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2009-12-12 9:19 PM

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Modesto, California
Subject: nevergivin's group (Closed)

NAME: nevergivin/ (Stuart)

STORY: Mid fourties male who was a big time ex smoker! Started with BT in 2007 shortly after I quit and have grown from there. I have Been through every training and race situation except Ironman, which is my ultimate goal! Triathlon has changed my attitude on life and appreaciation for health so much, I hope I can share that with others!
I live in Central California and able to train outdoors year round, also am able to compete in some of the best races in the country.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with our seven year old daughter who is a blessing and a ton of fun to exercise with! 

CURRENT TRAINING: I have recently joined a bike race team and will be training and racing with veteran riders with hopes of improving my biking fitness,skills, and my ability to ride much faster. In late spring I will progress into my masters swimming program and focus on some early summer swim meetsand try to set some new team records. In mid summer I plan to start my triathlon training season focusing on some early and late fall races.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Early spring I competed in two half Ironmans, Oceanside 70.3 and Wildflower, both were awesome races to meet other BT'ers and get some great experience!

2010 RACES: Starting in January I will start some bike road racing until Mid may such as Gilroy Crit and Modesto Crit. Swimming races will include Modesto meet, Walnut Creek Masters Championships, Clovis meet. Fall Triathlons will be TBF Hit III, Tri for Real. Also hope to do the San Jose Rock n Roll half Marathon this year!

WEIGHTLOSS: When I quit smoking and started doing triathlons I weighed just over 230 lbs. Currently I weigh 185 and would eventually like to be around 170. I am doing P90x now as a strength training program and have seen awesome results improving lean muscle and loosing bodyfat.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I do triathlons for fun and and to see the limits I can push myself, if I can do this so can you! Helping others as part of a group or team is awesome and a lot of fun and motivation, I know the importance of helping each other get off to a great start and share achievments ,  I have been in many mentor groups myself. I enjoy BT  and communicating with others on a daily basis to learn and share accomplishments. This group will be active,fun and motivated, lets get going!!!!!

Edited by nevergivin 2009-12-14 6:05 PM

2009-12-14 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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2009-12-14 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group

Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Pink Princess/Veronica (or "V" for short.)

STORY: 32-year-old runner who took up triathlon last year after repeated injuries following a 5-6 runs a week training schedule.  Running is still my strongest event by far though.

FAMILY STATUS: Boyfriend of three years and two cats.

I am currently following the "Beginner Half-Ironman" plan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year's "A" race happened to be a 3-day, 90-mile canoe race, so I mostly paddled.  I did do a bunch of 5Ks and my first sprint tri though.

2010 RACES: I've signed up for the Tinman 70.*6* in June and am looking to do my first marathon in the fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  I'm very lucky that I still have a high metabolism and don't have to work to maintain weight.

2009-12-14 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
I would like to Join
Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Milkthecowbaby / Jon

34 year old who lost 200LBS in 2 years training for Triathlons. 2010 would be my  3rd year. I just lost my job in Florida and got my old job back in Wisconsin.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 4 daughters.

I am currently base training with a flexable plan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2009 i did my first Olly distance.

2010 RACES:
MEant to run the Disney Marathon on Jan but had to move back to Wisconsin. Thinking about Half Iron Man in July 2010.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  Need to lose 40lbs to hit my next goal
2009-12-14 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group

Looks like a great group, hope I’m welcome!!!

Name:  Bigr82 (Ryan)

Story: Now getting into my later Twenties.  I've always been into sports, did the stick and ball games in HS.  After that I've been into wakeboarding, as well as racing dirt bikes.  Since leaving college, getting a full time sales job, I’ve seemed to pack on the weight.  After starting to exercise this year and doing a few 5k's(hating to run my entire life) with a friend, tri's seemed to be the next amazing step.

Family Status: Will be married for five years this coming year, one small dog

CURRENT TRAINING: Doing the 3X plan off the free plan list.

