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2010-12-22 10:12 AM

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Subject: mndiver's group-closed

When Can I start mentoring: Now

Name: mndiver/ Bryan

Story:  I have been doing triathlon for 6 years.  During that time I have made 2 runs at IMMOO and successfuly completed one of them.  After getting hauled off in an ambulance from the course in 2009 I decided to finally figure out what was wrong with my "system".  I had been having issues for quite a while and finally figured out I am gluten intolerant.  After going to a gluten free diet 3 months ago I really have never felt better.  I am a school administrator in Rosemount Minnesota and will be hitting the 40 mark during this mentor period.  I am not exactly thrilled about hitting 40 but have never felt better despite the number.  I do triathlon because it will enable me to be able to do all the other things I want in life into a ripe old age.

Family status:  I am married to an incredibly supportive wife who also lives an active lifestyle involving triathlons and running.  I have a 14 year old daughter who also loves tri's as well as any other sport and a 9 year old son who is still looking for his niche in life.

Training:  I just came off a good summer of more intense training in the swim and the run for shorter tri's paired up with longer running for a fall marathon.  I am training for IMMOO again this year and am very excited for the whole process to get going.  I am a fairly regimented person in regards to training and like to pick a plan and stick with it. 

This years races:  I will start off the year with a few short run races and a half marathon.  I will do 2-3 sprints and 1-2 oly's s well as a half Ironman.  I try not to do too many races in an IM year due to taking away time from long runs and rides.  I'll end the race season in Madison with IMMOO.  I absolutely love this race and can't wait for it to happen again.

Weightloss goals:  This was one of the main reasons I started triathlon.  I played football in high school and college and then got into powerlifting.  I eventually stopped all that and did nothing.  Eventually I found my weight tickling the 300 pound mark.  I was unhappy, uncomfortable and distgusted with myself.  Over the years I have brought myself down to 225 pounds.  This is still too high for me but it is a work in progress.  Losing weight has NEVER been easy for me.  I fight every pound off and hope I am able to control my eating.  I do not have trouble with the work-out portion for weight loss.  Where I fail every time is in my diet.  After my glucose intolerance diagnosis I have made some major dietary changes and it is going well.  I fully plan on racing this summer around the 200 pound mark.

Why will I be a good mentor:  My life has been about learning and teaching.  I really am a student of the sport.  I try to learn as much as I can from books and magazines and then glean as much as I can off all those around me.  I have made almost every mistake possible and feel I am able to help others learn from those mistakes.  Finally, I am a positive person who loves to see others succeed and meet goals.  I don't suffer negativity, condescending and know it all fools well.  If you think I would be a good fit for you for the next three months I welcome you to our mentor group.

Edited by mndiver 2011-01-03 5:44 PM

2010-12-31 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Hey Bryan my name is Katie, and I am looking for some help to complete my first triathlon in March this year. I am a sophmore in high school turning 16 this February (I know I am kind of young compared to many of the other people on this website, but that is part of the reason why I am seeking help). I have been on a year round swim team for 9 years now (averaging about 7000 yards a day), and have participated on my school's cross country team (my dad is a coach) for 2 years (I am an okay runner, I guess). I have consistently been in the top 15 on my girl's team of around 40 and I ran a 10k this past Thanksgiving. My only concern is the biking. I do a little bit of biking here and there with my mom, who used to be a really good biker before she had kids, but it is the part of the tri that I am most worried about. I also do not know what triathlon to sign up for (one on a weekend in March near San Diego would be nice because my aunt who does marathons lives there and is really looking forward to seeing me complete my first tri). I am also kind of nervous about what to expect on race day. I thought you would be a great mentor because I am also into shot and discus, and I read about how you were into weightlifting after high school football. I would love to incorporate weightlifting into my tri training on a regular basis.

Thanks for your time,


2010-12-31 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Katie.  I would love to have the opportunity to help you in any way I can.  I will write more in the next day or so but wanted to welcome you to my mentor group for now.  Have a fun and safe New Years.

