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2010-04-07 4:15 PM

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
NAME: Experior (Michael)

I'm an adult-onset athlete.  When I turned 40 in May of 2008, I realized how unhappy I was with how I looked and felt.  I quit drinking so much and started running, but quickly got injured.  So I figured out the hard way that there are better and worse ways to train, and started to educate myself about training. I did my first marathon 6 months later, and from there I was hooked on endurance sport.  In the following year, I did a season of tris and running races at all distances from sprint to ironman.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years, with three children aged 4 ('almost 5', as she says), 7, and 9. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I bake my own plans, based on a lot of reading and talking to people.  I've learned a lot, and still have a lot to learn.  Overall this year I'm focused on getting faster, in hopes of applying that speed to a second IM in 2011.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: So far this year I've done just one sprint (first AG win! -- sorry, I'm just a little excited!), and I'll be doing a half marathon in a few days.

2009 RACES:  Races that I'm currently signed up to do include:

Downtown Columbia (Sprint - done)
Palmetto Half Marathon
TryCharleston Half (HIM)
Festival of Flowers (Oly)
Tri the Midlands (Sprint)
Myrtle Beach (HIM, HalfMax Championships)

I lost 30lbs during the summer of 2008, and 10 more since.  I gained some weight after IMKY last year and spent the winter (with great motivation from my last mentor group!) losing that.  I have 5 pounds to go before I think I'm at my ideal race weight.  It won't happen for this May HIM, but maybe for next Fall? 

I love responding to questions about triathlon.  I respond quickly, and thoroughly (maybe a bit too thoroughly for some people's taste Laughing).  I love finding the answers when I don't know them. 
I love learning as much as possible about S/B/R.  And what I learned from my previous mentor group is just how motivating it can be to be in regular contact with others who are like-minded.   Let's learn together!

Edited by Experior 2010-04-09 6:33 AM

2010-04-07 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Glad to see that you are continuing the mentor group.  Count me in!
2010-04-07 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Hi Michael,

Brian here.  Please count me in.  I'll do a reintroduction later this evening (off to swim) so if anyone new comes aboard they know a little about me.
2010-04-08 5:09 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Great to see you back, guys.  Do re-post intros (modified if you wish!) so we all know a bit about one another.
2010-04-08 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN

Name: Sylvain

STORY: Had a very active lifestyle, then stopped all when had first child 6 years ago. For my standard I was in terrible shape and was starting to worry about keeping up with my daughter when she became a teen. I want her to be active also and she will need to learn from somewhere. One day I fell upon an article titled "Train like a triathlete to get in shape fast". I read the article and was hooked. Couple days later I started running in my yard (5 acres), 30 seconds run, 30 sec walk. I started searching for info on triathlon, found BT, sign up. Browsed around and found the couch to 5K program. This was in Aug/07. Not having access to Bike or pool, I stuck to running. Finnished my first Half Marathon in May/08, then first Marathon in September/08. Ran two Marathons in 2009, plus a 30K and 10K running race. Now, 2010, is the season I will race some Tri sprints. I found a gym that has all facilities for my indoor (winter) training (swim, bike (stationary & spin classes), treadmills, and equipment for core workouts). My ultimate goal is IM before I'm 45.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 8 years, with two children aged 6 and 2.

CURRENT TRAINING: Winter training has been very inconsistant. Hoping to start 12 week sprint training plan next week to prepare for first two sprint races on June 6 and July 4.

2009 RACES: 30K around the Bay Hamilton, Canada - Ottawa Marathon Ottawa, Canada - 10K Oshawa Canada -Scotia Waterfront Marathon Toronto, Canada.

2010 RACES: Did not sign up for any of these yet but that's my current schedule. June 6 Milton Sprint (B race), July 4 Peterborough Sprint (A race - pending work travel), August 2 Orilia Sprint (B race), August 31 Cobourg Sprint (A race). Depending on schedule will be doing some 5K and 10K races.

WEIGHTLOSS: I loss ten pounds over the winter, thank you Winter Experior Group, and I think I might be at my ideal weight. I'll let you know at end of summer.
2010-04-08 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2775836

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Hi Michael,

I'd like to continue on with your mentor group as the information and support has been fantastic over the winter.  I'm also looking forward to meeting some new faces in the group.  [Note to new faces:  I think you'll find Michael (and those of us who continue on) to be an extremely helpful and knowledgeable group consisting of lots of different levels of experience.]

