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2010-01-07 2:07 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
NAME: AKR18 Anne

STORY: I'm a SAHM of 3 kids, one of them just born December 2, 2009. I started doing triathlons after my second daughter was born in June of 2007. My husband is also a triathlete- he does the long distance races, and I am his support staff. I compete to finish. My first triathlon was an all women's race and that experience was life-changing. I love this sport because people of all ages, shapes, sizes, line up and race, and we've all put the time and training in and know what each person crossing the finish line has done to get there. I ran a mentor group last year and met two great friends, and got to see them race at the all women's triathlon, and hope that all three of us will race there again this year! The swim is my strong area, the run is getting better, and I'm still learning how to be a better biker. I juggle my training schedule, my husband's training schedule, and 3 busy kids fairly well, but I'm not perfect. This season I am focusing on nutrition as well, and am interested to see how that affects my husband's race performance (I have daily migraines and manage them through exercise and nutrition, and have done this for 4 years).

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 11 years, 3 kids CURRENT TRAINING: Training for sprint distances, 5k, and 10k

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 races- I completed 2 5k races and 2 sprint triathlons; 2009 I was mid-training-plan for an Olympic distance race when I found out I was pregnant- surprise!

2010 RACES: Flying Pig Relay Marathon (my leg is about 7 miles long); Maumee Bay Sprint Distance Relay; All Women's Tri August 1; and at least one other sprint triathlon.

WEIGHTLOSS: I have mainly lost sizes in clothing from training. But, this year I am hoping to lose some of this baby weight- nice and slow though.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm a big motivator, and really enjoyed the mentor group last year. I'm hoping to have a group of other ladies who are doing triathlons for the love of the sport- I live with a very competitive triathlete and I prefer to have more fun with it than he does. I'm not afraid to answer any question, from why padded bike shorts are necessary, to how to prevent chafing and what to wear on race day. I'm that gal on the run course of your race who will stop and encourage you to run just to the fencepost with me- then run just to the next water stop- and next thing you know, the race is done!

Edited by AKR18 2010-01-08 7:33 PM

2010-01-07 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Hi Anne-  I'd like to join your group, I'll be your west coast twin, minus a kid.

I started tri-ing in Spring of 2008 and now have a few sprint tris behind me.  And more sprint tris in front of me.  I've no interest in increasing my distance (besides maybe a stand alone 10K). 

I'm a SAHM of 2 kids, who turn 5 &3 this month.  I'm currently getting back into training/exercising after a month off... and trying to decide if I'll feel ready to do a sprint Feb 28, or if that is just too soon.

While I have competitive spirit, I'm not looking to podium or increase distance.  It's more that inner elation when I see I beat a gymmate by a smidge or the utter joy when I best my last month's time or pleasure when a swim is just that, a swim, not a float!

Biking is my no brainer (but only raced flat courses!).  Swimming is becoming a steady-as-she-goes (If water not too cold).  Running I feel should have found more speed by now, but still lags (especially on hot days, heat is my nemesis).

2010-01-07 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
hey- I am interested in joining your mentor group.  I am a first timer and my goal is to compete in my first tri this june.  a sprint.  This past year I lost 4o  pounds and have really been trying to get in shape.  I reached that goal and decided I needed something to strive for to keep me motivated.  Triathlons seemed like just the thing.  So here I am.   I just need some help to get there since I know nothing about triathalons.
2010-01-07 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Hi! Can I join your group too? I am also trying to get back into shape after a baby in 2008--my 4th child at age 42--and it is going slow. Currently training for a half marathon in May and a sprint tri. I have done sprint tri's, a half mary, a century ride, and have swam an IM distance but not lately--need to get back in the water one of these days. I could use the commaraderie and of course, the baby fat is going off mighty slow
2010-01-07 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I am interested in joining your group.  I am a first timer, sined up for my first sprint triahalon on April 25.  I started training on Monday following the Couch to Sprint training program.  I have always been athletic playing soccer, tennis, rugby, and a little boxing experience.  I enjoy working out, but have never attempted anything as physically demanding as a triathalon due to a back injury when I was sixteen. So far so goood but it would be great to have your support and expertiece.
2010-01-07 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2600896


Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I would love to be a part of this group. I have finally made the commitment to myself to train/participate in a sprint tri.