2011-01-01 1:00 AM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open
Hi Bryan-

Happy New Year! I'm interested in trying Tri, and I'd like to be a part of your group because I have a similar story to yours. I was an athlete too - played basketball all the way through college, and even did some personal training. I stayed pretty active until I went back to grad school and just was unable to make time for working out. Afterwards I worked out inconsistently and the pounds just kept creeping on. Today I find myself in the worst shape of my life and I know it cannot continue. I think if I have something to train for again, and don't just go to the gym just to go to the gym, I have a much better chance of success. I need to think of myself as an athlete again and train with goals and competition in mind. My goal in joining your group is to have someone that I'm responsible to for working out and improving my diet, and someone to teach me about training for 3 sports at once. I'm planning to get going Monday the 3rd, and I'm looking forward to getting started!
2011-01-01 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Pam.  I look forwrad to helping you out as much as I can.  As I told Kate I will write a little bit more later today.  Just wanted to welcome you to our mentor group.  Have a great New Years Day!

2011-01-01 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Hello ladies.  I hope everything is going well.  I am going to assume we will have more join our group, but if not, I am totally fine with that also.  I had a mentor group the very first time BT did them and really enjoyed the experience.  One thing you should know right away is that I am a TERRIBLE speller.  I apologize if this bothers you but I have accepted it.  Only excuse I can come up with is after years and years of reading really poorly written essays and papers in school I have completely lost my grasp of the English language.  A few things I would like to see out of everyone in our group are as follows.

1.  Please use the "logs" section.  This will enable me to see what you are doing.  In addition it is a great training tool for you to track your progress. 

2.  Make some goals you want to achieve.  You both have said some general goals but lets see if we can get them a bit more solid.

Katie- I have a soon to be 15 year old daughter who loves to do tri's.  With your swimming and running background you could find yourself very successful in this venture.  You need to work on your bike FOR SURE.  I generally come out of the swim in the top 20% of the field, but it really does not matter if you lose it all on the bike.  Try to shoot for 50% of your training time to be on the bike.  You need to be able to ride hard AND come off comfortable enough to run.  As far as weight training goes, look into doing a lot of core work at this point.  If you are looking at a tri in March you really do not want to be doing much other lifting at this point.  Btw, I love the San Diego area.  Last time I was out there on vacation I had Chris Leito cruise by me while out for a run (Uber biker who got 2nd at Kona last year).

Pam- You sound so much like me.  Same background including the Personal Training stint.  You need to set goals.  More soecifically, you need to look at a race calendar and sign up for a race right now.  Get something on the schedule and you will find motivation real quick.  Pick a sprint tri in the area and commit to preparing for the race.

Have you both looked at any of the training plans BT offers?  They are actually quite good and I would reccomend them.  You really want to be working towards getting at LEAST 2 work-outs per week in each sport.  Throw out all time goals for now and just work on getting the minutes in.  Remember you are in a lifestyle now, not a fad.  Take your time getting used to the new demands and have fun.

I'll be waiting to see some more specific goals and look forwrad to seeing your work-out logs flourish.

Have a great day.

2011-01-02 1:43 AM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

I would like to join your group, if that's ok. My name is Amber and I'm a 24 year old living in Missouri. I had been really fit through out jr high and high school since I participated in martial arts and marching band. I also rode around my neighborhood a lot on my bike. Oh, I did a couple of conditioning camps during the summer (where we ran and lifted weights). Then I attended college and all of my fitness gradually disappeared as my life became incredibly busy and stressful with no time for exercise. I graduated in '09 and I still haven't gotten my motivation back. I can unhappily designate myself as a couch potato now. As a result, I would like to lose roughly 30 pounds in the next couple of years. During Christmas, my aunt talked me into trying out a sprint triathlon with her in July. The only problem is that I've never competed in anything remotely like this!

I'm not really sure where to start in my training program, or how to modify my diet - other than to lay off the donuts, lol. I just found this site a few hours ago and it seemed like a good starting place. I saw the Michael Pate's Total Sprint Program on here and thought it looked decent for a training schedule. I have no food allergies that I'm aware of. Oh, and I only have access to water that is outdoors. (I'm sorry, but I absolutely refuse to swim with the penguins right now!)

