BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers) Rss Feed  
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2010-12-24 7:07 AM

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Ready to start Jan 1st.

Names:  Slow Turtle (Heidi) and Juneapple (Stu)

Heidi's Story: I’m 42 years old, and have completed 3 seasons of tri’s. I’ve been a (slow) runner since I was in 8th grade. In 2004 I ruptured a tendon in my foot, and was stuck in the pool for any and all exercise. Eventually, I was able to start running again, but I kept swimming to prevent more injuries. Then, in Spring of 2008 I started biking to work, and quickly realized that I was unofficially training for a Tri! So, I signed up for a sprint, and was hooked. I do Tri’s for fun- I’m strictly a BoP girl.

Family: Married with three kids. They are 20, 8 and 4. So, I can relate to the challenges and fun of all the ages.

Current training: I try to follow the 2x’s balanced training plan for sprints. I recently added the Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred into my routine-and my goal is to do core work twice a week. I broke my foot in 3 places in March of 2010, so sometimes, I have to back off a little on the running.

2010 Races: It was a light year, due to the broken foot. The Northern Columbia Sprint Tri, The 3rd annual Home Tri (a virtual race) and the DACC sprint Tri.

2011 Races: I’m not registered for anything yet. But, the 2 races I did last year, are annual events for me.

Weightloss: This isn’t a huge problem for me. I’d like to drop about 10 lbs that I put on when I broke my foot, but that
might not be reasonable.

What will make me a Good Mentor: If you’re looking for a cheerleader as you’re getting into this sport, I’ll be a good mentor for you. I’m not incredibly knowledgeable about the finer points of the sport. But, I’m great at encouraging people to keep going, and to find the positives. I understand that we aren’t all going to be blazing fast, and I will support your efforts no matter what pace you go at.

Stu and I were in a mentor group together for the past two sessions, and we both got a great deal out of the experience. The accountability and camaraderie was really important, especially when I was struggling with my injury. I’m hoping to give back now.

Stu's Story:  High school swimmer, biked a bunch in college, but never ran.  After leading a fairly sedentary lifestlye during my 30s and early 40s, I found myself at mid-life under a bunch of stress and 50 lbs overweight.  So I decided to change some priorities, starting with health and fitness.  So, I started running a bit (I was really slow) and worked my way up to a half-marathon and my first triathlon (sprint) 4 years ago.  Had some injury issues along the way, but had an okay 2009, and an excellent 2010, including lots of personal bests.  I attribute much of last year's success to the information and support here at BT.  At age 50, I'm in the best shape of my life, albeit with more aches and pains in the morning :-)

Family Status:  Married for 28 years with one daughter who just started college.  My wife gets to the gym every now and then and is generally supportive of my habits.  I'm hoping my daughter will join me in a New Year's 5K which would be her first 5K ever!

Current Training:  My approach is all about consistency and balancing training with the rest of life (work, family, music). For me, tri races are the goal which helps me make better lifestyle choices each day.

2010 Races:  1 Half-Ironman (HIM), 1 Olympic, and 2 Sprints.  1/2 Marathon, 10 Mile + other local runs.  The HIM was not pretty.  I'm out for revenge in 2011 ;-)

2011 Races:  1 or 2 HIMs, 1 or 2 Olympics, 1st Marathon in November presuming I can stay injury free and get the training time in.

Weightloss:  Currently hovering around 200 (down from 240 a few years back).  Ultimately would like to get to 185 or so, and I do have to monitor my diet or I gain quickly.  I've been racing in master clydesdales, but hope to go AG this year.

What will make me a good mentor:  My goal is to help you get started on a path to better fitness, improved self-confidence, and good nutrition through the triathlon lifestyle.  I'm a great believer in setting realistic goals and taking a long-term view of this journey.  I've made more than my fair share of mistakes and have learned a bunch from them.  I don't know much about gear or the finer points of training.  I'm sure there are gizmos I could buy or advanced training techniques I could use that could cut a few minutes off my time, but that's not my priority (or in my budget!).  

Heidi and I will probably be most helpful to beginners who are juggling the many competing demands in mid-life, but we're open to all.  We will respond quickly to your questions and encourage you to reach the goals you set for yourself.  We look forward to traveling with you on your journey - so post your bio and let's get started!

Edited by juneapple 2011-01-12 8:02 PM

2011-01-05 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Whoo Hoo!
We're ready to roll! To celebrate our group going live, I jumped on the trainer for an impromptu 35 minute ride.
Rumor has it that Stu went for a 10 mile run.

