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2009-04-09 1:24 AM

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Subject: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Name: kaqphin/Super Cat/ Cat

Story: I discovered triathlons through a friend of mine who wanted to do one, and I said I would join her. At that point I didnt run, couldnt ride a bike but I knew I would be ok swimming. It took me out of the gym and out into the real world for training which gave me such a buzz and we both finished our first race, an enticer distance, in early 2005!

Fast forward 12 months and I took on my first sprint distance race suffering major hydration issues and being sick for days at a time. What I didnt realise at the time was that i have a chronic stomach condition which when active makes re-hydrating quite complicated.

So in early 2006 after finishing that sprint and in the beginning of training for my first half marathon I found myself seeing specialists etc and was diagnosed with a chronic health condition called Ulcerative Colitis. Being ill combined with the medication derailed my training and saw me gain a ridiculous amount of weight as training was no longer something I could maintain except in small bursts.

Another 12 months later and I started to get back into by putting myself on crutches for 6 weeks!! Im nothing if not persistent! Through all this time I have been a part of BT and used my time to get involved with the challenges, offer support to those racing and to learn as much as I can about the sport! The year didnt quite go according to plan and issues with plantar fascitis and runners knee in addition to the ankle that put me on crutches saw me get back into training but not racing. I was active but not consistently as all the injuries combined with the weight gain from when I was sick made everything awkward.

2008 however, everything was about to change... I work with others who go to the gym (if a little sporadically) and I slowly got myself back into being active. Im obsessed with the Tour De France and stay up all hours during July watching it (Im sure my employer loves the state I work in that month) but that time was when I finally got my consistency back starting small with just a few workouts a week into the rest of the year.

I threw myself into my first race in 2.5 years in October and finished with a MAJOR smile on my face then went to the office and got a group of women together to take part in their first ever triathlon. We did lunch time learning sessions with good swimmers and cyclists, organised group swims and rides as well as a transition information session before race day. I got team shirts and medals plus LOVED every minute of helping others reach their goals.

Im so proud to say that a total of 14 women took part in their very first race in January this year and I finished their race, including me finishing the sprint distance! The role I took to get those women through that race is the pinnacle of my triathlon achievement for me - I got so much from helping others.

Since then I have finished an open water swim in Sydney Harbour and had my first DNF (Did Not Finish) spraining my ankle during a race in March (the same ankle I was on crutches with a few years ago). In that same race I had the DNF another friend of mine finished their first triathlon after swim training with me for a period of 6 weeks to get their confidence in the water.

Since October last year I have lost 26 pounds, established a pretty consistent training routine and my health condition is currently considered in remission. I am on no medication, Im pretty healthy, Im happy and Im about to purchase a top of the line brand new road bike (Im passionate about cycling) to replace the road bike that I learnt to ride on 5 years ago.

Im also slowly learning how to run with good form that doesnt aggravate my injuries and seeing improvements as I work through it. Im still going for the occassional ride/swim or run with people who finished their first races this year as well as riding, swimming and running every week.

Im now in my off season, so while i have a couple of races planned in the next few months they are for FUN! While I get a base for stepping up the distances next season. Swimming is my strength, Cycling is my passion and Running is my challenge so my aims for the off season are to maintain my swim, improve my cycling (so Im worthy of my new bike) and gradually build my running.

Family Status: Single

Current Training:  Its my off season! But my current routine includes Run/Swim session 3 times a week, 1-2 strength sessions per week and 3-4 cycling sessions per week.

My swim sessions are built around my friend who I am helping with their swim. If I am solo I tend to focus on endurance work/speed work or a recovery session if my legs are toast. Swimming is my strength so right now I want to maintain my fitness in the pool before I get into it for next season.

My Run sessions are focused on building the time spent running very very slowly building up my run intervals and reducing walking. Ive had a lot of injuries so maintaining my body and keeping it able to train is off the most important to me. In the next few months I will be increasing my weekly runs from 3-4 times a week and then building the length of those sessions.

My Cycling session for the off season include a recovery session, endurance ride and shorter rides with hill/speed intervals. I am really lucky to have the advice of a monster cyclist who also helped me pick my new bike!

