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2010-12-21 11:22 AM

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Subject: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
edit, Group closed 12/25/2010 at 8:30pm est


NAME: Stickyrunner01 - Donald (Tom) Williams

BACKGROUND: Running was in my family, so I followed in those footsteps. I ran competitively in High School, where I also played soccer. Graduated in 2005. Enrolled at Marian College (Indianapolis) on an athletic scholarship for Cross Country and Track. Struggled with injuries, had knee surgery in Nov, 2006. I did not rehab properly and found myself not interested in running. Took up cycling in 2007. Did RAIN and fell in love.
Fast forward to 2010, bought a new bike from T3 Multisport in Indianapolis and over the course of 2 months, they talked me into doing some triathlons. I did my first Tri, without any specific training, on July 10, 2010. It was the first time I had ran in close to a year and swam in quite a few. It was painful, but I LOVED every second of it. Well, maybe not EVERY . Went on to compete in 1 more Sprint, 1 Olympic, 2 HIM, and more running races. Tri has gotten me back to a point in my life where I love to be active. Also, I still attend Marian. Although, we are now a University!

: Girlfriend.

: My training right now is not very structured. It's on my bucket list for 2011. I would like to be more consistent moving forward.

: As previously mentioned, I went from only cycling, to completing multiple triathlon's and running races. 5:08 HIM at the Austin 70.3.

2011 RACES
: New Orleans 70.3, Muncie 70.3, Patriot's Half (or 70.3 WC), SC Rev3 Olympic

2011 GOALS
: Use triathlon's to raise money for a local charity. Also, I would LOVE to qualify for the 70.3 WC's in Vegas. My time goal's for 2011 are sub 4:30 HIM and sub 2:12 Olympic.

: No weight-loss goal, however, I would like to work on being a healthier person. Beginning with my diet.

: I believe I would be a good mentor because I am a positive person who believes that the mind is in control of the body. If you believe that you can do something, you can. I am a positive person whom loves to be active. With my history of injuries, I understand that it is a long road back to health and I believe that most of us are here to become more healthy, active people. I also believe that another strong suit of mine would be my ability to admit my faults and willingness to learn from those faults. I enjoy being involved with a group and strive to be involved as much as possible. I would hope that we can help each other in 2011.

: I expect myself to help lead positive discussions, with timely responses, that lead to motivation, encouragement, and fun. I also expect myself to keep an honest and up-to-date training log with more than just numbers. I expect to share my love for the sport of Triathlon by becoming more involved with the community!

EXPECTATIONS OF YOU: Be involved. Post, Update, Discuss.

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-25 7:30 PM

2010-12-22 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
I'd like to join!!

Name:  Emmanem/Emma

Story:  Never was the athletic one in the family but was really big on horseback riding in high school.  When I got to college I had to give that up and struggled with it for a while.  Then the idea of doing a triathlon got into my head last year and I started training a year ago.  I did my first tri in May and am looking forward to doing many more.

Family Status:  I have a bf of 5+ years.

Current Training:  Hoping to get a good run and bike base this winter and my swimming needs a good bit of work.  The bf and I are hoping to complete a half marathon in 2011 and I would like to complete an olympic or HIM in 2011.

2010 Races: Sprint Tri in May and several 5ks and 2 10ks

2011 Races:  Still looking at what I want to do.  I am graduating from Clemson in May and starting Grad school in the fall so until I know where I'll end up in August I'm not sure what races I want to do over the summer and early fall.

Weightloss: Want to lose about 15 more lbs by the time I graduate in May and want to eat healthier than I do.  

Goals for 2011:  I want to run a half marathon with my bf, remain consistent in my training and decide on then complete either an olympic tri or HIM.

2010-12-22 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3258562

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Welcome Emma!