2010:  As of now doing a local sprint(my first ever), hoping to have a chance at an OLY (maybe chi) by the end of the year.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Maybe this is my true story heheh.  As of Jan12th this year I tipped in at a crazy 370, while weighing in for a little weight loss competition.  Even though I’m 6'8 I really had no idea I was this big.  Having to go to a plant with an industrial scale, this made my mind up to change things.  This morning I’m 289, hoping to reach 270 by Jan 12th of 2010 but will be close. I would like to be 250ish by my first sprint in April.

2009-12-14 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2557580

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Matt237 - 2009-12-14 9:07 AM Name:  Matt

Story: 40 year old that realized he had to change some things after 2 major surgeries (torn ACL/Meniscus and a torn achilles tendon) in 3 years from playing basketball.  Came to realize that 5'9" and weighing 237 lbs was way out of line and something needed to be done.  Joined BT in Aug 08 right before I blew up my knee and have been rehabing since.  Finally to the point where I can run without worrying about the knee.  Its the lungs and legs I have to worry about now.  I am looking forward to this year and competing in at least 2 sprints.  I live in central Washington State. 

Family:  Married with 2 daughters.  Daughters are 13 and 10.

Current Training:  Hitting the pool alot lately since the weather has been super cold.  I bought a new road bike last fall and got a few great rides in before the weather tanked.  Running is definately my week point at the moment.

Weight Loss:  This is definately a focus for me.  I would like to be 210 by this time next year.  232 at the moment.

Welcome Matt, glad you found this group, perfect timing as most people will be kicking off thier training programs soon. Just wanted to get a quick intro as we get the group going! I see you log on a regular basis, awesome! Have you decided on a training program for your races next year?

2009-12-14 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2558067

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
PinkPrincess - 2009-12-14 11:05 AM

Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Pink Princess/Veronica (or "V" for short.)

STORY: 32-year-old runner who took up triathlon last year after repeated injuries following a 5-6 runs a week training schedule.  Running is still my strongest event by far though.

FAMILY STATUS: Boyfriend of three years and two cats.

I am currently following the "Beginner Half-Ironman" plan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year's "A" race happened to be a 3-day, 90-mile canoe race, so I mostly paddled.  I did do a bunch of 5Ks and my first sprint tri though.

2010 RACES: I've signed up for the Tinman 70.*6* in June and am looking to do my first marathon in the fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  I'm very lucky that I still have a high metabolism and don't have to work to maintain weight.

Welcome V, sounds like you have a good plan! V sounds fast by the way. Where are you from? I see you log your workouts also, this is good! What style Martial Arts do you do?
2009-12-14 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2558109

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Milkthecowbaby - 2009-12-14 11:24 AM I would like to Join
Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Milkthecowbaby / Jon

34 year old who lost 200LBS in 2 years training for Triathlons. 2010 would be my  3rd year. I just lost my job in Florida and got my old job back in Wisconsin.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 4 daughters.

I am currently base training with a flexable plan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2009 i did my first Olly distance.

2010 RACES:
MEant to run the Disney Marathon on Jan but had to move back to Wisconsin. Thinking about Half Iron Man in July 2010.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  Need to lose 40lbs to hit my next goal

Welcome Jon, sorry about the Job and heavy duty move, glad you were able to recover, Im going through the same thing as I write this!
Some day I hope to do IMOO, what a great race that would be! I have spent a good amount of time in Florida and Wisconsin, I was born in West Allis. Glad to have you in the group!
2009-12-14 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Panther / Dave

STORY: 44 year old, male COUCH POTATO.  I'm retired and have WAAY too much time on my hands!  I live in a very small town in Ontario, Canada.  Willing to buy whatever gear is necessary, but motivation is my main problem along with an unhealthy love of beer.  I'm an amateur chef and am well read in all things Nutrition.  One hurdle will be swimming, as I will have to drive to a neighbouring town to get to the YMCA which is the only indoor swimming pool around.  Another possible hurdle is running outdoors, as it can get scary cold here, but I do own a treadmill and a stationary bike.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (25 years July 2010).  One 18 year old daughter & 2 dogs.

I am 1 week into the three 6-week challenges of sit-ups, push-ups and squats.


