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2009-12-13 8:51 AM

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Ames, IA
Subject: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
NAME: disturbed275 / Neal

STORY: I just finished my second season of participating in triathlons. I began running 3 years ago as a way to lose some weight and after doing a handful of running races over the next couple of years I decided to enter the triathlon world to seek out a new challenge. I've completed 15 events in those two years, running the gamut from sprint to half ironman. I have also two marathons for the heck of it.  My sights are now set on Ironman Wisconsin in 2010

FAMILY STATUS: 28, single (i.e. tons of training time )

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am enjoying some semi-unstructured off season training.  Due to injury I have not been running for quite some time and bike workouts have been sporadic at best.  On the flip side I have been swimming way more than usual.  It is by far my weakest sport and I am hoping to improve before next spring.

2010 RACES: Ironman Kansas 70.3, Ironman Wisconsin.

2009 RACES: 4 sprint tris, all of which I placed in my age group.  3 Olys, one a PR of 2:22:09.  2 HIMs, one a PR of 5:01:46

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I have no tangible weight loss goals at the moment, but I do have experience in that department. As I mentioned earlier I used running as a means to lose weight about 3 years ago. I dropped about 50 pounds in doing so and have managed to keep it off since then (except for those pesky 10 pounds that sneak back on in the winter. Grrr).

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am still relatively new to the sport. These first two seasons have been full of typical newbie mistakes, but I have learned much along the way and have the desire to share that experience with others so that they hopefully have an easier time getting into this sport. I won't claim to have all the answers (in fact I hope to learn just as much as I can teach), but I will work to find the answers that you need through the wonderful community that is BT. I also want to show others what a fun and rewarding sport this can truly be. Sometimes we get caught up in the competition (guilty as charged), but at the end of the day I usually sit back and ask myself if I had a good time. The answer is usually yes and that's why I keep coming back to this sport. I am on the site daily, so I will be able to handle your questions in a timely manner, check up and inspire your blog, or give you a swift kick to get that training going

Edited by disturbed275 2009-12-15 2:16 PM

2009-12-14 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2556283

Lancaster County, PA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hey Neal and whoever!
My name is Jen - I'm looking for a little accountability here on the web... I'm not feeling wordy tonight, so LUCKY YOU! Usually I'm a rambler...Here's the deal:

Always been sporty and active but the last 4 years gained lots of weight while building a house (with my own two hands) and going to college full-time, and working full-time....In fact, i'm a personal trainer (not currently professionally, though.) In July I quit smoking, which I had taken up while building the house. Then, I also realized that I would need to go up another size clothing if I continued down this path, so....long story short, I signed up for a Tri (May 22, 2010 - sprint) so that i could get active again and maybe lose weight...

I'm 2 1/2 months into my training. With the exception of last week and the week i had the swine flu i've been doing perfect. I lost 13 lbs AND WENT down a size instead of up! very happy.

PROBLEM: i'm good when i'm first excited about something....not so good after it all wears off. I do have a workout partner, Donna, but i want to keep logging my workouts, not become a slacker and know that occassionally someone is checkign in. Plus i'm competitve and would like tips on the actual racing....

I'm far more exciting than all this, but it's late, i'm wiped out, and my legs are quivery from the wide squat jumps i did this evening! UGH!

Hope you'll have me - JEN
2009-12-14 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Westmont (132nd & Hwy 370)
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!

   I'd like to join your mentor group. I chose your group for two reasons. One, you're more of a beginner. Two, you live close. I'm located in Omaha, Ne.

  About me, I'm a 29 year living in Omaha. I've always been fairly athletic but I still deal with weight problems. Most people probably wouldnt call it a problem but I used to be a wrestler and I'm not as satisfied with my weight as the average guy.

  I have never done a triathlon before. I used to run track in high school. During the summer, I ran Jr Olympics and competed in the decathlon. I was never a standout at any single event but I was pretty good when you put them together. 

  The first tri I'm signed up so far is the Papillion Mayor's Triathlon. However, I'm debating doing the XTERRA tri near North Platte in May. I plan on having a busy summer running, working out, and competing. I'm looking for more events to compete in in the spring. Got any ideas?

I look forward to this mentor group. Later!

2009-12-14 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Cedar Rapids
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hi Neal and others!

I would love to join this group! It will be nice to have some accountability, plus another Iowan will be helpful for those lovely negative, blizzard days!