2010-01-07 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I am interestd in joing your group. I need support to push my way thru this year.
I attempted a sprint triathlon last year and it was a humiliating disastrous day that ended in tears, more tears, cutting half my hair off and being depressed for days. The swim was my downfall. I exceeded the time with 200 yards to go and had to exit, chip taken and instructed that I couldn’t finish the race. I am taking a swim training class now that focuses on technique, lots of drills and triathlon training. I want to do this race again this year and maybe one before as a confidence booster. I am a slow biker (I had to learn how to ride a bike as an adult when training) but I know I can make it even if I have to walk hills. The run is my least concern. I prefer to run the course but if I am seriously tired, I will run/walk. I just need to know and prove I can do it.

I live in Maryland. I work full time and spend my evenings juggling my traing schedules, my kids sports and making a schedule for my husband. I work out early morning when they sleep and evenings when they are doing their activity.

2010 RACES: My second half marathon & maybe even a third, Iron Girl Triathlon (MY NEMESIS), 4 women distance festival 5Ks (minimum for an award) and at least one other sprint triathlon .

WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost weight but mostly inches. I want ot get toned as I train and hopily lose more weight.
2010-01-08 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Welcome to Everyone! As of this morning, we are a group of 7 (including me). I'll plan on closing us when we hit around 10. Last year our mentor group was 7 people strong and we're still going with 4 of us (although my husband was in our group and I technically should not count him). I'll still use Mike (the husband) for some of the more technical questions.

Cynthia- If you only took a month off from last year's training, Feb28 is doable. You are lucky you live someplace warm! We have 5 inches of snow and I'm trying to figure out how to fit in some running time this weekend. I have yet to find my speed on the run too- I'm hoping a different training attitude this year will help. More on that later.

Hailswayne- Congrats on the weight loss! That is fantastic! Have you looked at any training plans online yet? For my first triathlon ever I used the couch to sprint training plan and I highly recommend it. Training plans will help keep you on track for that first tri, and help prevent injury by upping your training slowly. I usually print out the training plan, then adjust it to fit my schedule (for example, with 3 kids I can't always do a long run or long bike when the schedule says to, so I rearrange the workouts that week).

Phoenix- a half mary in May! WOW. I'm not sure that is ever a distance I will do. And your fourth kid at 42? Impressive. I whine all the time that having a newborn at 35 is rough. I find it hard to get motivated to swim in the winter- so we'll get back into it together!

Enkidu- welcome first timer!!! You are in the right place. BT is a fantastic resource for newbies. Your training plan is PERFECT to help you get ready for your race nice and slow and to avoid injury. Make sure in your training log you write down anything that is affecting your back- posture on the run or incorrect bike fit/positioning can aggravate old injuries and I want to make sure we keep you healthy. Are you able to do Core Work to keep those ab and back muscles extra strong?

Melissa- WELCOME! And good job making the commitment! Now let's get to work!

Weather here- I'm in Toledo, OH. It's flat, so perfect for training- but the weather is crap much of the year. Equipment- I have a normal trainer in the basement for my bike. For newbies, a trainer is a piece of equipment that allows you to ride your road bike or triathlon bike insdoors. It holds the back wheel and allows it to spin, and adds resistance, and you put a riser under your front wheel which stays steady. We also have a CompuTrainer, which is superfancy and for my long-distance training husband. I have not used it yet, but it hooks up to a computer and adjusts the trainer so you train for hills, etc- you also hook it up to a television or monitor and it's like virtual racing. So- back to the trainer, that is where I am headed this morning for another short ride. What is on everyone else's schedule?