2009 Races: Mothers Day Classic (4k), Triathlon Pink, Nepean triathlon (Olympic), All Womens Sprint, Cronulla Olympic Distance

Other potential Events: 10k Bridge Run, Sydney to Gong Ride (90k), TriNSw Kurnell Sprint Series

Weightloss:  Down 26 pounds on October last year. I try to eat well but I do NOT miss out on anything either. I have a bit of a policy of making sure that I dont go too extreme on the calorie counting otherwise i find I really struggle to train which is not good... plus I get tired and grumpy!

I do need to be held accountable to eat better but I am definatley an advocate of eat good food, dont eat too much and that its ok to have some treats along the way Everything in balance. My weight has been stable for the last month or so but I have also had a birthday in that time as well as been nursing the sprained ankle. With easter I will be having some chocolate guilt free as I know I will train hard enough to maintain my weight and then I will be back into healthier eating straight away.

This for me is my life so I am a strong believer in the 80/20 split in that if you are good 80% of the time, the other 20% is of less consequence (within reason Im not advocating eating an entire large pizza!) But if I do want to reach a specific goal I can be stricter!

What will make me a good mentor:  This will be my second time heading up a BT mentor group. The group that was part of my team last time have had incredible success including BQ times (Boston qualifying times), finishing first triathlons, first HIM (half ironman) finishes and I continue to remain in touch with them through their logs here on BT.

My experience mentoring the women at work through their first tris earlier this year has given me a great chance to go through the process of training for your first triathlon and all of the questions that come up on a regular basis. Im a strong believer that anyone can do it and Ive seen that evidence time and time again.

My own personal experience coming back to fitness, loosing weight nad persevering against what at times felt like impossible circumstances is something I think many people can relate to, it also teaches you the importance of a positive attitude which I like to share as far and wide as I can!

Ive also been blessed with incredible friends who I can go to for training advice, and I am happy to ask them any questions I dont know the answer to!

Im really looking forward to getting to meet you and offering all the support and advice I can as well as learning from you and your experiences.

Lets have a great year of triathlon!


Edited by kaqphin 2009-04-16 7:24 PM

2009-04-13 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
  What? Cat is mentee less..... OK count me in.  May I be led by you?
2009-04-13 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2081281

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

El Flaco - 2009-04-14 4:24 AM   What? Cat is mentee less..... OK count me in.  May I be led by you?

Of course... Im guessing yuo mostly need someone to make sure yuo are sticking with it.

That marathon under 3 hour goal you have is pretty ambitious!

2009-04-13 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hey...could I join?

Im fairly new to this, i did one sprint last year...hoping to do more this year and an olympic.
2009-04-13 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2082461

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

patchadams - 2009-04-14 2:07 PM Hey...could I join? Im fairly new to this, i did one sprint last year...hoping to do more this year and an olympic.

Hi - absolutely!


Welcome - why dont you introduce yourself? Id love to know a little about who you are and what you would like to achieve this season.

As well as anything specific you would like me to help out with and what you hope to get out of the mentor program.



2009-04-14 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

After hitting refresh constantly for the first week of April and hoping the mentor group would restart, I just realized that they had begun again.  I am so glad that this program exists because I have a few questions and want to learn what I don't know yet.  I have to admit that I love your enthusiasm and the fact that you actually write more than I do in your post. 


Name: Shawn

Family Status:  Engaged – after 4 years of engagement (not to mention 9 years together), we’re finally tying the knot in November.  Even her father told me that he knew it wasn’t my fault it was taking so long though!

Current Training:  I am doing the Couch to Sprint 12 week RPE program.

2008 Races: Unless you count my mad dashes from the couch to the fridge or chasing my cat around the apartment, I did not race in ’08.

2009 Goals:  The Ironcald Sprint Tri (5/31) and Long Island Gold Coast Sprint Tri (6/21).  I want to do an Olympic and should sign up for one in the fall but I don’t trust myself to even finish the sprints.  I’m basically waiting to see how the sprints go before I try anything bigger.