Name: Amber

Story: Every summer I am a "casual runner" that just runs to maintain weight and I have done a few random 5k's. Even though I am thin, I felt "squishy" and needed a goal to get me exercising and to the gym. Running gets boring quickly, so a triathlon seemed like a great way to mix things up with my training. I've done a few random 5ks here and there, but I have a feeling a tri will be much different and more exciting!

Family Status: 25, not married, no kids, and 2 house rabbits.

Current Training: Right now I am doing one of the BT training plans, although I'm not following it very closely. I'm just using it for a guideline for the weekly minutes needed. Generally I try to do 30 min running twice a week, 45 min biking twice a week, and 30 min swimming 3 times a week. All my training has been done at the local YMCA, because of the weather lately. Plus I don't own a bike. (It is on my Christmas list though! Even if I have to buy it for myself!)

Weight Loss Goals: Maintain... I lost 10 lbs last year due to becoming a vegan and eating much healthier, so weight isn't really an issue.

Goals: Learn to swim I can swim across the pool but I've never been taught how to swim so I'm sure it isn't a graceful stroke at all. Also I would like to build a habit of training 6 days per week.

Thanks and I look forward to working with all of you!!
2009-12-14 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hello Neal,

Will you take me again this year in your group? I was in Neal`s group last year, and it really helped having folks encourage you along the way. And watching Neal train and race is really inspiring.

So here is my story.

NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. After my first few years of triathlons, I stoped almost everything during university. I did a few more triathlon here and there but I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I used to do the triathlon just to finish them. However, last year, I decided that 2009 would be different. I started training with a plan and objectives for the year. I did my first marathon in May so I had to train all winter. I did a few sprint/duathlon/olympic/half marathon during summer and a HIM in September. I almost PR'd all my races. Amazing what structured training can do....

FAMILY STATUS: 39, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing strength training and trying to focus a little more on the bike. I will start pretty soon the marathon training since I want to do the same marathon as last year (early May). I also want to do the HIM again in September. In between, nothing is decided yet, but will be any mix of sprint/oly/duathlon as last year. I did not stop the training following last tri season so I have a good base in the three sports. I usually slow a bit during winter since I also play hockey twice a week and also practice Taekwondo.

2010 RACES: 2 marathons, one HIM and some sprint/oly/duathlon/half-mary 

2009 RACES: 1 marathon, a few half, 2 duathlons, 1 oly, 1 sprint, 1 HIM.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I really love the sport and am motivated. I want to improve on 2009 and do some PRs in 2010.   

I would really enjoy being in your group again this year.

Edited by thebrayon 2009-12-15 9:38 AM
2009-12-15 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2558929

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Jarahn - 2009-12-14 9:27 PM Hey Neal and whoever!
My name is Jen - I'm looking for a little accountability here on the web... I'm not feeling wordy tonight, so LUCKY YOU! Usually I'm a rambler...Here's the deal:

Always been sporty and active but the last 4 years gained lots of weight while building a house (with my own two hands) and going to college full-time, and working full-time....In fact, i'm a personal trainer (not currently professionally, though.) In July I quit smoking, which I had taken up while building the house. Then, I also realized that I would need to go up another size clothing if I continued down this path, so....long story short, I signed up for a Tri (May 22, 2010 - sprint) so that i could get active again and maybe lose weight...

I'm 2 1/2 months into my training. With the exception of last week and the week i had the swine flu i've been doing perfect. I lost 13 lbs AND WENT down a size instead of up! very happy.

PROBLEM: i'm good when i'm first excited about something....not so good after it all wears off. I do have a workout partner, Donna, but i want to keep logging my workouts, not become a slacker and know that occassionally someone is checkign in. Plus i'm competitve and would like tips on the actual racing....

I'm far more exciting than all this, but it's late, i'm wiped out, and my legs are quivery from the wide squat jumps i did this evening! UGH!

Hope you'll have me - JEN

Hi Jen!  Welcome to the group.  It's very cool that you have signed up to do your first triathlon.  As you have already found out training is a good way to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight too.

I'm hoping that having that first race on the horizon will keep you motivated through the winter.  I know for me it helps to have a tangible goal or race to avoid slacking off.  We'll do our best to keep you going through the winter.  I have a feeling once you do that first race you'll be coming back for more  

2009-12-15 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2558945

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
DeputyAndy - 2009-12-14 9:33 PM Neal, 

   I'd like to join your mentor group. I chose your group for two reasons. One, you're more of a beginner. Two, you live close. I'm located in Omaha, Ne.