A lot of you are in the early stages of training, so I encourage you to investigate the different training plans here on BT. The couch to Sprint one is great! I'm off to tend to a screaming baby, and then I'll check in on training logs. If you are just starting out, and have not picked a training plan yet, let's set a goal that you just try to do something active a few days this week, and learn how to log it on your training log. This can be a walk, or playing on the Wii (or Wii Fit), or a short run- just get moving!

2010-01-08 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I'm Sorry, Lovey- I forgot to say welcome to you! I'm so very sorry your first tri was such a not good experience- we're going to fix that, and it sounds like you have the attitude to do it! If you can do half marys, you can do a sprint tri. And you have already taken the steps to improve the swim- that is fantastic! We'll talk lots on the weight loss- sounds like it is a pretty common theme among us ladies.

For those of who I just have user names for, can you provide your first names? Thanks!
2010-01-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
For our New Users, let's get you started on Training Logs!!!!

If you go check out mine (click on my user name) or any of the other veteran members, you'll see you can customize your training log. You can import training plans right to your log, and you can also add a title and goals. To do this, at the very top of the page, click on "Settings." From here you can add a profile picture, add photos, and personal the blog. To customize your training log, click on the tab that says "Training Blog Customization". Here you can add a titel, or click on "Dashboard" to type in your short term and long term goals. You can also add all of us in the mentor group to the "friends" section by typing in our member names. This way when you log your training, you can easily click on our names and check out our training logs. If you read a training log entry and are impressed, or excited, or want to motivate someone, click on "Inspire Me" and leave a nice message.

Next week I'm going to set a goal that everyone have 4 pink or peach days....this means I want you to try and do some activity and log it for 4 days and turn the calendar pink! This is going to be easy for those of you who are already training....for our newbies, this means I'll need you to get moving! You do not have to log a swim/bike/run. If you click on the word TRAINING on an individual day in your training log, you will see that you can log a swim, bike, or run- but scroll down and you will see that you can also log strength training (including core workouts) AND if you scroll down to "Sports" and click on the down arrow next to the word "Adventure Racing" you will see a huge list of activities you can log- this includes yardwork, and Wii Fit, Walking, name it, you can log it.

2010-01-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Glad you started a new group, I'll definitely join you here if that's ok?  I wasn't going to join a mentor group until spring since I am again just working on running to do a half in May...and won't start actually doing any real tri training until after that again.

Ladies, Anne is a great mentor and she helped me to get started in tri's last year.  I'm looking forward to another year or doing a few tri's and getting faster

Here's my schedule:
May - Cap City Half or a 10K (haven't figure out what yet)
June/July - One or both Columbus Open Water Swims
August - Women's Only Tri-Du Sylvania  (This one is definite)
Sept/Oct - Hueston Woods and/or Deer Creek Sprint Tri

Edited by scubagrrl 2010-01-08 8:48 AM

2010-01-08 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please

Me, me, me, please.   Please let me play too.  

Anne and I started in my second mentor group, her first, together and then our mentor bailed about 2 weeks in so we were on our own to encourage each other.  She started fancypants last year and was a great mentor.  As she said, Ginny, me, and Anne ended up meeting at the women's tri and it was awesome.  While Anne was off being pregnant (I am still convinced that Mike knocked her up so he could monopolize training time, sorry Mike, you know its true), I was off getting injured and sidelined also.  In 2008, I did several sprint tri's and a duathlon.  2009 was just 2 sprint tri's and neither were good efforts because life and injury got in the way of training. 

This year, I am hoping to keep up and really appreciate being able to train, not taking that time for granted.   My first tri that I am registered for is June 6.  I am on the fence about an earlier tri or du.  It might be a little cold for this princess.  My races that are possible are all on my training log.