2010 RACES: I'd REALLY like to try the St. Joseph Island Sprint Triathlon Aug. 14, 2010 and if things REALLY go well, I'd love to try the Tomatoman Sprint Triathlon June 20, 2010.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  I'm 5'11" 180 lbs.  I just need to convert about 30 or so pounds of that to muscle instead of the current jelly that it is from sitting around all day.

Edited by Panther 2009-12-14 2:01 PM
2009-12-14 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group

NAME: Norcal_SAHD/ (David)

STORY: I'm a 39yo stay at home dad to two girls (5 and 7) who suddenly has a little more time avaliable now that the youngest has started kindergarten!  I have a loose background in mountain biking for fun, but have never seriously exercised in my life.  I was a water skiier growing up, but never properly learned how to swim.  I most certainly never ran, unless someone was chasing me...  Most of my life (from 10yo till now) was focussed around motorcycles and motorcycle racing.  I still ride, but haven't raced in a few years.  My intro to Tri's is a bit random, I had a friend from long ago who documented his training for an Ironman online, and I followed his progress.  I thought hey, that sounds like a fun way to get in shape!  So I signed up for a sprint tri this last summer, and trained for it.  My wife and 7yo daughter also did their first Tri's on that weekend, it was a gas!  My daughter loved it (it was a short kids tri) and has since joined a local swim team.  I love seeing my active new self rubbing off on my family!

FAMILY STATUS: Married (11 years) with our 2 girls, age 5 and 7.   One overactive dog, and two lazy cats that don't like me.  We live about 30 minutes north of San Francisco so I have good weather all year long, and I'm swimming at a local Junior College pool about 5 miles from my house.  I have access to the pool 2x/week.  We also have a treadmill and excercise bike in our garage.  While I don't enjoy either one all that much, it's nice to have the option of working out after tucking in the kiddo's.

CURRENT TRAINING: I followed a beginner super sprint Tri plan for my first Triathlon in September (pulled the training plan out of a book I'd bought), and it worked very well.  I then followed a 5k plan for running (found somewhere on the web) in preparation for a thanksgiving 5k fun run, and that too worked great.  I ran it in 25:40, which exceeded my expectations!  I'd love to do some more 5k's next year, it was a fun (and HARD) distance.  Currently I'm working off a run focussed Olympic plan (one of the BT plans) in preperation for an Xterra Triathlon in late March.  My goals are simply to build the base needed to have FUN during the race.  I have no expectations of speed, but would like to be able to feel strong the whole way.  I've found I NEED to have a goal, or I loose motivation to work out.  Even with a solid goal, I still tend to miss workouts a lot, it doen't take much to get me off track...

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Did a Super Sprint in September (400yd, 8mi, 2mi) put on by (I loved them, and plan to enter as many of their events as I can!), and ran a 5k Turkey Trot while visiting my in-laws over thanksgiving.  I loved the 5k race itself, though the organization of the particular one I raced really sucked. 

2011 RACES: My wife and I are going to do a New Years Duathlon on Jan 3 (2mi run, 7mi bike, 2mi run) which I'm not specifically training for, but shouldn't be a problem.  I want to do the Xterra Real MTB Triathlon on March 28th in Folsom (.5mi swim, 16mi bike, 4mi run), and then do the 4 race series at Rancho Seco over the summer.  They offer both Sprint and Olympic length events, I don't know which I'll do yet.  At those 4 weekends, they also put on kids Triathlons that my daughters want to race in.  My older daughter did one last year and loved it, my younger daughter needs to learn to swim first... 