  About me, I'm a 29 year living in Omaha. I've always been fairly athletic but I still deal with weight problems. Most people probably wouldnt call it a problem but I used to be a wrestler and I'm not as satisfied with my weight as the average guy.

  I have never done a triathlon before. I used to run track in high school. During the summer, I ran Jr Olympics and competed in the decathlon. I was never a standout at any single event but I was pretty good when you put them together. 

  The first tri I'm signed up so far is the Papillion Mayor's Triathlon. However, I'm debating doing the XTERRA tri near North Platte in May. I plan on having a busy summer running, working out, and competing. I'm looking for more events to compete in in the spring. Got any ideas?

I look forward to this mentor group. Later!


Hi Andy!  Welcome to the group.  It's good to have another Midwesterner aboard.  It's great that you come from a running background.  That will certainly help.

I have never done an XTERRA event but have always thought they sounded fun.

If you don't mind driving a couple of hours there are plenty of good events to be found around the Des Moines area spring through fall.
2009-12-15 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2558977

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Amber871 - 2009-12-14 9:58 PM Hi Neal and others!

I would love to join this group! It will be nice to have some accountability, plus another Iowan will be helpful for those lovely negative, blizzard days!

Name: Amber

Story: Every summer I am a "casual runner" that just runs to maintain weight and I have done a few random 5k's. Even though I am thin, I felt "squishy" and needed a goal to get me exercising and to the gym. Running gets boring quickly, so a triathlon seemed like a great way to mix things up with my training. I've done a few random 5ks here and there, but I have a feeling a tri will be much different and more exciting!

Family Status: 25, not married, no kids, and 2 house rabbits.

Current Training: Right now I am doing one of the BT training plans, although I'm not following it very closely. I'm just using it for a guideline for the weekly minutes needed. Generally I try to do 30 min running twice a week, 45 min biking twice a week, and 30 min swimming 3 times a week. All my training has been done at the local YMCA, because of the weather lately. Plus I don't own a bike. (It is on my Christmas list though! Even if I have to buy it for myself!)

Weight Loss Goals: Maintain... I lost 10 lbs last year due to becoming a vegan and eating much healthier, so weight isn't really an issue.

Goals: Learn to swim I can swim across the pool but I've never been taught how to swim so I'm sure it isn't a graceful stroke at all. Also I would like to build a habit of training 6 days per week.

Thanks and I look forward to working with all of you!!

Welcome Amber!  It's great to see another Iowan on BT.  We are few and far between.

It looks like we share a pretty similar background.  I started off just purely running and like you it started to become monotonous.  I think the cross training aspect of this sport is just great for mixing things up.

I was completely new to swimming as well and taught myself how to swim.  It wasn't pretty, but I managed.  After my first season I got a little bit of coaching to help correct some, ALOT of the things I was doing wrong and now I am pretty comfortable in the water.  I'm not saying that coaching is necessary but a little bit can go a long way to seeing some improvements.

I hope Santa is good to you this year and brings you bike
2009-12-15 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2559001

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
thebrayon - 2009-12-14 10:18 PM Hello Neal,

Will you take me again this year in your group? I was in Neal`s group last year, and it really helped having folks encourage you along the way. And watching Neal train and race is really inspiring.

So here is my story.

NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. After my first few years of triathlons, I stoped almost everything during university. I did a few more triathlon here and there but I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I used to do the triathlon just to finish them. However, last year, I decided that 2009 would be different. I started training with a plan and objectives for the year. I did my first marathon in May so I had to train all winter. I did a few sprint/duathlon/olympic/half marathon during summer and a HIM in September. I almost PR'd all my races. Amazing what structured training can do....

FAMILY STATUS: 39, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing strength training and trying to focus a little more on the bike. I will start pretty soon the marathon training since I want to do the same marathon as last year (early May). I also want to do the HIM again in September. In between, nothing is decided yet, but will be any mix of sprint/oly/duathlon as last year. I did not stop the training following last tri season so I have a good base in the three sports. I usually slow a bit during winter since I also play hockey twice a week and also practivce Taekwondo.

2010 RACES: 2 marathons, one HIM and some sprint/oly/duathlon/half-mary 

2009 RACES: 1 marathon, a few half, 2 duathlons, 1 oly, 1 sprint, 1 HIM.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I really love the sport and am motivated. I want to improve on 2009 and do some PRs in 2010.   