Hey Bryan, I'm a terrible speller also. I found that if I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser, then it has a spell check add-on and my horrible spelling disappears! Although my grammar still sucks... oh well.

Goodnight everyone and Happy New Year!

Edited by bikingcelticmusic 2011-01-02 10:55 AM
2011-01-02 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Amber, would love to have you in our group.  I will respond more later today.

2011-01-02 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open
I'd love to join the group too!

I am Larry from Florida and I am training for my first Tri.  I turn 40 on 04/15 and my first Tri is on 04/16, so I want to welcome my new decade and lifestyle by celebrating completing my first event.

After vowing never to run again after high school, I returned to the running life when I topped 225 lbs. and realized that I had to make a difference for me and my wife and son.  I am an avid runner now that competes in 5Ks & 10Ks regularly and have recently added biking to my running training.  Being a FL native, I swim constantly in the pool but know I need to work on that to be ready for the open water swims of Florida triathlons.  All of this running and biking, along with portion control in my eating, has allowed me to lose 40 lbs. and keep it off.

2011-01-02 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Larry, glad to have you in our group.  I ask everyone to please use the logs on BT so we can see what you are doing for training and offer suggestions.  Also, please post one or two specific goals you would like to achieve for this training period.

2011-01-02 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Hello my name is BiafraGirl / Ony and I am interested in joining your group.  Please let me know if that will be possible.

About me: 
Name:  BiafraGirl / Ony

Decided to sign up for the triathlon sport in 2009, after the voices in my head were telling me I need to exercise, exercise, exercise.  After ignoring the voices for months, possibly years, one day, after climbing only 20 steps, with 2 rest platforms in between I thought I was going to pass out.  After that day, I signed up at a local gym.  However, I had been part of gyms on and off for over 15 years and needed find something that would finally stick, making me go regularly. 

With a milestone BD in 2011 (I also will be turning the big 40), I decided to train for a marathon, albeit I am not a fan of running.  In doing my research I came upon triathlons, and decided if I was going to go big, that was the way to go.  So before I had a training plan, and being a neophyte to all three sports, this former couch potato signed up for the latest scheduled sprint Marathon I could find in the NYC metro area.  In October 2009, I completed my first sprint triathlon and became hooked.  Registered to do my first Olympic in Summer of 2010, but after minor injuries, and a whole bunch of crazy minor coincidences, I felt the universe was telling me not to compete, and so I just kept running in NY Road Runner's races in prep for the marathon in 11/2011.

In celebration of my milestone BD in May, I have decided to do 1 major race every month until May 2012.  My major races will be a mixture of half and full mary's and triathlons, with some interesting challenges, fun runs interspersed in between.  I want to celebrate life and living, while pushing myself safely outside of the ordinary knowns in my life.  Depending on how this year goes, I will decide whether I should train to compete in my first Ironman in 2017 or sooner.

Family status:  Happily single, never been married, but would like to be one day when I find the "one".  No progeny, but a wonderful auntie to my precious 3 nephews and 2 nieces.

Training:  I am a build as you go kind of person, as I am self-training and still learning about my body.  However, my triathlon training has been a combination of mostly what I find here on and  This year my focus will be a bike focused training regimen, as I feel I need to learn so much more about biking technique, in comparison to the other two sports.  I am still in the just put your foot to the metal and pedal mode.  I am also incorporating weight training this time around, my weight training program I am getting from  Of course my training is further enhanced by the various online posts, mags, books, and people that I have consulted along this recreational triathlete’s journey.

In my first year 2009, I just focused on preparing for the sprint triathlon and found that it took me a long time, 7 months to learn, condition and compete.  I hadn't realized how bad the condition of my body had become.  I was never an athlete, but I thought I was active enough.  Ummmm that was all a figment of my imagination. 

After training all of 2009, and half of 2010, I had not reached my 60 - 70 lbs weight loss goals. I only lost 15 lbs in 18+ months, and that was in the first 3 months. I then forced myself to look at my nutrition and incorporate weight training.  Eating right (moving towards more clean eating) and weight training did the trick. And I lost another 15- 18 lbs in 8 weeks after starting weight training.  Now I need to put all the pieces together and still you know live life, work, family, date, shop, etc.  I have struggled with the time management needed to be a triathlete, as I am still learning about the athletic lifestyle, everything from proper rest, recovery, nutrition, training, stretching, supplements, gear, equipment, safety, gym, trainers, centers, etc. and while carrying on what would be considered a normal life.

