paid for, so there is no turning back!  Swimming is by far my weakest, but my plan is to just finish the swim, nothing quick.  Biking is my strongest (even on a MTB I finished mid-pack), so I am trying to focus on my run endurance, slowly increasing distance.

2009-04-14 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2083966

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Was this a wetsuit legal race and you didn't have a wetsuit or hadn't swam in one yet? Did you get in the water prior to the race to know what to expect come race time? Since you have experience with this course, you'll definitely have an advantage this know what the roads are like for the bike and the run and you know what the water was like...since we're all racing in Mother Nature's territory the elements may affect your race day, but that's great that you're ready to come back with a vengence! 

jford2309 - 2009-04-14 3:17 PM

Last year I finished it in 3:44. It was my first Olympic race ever and the swim kicked my butt, not because of the distance, but the water temp freaked me out. The swim was very hard, which in turn took alot out of me for the bike and run. So I have been working hard all winter with this one race in mind.

2009-04-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2084468

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hey Cindy! 

Definitely not too late to join the group. =)  I definitely understand how the "desk job" can make you eager to get out and move!

I liked the wicked step-child analogy!  With a little bit of work we should be able to change that.  If you're thinking about a July race then you can definitely be prepared to finish the race and then finish AND shave off time for the next one.  

What gets you kicking and screaming about the swim?

oshunluvah - 2009-04-14 5:53 PM

ICurrently I run 4- 5 miles/day at least 5 days/week.  i go to the local pool about 1x/month kicking and screaming the whole time.  i just haven't found a comfort level with it and am looking to you and others to prodd me along i guess. 

2009-04-14 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Is the "open" sign still correct...if so I would love to join. 

James and I were in a group together last year and decided to join a new group this year.  He's turned into a monster and his times have dramatically improved over last year. 

Anyway, my name is Tim and this is just my 2nd year.  I mostly just ran to stay in shape before last year.  Did a few 5k's a year but that was about it.  About 2 years ago I got into mountain biking.  Loved it so much and decided to move into the road bikes as well.  Loved it so much I decided to give tri's a try.  I had zero swim experience and just self-taught using the TI method. 

I did 3 sprint tri's last year and one duathlon.  My goal is to do mostly sprints this year and finish the year in Sept with an Oly.  I am looking for any help I can get or give and look forward to meeting everyone and working with ya'll this year!
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