I would really enjoy being in your group again this year.

Hey Luc!  It's good to see a familiar face here.  I hope you are having a good offseason so far.

2 marathons this year?  You're crazy
2009-12-15 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hey I want in if you guys will have me!

Name: Chris Morelock

Story: My first *real* season of triathlon was last year, coming from a heavy bodybuilding background. Got into Crossfit when it started up, and on a dare a friend asked me to do a local sprint tri with him. I was immediately hooked and The next (last) year started taking it a bit more serious. In the middle of my season I broke my clavicle (in two places) and had surgery with a nice plate and eight screws to show for it. Less than a month later I rode a century bike ride, and within two months did another sprint. Now I've signed up for an Iron distance race and am planning (ahem *hoping*) not to drown on the swim portion

Family Status: 26 and single. One roommate and one cat.

Current Training: Right now I'm working on my base just putting miles in and trying to stay healthy. My real plan starts Jan. 4th.

2010 Races: Rev3 Cedar Point and Rev3 Knoxville are the only two I'm definitely in for. Hopefully also the Knoxville half marathon and some more sprints/oly's.

2009 Races: Westside YMCA sprint, Volunteer tri, Jefferson city tri

Weight Loss Goals: Going from bodybuilder to triathlete I went from 215lbs to 152lbs so I'd like to think I'm fairly close to where I want to be. From my years bbuilding I've got a pretty solid grip on nutrition/supplements if anybody needs a hand.

Goals: Finishing Rev3 Cedar Point is Priority #1. Secretly I'm looking at finishing under 11hours...since it's my first and all Also really want to be winning some AG at the local stuff.
2009-12-15 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2556283


Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hey neal and everyone elese, i would love to join your group. Ive always been and active person but defenatly need the motivation to ramp up my routine.

My name is ashley and i am from maine, I returned from deployment this past year and have gotten my self in the biggest lull with school, work and a wedding sense ive been back and would like to get myslef back on track in the new year and run my first triathalon this spring. Currently i make sure i make it to the gym at least 3 days a week and start with my traiingin program this comming monday.

Dropping a few pounds would always be a plus but weight isnt a huge issue for me, as i said i am very athaletic and competetive and im super excited to get started.

2009-12-15 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Well, since this looks like the under 40 midwest group, sign me up.

Name: randomguymike/ mike (I'm clever like that)

Family status: 32, single, with dog

Current Training: Week 7 of my 20 week Oly plan. Just finished my first week of long workout at race length 6.5mi run, 26 bike, 1600 swim. Now have to put all that together back-to-back-to-back and hopefully do the swim & bike faster Surprised . 

2010 Races: Feb 21 Tritonman sprint (first tri!!), March 21 San Diego Triathon OR March 28 Lavaman (deciding in the next day or two which I'll do), September Nation's Triathlon, at least two Half Marathons between April & September, and probably a HIM at the end of the year if everything goes well in March.

2009 Races: Fargo Half Marathon, Chicago Rock & Roll Half Marathon, Countless 5, 8, & 10k's. 

Weight loss goals: Undecided. Getting a lot of body shape changes right now rather than weight loss (for example, manboobs are turning into pecs). Probably want to drop about 15 lbs over the year.  

PRs: Lifetime: 5k 18:30, 8k:41:00, 10k:48:00, 1/2M 2:02 / Last 5 years 5K 21:30, 10k 51:00

Goals: Finish a 1/2M without cramping up at mile 11, which should allow me to break 2:00 easily (both 1/2M had perfect 90 minutes at 10 miles and fell apart.) Finish in middle 50% of AG in all my tri's.

Edited by randomguymike 2009-12-15 8:49 AM
2009-12-15 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2559228

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Leegoocrap - 2009-12-15 7:30 AM Hey I want in if you guys will have me!

Name: Chris Morelock

Story: My first *real* season of triathlon was last year, coming from a heavy bodybuilding background. Got into Crossfit when it started up, and on a dare a friend asked me to do a local sprint tri with him. I was immediately hooked and The next (last) year started taking it a bit more serious. In the middle of my season I broke my clavicle (in two places) and had surgery with a nice plate and eight screws to show for it. Less than a month later I rode a century bike ride, and within two months did another sprint. Now I've signed up for an Iron distance race and am planning (ahem *hoping*) not to drown on the swim portion

Family Status: 26 and single. One roommate and one cat.

