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2010-04-06 9:32 AM

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

NAME: Brick94513… Tim

STORY: My name is Tim and I’m addicted to endurance racing.  I reside in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.  38 years old.  On my days off from training and racing, I work as a firefighter-paramedic.

My main ambitions are XTERRA and endurance MTB racing.  I got started with triathlons as a bet between friends.  While the first race was less than stellar, especially the swim, it was memorable and set the hook.

Some milestones I hope to accomplish in the next few years are Ironman, Continental Divide Race, Colorado 500, Arizona Trail 300, Western States 100, and the Furnace Creek 508.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with three boys (9, 6, and 4)

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently, I don’t follow a strict plan pre se.  Instead, I commit to monthly volume targets.  The volume in each discipline will vacillate based on which “A” race is approaching.  My swim and run workouts are very structured, whereas my cycling tends to be more mileage oriented. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2010 will be a busy year.  My main focus will be on the Western Region XTERRA races.  I’m hoping to qualify to XTERRA Nationals this year in Park City, UT.  I’m also competing in the Northern California Endurance MTB series which consists of 8 hour, 24 hour, and 100 mile off-road XC racing.  In between these races, work, and family, I am hoping to squeeze in a few trail runs, Olympic distance triathlons, adventure race, and some additional MTB XC races.

2009 RACES:  I had quite a few races last year which are posted on my training log.  Some highlights: 1st and 2nd AG finish in two XTERRAs race and 1st and 4th Overall in two trail runs.

WEIGHTLOSS:  No thanks.  I’m already scrawny at 150 pounds.  I find it very hard to keep weight and upper body muscle mass.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: While I’m far from a USAT coach, I can provide direction, good information, and I’m not afraid to say “I don’t know.”  Plus, you will have the benefit of two mentors and two different perspectives from different backgrounds.

WHAT WE WANT FROM YOU:  To have fun.  Remember why you got involved in this lifestyle!  It is suppose to be fun!  We want a group that interacts no matter how trivial.  It would be nice to see the members post every day, inspire other members, and share experiences.  It’s about camaraderie.  In my opinion, these groups work so much better if you are chatty.

Edited by brick94513 2010-04-09 4:08 PM

2010-04-06 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Posting for Richard since he is out-of-town:

NAME: GoGoGo...Richard

STORY: Typical Mid 40's male, with some athletic backround into early 20's. Life, family, education, kids got in the way. Ballooned 250 pounds. Decided to make a change 2.5 years ago. Started running, then cycling, now trying to master swimming.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids (7 & 9)

CURRENT TRAINING: Presently trying to build further running & cycling base. Got a long way to go with swim.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Half mary Feb 2010 Completed.

2010 RACES: Plan to run several running races, some as training runs...usually run any distance from 5k to half mary. Usually do Weekly cycling time trials. Plan several sprint & Olympic Tri's during season.

WEIGHTLOSS: Presently at 215 (6'4"), could get a little leaner for race season, but I am a Clyde body build.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a lot of running knowledge & moderate cycling knowledge. Luckily Tim, has lots of Swim knowledge! Because we are a team, we can easily attend to the thread/group. Different viewpoints are useful!
2010-04-07 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

I want in with you guys.  I was in a group with GoGoGo last time and he is a good guy even if he is crazy enough to run in weather so cold his Gatorade freezes LOL!!

I'm 41 years old been married for 21 years and have 1 boy that is 6. 

My sports background started with joining the Marine Corps after High School and consisted of lots of Running and Body building.  later I got Heavy into Martial arts.  I got burned out on that and by mid 30's just ran a little and lifted weights some to stay in shape.  In 2006 I took a traveling out of town job for a year and gained a lot of weight.  3 years later my  40 year old check up reveled High Cholesterol and blood pressure,  so I got off my lazy A$$ and started running again in November of 2009, only to find out I now have Asthma, which has made this running come back quite the humbling experience. None the less, I persisted & have lost 30 pounds from 195 to 165 pounds & blood pressure and cholesterol is all good again. 