I guess my only other goal is to build a solid foundation for all three events and to stay healthy.  I was always one of those “maximum effort” type of guys when I played sports so my body is a bit beat up.  Couple that with being sedentary and overweight and I get some strange aches and pains.

Weightloss:  I like food a little too much and I have enjoyed it more than a little too much over the past few years so I need to work off about 45 lbs or so.  I have already lost 20lbs from my all time high a few years ago.

Misc – I moved a bunch as a kid but spent most of my time in New England towns, particularly in Maine.  I now live in one of the boroughs of New York City.  I wish I could remember exactly when I finally decided to look more seriously into triathlons but I have been thinking about doing one for nearly a year now.  Triathlon is a huge change from all of the teams spots like baseball, ice hockey and football that I played growing up, in College and even afterwards.  I really am looking forward to this group and pushing myself in a whole new way.

I am also hoping I can catch some of your positive attitude and persevering spirit!

2009-04-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

I would love love love to be a mentee

About me:  I started my tri journey as a New Years resolution in January 2008.  Figured if I could compete in a hand full of races, my weight would just end up where it should be.  Nope.  At age 32, being married and having a kiddo, the body has to be relentlessly worked into a reasonable shape.  Round is a shape, right?!?!  I'm working on it. 

Weight:  I started out very overweight.  Lost 15 lbs. in 2008, and hope to double that this year.  I have every intention of keeping on keeping on!  I love this sport.

Past events:  I completed 3 sprints tris last year along with a 50 mile ride. 

Goals:  I would like to do and Oly at the end of this year or beginning of next, and I will complete at least a 1/2 Mary in spring of 2010.  I would like to also do a century next summer.

SO, if you'll have me...

Edited by crews 2009-04-14 1:01 PM
2009-04-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi Shawn, Hi crews - welcome! 

Im just heading out the door to work so will reply with a bit more detail shortly!

2009-04-14 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Ok I promised i would reply more thoroughly so here goes:

Looks like we are all in the middle of loosing weight so in the coming weeks i think it would be great for us all to share whats worked for us. Its very true that exercise is only part of the equation... but being fitter and more active reduces a HUGE amount of the risk factors for carrying extra weight so thats excellent!

Shawn Id love to hear what you think of the training plan you are following - are you finding any of it too hard or too easy?

For everyone - which of the 3 sports are your strengths and which are your weaknesses and why?

Personally my strength is swimming because Ive been doing it my whole life. My weakness has always been running because Ive been avoiding it my whole life Coupled with all the little niggles that you get and injuries that make it more and more challenging to persevere with.

Please feel free to ask questions anytime as well as share your success and challenges with training.

Once we have a full group I will get one of those little linky boxes made with everyones names for your log so we can easily leave inspires etc for each other. I will try and get to everyones logs most days.

I tend to be a bit wordy (just so you know)


2009-04-15 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

I will post some particulars shortly about myself and my goals shortly.  Some of you may know a few things about me but I assume that most of you don't.  So intro to come shortly!

As far as strengths and weaknesses go I would have to say running is easily my strength.  Running just comes easy to me.  I realized in HS that I had a knack for being able to run.  While I love to go ride my bike nothing seems to relieve the stress like a good hard run!  I would have to say that swimming is my greatest weakness.  When I was encouraged to try triathlons I had not swam a day in my life.  I had been in the pool as a kid but that was the extent of my swim experience.  I'm the kind of person that if I can't do something I will kill myself trying to figure it out.  A couple of winters ago I spent time in the pool everyday and managed to get my swim just about average! 

2009-04-15 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2085266

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

El Flaco - 2009-04-15 9:00 PM

I will post some particulars shortly about myself and my goals shortly.  Some of you may know a few things about me but I assume that most of you don't.  So intro to come shortly!

As far as strengths and weaknesses go I would have to say running is easily my strength.  Running just comes easy to me.  I realized in HS that I had a knack for being able to run.  While I love to go ride my bike nothing seems to relieve the stress like a good hard run!  I would have to say that swimming is my greatest weakness.  When I was encouraged to try triathlons I had not swam a day in my life.  I had been in the pool as a kid but that was the extent of my swim experience.  I'm the kind of person that if I can't do something I will kill myself trying to figure it out.  A couple of winters ago I spent time in the pool everyday and managed to get my swim just about average! 