Current Training: Right now I'm working on my base just putting miles in and trying to stay healthy. My real plan starts Jan. 4th.

2010 Races: Rev3 Cedar Point and Rev3 Knoxville are the only two I'm definitely in for. Hopefully also the Knoxville half marathon and some more sprints/oly's.

2009 Races: Westside YMCA sprint, Volunteer tri, Jefferson city tri

Weight Loss Goals: Going from bodybuilder to triathlete I went from 215lbs to 152lbs so I'd like to think I'm fairly close to where I want to be. From my years bbuilding I've got a pretty solid grip on nutrition/supplements if anybody needs a hand.

Goals: Finishing Rev3 Cedar Point is Priority #1. Secretly I'm looking at finishing under 11hours...since it's my first and all Also really want to be winning some AG at the local stuff.

Hi Chris and welcome!

You're taking the ironman plunge too, huh?  Cool!  If I'm not mistaken Cedar Point is the same weekend as IMWI so you and I will be on pretty similar schedules.  I am hoping to start my official training plan the beginning of February, provided I am running by then.
2009-12-15 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2559329

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
shutupandrun - 2009-12-15 8:16 AM Hey neal and everyone elese, i would love to join your group. Ive always been and active person but defenatly need the motivation to ramp up my routine.

My name is ashley and i am from maine, I returned from deployment this past year and have gotten my self in the biggest lull with school, work and a wedding sense ive been back and would like to get myslef back on track in the new year and run my first triathalon this spring. Currently i make sure i make it to the gym at least 3 days a week and start with my traiingin program this comming monday.

Dropping a few pounds would always be a plus but weight isnt a huge issue for me, as i said i am very athaletic and competetive and im super excited to get started.

Hi Ashley.  Welcome to the site, the sport, and the mentor group!

Hopefully we can keep you motivated and training for your first event!
2009-12-15 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
If you still have room, I would like to join the group.

Name: Carrie Matczynski


Family Status: 37 and single. 2 chocolate labs (Briggs and Bella) and 1 cat (Tag)

Current Training:  I am biking 2-4 per week, swimming 3 times per week (all strokes, so much more fun) and running 2 times per week.  I am having trouble keeping my HR down during the run (any advice would be great) and am currently having shin splint problems (gonna try a sleeve tonight)

History:  I used to play ice hockey, so training is not the problem.  I get stronger at the swim every time I go out, so that is not my problem.  I love to bike, but my lady parts hate the seat - being inside does have it disadvantages.  I seem to hold my own on the bike (not great, but certainly not horrible either) just not getting the miles in.  Still not above 21 miles.  Running is my issue.  My HR spikes while running and I have shin splints.  Running is my weakness with a 16 minute mile time and this is barely keeping my HR under 170.  HELP!!!!

2010 Races: Rev3 Knoxville olympic and the Racine 70.3 are the only 2 I am signed up for.  Want to do a few other shorter races, but Racine is my "A" race.

2009 Races: Olympic aquabike and sprint tri, both in August.  Swims went great and the bikes got better with each race.  I walked the run portion of the sprint tri (hadn't any run training, just signed up to do with a friend)

Weight Loss Goals: Lost about 14 lbs a few months ago and have held steady.  Still want to loose lots more, but seem to have trouble and I don't think its because of over eating.  I think I might not be getting enough nutrition given my schedule.

Fears:  Other than being on a swim team, I still have never trained with anyone on the bike or on a run.  I think they would be helpful, but just fear I can't keep up (especially on the run).  All my running has been on the treadmill so far as I am a weeny in the cold.

Goals: Racine 70.3 finish

Can't wait to meet and chat with all of you.

Elgin, IL

P.S. I am still fairly new to the site, so if I need to make my stuff more snazzy, let me know how
2009-12-15 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2559366

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
randomguymike - 2009-12-15 8:32 AM Well, since this looks like the under 40 midwest group, sign me up.

Name: randomguymike/ mike (I'm clever like that)

Family status: 32, single, with dog

Current Training: Week 7 of my 20 week Oly plan. Just finished my first week of long workout at race length 6.5mi run, 26 bike, 1600 swim. Now have to put all that together back-to-back-to-back and hopefully do the swim & bike faster Surprised . 

2010 Races: Feb 21 Tritonman sprint (first tri!!), March 21 San Diego Triathon OR March 28 Lavaman (deciding in the next day or two which I'll do), September Nation's Triathlon, at least two Half Marathons between April & September, and probably a HIM at the end of the year if everything goes well in March.

