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2011-01-01 12:54 PM

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Name: Artemis (Jen)

Story: I started training for my first triathlon in 2005 and I was HOOKED!  There's nothing that compares to the feeling of crossing the finish line after your first race.  It is magical!  I've had several injuries throughout my career, but I've tried to persevere through them and train smart despite them.  I love going out for a long run and feeling like I could conquer the world after!

Family Status: Married, no kids, 2 cats.  I'm working on finishing up my PhD in genetics this summer

Current Training: I'm getting back up to running following an injury-filled fall.  I'm working up to a 10k and will start following a sprint training plan after that.

2011 Races: My big goal for the year will be the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in September and the Richmond Half Marathon in November.  I'll also be doing some 5ks and shorter tris over the summer.

2010 Races: I finished a half-marathon, Sprint tri, and several 5ks and 10ks before I was sidelined by a stress fracture.

Weightloss: I have a big weight-loss goal - 40 pounds overall!

What Will Make Me a Good Mentor: I firmly believe that EVERYONE can be successful in this sport.  I've been through the high points and the low points of triathlon training, and I want to help you achieve your goals.  Whether you need assistance in choosing your training plan, or just someone to help motivate you, I can be there for you!

Edited by Artemis 2011-04-09 11:44 PM

2011-04-07 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: Sign me up!

I'm in!

Name: Marina

Family Status: Single with dog.

Current Training: I'm officially a beginner again after a long time away. I've been easing into the sports but been off for the past two weeks.

Past Races:   I have completed a few marathons and a number of sprint tris. I was working on building to a HIM but a series of unfortunate events (Oly race stopped midway, broken big toe...). Now, I'm getting back into the tri life and need to shake these extra 40lbs I've gained in my "off-season" that lasted two years (yikes).

Goals: My goals are to lose weight and get to a healthy, fit me. I'm still not sure about my tri-specific goals just yet.

Anyway, I hope to check in, learn, cheer and be cheered on!

2011-04-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3434563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Sign me up!

Hi Marina!  Welcome!!

Are you following a specific training plan or doing workouts on your own?

2011-04-07 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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New user

Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name: Valerie

Family Status: Living with partner and 2 cats.

Current Training: For the last couple of months I've been working with a 10 week triathlon training program at my gym.  Next weekend it culminates in a mini-triathlon (15 minute lap swim, 15 min. indoor spin, outdoor 5k run). 

2011 Races:  I'm already signed up for the Cayuga Lake Tri (Sprint) August 7th (this was the result of a drunken dare).  Now that I'm enjoying the training, I'll probably sign up for a couple more, in early July and late August. 

Past Races:  I've done 10ks and 1/2 marathons in the past (not for a couple of years, though).  Really, I'm more of a hiker. 

Goals:  A couple of months ago, my goals were just to be able to finish a sprint tri and not be miserable doing it by August.  But yesterday I took a 45 min spin class, went out and ran the 5k course, came in and swam laps for 25 min, and thought to myself, "Geez, I could already do it and it's only April.  Maybe I should set some time goals for myself."  I guess I'll see what looks realistic as the season progresses. 

Weight Loss: I'm not obsessing about it and don't have any real goals in this area, but I do need to lose weight, probably in the 40ish lb. range.  I don't think charts of what we "should" weigh are very accurate - everyone's got a different body type.  But I wouldn't mind banishing this little roll on my belly!  According to the scale, since I've started training, I've actually gained weight and lost body fat.

2011-04-07 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3434819

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Valerie!!

The mini tri sounds fun.  I know a few people who have done Cayuga Lake.  I hear it's a great race!

2011-04-07 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name: Yolanda

Story: I did my first sprint tri in fall of 09, I loved the sport. The following year I completed another sprint that had a swim of 600, so even though it was another sprint tri, the swim had increased by 300, so I felt like it was a step in the right direction. I did also complete a half marathon that year. This year so far, I have completed 2 10k's and a half marathon and have plans on at least 1 super sprint and hopefully 2 sprint tri's this year.

Family Status: Married, 3 kids, 2 dogs and 2 hamsters.  

Current Training: I will be following the BT program that I put together, although I am a bit confused about it.  

I am looking forward to the races this year and I really want to improve my times. This will be my first year on an actual 'road' bike, I have used a schwinn hybrid for the past two, and I can't wait to see if it will improve my bike times. ( Or am I just S-L-O-W on a bike??)

I am not a fast runner, I am comfortable in the water, and the bike, well, we'll see Undecided

Looking forward to learning about everyone and seeing all of our success stories!

Oh yeah, I am in Texas, N of Houston.







2011-04-07 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3435032

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Yolanda!  Welcome to the group!!

