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Sprint - Ventura Breath of Life - TriathlonSprint

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Ventura, California
United States
69F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 35m
Overall Rank = 198/365
Age Group = 25/29
Age Group Rank = 20/27
Pre-race routine:

Had a celebratory dinner with training partners Diana, Susan, and Erin @ Macaroni Grill on Sat. night and then hung out at Diana's house watching movies until about 9pm. Went home, checked my bag (for the 3rd time) and fell fast asleep. Woke up at about 2am, then again at 3am, woke up for good at 3:45am even though my alarm had been set for 4:30am. Wasnt really feeling any nerves but just could not sleep. Once I got up, ate a bagel and a banana, and showered, I checked my bag (again!!!) and then watched some Fox News. Was a little freaked out that the lead story at 4am was about a shark attack in Florida...LOL
Event warmup:

Made the 5 minute drive to the race site and waited in line to get in. It was really nice to get a parking spot right next to the Transition area. Got into the Transition area and found my rack pretty easily (they were numbered) right near the swim entrance/run exit. Started setting up my area as Diana and Susan arrived. They were both totally anxious and kind of fun to watch. Erin showed up at about 6 and told us that she had dropped out due to being really sick (which she was). It was a little disheartening because she has been the triathlon guru of our little group for the past few months but she is getting married in 3 weeks so there was no sense in making herself worse.

Ate a Marathon bar and a Clif bar while I was setting up and drank about 1 1/2L of Water...which of course ran right through me and I had to stand in line a couple of times for the bathroom. Was goign to run a bit to get the nerves out but decided against it and focused my energy on calming Diana and Susan down. Headed down to the beach once I was wetsuited up and stretched for about 15min. Mom and Dad and the family and friends got there at about 7:45a just as I was heading to the beach so I got to see them for a while. Worked on a couple of in and outs in the ocean. What had been calm seas had turned into some pretty big breakers by the time our wave was getting ready but I was so anxious to get out there that I did not care.
  • 15m 8s
  • 400 meters
  • 03m 45s / 100 meters

Got started late because they moved the 2nd buoy. That only added to the anxiety and I finally had to tell my mom and sister to leave me alone!!!

AHHHHHH...the swim from hell. I did 5 or 6 OW practice swims on this same beach and even took a clinic on the 18th but once we got going everything fell apart (sort of). I started outside and away from the group to avoid claustraphobia. Decided to dive OVER the first big wave that came in and the crest caught me mid thigh and flipped me pretty good (sweet action shot on the video my dad was taking!!!). Went out my first 100 pretty fast until I looked up to spot the buoy and only saw a few people ahead of me. I decided to back it down a bit (I am a slow and steady swimmer) and about 25m before the first buoy I hit a seaweed bed and got all tangled in it. FREAKED ME OUT!!! From there it was just swim for my life!!! I stayed outside on the turn at the first buoy but the frenzy of bodies still creeped me out. Hit an OK stride between B1 and B2 and then made for shore any way that I could, freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke...anything. I have never been more glad to be 6'4" than when I put my feet on sand and others were still swimming!!!
Came out of the water at 11m30s but took quite a while to get to T1. IT was great to see family and friends on the beach waiting for me and cheering my on. Classic line from Erin: "You survived the hardest part...NOW GET YOUR ASS MOVING!!!" (she doesnt cuss)
What would you do differently?:

Swim longer while training!!! Need to do between 1000 and 1500 in training swims. I am going to go back to basics and start a swim training program from or
Transition 1
  • 00m

T1...My vision falls apart. I am totally anal retentive and I had everything perfectly placed out in my transition area. That fell apart 10seconds after I got into T1. Problem 1: The foot bath in an aluminum pan that I had set out and filled with water was bent, full of sand and dirt, and there was hardly any water left. Plus all of my stuff was soaked GRRRRRRRRRR...I used one of my bike water bottles to clean my feet and get my running shoes on (I will trade the baskets for clips as soon as I get a real bike). Problem 2: While setting up I had pinned my # to my TRI top. Unfortunately i did not pay too close attention and pinned one of the pins through to the back of the shirt. I went to put it on and couldn't figure out why it wouldnt go over my body...when I realized what was wrong my nervous fingers took a few minutes to work the safety pin but I eventually got it.
Hit about 5oz of Gatorade and a Clif Shot w/some water. It was such a great feeling heading out on the bike and knowing that the rest of the way was cake!!!
What would you do differently?:

Wait to fill my foot bath until I get into T1.

Use my race belt...I have one but I just chose not to use it...
  • 51m 34s
  • 12.7 miles
  • 14.78 mile/hr

Once I hit the bike I was awesome and feeling SOOOO good. On the way out of the parking lot I saw my best friend Chris and his family standing on the corner. Chris's dad (who is like my second dad) had tears in his eyes and just said "Unbelieveable..." Chris also commented about the contour of my spandex shorts against my large ass :)

Passed some people on Pierpont and really hit my stride when I got to Harbor Blvd. I was getting passed by people on much better bikes and tucked aero but I didnt care. I passed enough people to feel satisfied.

I felt so comfortable on the ride probably because I have done it 10-12 times over the past few months. I knew every spot of rough road, where the wind gusts, where it is calm. I also got lots of encouraging comments from people on "real" bikes about how well I was doing on my converted Mtn. felt good.