2011-01-05 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3280832


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hi.  I would like to join your mentoring program.  I'm 39 years old, married for 9 years with three boys; 8,4 and 2.  I currently am a stay at home Mom.  I had a TKA in July of 2010.  When I was younger I ran, swam and biked.  Then I grew up, went to college; yada yada yada....  So now this is my goal, to do a sprint tri.  That's it.  My ortho said that was ok given my age, just doesn't want me doing marathons.   So that's a very brief synposis. 
My husband and I are hoping to do one in May.
2011-01-05 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3281006

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
hayspence12 - 2011-01-05 9:45 PM Hi.  I would like to join your mentoring program.  I'm 39 years old, married for 9 years with three boys; 8,4 and 2.  I currently am a stay at home Mom.  I had a TKA in July of 2010.  When I was younger I ran, swam and biked.  Then I grew up, went to college; yada yada yada....  So now this is my goal, to do a sprint tri.  That's it.  My ortho said that was ok given my age, just doesn't want me doing marathons.   So that's a very brief synposis. 
My husband and I are hoping to do one in May.

Welcome Hay (and maybe your husband too!).  I hear they are doing some amazing things these days with knees and hips.  I like the way your doctor thinks :-)  Tell us a little about where you are right now on your fitness / training.  Also want to encourage you to use the logging feature here at BT - it's helpful for you, but also everyone in the group can track your progress and cheer you on!

2011-01-05 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3281006

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
hayspence12 - 2011-01-05 9:45 PM Hi.  I would like to join your mentoring program.  I'm 39 years old, married for 9 years with three boys; 8,4 and 2.  I currently am a stay at home Mom.  I had a TKA in July of 2010.  When I was younger I ran, swam and biked.  Then I grew up, went to college; yada yada yada....  So now this is my goal, to do a sprint tri.  That's it.  My ortho said that was ok given my age, just doesn't want me doing marathons.   So that's a very brief synposis. 
My husband and I are hoping to do one in May.

Hello and Welcome! It's great to have a Sprint as your goal, and that your husband is doing it with you!
What should we call you?
2011-01-05 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
My name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, at least for a few more weeks. I'm am quite overweight. I have joined WW to work on that. Lost 15lbs last year. I got a treadmill late Jan 2010. Started with walking. Then I moved to 30 sec run 30 sec walk. I found couch to 5k and did most of it. I found running with no walk breaks would cause me to feel like I was overheating. I've never been a runner, but hope to improve with practice and weightloss. I now run/walk aiming for 3 times a week. I have prior swimming experience. I competed and coached, as well. I will bike again once it warms up this spring. I currently use a hybrid bike. I'm not setting any speed records.I'm signed up for 2 indoor "tri" events. One in mid Jan one in mid Feb. They are setup where you swim laps for a given time, use a spin bike for a given time and use a treadmill for a given time.

2011-01-05 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hi there Heidi and Stu,

Hoping to join your mentor group if space is available.  I am an almost 42 year old, full-time nurse, wife, and mother of a 17 and 19 year old.  I dabbled in sprint tri's last year to keep myself motivated in exercising.  Had so much fun I thought I would try to increase my distances in 2011.  Would love to share information and inspiration, so please let me know if you have room.  Thanks, Trivettee. 
2011-01-06 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3281229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
rustymom - 2011-01-06 12:05 AM My name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, at least for a few more weeks. I'm am quite overweight. I have joined WW to work on that. Lost 15lbs last year. I got a treadmill late Jan 2010. Started with walking. Then I moved to 30 sec run 30 sec walk. I found couch to 5k and did most of it. I found running with no walk breaks would cause me to feel like I was overheating. I've never been a runner, but hope to improve with practice and weightloss. I now run/walk aiming for 3 times a week. I have prior swimming experience. I competed and coached, as well. I will bike again once it warms up this spring. I currently use a hybrid bike. I'm not setting any speed records.I'm signed up for 2 indoor "tri" events. One in mid Jan one in mid Feb. They are setup where you swim laps for a given time, use a spin bike for a given time and use a treadmill for a given time.

Welcome aboard Andrea... so glad you can join us!!  Congrats on your achievements thus far, that's a great base to build on.  My wife is working on a couch to 5k program as well.  Like you, she alternates run/walk and thus far, hasn't been able to run for more than 5 mins in a row.  The alternating is great, and listening to your body (with the overheating issue) is very important.  Consistency and staying injury free is the key at this point :-)

Those mini-tris are a great way to get started.  I did a couple of them when I first was starting up and wish they still offered them near where I live.  I'm sure you'll enjoy getting back to swimming.  If you competed and coached (as I did as well), it will come back, and I really enjoyed being back in the pool. 