I'd be happy to help you figure out your training plan.  And, a road bike will definitely make you a little faster!

2011-04-07 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name: Jules

Family Status: Married, no kids, two dogs

Current Training: Training for Olympic Triathlon with Team In Training for May, but am looking for support for the Augusta 70.3 in September as well.

2011 Races:  Cartersville Duathlon, April

                       Rev3 Knoxville Olympic Tri, May

                       Acworth Women's Triathlon, July

                       Augusta 70.3, September

Past Races:  One Sprint Tri in the early 90's, Half Marathon (run/walk) November 2010.

Goals:  To get better and faster at each section, especially running because I'm terrible at it now. I'm strong, but not strong enough and really need some motivation. Even though I'm with TNT, I don't get a lot of support from my mentor there - she basically avoids me except for the occasional hello and, except for one, the coaches focus mostly on the fast people. I'm slow and want to speed up with efficiency.

Weight Loss: I've got a long way to go. I have about 100+ lbs to lose and am preparing for weight loss surgery around July of this year. It's not something I've decided lightly. I've been overweight for 10 years, partly due to my thyroid, and have finally come to the conclusion that I can't lose the weight on my own. But my weight will not stop me from competing.

I live in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA and am looking to reduce my work hours to just 8-5 because right now I'm being abused with working until 6 or later, which prevents me from working out in the evenings.

Edited by goofee girl 2011-04-09 3:30 PM
2011-04-07 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name: Stephanie

Family Status: single

Current Training: I started training on the same day that I decided that I was going to participate in my first triathlon.  That day was March 27th.  I have been going to the gym for the last nearly two years, but needed something new to challenge me.  I created a custom training plan here on the site, but now am using the Sprint 16 week 2X balanced program.

2011 Races:  I have not signed up yet, but I plan on participating in the TRI for FUN sprint triathlon at Rancho Seco park near Sacramento, California.  It is .5 mile swim, 16 mile bike, and 3 mile run.

Past Races:  None.

Goals:  Participate in the spring triathlon on July 9th and finish strong.  Laughing

Weight Loss: Since December of 2009 after hitting my peak of 214 lbs. I have lost to date 34 lbs.!  Looking out long term, I would still like to lose about 20 more pounds with a goal weight of 160lbs.  I am quite muscular, am happy where I'm at, and therefore am not in a hurry to lost these last 20 pounds.  

Misc. Info: I am currently an international teacher living and working in Mexico.  I have taught and lived in China and Honduras before coming here.  I will be here until June 2012.  After June 2012, I have no idea where I'll be.  Only time will tell.  I love traveling and want to see / experience it all!

Edited by spaceyg02 2011-04-07 10:03 PM
2011-04-07 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3435335

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Jules!!

I'm really sorry to hear that you aren't getting more support from your TnT mentor.  Speed is one of those things that seems to come as you build endurance and are able to run more.  Can you try to email the one coach and let him/her in on your frustrations?

I also have thyroid problems, so I can understand how frustrating it is to lose weight with it.  You have the right attitude!  i also like to take measurements once per month.  Sometimes the weight doesn't drop a ton with training, but you do lose inches.

2011-04-07 10:55 PM
in reply to: #3435474

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Stephanie! Glad to have you hear!!

Your teaching job sounds like quite an adventure! It must be really interesting to get to live and teach all over the world!

Hopefully we can keep you on track for finishing strong during your July tri!

2011-04-08 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3435519

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
Artemis - 2011-04-07 10:53 PM

Welcome, Jules!!

I'm really sorry to hear that you aren't getting more support from your TnT mentor.  Speed is one of those things that seems to come as you build endurance and are able to run more.  Can you try to email the one coach and let him/her in on your frustrations?

I also have thyroid problems, so I can understand how frustrating it is to lose weight with it.  You have the right attitude!  i also like to take measurements once per month.  Sometimes the weight doesn't drop a ton with training, but you do lose inches.

I talk with the one coach pretty frequently and he's sympathetic to the situation. He's been great with my training and very supportive. I get the feeling that the other coaches and mentor avoid me because I'm fat. It really does make a difference. I've been thin and notice that I have many more friends and attention when I'm a normal size.

Once I join the gym within the month I'll have Sundays devoted to improving my running. Right now I'm interval running just 2 min and 2 min. Not great, but it's something. I could definitely use support in this area.

As for the weight loss, I am going to see my doctor next Thursday and start a pre-surgical weight loss diet in preparation for weight loss surgery. It's a last resort and I'm ready for the change. I'm just hoping to lose weight in the next 3 months to get more fit for the HIM and not be last in the pack.

2011-04-08 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hello, I would like to join your group please.

Bill is my name, I live in Marshall Michigan 41 years old, lovely wife, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 sad turtle.