2009 Races: Fargo Half Marathon, Chicago Rock & Roll Half Marathon, Countless 5, 8, & 10k's. 

Weight loss goals: Undecided. Getting a lot of body shape changes right now rather than weight loss (for example, manboobs are turning into pecs). Probably want to drop about 15 lbs over the year.  

PRs: Lifetime: 5k 18:30, 8k:41:00, 10k:48:00, 1/2M 2:02 / Last 5 years 5K 21:30, 10k 51:00

Goals: Finish a 1/2M without cramping up at mile 11, which should allow me to break 2:00 easily (both 1/2M had perfect 90 minutes at 10 miles and fell apart.) Finish in middle 50% of AG in all my tri's.

Hi Mike.  Welcome aboard!

It looks like you're well under way as far as training goes.  I am a little jealous that you have a tri coming up in February.  And the rest of your schedule looks pretty good too.

Hopefully we can help get you ready to race!

2009-12-15 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2556283


Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hello everyone.

My name is James.
I have recently decided that I am going to run a triathlon.  I have always wanted to improve my endurance but never had the drive to get into a steady running routine.  I have no real experience with any of the sports, but I'm excited to learn.  This seems like great motivation to start and stick with it.

I am 20 years old and a college student.  So I should have plenty of time for workouts.

Right now my only goal is to get started and do a sprint in May.  Sometime between now and then I'll reevaluate and possibly look at some more races for the summer.

These groups seem like a great way to give and receive advice and keep everyone supported and motivated.
2009-12-15 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: LET'S DO THIS!!
NAME: Evan Thilo / ethilo. 23 years old, 6'2" 175lb, Seattle, WA.

just graduated from the University of Washington in June and started triathlon training in July.  Used to play ultimate frisbee, a LOT.  I always was an ok athlete through high school, never really shined athletically and was probably 15-20% body fat.  I saw my brother do a sprint tri 2 years ago while I was in college and I kept it in the back of my mind as a goal in the future.  Started on BT back in July to work towards that sprint tri that my brother did.  After completing it, I fell in love with multisport and vowed to work towards a full IM.

My background is running, as a kid I would always gauge my personal health by my mile-time.  If I couldn't run faster than a 7:00 mile, then I would start exercising until I could run a 6:20, then stop.  Never considered distance running, and never imagined I'd ever be able to run faster than a 6:00 mile. (PR 5:55 earlier this summer)

I am taking a year off from school and am currently interviewing to start medical school in fall of 2010.  In the meantime, triathlon training is my focus outside of my dayjob - I work in the ER as a medical scribe with sporadic hours.  My training happens at all hours of the day.


Single, 1 brother, 1 sister, living at home with my mom, father lives 10 mins away.

I just did my first marathon on Nov 27th, the Seattle Marathon.  That was 'run-focus' and now that it's winter, I decided to switch to 'swim-focus.'  When spring comes around, I want to switch to 'bike-focus.'

2 sprint tris (1st place AG in my 2nd race, YES!) and finished my first full-mary in 3:39 2 wks ago (goal was 3:30).

*Be able to swim the full IM distance without stopping. - Workout ideas wanted, help!
*Half IM at the end of summer 2010 before medical school. - Ideas for building towards this goal - help!
*Run a 5:30 mile (currently could pull off a 6:00 mile) - Don't know how to train for pure speed, help!
*Beat my dad's full-mary PR (3:27) - gotta 1-up the old man.  Distance + speed, help!
*NEED to better my hill climb on bike - help!


*One of my favorite parts about triathlon is the nutrition aspect.  Biochemistry/Organic chemistry is probably my strongest area in education.  I majored in Neurobiology at the UW and have spent a lot of my extracurricular time reading/studying nutrition and the biochemistry behind my nutrition.
*Personal experience in weight loss includes 20lbs from nutrition shift only (over the last year before triathlon training, BEFORE starting any regular exercise program).

Edited by ethilo 2009-12-15 9:57 AM
2009-12-15 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Hi Neal,

I'd like to join your mentor group if there is still room.

STORY: My name's Michelle.  I'll be 48 in a couple of weeks.  Started running about a year and a half ago to lose about 15 pounds--and it worked!  Been running ever since, albeit slowly.  I completed a 10k, a 5k, and a half marathon in 2009.  During my training for the half, I cycled for cross training, and it kind of stuck.  A friend of mine has done a couple of tris and it got me curious...I'm thinking, hey, I've got two of the three sports, why not?  Started to surf the web for more detail on tri training and lifestyle.  Tripped on to Beginner Triathlete, and the rest is history.  Been lurking for several months (in fact, this is my first ever post!).  Been waiting for the 2010 mentor groups to open up to take the plunge.