February 2010 Completed 5K 29:01

April 10th 2010 Hogs Hunt 25K trail run this weekend.


I really have a Run Focus this year and am looking to continue building the run the rest of this year and want to do a Trail Ultra 50K in November.  I may do a couple of Sprints this year but I have to learn to formally swim cause the treading water and dog paddle probably won’t cut it in a Tri. 

Anyway I'll fill you in with more details as we go Look forward to being with you guys if you'll have me.   


2010-04-07 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2775260

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
I want in. I'm 47, married, two boys ages 10 and 14. Played some football, ran a marathon, couple of half marys, bunch of 5 and 10 ks. Stopped running about 12 years ago. Picked up cycling 3 years ago and focused on distance events. Did a few centuries and brevets. Decided to try a sprint tri this year. Finished the Smithfield Sprint on 3/27. Next sprint is the Old Point Tidewater Sprint in June. I'm okay with the bike and the run... but swimming really kicks me. I've lost about 40 pounds since I started the fitness lifestyle thing 3 years ago. Could easily drop another 15 or 20. I try to keep everything I eat paleo... seems to work for me.
2010-04-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi William....  We are glad to have you aboard.  Looks like you have already met my crazy Canuck for a partner.  Richard is a great guy and I'm sure he will be able to help you along with your run goals.

25k right around the corner.  Are you ready?

I too have high cholesterol.  Mine, unfortunately, is related to genetics.  I refused to go on medication.  While my total count seems to reside around 200, I've been able to keep my HDL high through regular exercise.  As long as I keep the ratio less than4:1, it keeps the doctor off my back.

Glad to have you aboard.  Richard and I both want to keep this group active, talkative, and fun!
2010-04-07 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
John, welcome.  Glad to have you with us!

How did your first sprint tri go for you?  Share your experience.

Don't get discouraged about the swim!  I think it is safe to say that most people dread the swim most out of all three disciplines.  It takes time and a different mindset.  Swimming differs immensly from cycling and running.  To get better at running or riding, you simply put in more time and build to greater distances.  But with swimming, it is all about technique.  Drills, drills, and more drills.  Have patience and it will come to you.

Again, welcome and let's have some fun.

2010-04-07 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Oh, by the way, our friend from the North (Richard...GoGoGo) is currently vacationing in sunny Florida.  So, for a while, it will just be me chatting with ya.
2010-04-07 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
William, Bill, which do you prefer?  I see you like to brew.  Do you have a preference or do you brew all kinds of beer?
2010-04-07 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
NAME:  croixfan (Curt -- name comes from my preference for St. Croix fishing rods)

STORY:  43 year old male.  Married for 23 years this year.  3 kids (18, 15, 12).  Used to be (i.e. pre-kids) really active physically.  Over time, it's kind of slid.  In December of 2008 hit an all time low when I blew an Achilles.  In March of 2009 moved back to the midwest from Brussels.  In May started my rehab seriously.  Have spent the past 10 months working out in the gym doing a combination of 20 rep lifts w/ 1.5 minute sesssions on the bike.  Last July my 15 year old son asked to do a sprint triathlon (kids a XC runner and doesn't seem to know the meaning of tired).  The thought of one really intrigued me personally.  Last month, found out that we'll be relocating up to Chicago.  For the next two months I'll have access M-Fri to a gym and a pool, so I said what the heck let's give it a go.  My runs OK as I did 3.3 miles at a bit over a 9 minute pace this weekend.  Bikes OK as I've been riding a 9 mile loop between 18 and 20 MPH with no problem.  Then we have the swim -- where I'll be looking for you all to help me out.

2009 Races -- I watched one sprint -- does that count?

2010 Races -- Targeting a sprint in July, but I'd like to complete 1 or 2 others if I can convince myself I am capable of the swim.