Current training - Lots of running as I'm preparing for 1st marathon on Mothers day.  Riding Mt Bike 3 times per week , no swimming but should start soon as My wife will soon be able to return to the pool. (She's my swim buddy).

2011 Races - Stampede Mt Bike race May 1st, Kalamazoo Marathon May 8th, Chicago Sprint Tri Aug 28th and I'd like to do at least 1 more sprint before Chicago we'll see.  $$$ is always a issue

Past Races - Mt Bike races, 10-k 5-k, Chicago Sprint Tri all in 2010

Goals - Open water swim really messed me up last year, so Swimming high on my list.  Full tri next year, X terra TRi races look fun! HIM in 2013, IM 2015.  1st things 1st, learn to swim!

I plan to start my Tri training after recovery from the Marathon, but I'm likeing the training log, and have been playing around with it, I always have used Map my run, but I think I'll like BT's better. 

Have a great weekend


2011-04-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN


No surprise I would like to join this mentor group as well. Here is my story:

Name: Stijn

Age: 33 (in a couple of days that is)

Family status: Single

Current traing: I joined a tri club in January this year where I train each discipline once a week based on their program. Besides that I try to do each discipline once more (Mostly long sessions) a week. I'm not into a strict program besides that which I do love to be in. At least I want to structure my "home work" training.

Planned races: Below my planned races for this year. Yes I now my first one is tomorrow (weeeee)

Planned races:
- (D) 04/09: Swin - Run (500m, 5km) 5th zwemloop "de Drietip". @ Neunen

- (C) 04/25: Run (5km) Jaarbeurs Utrecht Stads Marathon
- (C) 05/21: Tri (500m, 20km, 5km) Ballast-Nedam Tirathlon Krimpenerwaard
- (C) 06/25: Tri (500m, 20km, 5km) ROC Friese Poort Triathlon Friesland
- (C) 07/16: Tri (500m, 20km, 5km) 5th C1000 triathlon Klazinaveen
- (B) 08/06: Tri (500m, 20km, 5km) Schotsmantriatlon
- (A) 08/27: Tri (750m, 20km, 5km) Triathlon Maarssen
- (C) 09/04: Tri (1000m, 40km, 10km) Rutbeek Triathlon Enschede

- (A) 09/18: Tri (1000m, 40km, 10km) Flanders Fields Triathlon Ieper 2011
- (B) 09/25: Run (10km) ABN AMRO singelloop Utrecht

(A): Prime races of season

(B): Important races/ test cases
(C): Fun races/ Orientation
(D): Pure training support



My goals: Beside being able to finish all these races I want to keep having fun doing so. In regard to the prime races I plan to set Personal Record goals once I've finished some sprints to give me a clue what is achievable. Further more I work on an overall weightloss of 100lbs (I'm currently around the half way mark). Though I have no real deadline on it I do hope to achieve it somewhere around the end of 2011.

Looking for:Basically I'm looking for motivation and a place to read about and write about the typical encounters in tri training working to the first big race of the carreer.



2011-04-08 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3435866

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Bill!!

I understand totally how money is a problem.  Are you a member of a local tri club?  My tri club puts on races that are much much cheaper for members than big ones like the Chicago tri.  It's definitely worth checking out.

2011-04-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3436001

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Stijn!!

Hope you have a great race tomorrow!  The first one is always so exciting!  Please let us know how it goes. 

2011-04-08 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3435588

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
goofee girl - 2011-04-08 6:33 AM
Artemis - 2011-04-07 10:53 PM

Welcome, Jules!!

I'm really sorry to hear that you aren't getting more support from your TnT mentor.  Speed is one of those things that seems to come as you build endurance and are able to run more.  Can you try to email the one coach and let him/her in on your frustrations?

I also have thyroid problems, so I can understand how frustrating it is to lose weight with it.  You have the right attitude!  i also like to take measurements once per month.  Sometimes the weight doesn't drop a ton with training, but you do lose inches.

I talk with the one coach pretty frequently and he's sympathetic to the situation. He's been great with my training and very supportive. I get the feeling that the other coaches and mentor avoid me because I'm fat. It really does make a difference. I've been thin and notice that I have many more friends and attention when I'm a normal size.

Once I join the gym within the month I'll have Sundays devoted to improving my running. Right now I'm interval running just 2 min and 2 min. Not great, but it's something. I could definitely use support in this area.

As for the weight loss, I am going to see my doctor next Thursday and start a pre-surgical weight loss diet in preparation for weight loss surgery. It's a last resort and I'm ready for the change. I'm just hoping to lose weight in the next 3 months to get more fit for the HIM and not be last in the pack.