I do belong to another mentor group too so maybe you can not count me in your 10.  I don't want someone who needs a mentor group to be denied.  I would like to drop in and cheer everyone on.  I would rather help someone get to the finish line than worry about my time.  I really am not that competitive and find my sense of accomplishment in finishing new distances.  My resolution this year was to find something positive in every workout and every race.  I find that triathletes are very critical of themselves (i.e. I could've swam faster, I could've run harder, my bike stroke wasn't smooth, etc).  My goal is to celebrate a success everytime I move my body. 

2010-01-08 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Hi, Ladies!  If there is still room, I'd love to join this group!  I am 44 yo, mother of 5, married 22years.  I teach piano, work part time in our family business and DESPERATELY need to lose weight... about 45 lbs.  So,  I registered for the Celebration Sprint Tri in Columbia, MD - No turning back now!  There was a period of time when I was cycling regularly, and I ran (3) 5Ks and (1) 5miler last summer... did "Bike to the Bay" in DE about 5-6 times.  Never been an athlete, but extremely motivated.    I have periodic depression that I'm concerned will sabotage this effort, so I think the accountability and encouragement would help me in achieving this goal.

Will ya have me?

2010-01-08 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Welcome! And we still have room for more- I will keep monitoring this and probably close us up sometime today. I'd love to take as many people as possible, but for me to keep up with everyone I need to keep us around 10-12. Jo and Ginny, Welcome! I have to admit I recruited them- but it wasn't too hard.

Jo, don't worry, you aren't taking anyone's spot. You've been doing this so long we'll just count you as an honorary mentor.

Ginny, you will be so much help with the swim area- are you still doing the masters swim group?

And welcome to run2pray! Share your first name with us, if possible. We'll hopefully keep you motivated. I think a lot of us are hoping for weight loss, and triathlon training can be a good part of a healthy life plan. I'm also interested to see if you notice a difference in your depression due to the increased endorphins released with training and racing. I only bring that up because I use exercise and diet to help manage migraines and notice an increase in the frequency and intensity if I do not exercise daily. My first step in triathlons was to register- just like you, that first season I knew if I registered I would not back out! And I hate to tell you this, but you ARE an athlete. Look at all the things you just listed that you have done!

2010-01-08 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I'd love to join if there's room!

NAME: kziemer- Kate

STORY: I'm 28 heading into my second tri season. I'm a long time runner and transitioned when my boyfriend and I were looking for a new challenge last year.  I have always been into sports and would prefer to spend my time being outdoors, getting sweaty and not wearing make up.  Thankfully, I work from home for a university in New Orleans as an admissions counselor so I get to do this most of the time.   My big challenge is that I travel A LOT in the fall and a bunch in the spring which can affect the consistency of my training depending on food, equipment, fatigue, etc.

FAMILY STATUS: I live with my boyfriend (jgerbodegrant).  We are hoping to convince the landlord to let us get a dog this year.  Otherwise, I have a plant

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Eastman Sprint, Pumpkinman sprint, a few 5ks, 10ks, and my FIRST marathon. (fist pump!)

2010 RACES: Eastman sprint, Black Fly oly, Tri for the Cure (if I can get in), maybe pumpkinman and hopefully a 1/2 mary if I can.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't really monitor the number or care who knows about it (former pole vaulter in hs). If I feel good in my jeans, that makes me happy.  I would like to tone more so I look hot when I'm at a bunch of my friend's weddings this year.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I get motivated by other people's successes.  I want to see how far we can all come together as a group and see how far I can push myself this season.  Here's to an awesome 2010!!
2010-01-08 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Welcome Kate! I am very happy to have another person who has a significant other who is racing as well. It certainly makes for some interesting scheduling at our house. Travelling for work can interrupt training- but if you are fortunate enough to stay at a hotel with a fitness room, you can at least bike and run (it's impossible to swim decent laps in those tiny hotel pools).

Okay- we're getting pretty full. I'll check back again later this afternoon.

2010-01-08 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I'm supposed to give you an idea of how this mentor group will run....