Welcome - offically! You are a running god!

2009-04-15 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

I would have to go with swimming as my strength, running as my weakness, and biking as my new love.  Bought a new bike just last week, and it should be here in the next 3 days.  I am ecstatic! 

Looks like this is going to be a great group of folks 

2009-04-15 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi Cat, Crews, and El Flaco!


The training plan I am using, because it is time based and I have only been able to work out inside, is sort of as hard or easy as I make it.  Looking back over my logs, I think I did not push the bike hard enough, advanced my running a little too quickly, and might have hit the swimming just about right.  I think I have finally found the equilibrium between too hard and not hard enough but it is a fine line.


I think the only thing that doesn’t seem to be working for me is that the plan calls for 6 days of training and I am usually only able to do 5 before my body (or life) starts complaining.  I love the fact that it includes drills, weight training and a little direction since endurance training is a completely different animal from the type of training I used to do in the past (mainly weights and plyometrics for explosive movements).  Overall, I really like the plan.


My biggest event weaknesses are the run, the bike and the swim.  I was never trained in any of them and am decidedly awful in all of them at the moment.  :P


The run because it hurts my legs if I push it too hard and because running was always a means to an end or even a punishment when I was planning sports.  It’s been a whole change in mindset to look at as anything but either one of those things.


It didn’t help that the my high school track coach used to laugh at me when we were doing wind sprints on the baseball field and ask my coach if he taught me the “pick’em up and put’em down method of running.”  I’m enjoying the little advances I seem to make most weeks but I can’t say that I am enjoying it yet.


The bike because I’ve only been on a trainer so far and will be riding a 10 year old mountain bike that I just pulled out of mothballs after 7 years for my first couple of races.  I actually am looking forward to getting better and spending more time on the bike though.


The swim because I am not quite as bad as the guy who was absolutely PUNISHING the water last night while he swam (it looked and sounded like he was brawling with it), but I don’t hold any delusions that I’m the Thorpedo either. (Do I get bonus points for the Aussie swimmer reference?).  I’m trying to build upon swimming lessons that I last took over 20 years ago.  I like the technical aspect of it though and am enjoying it so far.


I tend to be wordy too so don’t worry.  People will much rather read your stuff than my drivel.  :D

2009-04-15 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Odd question and sorry to respond to myself - but when I follow through all the way in my swimming stroke, should I feel the water rushing over part of my leg?

It doesn't happen all the time but when I really concentrate on finishing my stroke, it seems to happen more.
2009-04-15 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2087510

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Sulcus - 2009-04-16 10:31 AM Odd question and sorry to respond to myself - but when I follow through all the way in my swimming stroke, should I feel the water rushing over part of my leg?

It doesn't happen all the time but when I really concentrate on finishing my stroke, it seems to happen more.

Thats a new one to me - you might need to define it better... are you legs under the water like the are meant to be (just under near the surface) or are they up too high/sinking?

Which part of the leg is noticing it?

When yuo are focusing on finishing your stroke - Im assuming you are referring to good and entry and extending the arm forward for the catch...

Given my post count you are welcome to talk to yourself all you like!!!! Sorry Im late online today - I had a 9am meeting!

Seems to me like it might be good to kick thigns off talking about swimming in general anyway

2009-04-15 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2085852

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

crews - 2009-04-16 1:06 AM

I would have to go with swimming as my strength, running as my weakness, and biking as my new love.  Bought a new bike just last week, and it should be here in the next 3 days.  I am ecstatic! 

Looks like this is going to be a great group of folks 

Just a warning... cycling is REALLY addictive! Especially when the weather is good and yuo have a new toy - what did you buy?

Ive got a new bike coming too - Its in the shop waiting for me to finish paying it off... thats just killing me knowing I cant take it home yet!!!

What are you doing to work on your weakness running? Do you have a method you are using to help build it up? Are you using the run/walk method or something else?

