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2010-04-06 7:28 AM

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Hello All!

I'm Ann. I'm a member of the Ghoulies. We started as a challenge group back in October and have stayed together ever since, coming up with our own little challenges every month and supporting each other along the way.

The VILLAGE of the Ghoulies is going to mentor this group since we feel we have a great deal to offer.

I'll start.

Name: Ann

Story: Well about a year and a half ago I was fat, and tired of being fat. I couldn't make myself workout just for the sake of working out though. Someone that I worked with suggested a triathlon, he had done one. I thought it might be cool to try, so I started working out and watching what I ate. In less than a year I lost 40 pounds and completed a sprint triathlon. I was hooked.

Family Status: I have a husband, a 10 year old son, and a 6 year old daughter. Plus 2 dogs, 4 horses, a rabbit, and some barn cats.

Current training: Don't tell anyone but I'm not officially following a plan right now. Things never go how I have planned. I do try to run 5 days a week, I have a half marathon the beginning of May. I swim 3 or 4 times a week, and I bike as often as I can.

This year's races: Well I already completed the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in Phoenix back in January. I have the Pittsburgh Half Marthon May 2nd, Black Bear Olympic Tri May 23rd, Hagerstown Sprint July 25 (I think that's the date), Steelman Olympic Tri August 8th, Rock N Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach Sept 5, and the Marine Corps Marathon October 31st.

Weight Loss: I have lost 40 lbs, and kept it off. I am trying to lose another 10 also.

What will make me a good mentor: Well I like to leave inspires, just ask any of the Ghoulies. I can answer your questions. I can be supportive. And I'm willing to try.

Edited by ironannekidd 2010-04-08 8:01 AM

2010-04-06 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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2010-04-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group

: Tom

Story: About a year ago I started my new job and realized that over the previous 2+ years I had become extremely out of shape. I had never been an endurance athlete before but I'd worked with quite a few and was always impressed. A co-worker convinced me to start running with her and I ended up signing up for an 8k running race. That got me hooked and from there I signed up for a marathon relay team. Some time last summer I decided that I wanted to do triathlon and have been working towards that ever since. My first race is June 27th and I'm very excited!

For the record, I'll be much more of a "Mentee" on our thread but I'm more than happy to share what minimal knowledge I do possess.

Family Status: I have a wife, a 12 year old son, and a 7 year old daughter. Plus 2 cats, 2 birds, and some fish.

Current training: I'm doing BT's 16 Week Olympic Tri plan, slightly modified to add a third run per week and laid in distances instead of minutes (which I had to figure out myself - thank God for calculators!). I have to "shuffle" my plan almost weekly due to life issues, but I think that helps me from getting too anal about my training. Also, it makes me appreciate it even more when things do go as planned.

This year's races: I ran the Carlsbad Half Marathon on January 24 in 1:46:31. I am currently signed up for the San Diego International Triathlon on June 27 (1k swim, 30k bike, 6.5k run). I'm holding off signing up for more races until my employment situation solidifies, but here are some of my "want to" races:

-Coronado Bay Bridge Run (4-miles), May 16
-Surf Town Sprint Triathlon, August 22
-Mission Bay Sprint Triathlon, October 3
-Silver Strand Half Marathon, November 14

Weight Loss: I have lost 15 lbs, down from 233 this time last year. I would like to settle somewhere between 205 and 210, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. As long as I still feel fit then I'll be happy.

What will make me a good mentor: I can commiserate Seriously, I'm still a newbie to tris and endurance sports in general but I have my own life issues I go through and I understand how difficult it can be to motivate yourself. Even on a beautiful Sunday morning in San Diego. I've gone through some minor injuries (ITBS, strained calf muscle) and can relate to that as well. Mostly, I just try to be a friendly guy and I love the comraderie here on BT and would like to share that with others.
2010-04-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Name: Robin

Story: Two years ago I went on a vacation. The photographs showed an overweight middle aged lady. Not good. I started losing weight and exercising. Probably a mid-life crisis. What ever, I started to run with the C25k program and re-started biking with my DH. I always loved to swim- someone mentioned Triathon in the same sentence as... but that is for athletes. What could I do? I completed my first sprint that September. Last year was problematic but I stuck to the basic training and am determined to have a good race year this year, in spite of not being at my optimal body size.

Family Status: I have a husband, a 22year old son, and a 21 year old daughter.

Current training: I am semi-following a 1/2 marathon training program with biking for 2 days a week. This month will bring back swimming. I am far from a pool but close to a lake. OWS starts this month if the weather holds.

This year's races: Two sprints (maybe three), two 1/2 marathons and a few trail running races.

Weight Loss: I lost 48 pounds tow years ago, gained 20 back in the last year and 1/2 and am in the process of getting it back down to where I need to be. So far I am 5 down.

What will make me a good mentor: I have been a complete newbie and know what it is like to not know anything at all.  I have learned tons on how to train, and how not to train as well.  It may be cliche but: There ARE no dumb questions. I have learned tons from these folks, and been inspired to go when I didn't want to, you will too.