- Stu
2011-01-06 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3281229

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
rustymom - 2011-01-06 12:05 AM My name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, at least for a few more weeks. I'm am quite overweight. I have joined WW to work on that. Lost 15lbs last year. I got a treadmill late Jan 2010. Started with walking. Then I moved to 30 sec run 30 sec walk. I found couch to 5k and did most of it. I found running with no walk breaks would cause me to feel like I was overheating. I've never been a runner, but hope to improve with practice and weightloss. I now run/walk aiming for 3 times a week. I have prior swimming experience. I competed and coached, as well. I will bike again once it warms up this spring. I currently use a hybrid bike. I'm not setting any speed records.I'm signed up for 2 indoor "tri" events. One in mid Jan one in mid Feb. They are setup where you swim laps for a given time, use a spin bike for a given time and use a treadmill for a given time.

Welcome Andrea!
Congrats on your decision to lose weight and be healthy. Will you share with us, what motivated you to make some changes?
I think the indoor tri's are a great way to get into the sport- especially if you don't have a lot of bike experience. What is your workout plan?
2011-01-06 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3281232

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
TriVettee - 2011-01-06 12:07 AM Hi there Heidi and Stu,

Hoping to join your mentor group if space is available.  I am an almost 42 year old, full-time nurse, wife, and mother of a 17 and 19 year old.  I dabbled in sprint tri's last year to keep myself motivated in exercising.  Had so much fun I thought I would try to increase my distances in 2011.  Would love to share information and inspiration, so please let me know if you have room.  Thanks, Trivettee. 

Welcome Trivettee! There's absolutely room! What distances are you looking to do this year?
2011-01-06 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
A quick request- Please use the training logs to track your workouts. It's a great tool, an allows everyone to leave messages for each other. I love getting and leaving "inspires"

Hey Stu- I noticed in your bio that you mentioned your daughter was thinking of doing her first 5k with you. Did it happen? How was it?

My 8 year old (7 at the time) ran her first 5k with me on Thanksgiving! I was so proud of her!

2011-01-06 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3281232

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
TriVettee - 2011-01-06 12:07 AM Hi there Heidi and Stu,

Hoping to join your mentor group if space is available.  I am an almost 42 year old, full-time nurse, wife, and mother of a 17 and 19 year old.  I dabbled in sprint tri's last year to keep myself motivated in exercising.  Had so much fun I thought I would try to increase my distances in 2011.  Would love to share information and inspiration, so please let me know if you have room.  Thanks, Trivettee. 

Hi Trivettee and welcome... lots of room in MoP!  You'll enjoy the challenges at the next distance level and, lucky you, it will motivate you to up the exercising a bit.  Are you thinking Olympic distance or Half Ironman?

My 18 year daughter old joined me in a New Year's 5K last weekend - which was her first race ever.  I think she may be hooked!!  Are your kids into athletics?

Look forward to sharing info and inspiration.
2011-01-06 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3281369

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
slow turtle - 2011-01-06 7:21 AM

Hey Stu- I noticed in your bio that you mentioned your daughter was thinking of doing her first 5k with you. Did it happen? How was it?

My 8 year old (7 at the time) ran her first 5k with me on Thanksgiving! I was so proud of her!

Hi Heidi,

Yep, not only my daughter, but also my 78 year old father in law.  So we had 3 generations out there to get the year off to a great start!  I was definitely the proud parent too :-)  How is your niece that you inspired doing with her tri goals?

What are the plans for today, gang?  I've got spin class... my biking has been the 3rd priority for awhile and that is likely to continue until the end of the month, but found a spin class a couple of weeks ago to help get me do something on wheels.  I really need to get the indoor trainer set up at some point, but I so prefer biking outdoors.

Have a great day everyone!

2011-01-06 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3281378

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Plans for today: to run.

I made 2 New Years resolutions this year: The first is to run 3 times a week, and the second is to not drink Diet Coke. I actually started the Diet coke goal on November 11, 2010, but since I still struggle with it, I made it a resolution.
Did any one else make any resolutions?