Anyway, here's a brief introduction for the new folks!

Story:  Triathlons have been a pull for me for years and I've watched the Kona Ironman forever and it's always enthralled me.   Loved swimming and biking as a kid, but didn't do much of either after age 25 or so.  Always disliked running as I wasn't very good at it and never ran more than 2 miles in my life.  So despite the interest in triathlons, the thought of running *after* the swimming and biking kept me from considering it (as well as other demands on my time).   About 5 years ago, I found myself 50 lbs overweight and under a bunch of stress and decided I needed to change some priorities, starting with health and fitness.  So, I started running a bit with my father-in-law (who, at 75+, is still a force to be reckoned with) and worked my way up to a half-marathon and my first triathlon 3 years ago.  Unfortunately, soon after that (probably due to bad training habits) my knee started giving me problems which took most of 15 months or so to get mostly resolved.  After physical therapy, etc., I slowly worked my way back to 5Ks (albeit slower) and last year did a full season of running (several 10Ks and a 1/2 Mary) and triathlons (3 Sprints and 1 Olympic).  Just did my first race of the year - a 10 mile run and took 10+ minutes off my pre-knee issue time.  Much of that improvement I chalk up to improved training that I learned as part of this mentor group and BT.  Next up, a sprint tri at the end of April and I'm still vacillating about a HIM in early May. 

Family Status:  I'm hitting the big 5-0 this year, have been married for 27 years and have one daughter who is a senior in high school (I write this on the college tour trip).  Empty nest, here we come.  My wife gets to the gym every now and then, is not a training partner, but generally supportive of my habits.

Current Training:  Please see my logs.  More focus needed on the bike now that I'm past the 10 mile run.

2009 Season:  3 Sprints (Charlottesville, Richmond 3Sports, Culpeper), 1 Olympic (Giant Acorn), several 10Ks, Richmond 1/2 Mary.  I was really happy with last year.  Did more than I expected. 

2010 Races:
  Charlottesville 10 Miler (a local favorite), 3 or 4 local sprint tris (Virginia Series), one Olympic, and then either Kinetic or REV3 HIM is my stretch goal.  But, the overarching objective is to be in good shape, have fun, and stay injury free.  And that all comes after family and work.

Weightloss:  I'm 204 as of April 1.  Down from 240 several years back.  I'd like to exercise my way out of the Clydesdales.  Getting close.  Probably 190 is what I should be.  I'm down about 10 lbs since Jan 1.

What will make me a good member of your group:
  I stumbled upon BT last year and am really enjoying it.  I will plan on being an active poster in the group and share and exchange ideas.  I've had some real ups and downs when it comes to training, have learned patience the hard way, and am now much more reasonable about my goals.  I'll work hard at it, but I try to keep my priorities in line.  Though I train solo, I've very much appreciated being part of this virtual group for mutual support, encouragement and training ideas. 


Edited by juneapple 2010-04-08 7:51 AM

2010-04-08 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Welcome back Sylvain and Stu!

OK, reading Stu's intro made me realize that I screwed up my own!  So, since I can't edit it any more, just for the record...

2009 RACES:  Several sprints, an Oly, 2 HIMs and IMKY.

2010 RACES:
Races that I'm currently signed up to do include:

Downtown Columbia (Sprint - done)
Palmetto Half Marathon
TryCharleston Half (HIM)
Festival of Flowers (Oly)
Tri the Midlands (Sprint)
Myrtle Beach (HIM, HalfMax Championships)
2010-04-08 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Michael, I'd like to continue on this group as well.

I, too, am an adult-onset athlete.  Quickly approaching 40, I've decided to start exercising with the goal of competing in triathlons starting this spring.  Over the past 3 years, I've gone from 230 to 168 with a goal of dropping another 3 pounds before the season starts.  (I lost 6 lbs since we began the first Experior group!!!)  I'm currently swimming 3x / week, biking 3x / week and running 2x / week.   During the Winter group, I experienced an awful Wii-related injury (but I did get the Super Hula-Hoop record!) and a flooded basement (taking out my exercise room for 2 weeks).  However, with the encouragement from Michael and the rest of team Experior, I've made it through and am nearly at my goals for the start of the season.