Weightloss -- 5'9" and 185 pounds.  Ideally I'd like to get down around 170.  If I hit this will be in pretty darn incredible shape.  Realistically would like to get below 180 and hold by year end

Why I'd be a good "mentee" -- Follow the board regularly and am ready to share the experience / share the learning.   Have quite a bit of background in competitive fishing that I can share.  Also carrry a 12 HCP on the links and love to help folks with their game.

Looking forward to the experience.

Take care.
2010-04-07 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
I'd like to join your group!  I'll post up a bio in a bit, gotta go tuck in the kids (there's a partial bio right there, I guess...).

2010-04-07 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2775739

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-07 9:04 PM Hi William....  We are glad to have you aboard.  Looks like you have already met my crazy Canuck for a partner.  Richard is a great guy and I'm sure he will be able to help you along with your run goals.

25k right around the corner.  Are you ready?

I too have high cholesterol.  Mine, unfortunately, is related to genetics.  I refused to go on medication.  While my total count seems to reside around 200, I've been able to keep my HDL high through regular exercise.  As long as I keep the ratio less than4:1, it keeps the doctor off my back.

Glad to have you aboard.  Richard and I both want to keep this group active, talkative, and fun!

Thanks Tim

I'm ready.  I ran my last long run 15 miles 2 weeks ago and just tapering till Saturday. I'll finish the race for sure but probably pretty slow.  I'm looking to finish and just keep building miles Not getting injured is my top priority. I'm looking forward to the summer and seeing how far I can go. 
I'll be getting my rear back in the Gym for 3 days a week of weights after this race.  My wife said I was looking "Saggy"  I dont think I'm sagging but I will agree all running without weight traing can leave you looking like a Crack Addict...

As far as cholesterol goes I couldn't get mine below 200 either Mine is also genetics.  BUT, I found a supliment at GNC called Red Yeast Rice and IT WORKS!! My numbers are below 175 now. You can either take 3 seperate things

1. Omega Complex
2. Red Yeast rice
3. C0Q-10 50mg

Or you can just buy a month supply of all 3 in one box at GNC called  Dr. CHOLESTEROL.   I'm like you I dont want to take the meds unless I have to.

2010-04-07 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Curt!  Nice to have you with us.

How far will the swim be for the spint tri you are eyeing?  Is it open water or pool?  These will obviously make a difference in how you will go about your training.  The good news, July gives you plenty of time to get ready!

Competitive fishing?  Fresh or salt?

Talk to you soon.
2010-04-07 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2775775

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-07 9:21 PM William, Bill, which do you prefer?  I see you like to brew.  Do you have a preference or do you brew all kinds of beer?

I LOVE ALL BEER!!! :-) I brew a few small batches a year usually keep it simple extract, Steep some Christal malt in it and use Wyeast the matches the brew. Best so far is a Pecan Coffee Porter.   I have to say I can't brew beer as good as some of the Local Micro's and I Love Dogfish Head's 60 minuit IPA.  How about you?
2010-04-07 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

Tim / Richard,

I’ve been a resident here on BT since February and have been looking for the right fit for a Mentor Group and looks like we have a few things in common.  I’m a retired Fireman and Veteran now living in San Diego (formerly from San Francisco), I am married with a boatload of kids and a grandchild and currently am one of those private Security Consultants that everyone loves to hate on (but secretly wishes they were one)… oh’ and I like Beer too.

Being an avid mountain biker, four months ago I transitioned to a TT bike and currently crank an average 80 miles a week being sure to work on speed, cadence, climbing and bike handling skills.  The other two events pose unique challenges for me.  With a history of CECS, running is tough, and I have to train very carefully to balance performance improvements with negative effects from the high-impact. I am currently running 30 mins 4X per week with an average distance of only 3 miles per run.  Yeah, I know what you are thinking… “Wow that’s slow!”  But I’m confident by sticking to a treadmill to soften the impact (and listening to my legs) I can finish my upcoming Sprint distances.  Although I’ve been surfing my whole life and have been a recreational, military and public safety diver and water rescue technician, when it comes to triathlon I realized I needed to start from scratch.  For over a month I have been attending a Masters Swim Program as well as Beginner Open Water Swims with Triathlon Club of San Diego (TCSD) once a week and am making great strides in the swim.