WEIGHTLOSS: I weighed 225lb in January 2007.  That year my wife and I went hardcore South Beach Diet, and I lost 50 pounds by Thanksgiving 2007.  That was strictly diet based, I did zero exercising during that time.  Since then, my weight slowly crept from 175 at my lowest up to around 190 earlier this year.  I'm still living with an overall diet based on the South Beach concepts (no processeed food, lots of veggies, no sugar, basically a low GI diet which includes me cooking meals every day, no more store bought 'ready made' meals) but I'm not that hardcore about it these days.  My weakness is sourdough bread and jelly beans.  I don't know why, but those are the foods that just do it for me.  I haven't eaten fast food in over a year, and have no desire to.  I do enjoy a good (or bad, I'm not that picky) beer once in a while, and sometimes have some wine with dinner, but don't really drink much alcohol.  I'm not currently trying actively to loose weight, but I'd like to get back to 175.  I'm more focussed on getting in good shape though.  So far, I have not lost any weight since starting to work out, but I have dropped two inches in my waist.  More muscle, less fat, but still 185 pounds right now.

all right, that's about it for now.  I'm riding my bike to the pool to go swimming now!  See, I'm already feeling more motivated.  It's working!!

2009-12-14 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2558128

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
bigr82 - 2009-12-14 11:28 AM

Looks like a great group, hope I’m welcome!!!

Name:  Bigr82 (Ryan)

Story: Now getting into my later Twenties.  I've always been into sports, did the stick and ball games in HS.  After that I've been into wakeboarding, as well as racing dirt bikes.  Since leaving college, getting a full time sales job, I’ve seemed to pack on the weight.  After starting to exercise this year and doing a few 5k's(hating to run my entire life) with a friend, tri's seemed to be the next amazing step.

Family Status: Will be married for five years this coming year, one small dog

CURRENT TRAINING: Doing the 3X plan off the free plan list.

2010:  As of now doing a local sprint(my first ever), hoping to have a chance at an OLY (maybe chi) by the end of the year.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Maybe this is my true story heheh.  As of Jan12th this year I tipped in at a crazy 370, while weighing in for a little weight loss competition.  Even though I’m 6'8 I really had no idea I was this big.  Having to go to a plant with an industrial scale, this made my mind up to change things.  This morning I’m 289, hoping to reach 270 by Jan 12th of 2010 but will be close. I would like to be 250ish by my first sprint in April.

Welcome Ryan! Glad you decided to jump into this group, triathlons are a great way to loose, tone up,and push you body to new levels. Man you rock for someone at 289, great job doing the work!!!!!

2009-12-14 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2558188

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Panther - 2009-12-14 11:56 AM Hi!  Mind if I join in?

NAME: Panther / Dave

STORY: 44 year old, male COUCH POTATO.  I'm retired and have WAAY too much time on my hands!  I live in a very small town in Ontario, Canada.  Willing to buy whatever gear is necessary, but motivation is my main problem along with an unhealthy love of beer.  I'm an amateur chef and am well read in all things Nutrition.  One hurdle will be swimming, as I will have to drive to a neighbouring town to get to the YMCA which is the only indoor swimming pool around.  Another possible hurdle is running outdoors, as it can get scary cold here, but I do own a treadmill and a stationary bike.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (25 years July 2010).  One 18 year old daughter & 2 dogs.

I am 1 week into the three 6-week challenges of sit-ups, push-ups and squats.


2010 RACES: I'd REALLY like to try the St. Joseph Island Sprint Triathlon Aug. 14, 2010 and if things REALLY go well, I'd love to try the Tomatoman Sprint Triathlon June 20, 2010.

WEIGHTLOSS: None for me.  I'm 5'11" 180 lbs.  I just need to convert about 30 or so pounds of that to muscle instead of the current jelly that it is from sitting around all day.

Welcome Dave, our group is growing fast! Hope we can get you going with a Tri program soon, perhaps we can all learn a little from you in nutrition!
2009-12-14 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
NAME: metiii/Gene

Story: After years of being overweight and having type II Diabetes, I am determined to get into shape and complete a triathlon. I started running earlier this year but over did it, and have moved to using an indoor bike. So far, I have lost 12 pounds in 11 weeks, not great, but each journey starts with a single step. I got my masters degree this year will working full time, so exercise has not been a top priority till now.

Current training: I am doing core weight lifting and indoor biking on a recumbent bike about 3 1/2 to 4 1/5 hours a week. I plan on taking swim lessons in Jan. (been years since I was in a pool) and jogging once I reach 300lbs, sometime in late Jan. or early Feb.