I see that we have some common goals and objectives that we share looking forward to the 2011 season. Can't wait to get started on those! Also, Congrats on being active again for a year... it's part of your life now, and you won't regret it!
2010-12-23 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
NAME: Lastwachter - Ryan Wachter (28)d

BACKGROUND: I wasn't too athletic in High School or College, I played a little soccer but that was about it. In 2008 the Philadelphia Humane League (I'm a vegetarian) wanted runners for a team to run in the Philadelphia Full and Half Marathon, so I started training and ran the half. I continued to run (with no type of training) on and off for a year or so until last year when I really started to take it more seriously. While I have yet to participate in a triathlon I am extremely interested and looking forward to it in 2011 as well as really pushing my running as well.

: Married.

:The BT Marathon training plan.

: (10) 5ks, (2) 10ks

2011 RACES
: New Jersey Marathon (May 1st) Philadelphia Marathon (Nov) where I hope to qualify for Boston. After May 1st I plan to start entering triathlons as well. First sprint and go from there.

2011 GOALS
: By the end of 2011 I want to qualify for Boston, take my 5k times into the 18's and have a few triathlons under my belt.

: No weight-loss goal. I have focused a lot on eating correctly as a vegetarian athlete this year.
2010-12-23 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
NAME: Dreaming80-jessica Nyberg

: While in the Navy I took to running for weight maintainence, after baby number one, I gained ALOT of weight.  (2001) After some major life changes and topping off the scales at 220lbs, (5'8 female here) I began to change my lifestyle very slowly. In 2006 I lost 75lbs and finally started to get back into shape. In 2009 baby number two came along and though I exercised 4-5 days/week during the pregnancy I still gained major I spent the better part of 2010 trying to exercise and diet myself back to the size I can maintain. I started running again, and doing some exercise dvds, I did a 5k in july and this motivated me to race, I then found some info about triathlons, started training and now I'm hooked!!

: married (living separate from hubby, it is a long story) and two girls, a 9yr old and a 1 1/2 year old.

: Right now I am starting month two of the INSANITY dvds, so I am still swimming (with a coach) 2-3xs a week and running at least 4-5 xs per week (very short distance due to the insanity) Not biking I haven't figured out a way to do this without freezing to death)

: First triathlon, San Diego US Women's series, sprint. a couple 5ks and a local sprint tri (where I was first for women lol out of like 10! but stil....

2011 RACES
: Definately San Diego, Us Women's series sprint and can't decide if I want to do a sprint or oly in wichita ks....a couple 5ks and a half mary in OK city.

2011 GOALS
: Keep racing for good causes for sure and also getting some olympic distance races done, but I really want to work on my sprint times and become more competitive for at least age group... (i'm close,just not close enough lol)

: Those last 10 lbs!!!! Keep my diet healthy and become happy with my post baby body .

Hey all!  I am excited to see where my new blossoming triathlon training will lead me. I do not have internet at home at this time, I check it regularly on my phone and at work when I'm not busy, so I do keep my training logs up to date but I might lag on posting replies, but at least once a day
2010-12-23 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hey Jessica, good for you and congrats!

2010-12-23 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3259161

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
lastwachter - 2010-12-23 8:48 AM NAME: Lastwachter - Ryan Wachter (28)d

Welcome, Ryan! Let's get you running in the 18's real fast! That BQ will be a piece of cake come Nov!

dreaming80 - 2010-12-23 11:38 AM NAME: Dreaming80-jessica Nyberg

Welcome, Jess! I've heard those last few pounds are the most difficult, but it sounds like you are putting in the work and you will reap the rewards soon enough.

How is everyone's Christmas planning coming along? Is it looking like everyone is going to get to go home for Christmas? Let's get this party started!
2010-12-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
If you have room for one more I would love to join.

NAME: Seth

: Use to run in cross-country in High school and for seven years in the Army.  Unfortunetly, have major knee problems and I am trying to rehab back slowly.  Did first sprint tri last year.

: Married.

: trying to build a base.