I am really sorry to hear that you're going through that.  I can tell you it is not all TnT teams that are like that. 

If you want a little more detail on plans, I really like using Hal Higdons plans.  It helps get a little more info on what sort of running you should be doing each day.  Here's a list of the training plans.  It's getting really long, so feel free to ask questions!!

2011-04-08 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3271134

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hello there - think I'll throw my hat in the ring as well if you don't mind.  My athletic background is pretty easy to describe - I don't have any.  Well not *any*, I have done some running and biking in the past but it was very easy (e.g. 5k/10k & 1 half marathon running and Saturday 40 mi 13mph casual rides) but all of those are 5 yr ago so I think I qualify neatly for couch potato at this point.

For the last year I've been away from the family out of state for work with weekend breaks every three weeks.  Living away from home (wife & two boys 3 & 8) for this long has been a serious drag and not exactly conducive to good eating/sleeping/exercise habits as we tend to work 14-16hr days 6 days/week.  Thankfully I have a new job as of Jan so I'm off that merry-go-round and into better habits.

I'm currently following the BT custom plan headed for a mini-sprint (sprintlet?) in June.  I'm strongest on the bike and the run although I have had ITB issues running before.  Swimming and I are newly acquainted, but I'm past the I'm going to drown part and well into the "What do you mean I only get 15sec rest between lengths?" portion of the program.  I was up to 202lb when I started and have worked my way down to 190 now with a target of 165, so weight loss is a big factor for me.

I'm looking for advice on technique and training programs as well as motivation.  Thanks for the help!


Oh, almost forgot - I'm in Boulder, CO.

2011-04-08 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3436051

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Thanks for the Hal Higdon plans! I'm going to start with C25K plan once I join the gym and then move onto more advanced workouts.

Just a note that today is my birthday! And tomorrow I'm celebrating by training with TNT in the morning... we're doing a mini tri. Open water swim in the freezing lake!!! Looking forward to it. This will be my first tri in 19 years.

2011-04-08 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3436159

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group, Rob!! 

but I'm past the I'm going to drown part and well into the "What do you mean I only get 15sec rest between lengths?" portion of the program.

lol...I remember those parts.  That's a great bit of progress!!

As far as ITB issues, have you tried using a foam roller?  It's not fun, but it really has helped with my ITB.

2011-04-08 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name: Stan

Story: I just recently moved to South Lake Tahoe, Ca. I'm a chef and spend countless hours working. I use to be very athletic back in the day (20 years ago). I played football, ran track, played raquetball, biked, ran, and hiked the mountains. I'm now 40 years old. I quit smoking 2+ weeks ago. I have always wanted to try triatlons and dreamed of competing in the Ironman. Now I want to try it.

Family Status: Married 13 years, 2 kids (19 year old son, 17 year old daughter), 1 dog (lab), 2 cats

Current Training: I have been walking an average of 30 minutes every other day and I'm ready to start running. I spent all last summer riding 5-7 miles on the bike twice a week. Due to snow I haven't done any biking for 3+ months and someone stole my bike .

2011 Races: I am currently going to enter the Lake Tahoe Triathlon on August 14th. I'm going to do the sprint.

Weight Loss: I started at 186 lbs. I am currently 158 lbs.

I'm hoping this will give me the added motivation to reach my goals. With the economy the way it is money is a big issue, but I'm still going to train and do what I can to reach my goal.

2011-04-08 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3436824

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Stan!!

If you're ready to switch to running, the Couch to 5k training plans are really great!  That's how I started running.  I'm really sorry to hear about your bike!  What a bummer!!  We've gotten some really good deals on Craigslist, so it is worth checking for a used bike.

2011-04-08 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey all! This is Yolanda

My question about the training plan was about the swimming. Since I am a free member all it says is 1100/19min, Does that mean 1100 in 19 min? Because that is NOT happening! I swam 1700 in 55 min, maybe thats really slow.

If I am a bronze member will that be more detailed?



2011-04-08 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

I edited my original post because I forgot to add the Cartersville Duathlon that will be in just over a week from now. It's a 5K run, 17 mile bike ride, 5K run. I'm not much of a runner yet and just an ok cyclist, but I want to start participating now and not wait to lose the weight.

It's so good to see all the other newbies here! I'm hoping to get to know all of you as the months go on and learn about your challenges as we learn more about training for triathlons.

2011-04-08 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3436309

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
goofee girl - 2011-04-08 12:13 PM

Just a note that today is my birthday! And tomorrow I'm celebrating by training with TNT in the morning... we're doing a mini tri. Open water swim in the freezing lake!!! Looking forward to it. This will be my first tri in 19 years.

Happy Birthday!!!  May this be a year filled with many healthy blessings.

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