2011 planned races from closest to furthest (more to come):

Jan:    22: NYRR 5-Boro Half Mary: Manhattan.  (Will run walk this)
Feb:   26: NYRR 4mil GridIron race
Aug:   08: Nautica NYC Olympic Triathlon
Nov:   06: ING NYC Marathon

Past races from most recent to furthest:

Oct:   Poland Spring 5mi, Norway 1.7 mi
Sep:  Fifth Ave 1 mi, Fitness Mind Body 4 mi
Aug:  Harlem 5K
Jul:    Did not compete - Nautica NYC Olympic Triathlon
Jun:   Hope & Possibility 5Mi, NY Mini 10K
May:  Healthy Kidney 10K
Mar:  Salsa, Blues & Shamrocks 5K 

Oct:   Montauk Mighty Man – Sprint Triathlon
Sept:  Komen Race for the Cure 5K

Other:  Run mostly with RUNNYC Niketown on weekends, and in the warmer months do open water swims with CIBBOWS @ Brighton Beach (yes there are open water swims in NYC, all year round in fact).

Weight-loss goals:  I have already lost about 30 lbs, moving from a size 14 to a size 8.  I want to lose another 30-40 lbs, as I think that is what it would take to remove me into an athlete's body fat composition range.  But instead of looking at the scale, I have decided to let my thighs / abs determine my goal.  When these areas are sculpted, meaning I can flex and it is visible that I have flexed, then I have reached my goal.  Right now I can flex, tense up and no one could tell. And you can not only pinch an inch, but grab a tire around my waist.  My frame seems to be that of Halle Berry (or at least in my imagination it is), although a little bigger with larger curves.

Why I would be a good group member:  I tri, I tri, and tri and don’t give up; and will provide that same type of support to others.

Edited by BiafraGirl 2011-01-02 6:50 PM

2011-01-02 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Ony.  I see you have some pretty specific goals and definetly have some plans for future races.  I welcome you to our group and look forward to your input.  Congratulations on the weight loss.  As you may have read from my bio it is an area I have had some success with but the final pounds have eluded me.  I see you are planning on running a marathon next November.  This is a great goal and I think you will have a lot of fun going after it.  I also see a future goal of an Ironman.  My one suggestion is to not confuse marathon and IM training.  I have heard a lot of people say they could NEVER train for an IM after training for a marathon. They thought it would be too much.  Truth is, I actually found IM training to be easier on my body than marathon training.  Just something for you to keep in mind as you start to make check marks on your "list".


Larry-Looks like you have had a lot of success with weight loss also.  Hopefully I can glean something from all of you to get it figured out.  Also, you mentioned pool swimming as compared to open water swimming.  I would not worry about this a whole lot.  I train with a number of elite athletes and Kona qualifiers and very little open water swimming is done by them.  You want to get out and practice with your wetsuit and get a feel for it when you can, but it is not the end all be all.  Most important is getting the meters and miles in and working on TECHNIQUE over all.

2011-01-02 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

I would like to join your group as well. My name is Josh, I am 33, soon to be married and have 4 kids. I have been active most of my life. I played football, baseball, soccer and wrestled in during junior high and the first part of high school until I broke my foot pretty bad. After that I got lazy until I joined the military in 95'.

Currently, I am a little overweight but still in pretty good shape. I had planned to participate in my first tri this past October (Chilli Challenge in Washingtonville, PA) but due to a calf injury I pulled out at the last minute. I thought that it was going to be a good place for me to start since swimming is my weakest area and this particular tri is Bike, Kayak, Run. A little non-traditional but sounded fun.

My goals for this year are to compete in atleast 2 sprints one of which being the above mentioned and the other in mid-May, Cascade Lake in Hampstead, MD and loss about 20 lbs.