2010 GOALS: I plan on doing (completing) the Luray Sprint Tri in Aug and a 5k run before that. Also, to reach 250lbs by this time next year.

FAMILY: Married for 19 and 1/2 years (seems so much shorter) to a wonderful woman and we have one fat and sassy cat.

2009-12-14 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2558227

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-14 12:15 PM

NAME: Norcal_SAHD/ (David)

STORY: I'm a 39yo stay at home dad to two girls (5 and 7) who suddenly has a little more time avaliable now that the youngest has started kindergarten!  I have a loose background in mountain biking for fun, but have never seriously exercised in my life.  I was a water skiier growing up, but never properly learned how to swim.  I most certainly never ran, unless someone was chasing me...  Most of my life (from 10yo till now) was focussed around motorcycles and motorcycle racing.  I still ride, but haven't raced in a few years.  My intro to Tri's is a bit random, I had a friend from long ago who documented his training for an Ironman online, and I followed his progress.  I thought hey, that sounds like a fun way to get in shape!  So I signed up for a sprint tri this last summer, and trained for it.  My wife and 7yo daughter also did their first Tri's on that weekend, it was a gas!  My daughter loved it (it was a short kids tri) and has since joined a local swim team.  I love seeing my active new self rubbing off on my family!

FAMILY STATUS: Married (11 years) with our 2 girls, age 5 and 7.   One overactive dog, and two lazy cats that don't like me.  We live about 30 minutes north of San Francisco so I have good weather all year long, and I'm swimming at a local Junior College pool about 5 miles from my house.  I have access to the pool 2x/week.  We also have a treadmill and excercise bike in our garage.  While I don't enjoy either one all that much, it's nice to have the option of working out after tucking in the kiddo's.

CURRENT TRAINING: I followed a beginner super sprint Tri plan for my first Triathlon in September (pulled the training plan out of a book I'd bought), and it worked very well.  I then followed a 5k plan for running (found somewhere on the web) in preparation for a thanksgiving 5k fun run, and that too worked great.  I ran it in 25:40, which exceeded my expectations!  I'd love to do some more 5k's next year, it was a fun (and HARD) distance.  Currently I'm working off a run focussed Olympic plan (one of the BT plans) in preperation for an Xterra Triathlon in late March.  My goals are simply to build the base needed to have FUN during the race.  I have no expectations of speed, but would like to be able to feel strong the whole way.  I've found I NEED to have a goal, or I loose motivation to work out.  Even with a solid goal, I still tend to miss workouts a lot, it doen't take much to get me off track...

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Did a Super Sprint in September (400yd, 8mi, 2mi) put on by (I loved them, and plan to enter as many of their events as I can!), and ran a 5k Turkey Trot while visiting my in-laws over thanksgiving.  I loved the 5k race itself, though the organization of the particular one I raced really sucked. 

2011 RACES: My wife and I are going to do a New Years Duathlon on Jan 3 (2mi run, 7mi bike, 2mi run) which I'm not specifically training for, but shouldn't be a problem.  I want to do the Xterra Real MTB Triathlon on March 28th in Folsom (.5mi swim, 16mi bike, 4mi run), and then do the 4 race series at Rancho Seco over the summer.  They offer both Sprint and Olympic length events, I don't know which I'll do yet.  At those 4 weekends, they also put on kids Triathlons that my daughters want to race in.  My older daughter did one last year and loved it, my younger daughter needs to learn to swim first... 