Stu- I'm impressed that your 78 year old FiL ran with you! Now that's setting a great example!
My niece that wanted to train for the Tri, with me backed out. I have several extended family members who are pretty negative and afraid of success- together they convinced her that she couldn't do it. I was pretty upset with them. She definitely needs confidence boosters and a healthy lifestyle, which she isn't getting from the people who have the most influence in her life.
2011-01-06 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

I like familiar faces plus MOP actually, BOP describes me very well. ; )

I would like in if I can. Formally, 325lbs. got up to that with 20 years of inactivity due to a chronic foot and ankle problems. Found a retired military orthopedic surgeon that had just got back from Iraq. With God's help, he performed a miracle. Started running 2 years ago and competed in four tris last year and a half marathon. I had lost 100lbs, but crept up a little over the last few months battling some injuries. I am better now and training again. I would like to get down to 185.

P.S. I am 50 and slow. REAL SLOW. 


2011-01-06 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3281617

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
StlPhil - 2011-01-06 9:29 AM

I like familiar faces plus MOP actually, BOP describes me very well. ; )

I would like in if I can. Formally, 325lbs. got up to that with 20 years of inactivity due to a chronic foot and ankle problems. Found a retired military orthopedic surgeon that had just got back from Iraq. With God's help, he performed a miracle. Started running 2 years ago and competed in four tris last year and a half marathon. I had lost 100lbs, but crept up a little over the last few months battling some injuries. I am better now and training again. I would like to get down to 185.

P.S. I am 50 and slow. REAL SLOW. 


Hey Phil- It's great to see you. Your weight loss journey, and battle with injuries, is a huge inspiration to me. Welcome.

What do you have planned for today?

2011-01-06 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3281617

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
StlPhil - 2011-01-06 9:29 AM

I like familiar faces plus MOP actually, BOP describes me very well. ; )

I would like in if I can. Formally, 325lbs. got up to that with 20 years of inactivity due to a chronic foot and ankle problems. Found a retired military orthopedic surgeon that had just got back from Iraq. With God's help, he performed a miracle. Started running 2 years ago and competed in four tris last year and a half marathon. I had lost 100lbs, but crept up a little over the last few months battling some injuries. I am better now and training again. I would like to get down to 185.

P.S. I am 50 and slow. REAL SLOW.

Phil!!  Great to see you again and welcome to MoP!  It will great to have you as part of the team.  Glad to hear you're doing better now.  I know the last part of 2010 was a bit of a struggle.  All to keep in perspective.  The good thing about being 50 is there's no rush on things, just get the direction right and be consistent.  So, don't overdo it now that you're feeling better... nice and steady, man!

btw, to the rest of the group, Phil's weight loss was an amazing inspiration to our group last year and to do it on a not so good foot/ankle is even more amazing.  You all will find inspiration in Phil's journey.  I know I did.  Great to have you aboard, Phil :-)


2011-01-06 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hey every one- is having some good clearance sales on tri wear. Might be a good time to pick up some shorts.
I just got a $70 pair of shorts for $35!
2011-01-06 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3281364

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
slow turtle - 2011-01-06 7:16 AM
Welcome Andrea!
Congrats on your decision to lose weight and be healthy. Will you share with us, what motivated you to make some changes?
I think the indoor tri's are a great way to get into the sport- especially if you don't have a lot of bike experience. What is your workout plan?

I've lost the weight (well most of it) before, but I didn't include much exercise.  I lost my focus, had a child and sat at my desk job.  Turning 40 and having my son start Kindergarten were some of the things that got me on my way.  I saw a town recreation exercise class called Cardio, Strength and Stretch that meets at a convenient time 2 times a week and I started with that.  I still go to this class.  It's good for my upper body and core.  It also forces me to do some squats and lunges. 

In addition to the exercise class 2 times a week, I also try to swim 3 times a week and run 3 times a week.  My swim time is limited as I go at lunch from work.  As the weather improves I plan to add biking 2 lunches a week and one weekend day when I can fit it in.  I'm working on my running loosly basing my schedule on John Bingham's run/walk HM plan in the back of "Marathoning for Mortals".  I'll probably keep the long runs shorter for now anyway. 
2011-01-06 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3282929

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
rustymom - 2011-01-06 4:28 PM

I've lost the weight (well most of it) before, but I didn't include much exercise.  I lost my focus, had a child and sat at my desk job.  Turning 40 and having my son start Kindergarten were some of the things that got me on my way.  I saw a town recreation exercise class called Cardio, Strength and Stretch that meets at a convenient time 2 times a week and I started with that.  I still go to this class.  It's good for my upper body and core.  It also forces me to do some squats and lunges. 

