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2009-04-13 9:12 PM

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Ames, IA
Subject: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
NAME: disturbed275 / Neal

STORY: This will be my second season of participating in triathlons. I began running 3 years ago as a way to lose some weight and after doing a handful of running races over the next couple of years I entered the triathlon world with a flourish. I completed six events which ran the gamut from sprint to half ironman. I also tackled my very first marathon last fall. It was a very busy season indeed.

FAMILY STATUS: 28, single (i.e. tons of training time )

CURRENT TRAINING: In preparation for a mid-June HIM I have been doing anywhere from 12-16 hours of training per week. Those hours will usually be spead between 3 run, 3 swim, and 3 bike workouts during the week.

RACES SO FAR: So far in 2009 I have only done a couple of 5ks (Both PRs). It has been too cold in Iowa to do much of anything else. I do have a half-mary scheduled for the end of April.

2009 RACES: This year I will be undertaking 2 HIM races, one in June and one in August. I will also be doing a handful of sprint and olympic distance tris throughout the summer as well. I also plan on running another marathon in the fall. I hoping this season will be good prep before undertaking the ironman distance in 2010.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I have no tangible weight loss goals at the moment, but I do have experience in that department. As I mentioned earlier I used running as a means to lose weight about 3 years ago. I dropped about 50 pounds in doing so and have managed to keep it off since then (except for those pesky 10 pounds that sneak back on in the winter. Grrr).

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I was a complete newb at this point in time last year. I went through a pretty full season making mistakes and learning along the way and have the desire to share that experience with others so that they hopefully have an easier time getting into this sport. I won't claim to have all the answers (in fact I hope to learn just as much as I can teach), but I will work to find the answers that you need through the wonderful community that is BT. I also want to show others what a fun and rewarding sport this can truly be. Sometimes we get caught up in the competition (guilty as charged), but at the end of the day I usually sit back and ask myself if I had a good time. The answer is usually yes and that's why I keep coming back to this sport. I am on the site daily, so I will be able to handle your questions in a timely manner, check up and inspire your blog, or give you a swift kick to get that training going

Edited by disturbed275 2009-04-20 5:16 PM

2009-04-17 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
To all of you out there looking for a mentor Neal would be a GREAT mentor.  #1 His own training is inspiring to watch.  #2 He is great at sending motivational messages!
2009-04-17 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2092422

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
kromanowski - 2009-04-17 2:57 PM To all of you out there looking for a mentor Neal would be a GREAT mentor. #1 His own training is inspiring to watch. #2 He is great at sending motivational messages!

Awwwww, thanks Katie!  That was very kind of you.
2009-04-17 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
For those of you who do sign up, go ahead and use my original post as a template and fill out some information about yourself.  That way I'll get to know a little about you and your goals for the year
2009-04-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Hey I am 44 years of age. I am married and have three children. I have been competing in bench press and powerlifting for 20 years and enjoy competition. I weigh about 270 pounds but  I have a job that requires me to run with police recruits so I usually run about 10 to 12 miles per week. (very slow pace 10 to 11 minutes) I also recently purchased a bike and have been riding prior to the cold weather about 30 to 40 miles a week. I swim like a 270 pound rock. I want to lose some weight and will participate in the smith mountain lake va. sprint in may. I eventually would like to try a 1/2. I can swim and actually started this morning but am a very weak swimmer. I would like to join your group any help would be appreciated.

Fungi32/ Kip

STORY: The post above is from 12-29-2008 when i joined the group I am currently in (Madcow) This group has been great and Tom is the bomb. He has really been great and I think I am ready for my 1st tri, but we are small I am still a newbie and I would like to join this group to keep moving forward and support some new folks and be encouraged also. I have improved on my swimming but really could improve on everything.

FAMILY STATUS: 44, married (i.e. no training time Yell)

CURRENT TRAINING: In preparation for a May 2nd sprint, another sprint July 19th in manchester England on vacation (Wife is from England) I may sign up for another sprint in June and wanting to do something in September either a century bike or an olympic distance tri that is why I need the help to stay focused. I have been doing anywhere from 7 to 10 hours of training per week. 


2009 RACES: May 2nd Smith Mountain Lake Va. Sprint, July 19th Boundary breeze Sprint Manchester England

Weight Loss Goals: Have lost about 30 and want to lose 30 to 40 more

Edited by fungi32 2009-04-17 8:24 PM
2009-04-17 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Hi Kip! Thanks for joining!  We have a similar background.  In high school I wrestled and played football.  I didn't run or do anything endurance related.  My dad got me into lifting and I focused only on that for a long time.    I still have a big upper body, which I think weighs me down in swimming, but I'm trying to turn my not so endurance suited body into a racing machine.  Welcome aboard, I'll do my best to help you out and assist with questions!