2009-04-15 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2085266

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

El Flaco - 2009-04-15 9:00 PM

I will post some particulars shortly about myself and my goals shortly.  Some of you may know a few things about me but I assume that most of you don't.  So intro to come shortly!

As far as strengths and weaknesses go I would have to say running is easily my strength.  Running just comes easy to me.  I realized in HS that I had a knack for being able to run.  While I love to go ride my bike nothing seems to relieve the stress like a good hard run!  I would have to say that swimming is my greatest weakness.  When I was encouraged to try triathlons I had not swam a day in my life.  I had been in the pool as a kid but that was the extent of my swim experience.  I'm the kind of person that if I can't do something I will kill myself trying to figure it out.  A couple of winters ago I spent time in the pool everyday and managed to get my swim just about average! 

Swimming is really a funny one because its SO technique based but good body position in the water will allow you to get away with a multitude of other since swimming (not that I condone just getting away with it!)

The other thing I find is swimmers who arent quite as strong will muscle their way through the water and finish in an MOP time only they are expending a LARGE amount of energy to do it.

If anyone wants some swim programs/drills let me know. Im always writing them for other people and I can teach you how to write them yourself too!

2009-04-15 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2086104

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi Shaun - I have a whole bunch to cover from your post so you might want to get a coffee while you read this!!!

Firstly - I know you are using a time based plan but are you making sure to vary the types of workouts you are doing and mix up your hard days and your easy days? For example if you are going to do a challenging ride one day dont follow it up with an interval run the next day... space out the hard workouts wherever possible.

Secondly - the 6 day a week thing. I actually find a lot of the time I function better on a 5 day a week training regime too... especially if Ive had a bit of down time. 5 days a week of training is PLENTY of time to get you ready for a sprint race so listen to yuor body. If right now it needs 2 days off every week or even every second week go for it!  Just make sure if you miss workouts they are in your strengths or weights workouts rather than what you consider you weakness

Thirdly - the run... I cannot say this loudly enough - BE CAREFUL! You have to be REALLY conservative when increasing run distance or time or frequency. Increase any of this too fast and you WILL get injured. To start with running 3 times a week is plenty and your run should including some walking too! I never liked it either but I do get a buzz when I finish a run session.

Also on the run... make sure you go to a REAL running shoe shop and get fitted with the right shoes. This is the single MOST IMPORTANT investment you can make on yuor long term training health and the strongest contribution you can make to staying injury free. The other MUST DO is stretching... dedicate time at the end of every workout (or every run workout as a minimum) to stretch out your body focusing on flutes, quads, hamstrings calves and achilles. If you are like me and succumb to aches/pains and niggles this will be a saving grace for your body.

I also use compression socks but there is no HARD evidence that they help just a personal feeling so if you want to try something like this... or even the dreaded ice baths that is entirely your choice.

Next up - your bike! The great thing about tris is its fine to ride any bike you have available - so your mountain bike will be perfect. Recommendations I have is to take it straight to a bike shop for a look over and service before you get one it. If yuo have a little bit of cash you can change the mountain bike tyres to slicks which will make the whole riding thing that little bit easier (and faster!) for a minimal investment. Once again talk to the shop and see what they recommend.

In terms of yoru swimming - keep with it! Are you doing drills? What are you strengths and weaknesses? (ie do your legs sink? Can you float on yuor back without sinking? etc)

Hope some of this helps!


2009-04-15 11:53 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hi! I'm new here. I am looking for a mentor. I am just starting to train for my first Tri sprint this coming August.
Should I give more info? Am I a good candidate to be a mentee?
But I don't have a cape ;-)
2009-04-15 11:56 PM
in reply to: #2087969

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

losta - 2009-04-16 2:53 PM Hi! I'm new here. I am looking for a mentor. I am just starting to train for my first Tri sprint this coming August.
Should I give more info? Am I a good candidate to be a mentee?
But I don't have a cape ;-)

Hi welcome! Yes absolutely you would be a great mentee

Please introduce yourself I would love to have you as part of our group!

Ps: No worries on the cape - we will ahve you feeling super in no time!