WEIGHTLOSS: I weighed 225lb in January 2007.  That year my wife and I went hardcore South Beach Diet, and I lost 50 pounds by Thanksgiving 2007.  That was strictly diet based, I did zero exercising during that time.  Since then, my weight slowly crept from 175 at my lowest up to around 190 earlier this year.  I'm still living with an overall diet based on the South Beach concepts (no processeed food, lots of veggies, no sugar, basically a low GI diet which includes me cooking meals every day, no more store bought 'ready made' meals) but I'm not that hardcore about it these days.  My weakness is sourdough bread and jelly beans.  I don't know why, but those are the foods that just do it for me.  I haven't eaten fast food in over a year, and have no desire to.  I do enjoy a good (or bad, I'm not that picky) beer once in a while, and sometimes have some wine with dinner, but don't really drink much alcohol.  I'm not currently trying actively to loose weight, but I'd like to get back to 175.  I'm more focussed on getting in good shape though.  So far, I have not lost any weight since starting to work out, but I have dropped two inches in my waist.  More muscle, less fat, but still 185 pounds right now.

all right, that's about it for now.  I'm riding my bike to the pool to go swimming now!  See, I'm already feeling more motivated.  It's working!!

Welcome David! Wow, what a great family! Do you hope to do an Ironman soon? Do you live close to Novato?
2009-12-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2558261

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
metiii - 2009-12-14 12:31 PM NAME: metiii/Gene

Story: After years of being overweight and having type II Diabetes, I am determined to get into shape and complete a triathlon. I started running earlier this year but over did it, and have moved to using an indoor bike. So far, I have lost 12 pounds in 11 weeks, not great, but each journey starts with a single step. I got my masters degree this year will working full time, so exercise has not been a top priority till now.

Current training: I am doing core weight lifting and indoor biking on a recumbent bike about 3 1/2 to 4 1/5 hours a week. I plan on taking swim lessons in Jan. (been years since I was in a pool) and jogging once I reach 300lbs, sometime in late Jan. or early Feb.

2010 GOALS: I plan on doing (completing) the Luray Sprint Tri in Aug and a 5k run before that. Also, to reach 250lbs by this time next year.

FAMILY: Married for 19 and 1/2 years (seems so much shorter) to a wonderful woman and we have one fat and sassy cat.

Welcome Gene, I have to agree, its not that great, its frickn awesome, are you kidding! 12 pounds and now doing Tri's and pumping Iron, sweet!
2009-12-14 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
So far we have:

Matt237- Matt
PinkPrincess- V
norcal SAHD-David

2 more openings and we will get the party going!

2009-12-14 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
I would like to join

NAME: The Passion Diva / Lori

STORY:  Turning 40 in 2010... time to get my act together   I am not an athlete, but someone told me that I couldn't do this... big mistake... big one   I plan on being strong, lean and healthy.  I love riding have been doing it casually for years, this year I clocked over 1000kms on my mountain bike and walked hundreds of kms.   I have never run before, but I am liking it so far, I have a ways to go, but I am eager to get there. Now it is time to take it up to the next level.

FAMILY STATUS: Complicated with a side of 4 kids ages 21 to 17

I am working on the couch to 5k running, biking alternating days and some weight lifting.  Swimming will start in the new year.

2010 RACES: Sooke International Aug 2010

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 40lbs already, working on another 60 before Aug.
2009-12-14 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2558455

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
ThePassionDiva - 2009-12-14 1:50 PM I would like to join

NAME: The Passion Diva / Lori

STORY:  Turning 40 in 2010... time to get my act together   I am not an athlete, but someone told me that I couldn't do this... big mistake... big one   I plan on being strong, lean and healthy.  I love riding have been doing it casually for years, this year I clocked over 1000kms on my mountain bike and walked hundreds of kms.   I have never run before, but I am liking it so far, I have a ways to go, but I am eager to get there. Now it is time to take it up to the next level.

FAMILY STATUS: Complicated with a side of 4 kids ages 21 to 17

I am working on the couch to 5k running, biking alternating days and some weight lifting.  Swimming will start in the new year.

2010 RACES: Sooke International Aug 2010

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 40lbs already, working on another 60 before Aug.

Welcome Lori, its time to make you an athlete!
2009-12-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2556071

St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
I would like to join if there is still a slot left.