Married 18 years, no kids.  1.5 cats though.  (the half cat is a neighbor's cat who likes our house better than his own).

Just put the finishing touches on my running training plan for the season (I have two half mary's planned for the spring, plus another in the fall, along with a sprinkling of shorter, local races).  I'm doing a lot of reading on base building for the bike and am trying to incorporate that into my plan.  The swimming is the vexing part.  I can swim, but not really.  And I don't have easy access to a pool.  My first and only swim goal at this point is to get some lessons under my belt to learn basic stroke and breathing technique.  If successful, I may actually sign up for a sprint tri later Laughing

2010 RACES:
Shamrock Half Marathon in Sacramento in March, the American River Parkway Trust Half Marathon in Sacramento in May, and the Two Cities Half Marathon in Fresno in November.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when they open the lottery for the Nike Women's in San Francisco, that I'll get a slot for that as well. 

2009 RACES:
One 10k, one 5k, and one half marathon--all local.  I ran a 2:15:17 in that half and was really, really pleased.

Just to continue to maintain the 15 lb. weight loss from 2008.  So far, with all the activity, no problems in this arena.

I consider myself a life long learner.  I'm open to whatever feedback, advice, and wisdom you and the other members of this mentoring team can impart.  I'm 'coachable,' as they say.
2009-12-15 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2559473

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
disturbed275 - 2009-12-15 10:12 AM
Leegoocrap - 2009-12-15 7:30 AM Hey I want in if you guys will have me!

Name: Chris Morelock

Story: My first *real* season of triathlon was last year, coming from a heavy bodybuilding background. Got into Crossfit when it started up, and on a dare a friend asked me to do a local sprint tri with him. I was immediately hooked and The next (last) year started taking it a bit more serious. In the middle of my season I broke my clavicle (in two places) and had surgery with a nice plate and eight screws to show for it. Less than a month later I rode a century bike ride, and within two months did another sprint. Now I've signed up for an Iron distance race and am planning (ahem *hoping*) not to drown on the swim portion

Family Status: 26 and single. One roommate and one cat.

Current Training: Right now I'm working on my base just putting miles in and trying to stay healthy. My real plan starts Jan. 4th.

2010 Races: Rev3 Cedar Point and Rev3 Knoxville are the only two I'm definitely in for. Hopefully also the Knoxville half marathon and some more sprints/oly's.

2009 Races: Westside YMCA sprint, Volunteer tri, Jefferson city tri

Weight Loss Goals: Going from bodybuilder to triathlete I went from 215lbs to 152lbs so I'd like to think I'm fairly close to where I want to be. From my years bbuilding I've got a pretty solid grip on nutrition/supplements if anybody needs a hand.

Goals: Finishing Rev3 Cedar Point is Priority #1. Secretly I'm looking at finishing under 11hours...since it's my first and all Also really want to be winning some AG at the local stuff.

Hi Chris and welcome!

You're taking the ironman plunge too, huh?  Cool!  If I'm not mistaken Cedar Point is the same weekend as IMWI so you and I will be on pretty similar schedules.  I am hoping to start my official training plan the beginning of February, provided I am running by then.

Here's to us both getting and staying healthy this year!
2009-12-15 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!

Hi Neal,

Name: Jack

I'd like to join your mentor group if there is still room.

STORY: My name's Jack (jacklcm).  Been on the site for about 8 months. Im 51 and I started training for a triathlon five years ago beginning with a 10k. Unfortunately after improving my fitness I started back playing soccer and blew out my knee. That set me back a few  years before I decided to get it fixed (new ACL) and begin the recovery that was suppose to take 6 months. Unfortunately, complications during recovery took over a year and I still couldn't run due feet problems. Triathlons really were not even in my mind I just want to be able to run without pain. After doing exercise classes at the YMCA I found spin classes and I did them three times a week for a year or so before getting back to running. I did a 10k in the spring 09 and got re-started training for my first tri in April last year using the free training plan here at BT. I was ready finally for my first sprint in May after five years and I was so excited. The night before I was finalizing preps and I pumped my tires up a tire blewout.  I found a bike shop open late and got a new set. My first race as so much fun I was hooked. After training all summer I completed an International in Oct (but I was weak on the run - missed some training due to a sprained ankle). After the Olympic I spent Oct working on my run and completed a half marathon
Married 24 years, 2 kids 21 and 18. 