Edited by ceilidh 2010-04-06 4:00 PM
2010-04-07 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group

My name is Stacie, but my Ghoulie friends call me Queen.  how funny is that?  though i maybe queenly in a lot of respects, im far from being tri royalty and consider myself just as much a newbie as the next BT member.

Name: Stacie

Story: Having been a self professed non-athlete my WHOLE life, about three years ago i embarked on a journey to CHANGE MY LIFE.  one of the changes i made i was to claim 100% responsibility for my OVERALL WELLNESS. i knew that it was going to require some significant changes in order for me to become WELL. 

i started running, which was one the most FAR FETCHED activities i could have chosen to pursue.  there was NOTHING about me at the time that said RUNNER let alone TRIATHLETE.

it wasnt long before i realized that i not only enjoyed running for the exercise of it, for all the health benefits that came with it, i had a UNDENIABLE PASSION for training and competition.  who knew this girl who WALKED, yes WALKED the mile in highschool was an ATHLETE? 

and though i LOVED/PARTICIPATED in run-only events (5Ks, 10Ks, and 1/2 MARYS) TRIATHLON and MULTISPORT was what DREW me onward.

i did my first season of Tris last year, a mini and two sprints, ALL three were INCREDIBLE learning experiences for me.  in other words....I TOTALLY SUCKED, but i LEARNED and GREW and EVOLVED a TON!

i also did a two day MS150 mile bike ride.  what an experience THAT was.

when people ask me of the three tri disciplines, whats my favorite, i always say, ALL THREE, TOGETHER, thats my favorite.  i enjoy the variety of triathlons, the daily change up in the training, the transition from one discipline to the next during the event. 


Family Status: soon to be seperating/divorced [my life T1], i live in the suburbs north of Pittsburgh with my three sons, ages 13, 10, and 8.  soon to be a not so stay at home mom [my life T2], i know the challenge of balancing work life with family life with the tri life.  its challenging but oh so doable.  intention is key.

Current training
:   i've used the BT Balanced Olympic Distance Training Plan in the past (serving as template now) and Hal Higdons 5K, 10K, and 1/2 Mary training plans.

This year's races: In lieu of family transitions, ive tapered back my race calendar just a tad.  Life happens. And you adjust to it.  that said, ive already competed (finished 4th) in the indoor tri at the YMCA where i work and train.  i have two sprints on tap, the Davis Family YMCA Triathlon in May and the Edinboro Triathlon the first weekend in June.  also in June i'll be returning to the two-day MS150.  and then throw in a few community 5/10Ks over the summer just for kicks.  then, i'm planning on heading out to Phoenix come 2011 for the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon.

Weight Loss:  i have lost 62 pounds, and have kept it off (the BIGGER accomplishment imho) going on three years, this June.

What will make me a good mentor:  ive been there done that and i know what it takes.  im never one to forget where ive come from and what i took for me to get where i am.  were ALL soujourners.   there is nothing that THRILLS me more than to watch as someone transforms their life.

i am in the process of becoming a CERTIFIED WELLNESS COACH, so the 'call' goes way beyond my participation here on BT.

Edited by skrtrnr 2010-04-07 8:25 AM
2010-04-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2770589


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group

Hi Ann,
I would love to be a mentee in your group.  Is there room?


2010-04-07 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2773316

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
kali0824 - 2010-04-07 9:17 AM

Hi Ann,
I would love to be a mentee in your group.  Is there room?



Everyone who has posted so far is going to help me mentor. I need all the help I can get.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
2010-04-07 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2773341


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Name: Kali

Story: After my having my two children, I gained some weight and for the past year I have been exercising a little here and there but enough to lose about 10 pounds.  My husband and I saw the My First Tri in Eglin posted on, and we decided to give it a try.  It is just a mini sprint, but I am super excited about it.  My only problem was that I can't swim.  I can float and get from one end of the pool to the other but I can't swim.  So, I joined a swimming class for triathletes, and the coach is working with me giving me basic drills.  The more I exercise, the more addicted to it I become, but I am completely new at triathlons, and I have no idea where to start or how much to do. 

Family Status: I have a husband and a six year old boy and three year old girl.  Also, I have a puppy, Velma, and a kitty, Veruca.

Current training: I exercise on average about 3-4 days per week.  The hardest part is consistency.  I find I double up on swimming and running and biking and running on days.  Not sure if I should or just space everything out to have its own day.  I love doing yoga but I do it sporadically.  Also, I try to lift weights two times a week.

This year's races:  I have registered for the mini sprint, My First Tri, at Eglin AFB. 

Weight Loss: I have lost 10 pounds in the past year, but my goal is to lose about 20-25 more pounds to be around 125-130 lbs.
2010-04-07 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Ann, your training plan is inspiring - room for another newbie??