2009-04-18 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2082292

New user

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Name:  Jeff

Story:  I'm about 30 pounds overweight and have attempted consistent exercise programs in the past, but they were only running or only running with some weights and I could never mentally commit to it as I just didn't enjoy it.  I am athletic by nature (just overweight) and competitive so just running did not appeal to me.  One of my friends did a triathlon and it peaked my interest and found my way to this site.  I became really interested and started training about 3 weeks ago and have not missed a scheduled day yet, which is a bit of a milestone for me.  I really enjoy how every day is something different.  I'm really just looking to get back in shape, but don't want to "just finish."  While I don't plan on placing, I don't want to come in last place either!

Family Status:  35, married, 2 young kids which means I either exercise very early or very late!

Current Training:  Doing a 16 week sprint training program from this site.  Here are my thoughts/struggles on each category.

-Swim--By far my weakest category and biggest fear.  I can swim, but getting into a comfortable rhythm, bilateral breathing and swimming more than 100 yards before having to compose myself has been a struggle.  I'm really trying to focus on my technique and drills to get me more comfortable.  I'm getting better, but my competitive nature wants faster progress.  Considering getting a swim coach for a few lessons.

-Bike--Only using stationary bike at this point.  I'm torn between tri bike and road bike.  I tried a friend's tri.   I liked it, but felt like I didn't have much control when leaning on the aero bars.  This concerned me about hitting a bump, etc. as there are no perfect roads for me to train on here.

-Run--Really focused on technique from Evolution of Running and have greatly increased distances and endurance in only a couple of weeks. 

Weight Loss Goals--Like to lost 30-40 pounds

Looking forward to your knowledge and partnership, Neal!!  Thanks for volunteering!

2009-04-18 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2093556

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Hi Jeff!  Welcome to the group and welcome to BT!!

It sounds like we got into triathlon in much the same way.  I had a coworker mention that he was doing one and I thought that would be fun.  Started training that week and never looked back

Swimming was not my strong suit either.  I remember my first few days in the pool and struggling to do just a few hundred yards.  Technique and drilling will net you gains and make the time in the water easier.  What are you doing for drilling right now?  Also, if you have the means to get a swim coach I would highly recommend it.  My coach made some drastic changes to my form this past off season and I'm now swimming faster and easier than before.

On the bike front the sooner you can get on the road the better.  There are arguments to be made for both road and tri bikes.  Initially I picked up a used road bike for about 500 dollars.  At that point I wasn't sure how committed to the sport I was going be.  You will see a lot of people with road bikes at races and many prefer them for their stability and control.  You can also get clip on aero bars for a road bike as well.  After my first race, I was hooked so I picked up a tri bike.  The aero bars take some getting used to, especially in windy conditions.  As you rack the miles up you'll find that control isn't as hard as it initially was.

I've heard mixed things on the Evolution Running.  Personally I prefer more of a midfoot strike than a forefoot strike, but if it's working for you I wouldn't change it.  They do have some other good tips, such as incorporating a forward lean, that are useful.
2009-04-18 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!

Hey Neal I’d like to join the group, here’s my story.

NAME: njcavill65/ Cav

STORY: I’m in England a place called Hull. I have completed two sprint triathlons so far, one in 2008 and one a couple of weeks ago. My next one is lined up for next Sunday. I’m from a running background and have completed races at all levels up to marathon (ouch that one hurt). Strength is running, followed by riding, and the swimming, thats the real hard area for me. I’ve just mastered bi-lateral breathing and can knock out 1000 metres now, techhique needs massive improvement. I’m a level one triathlon coach as certified by the British Triahlon Federation and am about to work with youngsters as part of this club I’m helping to develop.

FAMILY STATUS: 44, married, two young daughters, train very early or very late

CURRENT TRAINING: Pretty hit and miss with no real focus, need to get a decent plan in place.

RACES SO FAR: So far in 2009 I have done a 10 mile running race and one sprint triathlon

2009 RACES: Several sprint triathlons, a few 10ks, a couple of half Marathons, and one full marathon. If I can improve the swim I’ll tackle an Olympic distance triathlon. I’m doing a charity run in June which will see me do 26 miles in the mountains in Scotland!

FUTURE GOALS: 2010 HIM UK, 2011 Full Ironman UK


Hope to come on board and have a shed full of fun from the sport!