2010 Racing Goals

I have signed up for a 5k race and 4 sprints.  My goal is to finish the first sprint and the 5k not in last place for my AG.  I then hope to be in the top 50% of my AG by the last race of the season.

- Mark


2010-04-08 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Hey Michael - I realize I am jumping the gun but I could not resist with a fellow IM Louisville alumni!

For your consideration:

NAME: microspawn/James

STORY: I am 37. I am also late comer to athleticism. I smoked for 13 years and was overweight. At the age of 30 I woke up and turned everything around. I remember spending months working my way up to being able to run a mile non-stop. I started doing triathlons in 2007. I was terrified of the swim but persevered. Being athletic has helped me overcome many obstacles in my life.
FAMILY STATUS: In a relationship / widowed

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been doing the run / bike / swim extensively for the past few years. I exercise for the physical and mental health. I completed in about 7 triathlons last year culminating with Ironman Louisville. I was fortunately enough to PR at all of my races! I enjoyed every minute of it but I want to concentrate on speed this year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My endurance improved significantly last year but I would like to be faster. I want to build on this huge ironman base from last year. Over the winter I did a strong running concentration with cycling base building. My swimming has picked up and I am working on the bike.

2010 RACES: The first half of the year:
12/20-Ole Man River Half – New Orleans - PR
01/01-Stream Whistle 12k – Hattiesburg
01/10 - First Light Half Marathon - PR 1:29:28
01/17-Louisiana State 25K Championship – New Orleans - PR
01/31-"The WALL" Louisiana State 30K Championship – New Orleans - PR
02/28-Mardi Gras Marathon – New Orleans - Boston Qualified 3:08:44
04/18-Ironman 70.3 New Orleans
06/05-Heatwave Classic Triathlon
07/XX-Sunfish Summer Triathlon
07/24-Heart O’Dixie Triathlon

WEIGHTLOSS: I still struggle some but I am comfortable with my weight. I keep my eye on it constantly.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I enjoy the camaraderie of the sport and talking the talk. I am a goal setter. I know that I can accomplish anything if I take it step by step and work a plan. I am also into photography and blogging!

2010-04-08 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Hey Michael- Please count me in. I'll send a bio tonight when the kids are in bed.

2010-04-08 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN

Been crazy busy the last week. Can I get in? I'll get the introduction in later tonight.


Edited by StlPhil 2010-04-08 5:57 PM

2010-04-08 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
James, welcome!  You want to GET fast?  I'd say you are already pretty quick!  But I know what you mean.  There's always fastER, right?

Mark -- welcome back!

Heidi -- welcome back!

Phil -- welcome back!

Edited by Experior 2010-04-08 6:47 PM
2010-04-08 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN

I'd still like to participate in your Mentor Group for Round Two.  FYI...I was born in Summerville, SC and am the son of a Navel Office who was stationed in Charleston in the 70's.  I attended Hunley Park Elementary and lived in Hunley Park for about 4 years.  Also lived in Menriv Park prior to Hunley Park.  I Understand Hunley Park is no longer part of the Navel Housing since selling the Navel Base, but has been rebuilt. 

I am on BT daily and log my workouts regularly.


Story...  I am a 46 old Male who has lost 60 some lbs. in the last two years through Weight Watchers and still attend as Life Time Member.   I didn't like to exercise just to exercise, but want it to go to something that I was working towards so I signed up for a Tri-It Triathlon and began a training program last March.  I have participated in Sports all the way through College.  I have been hooked since have worked hard on my limiters over the winter (Bike and Run).  Do OK in the swim, at least comfortable with where I am at right now.  Belong to the local tri club and serve as the Website Tri Club Coordinator for our  Willamette Valley Tri Club. 

Family:  I am happily married for 23 years with an 8yr. old son and live in Salem, Oregon.  I am a big Oregon Duck Fan.  Hopefully you won't hold that against me.

Profession:  Work as a Public School Administrator Coordinating Special Programs/Classrooms for Students with Disabilities.