NAME: Mike

STORY:  Mid fourties male who has run recreationally and mountain biked off and on for 20 years.  Last year a friend talked me in to running the St. Louis half marathon.  Having never run more than 10 miles in my life, it was a big goal for me.  I managed to do it in 2:08 and immediately set my sites on a sprint tri.  Hey, if you can run for two hours, surely you can do a tri in an hour and a half :-).  Well, never having swum laps in my life, my first trip to the Y was humiliating to say the least.  I decided to keep going 2-3x per week.  After a month, I still had to stop after every lap or two.  Long story (6 months of no endurance and being lapped by everyone, talk about humbling) short, I had a break through in October and can now swim a mile.  So I started lurking on BT and think a mentor group will help.  I'm looking to buy an entre level tri bike in the next month or so and get to it. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married 21 years, 2 kids 18 and 12

CURRENT TRAINING: Swimming 1-3x per week, running 1-3x per week, biking 1-2x per week.  Just started logging here.

2010 RACES: St. Louis half Marathon April 11, first sprint tri May 23rd (probably).  Trying to decide how big to go after that for this year.

WEIGHTLOSS:   I'm 5' 7", 160.  My waist line has been decreasing the last 6 months, but not my weight.  Eventually I'll probably lose a few punds but I'm not worried about it.
2009-12-14 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Mike, where are you located? I'm only about 2 hrs from stl.  Looks to be a perfect group!
2009-12-14 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2558525

St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Edwardsville, IL.  You?

2009-12-14 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2558267

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
nevergivin - 2009-12-14 12:33 PM Welcome David! Wow, what a great family! Do you hope to do an Ironman soon? Do you live close to Novato?

Yes, I do live in Novato, and No, I don't hope to do an Ironman soon.  Tongue out

I could forsee a time when I may want to venture up to a Half Ironman, but even that is a long ways off.  I'm planning on sticking with Sprint, maybe Oly distances.  I could see myself doing some longer running in the future, as I'm really liking running, but I don't see myself having enough time to dedicate to training for long distances in all three sports.  Mostly I just want to remain consistent at 6 or so hours a week of training.

I see you are getting into hard core road riding.  I'm hoping some of that will rub off on me, as so far I've not enjoyed road riding at all, despite being in an area famous for great riding roads.  I feel so vulnerable out there, I much prefer mountain biking.

btw, I just rode over to the pool, but it was closed due to a broken heater.  Bummer!  And after this Wednesday, I'm not going to have access to the pool again until January 25th due to winter break at the college.  Major bummer!
2009-12-14 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
I live in assumption Il, (45 from springfeild)  Your not far away at all, thats cool.
2009-12-14 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2558585

St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
Cool.  Maybe we can do a sprint tri together in Springfield.  I'm less than an hour from there.
2009-12-14 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2558497

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group
ransick - 2009-12-14 2:07 PM I would like to join if there is still a slot left.

NAME: Mike

STORY:  Mid fourties male who has run recreationally and mountain biked off and on for 20 years.  Last year a friend talked me in to running the St. Louis half marathon.  Having never run more than 10 miles in my life, it was a big goal for me.  I managed to do it in 2:08 and immediately set my sites on a sprint tri.  Hey, if you can run for two hours, surely you can do a tri in an hour and a half :-).  Well, never having swum laps in my life, my first trip to the Y was humiliating to say the least.  I decided to keep going 2-3x per week.  After a month, I still had to stop after every lap or two.  Long story (6 months of no endurance and being lapped by everyone, talk about humbling) short, I had a break through in October and can now swim a mile.  So I started lurking on BT and think a mentor group will help.  I'm looking to buy an entre level tri bike in the next month or so and get to it. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married 21 years, 2 kids 18 and 12

CURRENT TRAINING: Swimming 1-3x per week, running 1-3x per week, biking 1-2x per week.  Just started logging here.

2010 RACES: St. Louis half Marathon April 11, first sprint tri May 23rd (probably).  Trying to decide how big to go after that for this year.

WEIGHTLOSS:   I'm 5' 7", 160.  My waist line has been decreasing the last 6 months, but not my weight.  Eventually I'll probably lose a few punds but I'm not worried about it.

Welcome mike, I think we got our group! Tris are a blast, get to know everyone !
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