In addition to the exercise class 2 times a week, I also try to swim 3 times a week and run 3 times a week.  My swim time is limited as I go at lunch from work.  As the weather improves I plan to add biking 2 lunches a week and one weekend day when I can fit it in.  I'm working on my running loosly basing my schedule on John Bingham's run/walk HM plan in the back of "Marathoning for Mortals".  I'll probably keep the long runs shorter for now anyway. 

I had lost about 35 lbs using Atkins pretty quickly and felt miserable even though I weighed less.  Gained a bunch of that back and then started into the training.  Exercising + balanced diet has taken more time, but I feel MUCH better.  I quickly looked up Bingham's book... got great reviews on Amazon!  Look forward to hearing more about the approach.

I like the lunch workout approach as well as it keeps you from eating the wrong things.  But it's been harder to manage as my workouts have increased.  However, I do have a "patented" 30 min swim workout which is 1x500 (on 10 min) and then 5x200 (on 4 min).  On the 200s, I do 50 free/25 back/50 free/25 back/50 free and treat the 50 frees as sprints (as best I can).  Then I zip by the Whole Foods salad bar on the way back to work and I can do the whole thing in an hour (barely).   What is your lunch / swim routine?

Speaking of foods, here's a quick and fairly healthy snack that I just had b/c I was starving and dinner is still a ways off.

Microwave a bit of grated cheddar cheese on a soft flour tortilla (30 - 40 seconds right on a plate)
Grab a handful of fresh spinach and put it in the middle of the tortilla and melted cheese
On top of that, spread a bit of fresh salsa
Roll it up and eat... yum!

Edited by juneapple 2011-01-06 6:59 PM
2011-01-06 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
As folks continue to join in (and for those who have already), it would be great to know a little more about your background and how you're hoping the group will help you.  You can use the following format:








Finally, please make sure you are using (start using) your training log which you can get to at the top of the screen.  Once the group is set, we'll also make sure we're all set as friends so we can view each other's logs and send inspires, etc.


Stu and Hiedi

2011-01-06 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3281365

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

Glad to hear there's space.  Pacing myself,  and hoping to do an olympic distance.  There is a sprint in April, I will plan to do, and then several olympic distances I could do this summer.  Hate swimming in the cold cold lakes here, so I may wait until Aug to do an oly.

2011-01-07 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Good Morning!

2 questions:
What does everyone have planned for today?
What is your biggest challenge that you face with training?

I'll answer my own questions. I have a run planned for right after work.
My biggest challenge is finding the motivation to get in the pool. I like it once I'm there, it's just the hassle of getting everything together, and driving to the Y, knowing that when I come out, it will be cold and dark.
2011-01-07 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
I'm just hoping to get in some physical activity today. "Demands of Life" have been CRAZY. Business has been nuts, a good thing, not necessarily good for your health though. Son is getting married on Saturday and that has brought on a whole other set of distractions.

I have to get back on track. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking more like a grape than a triathlete.
 : ( It will be late tonight, but maybe the bike trainer.


Edited by StlPhil 2011-01-07 7:25 AM
2011-01-07 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hello! Is there still room?

I'm a veteran- a slow veteran. I started Tris in 2008, took 2009 off due to pregnancy; had a baby in December 09 (our third) and then started training again and did 4 sprints and an Oly last year.
My body paid me back with IT Band issues and a grinding knee (from carrying the baby on my left hip).

I have led mentor groups before (in 2009 and 2010) but am not up to the responsibility and time commitment this year because the husband is in training for IMFL. So I appreciate the time you mentors are taking to lead us and read logs, send inspires, check in with us.

NAME: Anne Reed

STORY: see above.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 3 kids- all girls, all trouble, ages 8, 3, and 1.

TRI EXPERIENCE (if any): sprints, one OLY

CURRENT TRAINING: running 2x, bike 1x, swim 1x per week; yoga and core work in the evenings with the husband

PLANNED RACES FOR 2011: Glass City Half Marathon (april), Flying Pig Marathon 4 person relay (May), Sylvania Oly Distance Tri (August)

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS (if any): None- I tend to lose inches or sizes and I am at my body's happy weight.

-Accontability- I am much more likely to use my training logs if I know someone is checking them. All my workouts for Dec, Nov are sparsely put in even though I did them. What will I bring? Maybe a slow veteran's perspective? I'm not sure.
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