Current Training:  Currently using a Olympic distance plan for training.  First Sprint will be April 18th.  Ran a 10K this winter 53:29; and a test 5K 23:30.

2009 Races:
  Did two Tri-Its and one full sprint.  Medaled as a Clydesdale in my first full-sprint and last race of the year.  I will confess there was only two of us in the 40 over Clydesdale, however, going in I thought there would be at least three of us so raced knowing that.  Anyway I was proud of it none the less.

2010 Races:  Will race in 3 Sprints and hopefully 1 or 2 Olympic distance races with the idea of doing All Olympic distances in 2011 along with Boise 70.3 Ironman in 2011 or 2012.  At some point I want to work towards an Ironman Distance Race (Maybe for my 50th Birthday).

Weightloss:  Would like to get down to 190 lbs. again.  Right now I am about 198 range.  Very doable.  Expect that to happen by June 6th (First Olympic distance Race).

Interesting things about me:  Looked up a a Elementary School friend last year who I knew in Hunley Park.  Goggled his name and it turns out he is an Architect who still lives in Charleston.  We have kept in touch via e-mail.

Look forward to a reply... Take Care.
2010-04-08 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Brian,  welcome back!
2010-04-08 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2778739

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN

Room for me?

Name: Randy/slornow

Location: Fairhope Alabama-Gulf Coast just across Mobile Bay from City of Mobile.  Originally from Hampton Virginia but have lived in L.A. (lower Alabama) for 21 years 

Personal-Male age 47;married for almost 20 years. Son 16 and daughter 15

Background: Always participated in sports. Played tennis competitvely growing up and for a couple of years in college.  Continued to workout/lift weights as I aged.  Got more run focused a couple of years ago but some run related injuries got me interested in triathlon last year about this time.  You know-3 sports less chance of injury. Wow! Did not realize swimming would be so hard.

2009-did 2 sprints an olympic and a duathlon.  Did pretty well in AG in races so very excited about 2010

2010-had planned to do a May HIM with 2-3 races through the Summer and another HIM in the Fall.  BUT, injured my right leg running a half marathon in January.  No running since mid January as I try to heal.  UGH!! piriformis, ITB, sciatica, hamstring who knows...... Have been swimming about 40k yards a month since injury and have improved significantly.  Some biking but not lately as I am trying to give the leg some time off.  I'm close to getting back to running but not there yet.  Plan to do sprint in early June and hopefully Chattanooga Waterfront in July.  Will see after that.  Right now I just want to RUN!!

Training: Right now avg 8-10 hours a week but will probably be 12 when I get better.

Why me? Really enjoyed being part of a group the past 2 sessions.  Always looking for support and advice and happy to provide it as well.




2010-04-08 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
I'd like to join, any room?

NAME: Mike

STORY:  Generally athletic all my life.  Grew up on soccer.  Ran 10k's when young with my dad.  Been playing volleyball most of adult life.  Slacked off from athletics when kids were very young.  Moved to CO a few years ago and decided to get in shape again so I didn't hurt myself playing vball.  Wife decided to do a sprint tri 2 years ago so I thought I'd join her.  Took swimming lessons and started to s/b/r train to mix in with vball training.  I've only done 2 sprint tris so far, and at the end of last summer decided to take a hiatus from vball to focus on s/b/r.  Then signed up for the 5430 series for 2010.  I was just going to do sprints and first Oly, but can't turn down a good deal, so signed up for the HIM also.  40, but probably in the best shape of my life, except for college when i was playing vball 4x a week, and soccer 2x a week.

FAMILY STATUS: Married.  Have a girl and boy: 8,6. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Building base and about 18 weeks out from the HIM, so need to figure out if I need any special planning aside from what I've been doing.  Weak in bike and swim, but have seen some decent gains in bike, and noticible gains in run.

2010 RACES:  1 sprint, then 5430 series (sprint,oly,him).

WEIGHTLOSS: Since switching my training to fully s/b/r in fall I lost 10 pounds and am more concerned now with just keeping weight on.