First- the forum. We'll keep this going for at least a year. When the new mentor groups start up in April, we'll get moved to the archives and continue there. The forum is where we will discuss training issues, other issues, post group questions, and try and check in with each other regularly. This is a GROUP effort, so we will all try and motivate each other! Please remember to be positive here and respect each other. Should you ever have a problem, PM me, and I'll do my best to solve it (we've only ever had one grumbly mentoree and that was last year)- and also, should you decide this group isn't for you, just PM me so I can back off from checking your training logs. Once we hit the end of the season, we'll slow off on the posts as everyone should take some time off before they start training for 2011.

Second- Your training logs. If you have not checked those already, you should have at least one inspire from me. I will try and check your logs daily; if something happens and I don't comment, don't panic, just remember I have 3 children, one of which is a very new baby. I will NOT abandon you! Promise! I also encourage you to start checking each other's training logs and sending inspires to each other, especially our Newbies.

Third- Private Messages: if you ever have a question you don't want to put in the group forum, PM me, or anyone else in the mentor group. Some of you are going to naturally line up with others training wise. We have a good mix here of brand new people and veterans. Newbies, I will check on you a bit more than our veterans. Try and remember this- it takes doing something 21 times for it to be a habit. So your first month of training will be an adjustment- after that, your training will be part of your weekly routine, and I won't check on you as often.

2010-01-08 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
I am not sure if this is where I should start posting my questions or if you will be addressing these things.  If this is not the right place just let me know.  I have a few questions already.

1.  I am very afraid of biking on roads with cars.  I take indoor spin classes right now and hope to work up my  courage to hit the open roads.  Until then I am wondering if the tri's are on closed roads or if traffic will be a consideration?

2.  Speaking of biking, all I have right now is a very nice mountain bike.  I know that this is not ideal for tri's but until I know if this is for me and have 1 or 2 under my belt, can you use a mountain bike but maybe put street tires on it?  I have read in a few places you can, but I am wondering if many people do that.  I don't want to look like an idiot either!  But I really don't have the money to invest until I know that I will be doing these a lot.

that's it for now, thanks for helping me!

2010-01-08 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
one more thing, I really didn't state anything about myself when I joined.  So here it goes:

I am a mom of 6.  I am 34, married for 15 years, and stay home with my kids.  I homeschool 4 of my kids and I am starting back to college as well next week.  I was a gymnast and played softball back in the day so I have always been athletic.  Until I started having kids and well, got a little fluffy and out of shape.  March of 2009 I decided to take back control and joined the YMCA and have since regained my self esteem Kiss and my drive to push myself once again.  I have ran one simple 5k last year and decided that I needed more things like that to motivate me again.  So after much research and  soul searching  I stumbled upon this and have signed up for 2 spring tri's and several local 5k's.  I hope to inspire my kids and some girlfriends along the way.  So, here I am for inspiration, advice, training, butt kicking, etc...look forward to all of it!   

2010-01-08 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2603901

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Hey Amber- biking on the roads can be nerve wracking, but the key is to find roads near your house that have less traffic.  Avoid roads that you know where people may be notorious for speeding or that are known to be "challenging" to cyclists. 

The best advice I can give is just to go out it and do it.  The more you are on the road, the more comfortable you will feel.  In the meantime, I suggest getting a mirror for your bike handle and lots of reflective clothing so you can be seen.  Also, do some research about local trails or ask local cycling clubs if you can join a weekly ride.

As for the bike- a lot of newcomers have mountain bikes they use until they really get into the sport.  I would put road slicks (tires) on them as that may help a bit with speed.  I got a really great deal on an '08 bike in 09 because they needed to move the stock otherwise I would have used my mountain bike. 

2010-01-08 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2603932

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
thanks for the advice.  I am looking for a cycle group near me (gainesville ga) not finding much luck yet.  I will keep trying.  I am wondering though if some of the tri's are closed to traffic or if it is business as usual? 