I've begun a 20 week program to prepare for the early half IM in May.  I’m joining a tri training group that starts in  Feb. and I’m taking running classes to improve in running.  I see full IM by the end of  2011.

2010 RACES:
National Duathlon Festival (Duathlon) 4/25/2010  (Richmond Va.)

½ IM May Kenetic Louisa Va.

½ IM  Patriot – Williamsburg Va.

I plan to do another Olympic and a sprint during the summer.

2009 RACES:
Runing  10k March  and my Richmond half marathon fall.

Sprint in May and Olympic Oct.

I started last year at about 225 and now I at 190.  Looking to drop to 180.


I’m very new and I’m continually looking to get better.  I don’t come from a background in any one of these sports so there is a lot to learn.  I see that you have been through what I’m going through now and I look forward to learning from your efforts and past experiences.  I’m pretty motivated by myself, but I would appreciate comparing similar experiences with folks that have been through what I planning to do. 

PS My spin class instructor did Wisconsin IM a few years ago.  I hear there's a pretty mean hill.

Edited by Jacklcm 2009-12-15 12:30 PM

2009-12-15 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Just giving a brief hello to all the newcomers!  Work is a little busy so I'll have to come back later for a more in depth hello.

I thinking we still have room for 2-3 more people to make this a nice big group
2009-12-15 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2556283

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!

Hello Neal,

I would like to join this group if there is still room.

NAME: Christer

STORY: Since I moved from Sweden to USA four years ago I have struggled to get a good exercise routine going. It managed to get it to be fairly regular 3-4 times a week up to about one and a half years ago when work and other things in my life changed which made me stop almost completely. I have since just exercised sporadically and I am now looking for a goal that can be my motivation to get a regular training program going again. I have been lurking here for a while and I feel that triathlons would be a good challenge to get me motivated. I am currently a very poor swimmer and I feel that just doing the swim portion of a triathlon will be a challenge for me. Fortunately I get motivated by challenges, the more difficult and impossible it seems the more motivated I get.
FAMILY STATUS: 33, married, no kids
CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am just in the beginning of ramping up my running to get my legs used to the exercise by running 20 minutes or so. 
2010 RACES: Nothing booked yet but I am looking at starting of with a sprint with a pool swim around April and would then like to do another couple of sprints with open water swims during the year.
WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would like to loose about 10-15 lbs that I have gained since I stopped going to the gym
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: Since I get motivated by challenges I feel that this sport is perfect for me, if in the future just finishing a sprint distance is not challenging enough in the future I can always try to improve my time or go for an oly and so on. I am going to keep a daily training log and be on the forum daily to get my motivation from how everybody else in the group progresses.

2009-12-15 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2556283

Surrey, BC
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Would like to join if there's still space. Will post up bio after work.
2009-12-15 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - Open!
Neal, I'd like to join if you've got room for one more.

NAME: jammers / Jim

STORY: 2009 was my first triathlon season.  I participated in 4 Sprint tri's and two duathlons.  Lacrosse used to be my motivation to stay in shape, but I'm "retired" as of this year.  I need motivation to stay in shape, so I decided to sign up for a local triathlon.  I had no idea how to train or what I was really getting into.  It was a humbling experience (I stunk).  I was determined to improve.  I signed up for another race, found BT, and now I'm hooked.  Most of my training is solo, having a group to keep me on track will be helpful. 

FAMILY STATUS: 32, married, 18 month old daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing some strength training and trying to focus on running. I did a 1/2 marathon November 15th. I haven't been in the pool since September, haven't been on the bike Since October.  

2010 RACES: more races than last year, no plan yet.  Sprint focused.  Maybe an oly if I can find more training time.

2009 RACES: 1 1/2 marathon, 2 duathlons, 4 sprints.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS:6' tall.  Ran my first race at 198.  I cut way back on lifting, lost some fat, and got down to 180 at one point.  I'm probably closer to 185 right now (my college weight).  I'd love to race at 170-175 this coming season, but I'm not sure I have the nutritional discipline to get there. 

Goals: Improve, have fun, stay fit, and placing in AG would be great too...stretch goal.

Edited by jammers 2009-12-15 2:13 PM
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