Coming into T2 was awesome!!! There were tons of people cheering and I could hear my dad yelling!!! Finished the actual cycling in 41m22s but they included T1 and T2 times in the bike times on the official results. I was really pleased with that considering that my previous best was around 48m.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing...I was really pleased with the bike!!!

I shouls get a "real" bike at some point though... :)
Transition 2
  • 00m

T2 was good. I already had running shoes on so I racked my bike and started to take off...OOPS...Helmet and gloves are still on. I stopped right beofre the mat and went back to my bike, took off my stuff and headed out...
I took on another 6oz of water and 1/2 Clif bar (I was hungry!!!)
What would you do differently?:

Remember to take off my helmet and gloves!!!!
  • 28m 20s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 09m 08s  min/mile

The run was my Mothers Milk!!! I felt really good heading out but I did not get out too fast like I have done in some of my 5k races. It really pays to be doing the tri on the same course I run 3x per week. Started cramping in my calves at the turnaround adn had to stop for about 20-25sec to stretch against the curb. As I started running again, Brandon (sister's fiancee) shows up out of nowhere (not in the tri but a former distance running star in college) and says that he is going to push me down the home stretch. The route was not blocked off for only triathletes so anyone was free to run on the course. He ran with me for about a mile and then took off so that he could video me at the finish. I got a great kick for the last 1/4 mile and finished really strong. I was planning on about 30min so I was totally happy to do 28:20...

The finish chute was amazing!!! Lots of people cheering and I ran down 2 people in the last 100m or so...the feeling of finishing a triathlon was totally unreal!!!
What would you do differently?:

Stretch calves better!!!
Post race
Warm down:

Got swarmed by family and friends immediately after I got through the finish chute. The wanted pics and hugs and kisses and all I wanted was a moment alone. I went into the Transition area (where there were no spectators allowed) and took a moment to reflect and, I admit, shed a tear. I stretched for a few, grabbed some Gatorade, and then went back to see everyone. I also got to see Diana and Susan finish which was really cool.

Afterwards we had some of the BBQ and I got a beer in the beer garden. Had some laughs with family and friends and then went back to the house to relax.

Event comments:

A great first Triathlon!!! I cannot wait for next year!!! Maybe it will be my first Olympic distance?!?!?!?!

Last updated: 2005-06-28 12:00 AM
00:15:08 | 400 meters | 03m 45s / 100meters
Age Group: 0/27
Overall: 0/365
Performance: Below average
Suit: My trusty sleveless BodyGlove!!!
Start type: Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Below average Drafting:
Waves: Good Navigation: Good
Rounding: Below average
Time: 00:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:51:34 | 12.7 miles | 14.78 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/27
Overall: 0/365
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: Really flat out and back...
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Bad
00:28:20 | 03.1 miles | 09m 08s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/27
Overall: 0/365
Performance: Good
Course: Flat out and back up the coast past Surfers Point
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2005-06-28 4:05 PM

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Ventura, California
Subject: Sprint - Ventura Breath of Life

2005-06-28 4:16 PM
in reply to: #185722

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Subject: RE: Sprint - Ventura Breath of Life

CONGRATS TRIATHLETE!!!  Good job!  That would be a great course for the first Oly

Very cool that you had a lot of people there.  And the crowd was very cool too.  The crowd at my first tri was more subdued.

So, when's the next one?


2005-06-28 6:59 PM
in reply to: #185722

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: Sprint - Ventura Breath of Life

Dont see any podiums in my near (or even distant future) but I still need to work on my transitions...I could have been down around 1:30...

My plan is for 3 Sprints this year, 1 sprint to start 2006 (probably Strawberry Fields in Oxnard) and then doing the Olympic @ Breath of Life next year.

Unfortunately, my summer was already full before I started this triathlon thing, I am in 7 weddings between July 10 and September 18th, so my next Tri will not be until September 25th in Carpenteria, CA. It's 500m swim, 10mi bike (with hills), and 3.1mi run. I really wanted to do LA Tri on 9/11 but Carp should be fun...

After than I am going to do the PumpkinMan II tri in Lake Las Vegas to close the year on October 16th. That one is a 750m swim, 14 mile bike around part of Lake LV and Lake Mead, and then a 3.1mi trail run. Lots of elevation changes in that one so it should be a great challenge.

Other than that I am going to try to do a 5k every other weekend (much to the chagrin of several brides since they fall on the same day as some of the weddings) and maybe this cycling event that is a ride from Santa Barbara to Ventura...we will see...

Keep up the hard work and maybe I will see you around!!!
2005-06-28 10:16 PM
in reply to: #185853

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: Sprint - Ventura Breath of Life
Congrats on your first tri. Nothing like the feeling of crossing the line on the first one. I too used a mtn bike in my first one and experienced the same feelings on the run, except hammy's and calves cramped. I got a Cervelo Dual 10 this year and it feels like I went from a Yugo to a Ferrari. I am from Camarillo originally but am in Texas now. I plan on doing the oly there next June since wife will be having baby #2 in Feb and I cannot leave and do the Ralph's half IM in March. Head back into the hills of Ojai or Ventura for some good hill training, gosh I miss the hills especially for training. Here in Texas we call hills what California calls speed bumps! Again congrats on your tri and keep up the good work!

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