: Malibu Triatholon 

2011 RACES
: 3 sprint tris and maybe longer if knees hold up

2011 GOALS
: complete all tris.

: drop 10 lbs.
2010-12-23 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3259384

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
smack - 2010-12-23 1:46 PM If you have room for one more I would love to join.

NAME: Seth

Sure thing Seth! Come on in... Sorry to hear about the knees, they can be a major PITA sometimes. Here's to a healthy 2011!
2010-12-23 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
I would like to give this group a try. 

I have been involved in triathlon for one full season and love it.  If I am given the oppertunity to join this group I will post more info later.  Currently I am in Ohio visiting family for Christmas.  I hope to post more later tonight or tomorrow.

2010-12-23 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3256240


Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
NAME: Zhirley / Shirley Peng

BACKGROUND: I have always been a swimmer, learned how to swim before I even knew how to walk.  I swam competitively in high school and in law school (a master's adult swim team), played competitive water polo in high school and college.  I have never ran in my life or done a tri, which is why I'm joining this group. 

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged since Jan 2010, getting married this upcoming June.

: Walking our 10 year old chocolate lab, maybe ran 100 yards yesterday.

2011 RACES
: Omaha Women's Sprint Tri in May; Omaha Olympic Tri in July and Exterra B.O.L.T. in August.

2011 GOALS
: Just to finish all three triathlons.

: I would love to be more lean.

2010-12-23 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3259401

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
DirkP - 2010-12-23 1:58 PM I would like to give this group a try. 

Sure thing Dirk, the more the merrier!

Zhirley - 2010-12-23 2:02 PM NAME: Zhirley / Shirley Peng

Welcome Shirley! It's always nice to have a swimmer on board!

Also, folks, just a thought... Let's all try to add each other to our "friends" so that it will be easier to keep up on everyone's progress!

To do this: go to SETTINGS on the top of your page. Then TRAINING BLOG CUSTOMIZATION, Click FRIENDS and then add everyone in the group!

So far, We have:

Emmanem - Emma
Lastwachter - Ryan
Dreaming80 - Jessica
Smack - Seth
DirkP - Dirk
Zhirley - Shirley

Oh, and don't forget me!
Stickyrunner01 - Tom

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-23 1:08 PM
2010-12-23 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3259375

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-23 1:41 PM 

How is everyone's Christmas planning coming along? Is it looking like everyone is going to get to go home for Christmas? Let's get this party started!

My family's from Sweden so we celebrate tomorrow.  My christmas list this year was mainly triathlon stuff so I'm hoping I get lots of new toys to play with  Today's going to be spent cleaning and wrapping the last few gifts then tomorrow we're having friends over for dinner and presents.
2010-12-23 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Okay, I did the friends thing, now I know there is a way to subscribe to this thread or track it, I just can't seem to figure it out....any ideas Sealed  I would like to bring my 5k time to the 18's too lol, but right now I am working on bringing mine down lower then the 25's .  I am excited about this group!
2010-12-23 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3259686

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
dreaming80 - 2010-12-23 4:51 PM  I would like to bring my 5k time to the 18's too lol, but right now I am working on bringing mine down lower then the 25's .

lol, I'm looking forward to all of us patting each other on the back by the end of this program.
2010-12-23 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3259375

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-23 1:41 PM

How is everyone's Christmas planning coming along? Is it looking like everyone is going to get to go home for Christmas? Let's get this party started!

I will be spending it with my family here in Jersey and then the following week the wife and I are taking a road trip to NC to see my folks.

As far as gifts I am looking to stock up on running gear

2010-12-23 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3256240

Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
If you're still taking people, I'd love to be in!