Glad to hear that my mountain bike will work for now.  That relieves me a bit!

2010-01-08 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2603997

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
hailswayne - 2010-01-08 6:31 PM

thanks for the advice.  I am looking for a cycle group near me (gainesville ga) not finding much luck yet.  I will keep trying.  I am wondering though if some of the tri's are closed to traffic or if it is business as usual? 

Glad to hear that my mountain bike will work for now.  That relieves me a bit!

Amber- Mountain bikes are FINE for your first race. I did my whole first season on an old road bike that was my husband's in high school. It was super heavy, and too big for me, and I fell off every time I tried to dismount. Ginny will hopefully weigh in here- she did our women's tri on a mountain bike this year and STILL kicked butt! Yes, it will slow you down a bit if you have mountain bike tires. But you will see bikes of ALL kinds in a race. I did not get a tri bike until I had completed a season and was more serious about sticking with the sport- and even then, I got a used tri bike.

ROADS- Story time. I did all of my training indoors, on my bike, in the basement, on the trainers. Then Spring came and my husband said TIME TO HIT THE ROADS. My first ride was with him, and I did not go over 7mph. Did you see that? AND I almost wrecked because a squirrel ran in front of me. We were in our neighborhood, so for the first few rides I only rode in the neighborhood. Then I got a bit of confidence and rode out on a busy road and down to a park and road around inside the park. You just have to build up your confidence slowly. RACES- ask ahead of time. Most are still open to traffic, but the races are done during less busy times, like Sunday mornings. Also, most races have a ton of volunteers out on the bike course and have those volunteers at all intersections to stop traffic when there are riders, and they have race officials out in vehicles monitoring the course.

2010-01-08 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
By the way, I was so happy to hop on here and see people are already posting questions and helping each other out!!!! Keep up the good work!

I think we'll close after we take 2-3 more people.
2010-01-08 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please

Hi... great to read all your posts.  I have soo many questions and I know they are just beginning, it will be great to have the support of everyone.  My first name is Laura, by the way.  Enkidu is my cat   I went to the doctor and got medical clearance today, he was a bit leary but a triathalete himself and gave me the go ahead, as long as I listen to my body.  So perhaps, in addition to my log I will include how my body's feeling as well as Anne suggested what changes I can make or need to make.  So far so good, a bit sore but not too much more than usual.  Anne, I do incorporate CORE workout, every single day, strengthening my abs and back muscles is essential to my well-being. 

To throw some questions out there.  The swim.  I currently have been practicing swimming in an old one piece racer back one-piece swimsuit.  I am looking at buying an additional suit, most likely from a thrift store (I am saving all my money for grad school and have little to invest in triathalons unfortunately).  My swim will be in an indoor heated pool, is a racing suit appropriate?  What about a swim cap?  I have never owned a swim cap, but I do use goggles.  Is all of this acceptable?  Would you suggest a swim cap?  Also, I know professional swimmers often do the flip turn at the end of the lanes.... I haven't a clue how to do this, would learning help me to decrease my time? 

I, too, will be using my old mountain bike.  I was wondering if there is some kind of device that can track speed or rpm?  I have been training on a stationary bike (due to the half a foot of snow on the ground currently) and I think it will be important to be able to ride at a consistent speed and be able to monitor this.   If this device exists, approximately how much does one cost?  Do you have any brands or models that you particularly like?

Aside from that, I have really enjoyed my first week of training.  Tomorrow will be my first day of rest.   Good luck to everyone!!!

2010-01-08 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Thanks for the welcome. I am going to upload my training from the begiining of the year. I keep track in a spreadsheet as well as on my smartphone especially so I can track miles on my shoes.

I feeled encouraged already. After the first week of swimming, I can already see a little improvement.

By the way, Run2pray said she signed up for the Celebration Sprint Tri. You must be near me. It is a new race and uses the exact triathlon course as Iron Girl with the only difference being that the race is coed.

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