2010-04-07 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2773489

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
MarlaS - 2010-04-07 10:11 AM Ann, your training plan is inspiring - room for another newbie??


Sure Marla

Come on in, kick your shoes off, and make yourself at home.

Would you like to tell us your story?
2010-04-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Sure...I'm even typing barefoot.

Story: I've been through a roller coaster of changes over the last several years - moved to DC area (suburban MD, if anyone else is nearby) for a job that turned out to be lousy, but met a great guy in the process, so quit the job to go back to working for myself, and remarried. Lost nearly 60 pounds over the last year, with another 15 to go. Have thought about a triathlon for 10+ years, but never said it aloud until about 6 months ago - I'm more of an artsy, geeky type than a jock, and a known klutz, so it's pretty bizarre to anyone who knows me, which is part of the appeal!

Racing Plans: I'm registered for my 1st tri, Celebration Sprint, at the end of June, and IronGirl in late August, training with Team Fight in support of the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults - what better way to celebrate my journey back to good health than to raise money for adults with cancer (sounds really corny, I know, but it's true). Also threw in an open-water clinic & 1-mile swim + my first 5K Memorial Day weekend...and the Peachtree Road Race July 4th in Atlanta (my favorite town) & the country's biggest 10K, bc it's a cool shirt & a great day --with friends.... and a 5K with Team Fight in mid-July, and 24 Hours of Booty in late August. And the swim leg of the Half-Full tri in October.

Current Training: I had a matching set of knee surgeries Nov/Dec - was never much of a runner before that, and am working my way back now. My 11-year-old daughter & I are in week 3 of a 5K training program through a local running store - we do our "homework" 4 days/week, with the memorial day 5K as our graduation. I haven't ridden a bike since before they came with gears, so that's the scariest to me. Got a bike between surgeries, new pedals/shoes/bruises last week, and have weekly group rides planned with a combo of Team Fight rides, and rides through my city rec dept & local bike shop. I'm adding another ride or 2 a week on my own, but that's scaring my family bc I keep falling with the stupid pedals. I'm most confident in the water, started with a local masters group in January, and am currently swimming 90 min twice/week with the Ancient Mariners (gotta love the team name). I still have weekly PT for the knees & back, and work with a personal trainer - mostly abs/upper body - once/week. I'd love to find local folks to train with, too on a regular basis - training pals (aka a social life) would be great...but even a virtual group is a good start! Team Fight offers multiple group workouts & training every week, but it's mostly an hour away, so I can't do much with them.

Family, etc: Still more/less a newlywed - much more fun this time around! My daughter's 11, and his twin boys are 20, but only the 11-year-old & her canine brother are living with us. Still want to lose another 10-15 pounds to make a grand total of 70. Will probably continue to eat Jenny Craig food forever at the rate I'm going - have really plateaued for the last few months, but matzoh for a week & last night's nachos after swimming didn't help, either. I'm a pediatric neuropsychologist when I'm not working out.

Hope that covers everything.....

2010-04-07 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
morning Kali and Marla. Glad to have you here!
You both are doing great at getting ready for your upcoming tris. We'll try to ease you into this fun as all get out sport.
2010-04-07 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2773902

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2010-04-07 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Hey Goolies -

Is there room for Janet from Michigan?
2010-04-07 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2773936

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
thanks, y'all...!
2010-04-07 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2773939

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
jcarmody - 2010-04-07 11:56 AM Hey Goolies -

Is there room for Janet from Michigan?

Sure, come on in.

Tell us a little about yourself, Janet.

2010-04-07 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2773957

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
MarlaS - 2010-04-07 12:00 PM thanks, y'all...!

where at in MD Marla?
2010-04-07 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2773936


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
wgraves7582 - 2010-04-07 10:55 AM
ceilidh - 2010-04-07 11:47 AM morning Kali and Marla. Glad to have you here!
You both are doing great at getting ready for your upcoming tris. We'll try to ease you into this fun as all get out sport.

x2 - welcome.  I am the quiet one of the Ghoulies but if you have any questions - just ask

Thanks you guys! I am happy to be here.
2010-04-07 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Kali, where in Fla are you? I was raised on the west coast, near Sarasota. I still have family there.
2010-04-07 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
There is clearly not enough chatter in this group.

Come on people let's talk it up!!!
2010-04-07 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Welcome aboard Marla, Kali, and Janet! This should be a lot of fun. All these Ghoulies have a LOT of knowledge to offer so soak it up. I know I have!

2010-04-07 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
I've never been in a Mentor thread before. Do we celebrate Toppage here as well? I vote yes.
2010-04-07 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2774505

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
ironannekidd - 2010-04-07 11:33 AMThere is clearly not enough chatter in this group.

Come on people let's talk it up!!!

...says the girl who has already contributed to 9+ pages on our other thread already today!

Edited by iowagander 2010-04-07 1:39 PM
2010-04-07 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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2010-04-07 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2770589

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Can I be in you guys' group?
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