2009-04-18 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Hi Cav!  Welcome aboard! 

That's some great work you are doing with the 3xtri team!  Sounds like you'll have some good knowledge to pass along to the group too
2009-04-18 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Here's a couple of links to some discussions on the road vs. tri bike debate. Like I said everyone has an opinion and a lot of it has to do with your personal situation.

2009-04-18 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Thanks for having me I hope everyone who joins really kicks @$$ in training and every event they attempt.
2009-04-18 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2094344

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
fungi32 - 2009-04-18 5:53 PM Thanks for having me I hope everyone who joins really kicks @$$ in training and every event they attempt.

I love the enthusiasm
2009-04-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Cav,  is your log private?  Checking everyone's log periodically gives me a chance to see what you are doing for training and will allow me to give advice accordingly.  Plus I love using the inspire feature on this site
2009-04-18 11:45 PM
in reply to: #2082292


Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
NAME: lewist/ Travis

STORY: I am new to tri's.  I have currently been using the 16 wk sprint program from this site.  I have run a handful of 5k's over the past few years but never really did any serious training for them.  Competing in a tri is a personal goal of mine and have been interested in doing one for awhile

FAMILY STATUS: 25, married, no kids just a busy job

CURRENT TRAINING: In training for Sprint Race in July. Using 16 wk sprint program from this site.

RACES SO FAR: Ran a 5k back in March

2009 RACES: Sprint in July with hopefully a few 5k's mixed in there

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I have lost about 25lbs since July of last year and would like to still drop about 10 more lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD Student: I am a very dedicated person. I enjoy being involved in  competive sports and am excited about getting into shape.

Would love to be part of your group
2009-04-19 12:40 AM
in reply to: #2082292

New user

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Hi Neal!  I'd like to join your mentoring group!  I am brand new to and would really value any advice you can offer!

NAME: brig985 / Brigid

STORY: Completing a triathlon is on my list of "life goals" and I think training is a great way to get in shape and build endurance.  I'll be the first to admit, I've never considered running to be my strong suit.  In fact, I think it's safe to say I went into a 4-year workout lapse during college. Over the last 2 years, I've made a serious effort to get back into shape and have since lost all the weight I put on in college and then some.  I think I'm finally ready to tackle a triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: 23, not married, but I'm in law school and work part-time which consumes most of my waking hours.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've yet to piece together a real training plan, but my current fitness activity involves running on an elliptical and treadmill for 30 minutes each 3-4 times/week.

2009 RACES: I'm interested in 3 sprint tris this summer, but I'm not sure which ones I'm going to do yet.  My options include: "Triing for Childrens" (it's a benefit for Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin), the Elkhart Lake Sprint Tri, the other is the Trek Womens Triathlon.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would really love to lose 15-20 pounds (and build some muscle!)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I am BRAND new to this whole experience.  So new, in fact, that this is my very first posting on  I am ready to soak up information and I'm really excited to start training (as soon as I figure out what that entails...haha)!  I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to cross a finish line and look back at all of the hard work you put in to achieving your goal.  Looking forward to becoming a triathlete! 

2009-04-19 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2082292

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. However, I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I only did them for myself and took the time it took to finish them. I'm usually a mid pack/lower half finisher. After my first few years of triathlons, I stoped almost everything during university. Since then, I did a few triathlons here and there again without structured training. I now decided that it was time to structure my training and have specific goals for the year. I want to finish a HIM in September. But before that race, I want to finish a marathon since I never did one and always wanted to (used to have bad knees, but with intelligent training, a lot better now). So I am registered for my first marathon in a month from now (May 10). Sorry if I make mistakes, english is not my first language.

FAMILY STATUS: 38, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training for a marathon. Hard to follow my training plan since I also play hockey and we just finished the season yesterday with a tournement (4 games in 3 days). I also swim regularly, 2-3 times a week, but the bike is on the back burner.

RACES SO FAR: No races yet since we just got ride of the snow last week (but they are forcasting 1-2 cm of snow today.......).

2009 RACES: The first one will be the marathon on May 10. I am also registered for a duathlon early June. I also have the HIM in September. I don't know yet for the other races during summer, but probably a few sprint/olympic triathlons.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I really love the sport. I want to finish that HIM and need some support along the way as well as advice from someone who have experience in finishing a HIM.  