2010-04-08 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
Hey everyone...Gave up a 1 hour bike this evening to take my son to a School Function.  My wife was not feeling well.  Doing these kind of things (giving up some workouts and as I am learning) is necessary and in the long run will prove to be worth it when it comes to wanting to do other races.  I get such a welcome response from my wife as she knows how important it is for me to stick with the workout schedule and how I don't like to miss one.

2010-04-08 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
I thought I would place a face with my user name. Here is the picture of the "fatman" pants I promised to post a couple months ago. Ever so close to the century mark, but close enough. These are the tuxedo pants from my daughter's wedding. Somewhat embarrased looking back at the wedding photos. Just wanted to say thanks to everyones help in the Experior group!


Edited by StlPhil 2010-04-08 11:31 PM


fatpants.jpg (51KB - 25 downloads)
2010-04-09 5:53 AM
in reply to: #2779020

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
StlPhil - 2010-04-09 12:28 AM I thought I would place a face with my user name. Here is the picture of the "fatman" pants I promised to post a couple months ago. Ever so close to the century mark, but close enough. These are the tuxedo pants from my daughter's wedding. Somewhat embarrased looking back at the wedding photos. Just wanted to say thanks to everyones help in the Experior group!


Phil-THAT is amazing! What a huge accomplishment that is.
2010-04-09 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
As promised, here's my bio:

NAME: Slowturtle/ Heidi
  If any one knows a way to change my user name without losing all my saved logs and info, let me know.

STORY: I'm 41 year old who became interested in Tri's in 2008.  I had made several lifestyle changes that year, and was looking for new ways to push myself. Doing a Tri, seemed like a great idea. I was already bike commuting, and running recreationally.  I did one sprint race that year, and was motivated to work harder in '09. I'm slow, but I have fun!

FAMILY STAUS: Married for 8 years. 3 kids: age 20, 7 and 3. My husband has done 2 tri's with me, but hates the swim. So he isn't planning to do any more. My 7 year old loves watching and helping me train! I work full time as a Program Manager for the Traumatic Brain Injury section of my company.

CURRENT TRAINING: For now, I'm dealing with a stress fracture in my foot, and some nerve damage. So, I'm restricted to pool running and swimming. My husband works 2 jobs, so finding time to train can be a challenge.

2009 RACES: Northern Columbia tri- which some one said should've been a "Sproly" the bike was 20 miles and the run was 4.5.
      The DACC Sprint, and the 2nd annual Home Tri (sprint).

2010 Races: At this point my goals are to be able to repeat the 3 races I did last year, and see some improvement in my times.

Weightloss: Not a big issue for me, but around the holidays I struggle a little.

What will make me a good addition to the group: I participate frequently. I'm motivated to improve. I love the camraderie, and accountability of a group.

2010-04-09 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2778851

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
slornow - 2010-04-08 10:15 PM

Room for me?

Name: Randy/slornow

Location: Fairhope Alabama-Gulf Coast just across Mobile Bay from City of Mobile.  Originally from Hampton Virginia but have lived in L.A. (lower Alabama) for 21 years 

Personal-Male age 47;married for almost 20 years. Son 16 and daughter 15

Background: Always participated in sports. Played tennis competitvely growing up and for a couple of years in college.  Continued to workout/lift weights as I aged.  Got more run focused a couple of years ago but some run related injuries got me interested in triathlon last year about this time.  You know-3 sports less chance of injury. Wow! Did not realize swimming would be so hard.

2009-did 2 sprints an olympic and a duathlon.  Did pretty well in AG in races so very excited about 2010

2010-had planned to do a May HIM with 2-3 races through the Summer and another HIM in the Fall.  BUT, injured my right leg running a half marathon in January.  No running since mid January as I try to heal.  UGH!! piriformis, ITB, sciatica, hamstring who knows...... Have been swimming about 40k yards a month since injury and have improved significantly.  Some biking but not lately as I am trying to give the leg some time off.  I'm close to getting back to running but not there yet.  Plan to do sprint in early June and hopefully Chattanooga Waterfront in July.  Will see after that.  Right now I just want to RUN!!

Training: Right now avg 8-10 hours a week but will probably be 12 when I get better.

Why me? Really enjoyed being part of a group the past 2 sessions.  Always looking for support and advice and happy to provide it as well.


Welcome Randy-I'm in the same holding pattern as you, with training and recovery from an injury.