NAME: music3196/ Angela


BACKGROUND: I raced my first sprint triathlon Summer ’07, but with going off to college I have slipped off the exercise wagon. A few friends have talked about racing this summer, and I’m excited to get back in shape again. I wasn’t a very athletic kid, always on the chubby side, but started getting into shape playing high school volleyball, then switched to triathlon after ankle problems made it too difficult to keep jumping. Now I’m a college sophomore, so the biggest struggle is consistency and not letting workouts slide when my schedule gets crazy.




CURRENT TRAINING: Just trying to get back into consistent workout schedule, focusing on gaining pacing and endurance skills on the run. Using the BeginnerTriathlete 2x Balanced Sprint Plan


2011 RACES: At least one sprint- probably Cleveland Tri (unless an internship end up putting me somewhere else for the summer) as well as a few 5k’s


2011 GOALS: Under 2:00 for the sprint (my 07 time was 2:10) and ability to run a whole 5k without stopping (last time I ended up walking a good portion of it)


WEIGHT-LOSS: Volleyball got me down from my highest around 180, and now I’ve been sitting at about 150-155 for a few years. No specific weight loss goal- just getting fit and if any weight comes off, I won’t complain.

2010-12-23 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi!  I'd like to join this group!

NAME: Samantha

BACKGROUND: Have been wanting to get into triathlons for some time, finally got around to having my first season this past summer.  Did a bunch of sprints and (for the most part) continually saw consistent improvements, which is always encouraging and exciting.  The season ended with disappointment however.  Days before my last race of the season, for the first time I felt a weird twinge in my right hamstring.  I figured it was just taper madness and ignored it.  Well, it would come back to bite me race day.  It was an HIM distance race, and half way through the run- PAIN down my right leg's hamstrings, and I was forced to walk the rest of the "run."  I am still not fully recovered from it today (race was on 9/11).  I believe the hamstring may be pretty much recovered, but my groin area (right leg only) is not (-which I believe was an underlying cause to the hamstring issue.  On some long bike rides during the summer I remember feeling a nagging feeling in the groin area but it was never a problem so I thought nothing of it.)  Sometimes if I walk a lot, I feel this discomfort, which to me tells me it's not full recovered.  I want it to be fully recovered before I start getting back into running or biking, so I am just focused on swimming right now.  Also trying to get around to lift weights now and then.

Anyway, sorry about that long blurb about my injury!!  Basically, I'm hoping to get back into tri training soon (bike/run), but do not want to do it before I am fully healed!  Also, sometimes it gets sad when I think about the possibility of not doing triathlons next season.  I just feel my groin area might just continue to nag and never fully heal.


CURRENT TRAINING:  Started getting back into working out regularly again in the past few weeks.  I aim to swim 4-5 times a week.

2010 RACES:  5k run, half marathon, 5k open water swim, 4 sprints, and one race with a distance of 70.0 miles- swim was cut short.

2011 RACES:  Honestly, at the moment I just really am not sure if I'll be in a position to run/bike enough because of the injury.  So the only real race I can say there's a high probability I'd do is the same 5k open water swim I did last year.  *Hoping* I will be fully recovered soon, I would like to train for 3-4 sprints and (cross fingers) my first full marathon (Detroit in October.)

2011 GOALS:  Again, hoping I will be able to train: Since I am blah about biking, I more or less have swim and run specific goals.  During the sprint triathlons, I'd like to get in the 15's for the 800m swim and 21's for the run.  Upon reflection, this past season I think I was more about volume, so if I get more speed (and goal) specific, I think these goals are possible.

I look forward to being a part of this group!
2010-12-23 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Angela, I know exactly how you feel juggling school and training.  It's  definitely tough but hopefully we can keep each other motivated in 2011.
2010-12-24 5:15 AM
in reply to: #3259419

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Emmanem - 2010-12-23 2:07 PM
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-23 1:41 PM 

How is everyone's Christmas planning coming along? Is it looking like everyone is going to get to go home for Christmas? Let's get this party started!