So if you still have places in your group, count me in!!!
2009-04-19 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2094776

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
lewist - 2009-04-18 11:45 PM NAME: lewist/ Travis

STORY: I am new to tri's. I have currently been using the 16 wk sprint program from this site. I have run a handful of 5k's over the past few years but never really did any serious training for them. Competing in a tri is a personal goal of mine and have been interested in doing one for awhile

FAMILY STATUS: 25, married, no kids just a busy job

CURRENT TRAINING: In training for Sprint Race in July. Using 16 wk sprint program from this site.

RACES SO FAR: Ran a 5k back in March

2009 RACES: Sprint in July with hopefully a few 5k's mixed in there

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I have lost about 25lbs since July of last year and would like to still drop about 10 more lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD Student: I am a very dedicated person. I enjoy being involved in competive sports and am excited about getting into shape.

Would love to be part of your group

Welcome to the group Travis!  The training programs here on BT are very good to follow for your first tri.  I used one last year in preparation for my first
2009-04-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2094790

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
brig985 - 2009-04-19 12:40 AM
Hi Neal! I'd like to join your mentoring group! I am brand new to and would really value any advice you can offer!

NAME: brig985 / Brigid

STORY: Completing a triathlon is on my list of "life goals" and I think training is a great way to get in shape and build endurance. I'll be the first to admit, I've never considered running to be my strong suit. In fact, I think it's safe to say I went into a 4-year workout lapse during college. Over the last 2 years, I've made a serious effort to get back into shape and have since lost all the weight I put on in college and then some. I think I'm finally ready to tackle a triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: 23, not married, but I'm in law school and work part-time which consumes most of my waking hours.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've yet to piece together a real training plan, but my current fitness activity involves running on an elliptical and treadmill for 30 minutes each 3-4 times/week.

2009 RACES: I'm interested in 3 sprint tris this summer, but I'm not sure which ones I'm going to do yet. My options include: "Triing for Childrens" (it's a benefit for Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin), the Elkhart Lake Sprint Tri, the other is the Trek Womens Triathlon.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would really love to lose 15-20 pounds (and build some muscle!)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I am BRAND new to this whole experience. So new, in fact, that this is my very first posting on I am ready to soak up information and I'm really excited to start training (as soon as I figure out what that entails...haha)! I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to cross a finish line and look back at all of the hard work you put in to achieving your goal. Looking forward to becoming a triathlete!

Hi Brigid!  Welcome to the group and BT!   I'm glad you're undertaking the goal of completing a triathlon and I will be more than willing to help you through.  And you are right, the feeling of crossing that first finish line is something that you will never forget.

You can find some training plans here.  If you need so help figuring out which one would be a good fit for you don't hesitate to ask.
2009-04-19 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2095111

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
thebrayon - 2009-04-19 9:48 AM NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. However, I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I only did them for myself and took the time it took to finish them. I'm usually a mid pack/lower half finisher. After my first few years of triathlons, I stoped almost everything during university. Since then, I did a few triathlons here and there again without structured training. I now decided that it was time to structure my training and have specific goals for the year. I want to finish a HIM in September. But before that race, I want to finish a marathon since I never did one and always wanted to (used to have bad knees, but with intelligent training, a lot better now). So I am registered for my first marathon in a month from now (May 10). Sorry if I make mistakes, english is not my first language.

FAMILY STATUS: 38, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training for a marathon. Hard to follow my training plan since I also play hockey and we just finished the season yesterday with a tournement (4 games in 3 days). I also swim regularly, 2-3 times a week, but the bike is on the back burner.

RACES SO FAR: No races yet since we just got ride of the snow last week (but they are forcasting 1-2 cm of snow today.......).

2009 RACES: The first one will be the marathon on May 10. I am also registered for a duathlon early June. I also have the HIM in September. I don't know yet for the other races during summer, but probably a few sprint/olympic triathlons.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I really love the sport. I want to finish that HIM and need some support along the way as well as advice from someone who have experience in finishing a HIM.

So if you still have places in your group, count me in!!!

Hi Luc!  Welcome aboard!  Sounds like you have some pretty big goals for this year.  That's good   A HIM is definitely a different animal than a sprint or Olympic distance triathlon.  I'll be more than happy to share my experience with you on the topic.

And your first marathon in a month.  How's the training coming along for that?  I was slightly under prepared (okay, slightly may be an understatement ) for my first.  The last eight miles were painful, not to scare you or anything  
2009-04-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!