My activity level has been pretty low the past few months but I try to ride my road or mountain bike to work once a week (18 mil 1 way). I plan to start one of the sprint training plans on this site tomorrow morning. However, I need to alter it until I can get in the pool.

Sorry so quick and dirty. I will try to get more up soon. I also intend to include resistance training in my plan.

2011-01-02 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Welcome Josh.  The plans on BT are really good and I would encourage their use.  I have about 20 books on triathlon and have done 2 different Ironman training plans.  One BT and another by Don Fink.  For this years IM I am planning on going right back to BT's plans. I think they are that good for a self coached athlete.  Glad to have you on board and we will talk more in the next few days.

2011-01-02 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

I am interested in joining the mentor group if it is still open...  I am also creeping up on 40, and new to this!  A few years ago I started running and weight training to lose weight.  I am a mom to a teenage daughter, my husband and family are supportive of my crazy training.  I love my job as an elementary teacher, and I am enjoying my class this year.  I really love running, and being competitive against my own times.  Last fall I completed my second marathon and really improved my time from my first.  I plan to run another this fall, and hope to shave even more off of my PR.  I have a few half marathons and many shorter distance local races that I plan to run this year. 

My interest in doing a tri is to shake things up in my training.  I want to be able to keep running as long as possible and I know that I need to balance out my training to help that along! That said, I have zero experience with the swimming and biking.  I went to watch a few friends do Sprint tris last year, and it was amazing to watch the athletes.  I just remember looking at how fit the people competing were, thinking to myself that I just want to be a part of this somehow I had to get it together.  

I decided then that I wanted to experience that and started to practice swimming.  Since last summer I have been trying to get in the water at least once a week.  I have been looking at buying a bike, and once the weather cooperates, will begin with that as well.  There is a women's only Sprint tri in July that I am looking forward to, but I will be seeking advice on my weaker disciplines.  Overall, I am truly a newbie and have a lot to learn.  

2011-01-02 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

I'll bite and give this a shot.  

name: Todd user: tstick14

My name is Todd, 30 y/o, married with two kids 4 and 2, and I will say endurance is NOT my game.  I was a strong athlete in high school and played D-1 volleyball in CA for three years.  I used to be really fit and strong, running a mile close to 7min mark.  Fast forward from early 2000's to now... not so much.  I'm a firefighter and maintain an acceptable baseline of fitness (current 1.5mile time is 12:45min), but I'm truly dissatisfied with myself and where I'm at, I'm currently 6'3" 265lbs.  I've always watched the Ironman races on TV and thought that would be truly an awesome accomplishment.  If I ever make it to Kona... who knows? Have to take the first step and "tri" first.  I have made a mid term goal of doing the Escape to Alcatraz in 2012.

Current Training:  I'm doing a couch to 5k now to build an endurance base then will move on to a BT sprint plan.  I know my weakest event will be the swim, but lucky enough I do have a fried that swam in college so I will utilize that source.  

2011 Goal: I would like to complete at least one sprint tri, have one picked out in Aug., plus some others if I can find some or at least some 5k's.  I would like to race at 245lbs or less.  

2011-01-03 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open
Hi, if your group is still open I'd like to join too.

My name is Becki.  I recently turned 30 and I just registered for my first sprint tri that will be June 4th.  I've always been a very active person.  I wrestled in HS and I run, hike, kayak, bike, snowboard and will do just about anything else that gets me outdoors.  I was an awful biker until 2 years ago when my 13 year old niece talked me into doing a 4 day, 320 mile bike tour.  It was great and I was hooked.  We've done it two years now, but won't be able to complete it this year because of vacation plans to go to the Rugby World Cup in NZ.  So, I decided that tris would be a good replacement for my cycling tour.  I cannot swim, but am starting lessons soon.  Running has never been my strongest point either, but I'm running about a 10 min mile now.  My body is capable of a lot more than I use it for and I'm excited to try to push my body further than I have before.  I started training a couple of weeks ago and last week found this website and started to log.

On a personal note I am married to a wonderful man who has much the same background as you.  He was in high school sports, wrestled D1 in college and has now lapsed a bit into non-activity.  I learned a long time ago that telling him to work out and get back into shape gets me nowhere and seemingly makes him more stubborn.  But, it seems the more I push myself, the more he pushes himself to get back into shape.  So, I think a mentor will be great to help keep me going and I can keep leading by example. 