I dwell at the top-end of the 45 to 49 triathlon age group and have no previous triathlon experience -but- I am motivated with an open mind.  I am entered in the San Diego Spring Sprint Tri on May 2nd, the Encinitas Sprint Tri on May 16th, the Redondo Beach Sprint Tri on June 13th, and the Central Coast Adventure Challenge on June 20th.  In addition TCSD holds Monthly Time Trials and Triathlons and I intend to take advantage of as many club events as possible as well.

I got into Triathlons as a lifestyle change to ensure my longevity and enjoyment of my family.  I am also heavily involved with Veteran and Fire Service organizations and intend to use endurance races as ways to leverage support to the unique health requirements of my Brothers and Sisters.  I am enjoying the learning process and my job allows me to train a few hours a day.  I am looking forward to learning how to make this experience a positive one and am grateful for all the information, resources, tips, tricks, advice, consultation, criticism, and support found on BT and hope to gain even more from the brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group.

De Opresso Liber-


Edited by BigH2OChief 2010-04-07 9:58 PM
2010-04-07 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2775847

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-07 7:46 PM

I'm ready.  I ran my last long run 15 miles 2 weeks ago and just tapering till Saturday. I'll finish the race for sure but probably pretty slow.  I'm looking to finish and just keep building miles Not getting injured is my top priority.

I ended up on the IR after building run mileage to quickly trying to prepare for the Big Sur Marathon.  Not only did I get set back several months, but I had to pass on the marathon all together.  Very frustrating and lesson learned.  I'm now a big believer in not increasing weekly/monthly mileage by no more than 10 percent.  Also, I make sure my long runs are no more than 40 percent of my weekly total.

I've been taking Flax Seed Oil, Salmon Oil, and a herbal anti-inflammatory to help with the cholesterol.  I have a another blood test in a couple weeks.  It will be interesting to see if there has been an improvement.  I'm going to check out your recommendation in the morning.
2010-04-07 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2775870

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-07 7:53 PM
brick94513 - 2010-04-07 9:21 PM William, Bill, which do you prefer?  I see you like to brew.  Do you have a preference or do you brew all kinds of beer?

I LOVE ALL BEER!!! :-) I brew a few small batches a year usually keep it simple extract, Steep some Christal malt in it and use Wyeast the matches the brew. Best so far is a Pecan Coffee Porter.   I have to say I can't brew beer as good as some of the Local Micro's and I Love Dogfish Head's 60 minuit IPA.  How about you?

Stouts!  The thicker the better.  Actually, I'm quite fond of black and tans.  My recent combo was Murphy's and Red Hook.  Along the lines of micro, I really like Deschutes and Lagunitas.

Pecan Coffee Porter?  That sounds like candy!

2010-04-07 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2775812

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
norcal_SAHD - 2010-04-07 7:32 PM I'd like to join your group!  I'll post up a bio in a bit, gotta go tuck in the kids (there's a partial bio right there, I guess...).


Hi David.

NorCal?  Where abouts?  I'm in the East Bay.

When you get those kids in bed, post up a bio.  Glad to have you with us.
2010-04-07 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi there Mark!

May I assume CECS is chronic exertional compartment syndrome?  If your running four times a week, you are well on your way to being ready for that first sprint tri.  Don't ever assume your slow!  One man's slow is another man's goal!  You're doing it and that's what matters.

Looks like we will being talking about swimming alot.  You already have taken great preparatory steps by joining a master's group and tri club.  All the sprints you have planned are ocean swims, right?  Way to jump in with both feetSmile

Look forward to chatting with you....
2010-04-07 11:21 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey Tim,

Yep, that's what CECS is… and it hurts like hell when it flares.  The VA and Civilian Docs say it's a combo result of jumping outa planes, humping a rucksack and hauling hose bundles in crappy boots for over 20 years.  Regardless... I won’t allow it to be an excuse to detract from my personal goals because I'm older, smarter and insured. (ha-ha).