I am new to triathlon, and to running... and to biking... and to... Training! I am currently aiming to complete my first try-a-tri in June.  I have a swim background (waaaaaaaay back, but I  can do the butterfly - for a few strokes anyway I had good friends who competed in triathlons when I was in highschool/college, and always admired them, but never thought I could do something like that. Now, I'm going for it.  I hope to complete a Sprint Triathlon by the end of summer/early fall of this year.
Family Status: married and mamma to my 3yr old and 1 yr old
Current Training: I joined a 1x/wk group at my gym where we swim, then bike, then run all in one evening. I am hilariously long behind the group when we go to run.  I am trying to run another 3x's, swim 1-2x and bike 1-2x. That's what the group suggested, but I would like to choose a more focused plan.
This years races: my first 5k!!!  I was hoping to complete it in less than (brace yourselves) 45 minutes (which I did), and walk only twice for 30 seconds.  BUT, I ran the WHOLE way!  I am so stinkin proud of that!
2009 races: another 5K in May, try-a-tri in June, Sprint in Aug/Sept
Weightloss: Yep! I'm training with a lot of unnecessary gear.  I would like to lose 30lbs over this season, though long term it should be another 20.
What will make me a good "mentee": I would really benefit from the accountability of a mentor!

this is so exciting!

Edited by mammaJaS 2009-04-19 3:45 PM

2009-04-19 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2095335

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
The training was going OK up to 2 weeks ago. Little pain in my left foot, and too many hockey games in a short period. I also am worried about the last 10Km. The longest I ran in my training is 32Km, and I was pretty drained when it was over. I still have a little less than a month to do a few more long runs and some shorter ones. I did my best, we will see..... I will keep you posted...
2009-04-19 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2095563

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
mammaJaS - 2009-04-19 3:44 PM Hiya!

I am new to triathlon, and to running... and to biking... and to... Training! I am currently aiming to complete my first try-a-tri in June. I have a swim background (waaaaaaaay back, but I can do the butterfly - for a few strokes anyway I had good friends who competed in triathlons when I was in highschool/college, and always admired them, but never thought I could do something like that. Now, I'm going for it. I hope to complete a Sprint Triathlon by the end of summer/early fall of this year.
Family Status: married and mamma to my 3yr old and 1 yr old
Current Training: I joined a 1x/wk group at my gym where we swim, then bike, then run all in one evening. I am hilariously long behind the group when we go to run. I am trying to run another 3x's, swim 1-2x and bike 1-2x. That's what the group suggested, but I would like to choose a more focused plan.
This years races: my first 5k!!! I was hoping to complete it in less than (brace yourselves) 45 minutes (which I did), and walk only twice for 30 seconds. BUT, I ran the WHOLE way! I am so stinkin proud of that!
2009 races: another 5K in May, try-a-tri in June, Sprint in Aug/Sept
Weightloss: Yep! I'm training with a lot of unnecessary gear. I would like to lose 30lbs over this season, though long term it should be another 20.
What will make me a good "mentee": I would really benefit from the accountability of a mentor!

this is so exciting!

Welcome to the group mammaJaS!  Do you have a first name??

I'm glad you've chosen to pick up this sport.  You won't be disappointed.  That's the best thing about is that anyone can do it.  There are so many different people with different backgrounds and different reasons for doing tris.

Congrats on finishing your first 5k!  And that you exceeded your expectations is fantastic!

I'm looking forward to helping you along this summer!
2009-04-19 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2095845

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
thebrayon - 2009-04-19 6:51 PM The training was going OK up to 2 weeks ago. Little pain in my left foot, and too many hockey games in a short period. I also am worried about the last 10Km. The longest I ran in my training is 32Km, and I was pretty drained when it was over. I still have a little less than a month to do a few more long runs and some shorter ones. I did my best, we will see..... I will keep you posted...

Injury can be a frustrating thing.  Make sure you don't over exert yourself and make it worse.  If it's bad enough you may want to consider seeing a doctor about it rather than running through the pain.

If it makes you feel any better I dealt with a foot injury before my first mary.  About 5 weeks out I developed a pain on top of my foot after a long run.  Doctor wasn't real sure what it was, just called in tendinitis.   I rested it for a few weeks without running and did the event anyway.  My longest run was 18 miles and that was 5 weeks prior.  It wasn't pretty but I made it through the race.  If you're interested the race report is here.

Are you following a specific training plan for this mary?  I was just curious because you don't want to do any runs too long once you get about 2 weeks out.
2009-04-19 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2096045

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!

Yes I am following, well trying to follow the Running Room plan. I just have one long run left (23Km) next Sunday, but I was suppose to run 32Km today and I want to skweeze it in this week, probably split in two runs.

The pain in my foot is not that bad, and I listen to my body. If it starts to be painfull, I just stop the running or reduce the intensity and it goes away.

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