2010-04-09 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2778851

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
slornow - 2010-04-08 10:15 PM

Room for me?

Name: Randy/slornow

Location: Fairhope Alabama-Gulf Coast just across Mobile Bay from City of Mobile.  Originally from Hampton Virginia but have lived in L.A. (lower Alabama) for 21 years 

Personal-Male age 47;married for almost 20 years. Son 16 and daughter 15

Background: Always participated in sports. Played tennis competitvely growing up and for a couple of years in college.  Continued to workout/lift weights as I aged.  Got more run focused a couple of years ago but some run related injuries got me interested in triathlon last year about this time.  You know-3 sports less chance of injury. Wow! Did not realize swimming would be so hard.

2009-did 2 sprints an olympic and a duathlon.  Did pretty well in AG in races so very excited about 2010

2010-had planned to do a May HIM with 2-3 races through the Summer and another HIM in the Fall.  BUT, injured my right leg running a half marathon in January.  No running since mid January as I try to heal.  UGH!! piriformis, ITB, sciatica, hamstring who knows...... Have been swimming about 40k yards a month since injury and have improved significantly.  Some biking but not lately as I am trying to give the leg some time off.  I'm close to getting back to running but not there yet.  Plan to do sprint in early June and hopefully Chattanooga Waterfront in July.  Will see after that.  Right now I just want to RUN!!

Training: Right now avg 8-10 hours a week but will probably be 12 when I get better.

Why me? Really enjoyed being part of a group the past 2 sessions.  Always looking for support and advice and happy to provide it as well.


Welcome Randy!  We definitely do injury management here!  I've got a leg problem that I'm trying to nurse to my HIM in May, then I'll be taking time off.

2010-04-09 6:31 AM
in reply to: #2778883

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
bartimaeus - 2010-04-08 10:33 PM I'd like to join, any room?

NAME: Mike

STORY:  Generally athletic all my life.  Grew up on soccer.  Ran 10k's when young with my dad.  Been playing volleyball most of adult life.  Slacked off from athletics when kids were very young.  Moved to CO a few years ago and decided to get in shape again so I didn't hurt myself playing vball.  Wife decided to do a sprint tri 2 years ago so I thought I'd join her.  Took swimming lessons and started to s/b/r train to mix in with vball training.  I've only done 2 sprint tris so far, and at the end of last summer decided to take a hiatus from vball to focus on s/b/r.  Then signed up for the 5430 series for 2010.  I was just going to do sprints and first Oly, but can't turn down a good deal, so signed up for the HIM also.  40, but probably in the best shape of my life, except for college when i was playing vball 4x a week, and soccer 2x a week.

FAMILY STATUS: Married.  Have a girl and boy: 8,6. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Building base and about 18 weeks out from the HIM, so need to figure out if I need any special planning aside from what I've been doing.  Weak in bike and swim, but have seen some decent gains in bike, and noticible gains in run.

2010 RACES:  1 sprint, then 5430 series (sprint,oly,him).

WEIGHTLOSS: Since switching my training to fully s/b/r in fall I lost 10 pounds and am more concerned now with just keeping weight on.

Welcome Mike!  Ask away about HIM training!  I'm pretty focused on that myself right now...  As lots of folks are gearing up for races it would be a great conversation to have.  Maybe I'll try to get that ball rolling later today, but if you have specific questions now, fire away!
2010-04-09 6:32 AM
in reply to: #2779020

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- OPEN
StlPhil - 2010-04-09 12:28 AM I thought I would place a face with my user name. Here is the picture of the "fatman" pants I promised to post a couple months ago. Ever so close to the century mark, but close enough. These are the tuxedo pants from my daughter's wedding. Somewhat embarrased looking back at the wedding photos. Just wanted to say thanks to everyones help in the Experior group!


Phil, I'm in awe of you.
2010-04-09 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Alright everyone, we have a quorum.  So welcome again to you all.

I'll make a table with everyone in it later today.

Again I'll encourage everyone to use your logs.  When I get a chance, I'll check in and try to say helpful, or at least encouraging, things.

It rained here last night so the pollen is temporarily gone.  Yay!  I'm going to bike to work now, and when I get there, I will NOT be yellow...
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