2011-01-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open
Hello, if there is  still room, I would like to be a part of your group.  I have completed 1 year of training and completed 1 Oly(ish) Tri in Goderich ON in August.  After not being able to attend an event in September due to other commitments, I really fell off the wagon.  I have some goals that need to be found again, but am looking forward to a summer in Canada of 6-7 events including a half-marathon, 10K Run and mainly Sprint distance races. 
2011-01-03 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open
If there is still room, I'd like to join as well.

Name: morrisel/ Erin

Story:  I will be starting my 2nd season of triathlons. I started training because I found myself in a town with few friends and needed something to occupy my time. I have completed 2 sprints and one Oly tri. All of those triathlons I competed using a mountain bike. So needless to say, my mental toughness has been challenged a bit.

Family status:  I am single but with a live-in boyfriend. One dog, one plant. I move somewhat often for work so I haven't accumulated much.

Training:  I am currently training for a half marathon. This year I plan to focus on my running as much as possible because I don't have a great bike and don't want to develop bad cycling habits.

This years races:  I'm doing the Disney half marathon this Saturday. I don't currently have any other races planned, but will be looking into doing a couple olys and maybe a HIM this year.

Weightloss goals:  I just want to be toned. Obviously the more I train, the more muscular I'll get and probably lose a couple pounds. But I just like food too much, so toned is my goal

2011-01-03 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-open

Wow, one day away and we have 5 new people.  Everyone is more than welcome to join our group.  I think I will close it down now in order to hopefully be able to accomadate everyone and be able to help all those as much as possibley needed.  Please feel free to fire questions my way either through this thread or through "inspires".  I'll be checking through everyones logs on a regular basis and seeing what I can add to help out.  New Year everyone!! Lets make it a great one.

2011-01-03 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
If anyone is interested here is a list of all the users that are in this group. I just thought it would be useful to put them all in one post for ease of adding each other to our friends list. That is if you are interested in following your fellow mentees.

mndiver - Bryan - Mentor
mntbiker21 - Josh
katie575 - Katie
evilqn - Pam
bikingcelticmusic - Amber
lcogginsjf - Larry
biafragirl - Ony
nicole2011 - Nicole
tstick14 - Todd
rkeenan - Becki
bmeere - No name given
morrisel - Erin

Hope this is helpful.


2011-01-03 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

Thanks a lot for doing that Josh.  It is nice to be able to check up on others on a regular basis.  Also, everyone should feel free to offer help and advice to others.  This is a learning group and I am by no means the end all be all.  I do have everyones name in my log if it is easier for you to copy and paste from there also.  If you have questions on how to add anything to your home page I will do anything I can to help.  I am somewhat computer illiterate but have friends who can help.  Some people put a lot of time into their sites and are quite entertaining. (See Whizzzz in my friends for a great example)  Part of the mentoring process is not just to make you a better triathlete but also to get you accustumed to the BT site.  You will find it is a great community of extremely supportive people.  In addition you will get to know people through this site who you will meet at races leading to some friendships or at least comradarie.

2011-01-04 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3275548

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I don't know about anyone else but I really like the detail in the Training Log. Of course, I dont utilize half of its capability.

Bryan, out of curiousity would you be willing to accept one more? There is a guy in my area that I just found out is working toward his first Tri in June. I directed him to the site today. If he joins would you make an acception to being closed. He and I are going to try to get together a couple of times a month for a group workout. If not I completely understand.

2011-01-04 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

Josh- No problem with having your friend join the group.  Just have him mention he is your friend when he writes something in our thread.

All-  How is everyone doing?  I am checking logs and making little suggestions or notations as I see them.  Some are slow to start but slow and steady is still going to make progress.  Please feel free to ask questions on this thread or through my blog.  Have a great night everyone.

2011-01-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Extreme Veteran
"the wave", iowa
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
oh man, closed already?  i can't get in on this group and bryan's sage like wisdom?  

learn up kids.  this man knows how to get himself across the line.  have fun! 
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