A month ago I had been on the bike an average of 120 miles a week and realized I was favoring my strength so I backed off the bike and increased time on the treadmill.  The swim work was actually not a given.  About a month ago I did the race course for my May 2nd Spring Sprint-Tri thinking I could just "swim it".  I learned the hard way if I wanted to be competitive (and we Fireman are competitive) I needed to understand the tactics and strategy of open water swimming as well as get some good coaching on Transitions.  All the Tri’s I have planned this season are Ocean Swims so I am working that aspect weekly and TCSD has a Transition(s) Clinic coming up soon.

It’s all about the learning and hard work these days and I’ve got a great support group between Family, the Club and my Bros’.  Looking forward to chatting and learning here too.

Stay safe~


P.S. What Agency you with?

2010-04-08 5:18 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

The sprints in Springfield, IL on 25 July (Stoneman Sprint Triathlon).  It's a 500 yard OWS.  There's a couple of others that are in June that are 400 yards and in the pool.  Those are the ones I'd like to be ready to participate in.  I've bought the TI book and video.  Biggest challenge is the breathing.  Yesterday I actually did 20 x 25 yards w/o stopping on any of the lengths!  For me this was a HUGE milestone as I could not even do 1/2 a length 3 weeks ago.  Heading down to the pool in 20 minutes for another shot at it.

On the fishing front it was tournament bass fishing.  Good news is that the tri's will take a lot less time.

I'll post some questions on buying a road bike later today.  Made the mistake of going to the LBS last weekend and got hooked.

Have a great day.

2010-04-08 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Is there room for a rookie in here?

If so, I'd love to join!

2010-04-08 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2775981

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
BigH2OChief - 2010-04-07 9:21 PM

 All the Tri’s I have planned this season are Ocean Swims so I am working that aspect weekly and TCSD has a Transition(s) Clinic coming up soon.

P.S. What Agency you with?

We can all learn from your experiences with the upcoming clinics.  I'm very interested in hearing from you.  I have some open water experience.  I grew up surfing in Orange County, waterskiing, and now wakeboarding.  I've always been around the water.  At work, my captain is part of our Marine Rescue, so I'm always picking his brain about coastal conditions.

I work for Central Fire Protection of Santa Cruz County.  We are a four station department running four type I engines, one type III engine, and one truck.  I'm currently assigned to the Capitola station.
2010-04-08 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2776086

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
croixfan - 2010-04-08 3:18 AM Tim,

The sprints in Springfield, IL on 25 July (Stoneman Sprint Triathlon).  It's a 500 yard OWS.  There's a couple of others that are in June that are 400 yards and in the pool.  Those are the ones I'd like to be ready to participate in.  I've bought the TI book and video.  Biggest challenge is the breathing.  Yesterday I actually did 20 x 25 yards w/o stopping on any of the lengths!  For me this was a HUGE milestone as I could not even do 1/2 a length 3 weeks ago.  Heading down to the pool in 20 minutes for another shot at it.

On the fishing front it was tournament bass fishing.  Good news is that the tri's will take a lot less time.

I'll post some questions on buying a road bike later today.  Made the mistake of going to the LBS last weekend and got hooked.

Have a great day.


Good job on the swim.  For right now, keeping your workouts shorter and focusing on technique will probably be the most beneficial.  Good purchase on the TI.  A lot of people around here high recommend them.

Bikes are addicting!
2010-04-08 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Nick, by all means join us.  Post a bio and feel free to chat away.
2010-04-08 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
OK guys, off to work.  I'll be checking the site from work, but a little less frequently.  I work a 48 hour shift, but then have four days off.

What does the rest of the week hold for you guys as far as training?  I have a couple treadmill runs and most likely an OWS after work on Saturday morning.

Train hard, be safe, and have FUN!
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