Edited by kaqphin 2009-04-15 11:57 PM
2009-04-16 12:29 AM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hey sorry it took me so long to introduce myself.

But lets see, im a senior in college getting ready to graduate and go off to UNC med next year. Im a pretty decent swimmer I think. The biggest problem is im recovering from knee injuries (ACL surgery a year ago and torn meniscus 3 months ago). So im having trouble working the rehab exercises ive been doing in with tri-specific training. So I would like a little help on that.

My goals are to compete in a number of tris this season, Sprint and olympics for now, and hopefully finish respectfully (MOP, I guess). I guess ill be competing in the Clydesdale division because im 6'6- 210ish.

Any help you could give me on workouts and whatever would be great.


One more thing...ive always been a basketball player, but due to injuries I switched to Tri.

Edited by patchadams 2009-04-16 12:30 AM

2009-04-16 1:00 AM
in reply to: #2087982

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

patchadams - 2009-04-16 3:29 PM Hey sorry it took me so long to introduce myself. But lets see, im a senior in college getting ready to graduate and go off to UNC med next year. Im a pretty decent swimmer I think. The biggest problem is im recovering from knee injuries (ACL surgery a year ago and torn meniscus 3 months ago). So im having trouble working the rehab exercises ive been doing in with tri-specific training. So I would like a little help on that. My goals are to compete in a number of tris this season, Sprint and olympics for now, and hopefully finish respectfully (MOP, I guess). I guess ill be competing in the Clydesdale division because im 6'6- 210ish. Any help you could give me on workouts and whatever would be great. Thanks!! One more thing...ive always been a basketball player, but due to injuries I switched to Tri.


Welcome! It would be great to have a name so I know what to call you! Or will patch do?

Forgive me but Im going to ask a bunch of questions in here so just a warning! Im trying to get to know you better and where I can help.

When it comes to your knees Im guessing you have the all clear for swimming and riding from the doctor. What is the call on running? Are you able to do it/do you have guidelines on how to ease into it?

With your rehab exercises - how long do they take and how often do you have to do them? My suggestion would be (if they only take say 10-15 minutes) to roll them into another workout. For example if you have a ride first it will warm up your muscles and joints - then you can do your rehab work and have a stretch which would be a great way to get your workouts in. The same could work for a swim if yuor pool has a gym facility.

Have you picked/signed up for your first race yet? When is it? Having a timeframa/date that you are aiming for will be great in working out what/how much training you need to do and when.

Are you using a training plan from BT or elsewhere? If not what does your weekly training look like? What specific sessions are you doing in the pool, on the bike, running and strength/pt?

If you dont have your training worked out yet we can look at that together but just need to workout what time your realistically have to train and how much exercise you have been getting in the last month to work out where to go from here.

Sorry I ask a lot of questions!!!! Just trying to get to know you right now

Edited by kaqphin 2009-04-16 1:58 AM
2009-04-16 1:03 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Ok - I have a small request! If you arent already can I suggest you use your BT logs to track your workouts. Its great as we can see what everyone is doing and it helps you compare how your workouts are going over time!

It also means that we can leave inspires on each others logs. Inspires are a great way of offering a bit of advice, support or just motivation for each other with a note on peoples logs and I will try and get around everyones training logs several times a week to see how you are going.

Warning: My logs can be as wordy as my posts!

Dont let your logs this stop you from posting here on this thread to share how things are going, what your challenges are and asking for advice. We can all learn from each other and offer each other support and motivation.

I will add you all to my friends list too so I have easy access to your logs and if you can it would be great if we all did the same

2009-04-16 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Your replies are why I love you! You are so thoughtful and always willing to encourage anybody.  The fellow mentees have no idea what they are getting in a mentor.  And yes I have had bad ones!

2009-04-16 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2088135

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

El Flaco - 2009-04-16 9:51 PM

Your replies are why I love you! You are so thoughtful and always willing to encourage anybody.  The fellow mentees have no idea what they are getting in a mentor.  And yes I have had bad ones!

Aaaw thanks hon... you are so sweet!!!

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