My family's from Sweden so we celebrate tomorrow.  My christmas list this year was mainly triathlon stuff so I'm hoping I get lots of new toys to play with  Today's going to be spent cleaning and wrapping the last few gifts then tomorrow we're having friends over for dinner and presents.

Emma, enjoy your Christmas celebrations!

Also, to everyone: I just got back to IN from my family Christmas in WV, so I am going to post quite a few posts in a row to catch everyone up!

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-24 5:15 AM
2010-12-24 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3259686

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
dreaming80 - 2010-12-23 4:51 PM Okay, I did the friends thing, now I know there is a way to subscribe to this thread or track it, I just can't seem to figure it out....any ideas Sealed  I would like to bring my 5k time to the 18's too lol, but right now I am working on bringing mine down lower then the 25's .  I am excited about this group!


Thanks for adding everyone! Don't forget the late joiners either. In all honesty, I don't know how to subscribe to threads yet... The only thing I've found is that you can mass subscribe to all the threads in the Mentor section. I know there has to be a better way though. Let me send a PM and I'll get it figured out!

2010-12-24 5:22 AM
in reply to: #3260054

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
lastwachter - 2010-12-23 10:22 PMlol, I'm looking forward to all of us patting each other on the back by the end of this program.

Hopefully, there will be some success to go along with the back-smacks!

lastwachter - 2010-12-23 10:25 PMI will be spending it with my family here in Jersey and then the following week the wife and I are taking a road trip to NC to see my folks.

As far as gifts I am looking to stock up on running gear

Sounds like you have some traveling on your agenda. Hopefully Santa heard your prayers about the running gear.
2010-12-24 5:29 AM
in reply to: #3260078

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
music3196 - 2010-12-23 10:51 PM If you're still taking people, I'd love to be in!

NAME: music3196/ Angela 

Welcome Angela!

As already mentioned, college seems to cause some unnecessary problems when it comes to Tri training... Hopefully we can all brainstorm and get some magic solution! Let's get you ready for 2011, and to break that 2:00 goal!

2010-12-24 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3260135

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-12-24 12:04 AM Hi!  I'd like to join this group! NAME: Samantha

Hey, Samantha, Come on in!

Hammy injuries are no fun and they seem to get their neighborhood muscles involved way too often which causes a slow recovery from that type of injury. Are you doing any type of rehab exercises to try and strengthen and get healed up? HIM in your first season, good job!! I couldn't imagine doing a 5K open water swim, GAH.

Also, for anyone still looking at joining, we are still OPEN! Come on and join the party!

Group Roster:
Tom     -  Stickyrunner01
Emma   -     Emmanem
Ryan    -    Lastwachter
Jessica    -    Dreaming80
Seth    -    Smack
Dirk    P  -  DirkP
Shirley    -    Zhirley
Angela    -    music3196
Samantha   -     michgirlsk

(everyone, sorry for all the post's in a row!)

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-24 5:36 AM
2010-12-24 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3258562

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN

Name:  Stavros

Story: My background is a little different to most. I entered a 3k fun run in July 2009 to see if I could complete it and was thoroughly unimpressed with my result (19min which I walked for at least half of, and it turned out to only be 1.5miles). This motivated me to find a training plan for a 5k run later in the year and found this site. One thing lead to another and a mate and I ended up entering 3 sprints that year.

FAMILY STATUS: With girlfriend for 4 yrs

CURRENT TRAINING: Running 4-5x/week, swimming 2-3x/week (though currently taking the rest of the year off)

2010 RACES: Signed up for 2 pool based sprints and the London sprint but due to a bike accident 10 days for the last pool sprint, I had to miss that one out.

2011 Races: Not finalised yet, but will include a couple of sprints and an Oly.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've never really be concerned with my weight as it has almost always been around the 140lb mark.

Goals: Get my swimming to an almost respectable standard, do better in the first sprint race I did last year (if I sign up to it) and finish the Oly

I'm going to get my mate to sign up to the group a bit later as well (BlindDave)

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