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2009-09-21 3:55 PM

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Marin County, California
Subject: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?
I'm thinking about running a 33 miler in December but my swim coach is a little concerned about it since I am on for IM Utah May 1st.

I am a very strong cyclist, strong swimmer. I have done a 28 mile run last fall, my weekly volume right now is about 50 miles broken up into 2 8mile runs, 2 10 mile runs and 1 16 mile run.

I'm curious if anyone else has done a ultra early in an IM build.

Any thoughts/advise welcome!!


2009-09-21 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2418431

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?

I did a 28 mile trail race about 5 months from my IM this coming November.  It was tough and I had to let the running slide for a week after the race, but I swam and biked so it was OK.  I don't know if it caused a big jump in my fitness, but I did get to practice pain management and focusing on continuing to run when I was toast.  

I think if you can recover quick enough it should be fine.

2009-09-21 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2418644

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?
Sounds sketchy if you are trying to PR at IMSG.  If you just want to finish both then I don't think there's much risk.  From the sound of your background, I have zero doubt you can do both, I'd just be concerned about getting injured in the ultra and having to rest the legs for too long thereafter.  A bad injury could put you out 3 months.
2009-09-21 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2418431

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Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?
No direct experience, but I talked to someone at IMWI who did an ultra in April leading up to IM in September.  She said she had no problem with it.
2009-09-22 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2418431

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Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?
Why do it?

So many coaches discourage folks from doing Marys before IM due to time it takes away from training with tapering and recovering. Some will say it is okay if it is fall for late summer IM. You are looking 4 months apart which means the time for tapering and recovering is important IM training time.

I had considered doing a Marathon this off season to improve my running. Instead my coach suggested doing l a lot of running during this off season without the pressure of doing a race. I will accomplish what I wanted with freedom to just run for fun.

How well do you recover would be a key consideration.
2009-09-22 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2418431

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?
From my limited Ultra experience, it's not the same thing as racing a marathon.  An Ultra is a Z1 affair.  Walking the uphills and bombing the downhills.  So basically it's no different than a long training day.

Go ahead and do it.  It will give you great run volume as long as you treat it as a Z1 day.

2009-09-22 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2418431

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?

Is your ultra a trail run or road run? 

I did a 50-mile trail run April 11 (my first race longer than 15K) and IMCdA June 21 (my first, 10 weeks later).  I spent some extra time Jan-Mar running, and the pace for trail running is considerably slower than my road pace, but it was a great opportunity for me to get out and move forward for 11-12 hours and see what I could handle food-wise for a long, l-o-n-g, run. 

I took a week off running and did a couple short rides and a fair amount of swimming.  For a couple of weeks, I could tell my legs were fatigued, but I still got in some decent long rides and was back with a 2-hour long run before the end of the month. 

My biggest concern leading up to the ultra was to not trash my feet.  I couldn't risk blisters or raw spots screwing up the rest of the training.  Second-biggest was fatigue leading to injury.  I was fully prepared to bail after 30 or 40 miles if the conditions were such that I risked hurting myself in a fall or because my gait changed.  Luckily, none of that happened. 

2009-09-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2418431

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Extreme Veteran
McHenry, IL
Subject: RE: Running an ultra at beginning of IM build?

Last year I started ultrarunning and did a 50K in April, a 50 miler in May, and a 100K in June (all trail runs), and then did IMWI in September.  Now, I'm not exactly the poster child for strictly following regimented training plans, at least I haven't been over the past several years.  I've kind of dropped goals like new PR's and such, and replaced them with goals to experience new challenges.  So, in that regard, last year was a success.  I did have some Achilles pain issues that, surprisingly, hampered my long rides more than my running.  Never really did figure that one out.

In my case, with fairly minimal run volume between my last ultra in June and my IM in September, I was still able to run a 3:49 at IM, and exceeded my overall expectations by about 20 minutes.  The big running base seemed to carry through pretty well.

Like others have said, particularly if your ultra is a trail race, and you do a good chunk of your long training runs on trails, that should help you avoid too much wear and tear on your body.

It's all about what's most important to you.  Your plan might not be the ideal way to achieve your IM personal best, yet it might be more rewarding in the end anyway.  :-)

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