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2011-01-02 11:03 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

Hi! My name is Michael, and I am excited to be part of a triathlon mentoring group!

I am a grad student in the sciences, and I take the scientific approach into the world into triathlon. I have to understand why a plan says to train, eat, recover, etc. the way it does, and I like to make sure that what I'm doing is the most effective way to get where I want to go.

I was a state champion tennis player in high school, after which I was binge drinking, pack-a-day smoking, restaurant-eating, non exerciser for about seven years. Back in 2005, I started eating a healthy diet, started jogging a little and got my life together. I ran a 10k and one sprint tri in 2008, was out of the country in 2009, and then did a bunch of sprint tris, an olympic, a half marathon, a marathon, and an ultra marathon (50k) in 2010. In 2011, I'll be making the jump to the iron distance.

I am unmarried and in a wonderful relationship with a (slightly less obsessed) triathlete and distance runner.

My training necessarily fluctuates a fair amount with the other demands of life, but I love the structure provided by training plans. I think we should strive to follow plans precisely, but accept when life throws challenges our way and recognize that sometimes other responsibilities take priority over fitness and racing. I think nutrition and rest/recovery are critical components of training that are almost universally under emphasized. I put a good deal of thought into what I eat. I'm not by any means perfect, but I mostly subscribe to the Michael Pollan dictum, "eat food, not too much, mostly plants." I am currently experimenting with whey supplementation and will be continuing on-bike nutrition experiements into this training season.

As I mentioned above, in 2010, I ran a bunch of sprints, an oly, and running races up to the 50k distance. In 2011, I have my first race, a half marathon, next weekend, and will be focused on my first iron-distance race, Vineman 140.6 on July 30. My 30 week training plan starts Jan. 3.

I think nutrition is critical for overall well being (actually, I know it is.... I've felt the effects first hand and have turned my life around based largely on a dietary shift) and for fitness. Imaging going for a jog with a 10 pound backpack on. That's how important losing those 10 pounds are. I'm 5'9" and currently ~164 pounds... I'd like to get down to the mid-150's by the time the tri season starts for me in May. That would be the lightest I've been since middle school.

I have taught for a living, everything from MCAT prep to English as a second language in South Korea to mentoring undergraduate researchers.... I value the learning process tremendously and I love watching people set goals,
understand, grow and succeed. I'm on BT regularly, so responsiveness shouldn't be an issue. If you've read through all this and think we'd make a good match, I'd love to have you in this group. Best wishes for your fitness, health and racing!


Edited by neweyes 2011-02-06 9:14 AM

2011-01-12 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3272379

New user

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!

Hi Michael,

My name is Danny, and I'd like to join your group.  I am completely new to triathlons, and to be honest, I haven't been on a regular exercise program in a long, long time, and have no idea where to even start.

I swam competitively for 12 years and was a regional level performer in high school.  I played a lot of other sports as well, but was never particularly serious, even in swimming, and have never had a very good diet or workout routine.  I can currently complete a 5K at about a 10 to 11 minute mile pace, and I would like to focus on the running portion first, as running is the easiest thing for me to do, as I'm sure it is for most people.

I'm 34 years old, married, and have a 19 month old daughter, so I definitely understand what you wrote about the demands of life.  I am in desperate need of the structure provided by a training plan.

I'm not too caught up in weight; I feel I'll hit my ideal weight once committed to a training regimen and diet program.  I am however, very far from whatever my ideal weight is, weighing in at 200 pounds at 5' 11" tall.

I know I don't have a whole lot to offer a group at this point, but I would appreciate any insight as to how to begin a serious program.  I am very interested in the competition aspect of racing.

Thank you,


2011-01-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Hi Danny,

It sounds like you're starting from a pretty reasonable level of fitness. Your swimming foundation will serve you well... as you know, swimming is very technique intensive, by far the most of the three sports. For many beginners (and more than a few MOP triathletes), developing swim technique is a major limiter, but you won't have to worry about that. So it'll be mostly about building your overall fitness.

You said you can complete a 5k in 30-35 minutes.... that's a fine point to start from in terms of run fitness, because it means you jump into a training program that has 30 minute run sessions. Do you have a bike? A road bike? You can absolutely get started on a mountain bike or a hybrid, and for all the gear-heads in this sport, I would never discourage anyone from getting started with whatever is in the garage already. Except for a good pair of running shoes, all the gear is optional for the first year. That said, riding a road bike is a lot more fun, and they can often be picked up on craigslist or at a local bike shop (LBS) for a hundred bucks or so.

I love what you said about weight being a natural consequence of proper training and nutrition. At some point, we should talk about your dietary habits and all that, but it sounds like you have the right mindset -- make the underlying changes to diet and routine and the weight and fitness and results will naturally follow.

Are you eyeing any particular races? Where do you live? What's the climate like? Do you have a gym membership or any capacity to train indoors when it's cold? A pool to swim in?

Take a look at the race directory on this site -- I've found it to be the most comprehensive out there. Find a sprint triathlon this summer that you want to make your "A priority" race, then we can organize your training around that. If you're interested, you might also look for a 5k or 10k or two in the 4-8 weeks prior to the tri... many people find those sort of "B priority" races keep them sharp, motivated and involved in the community.

Let me know if you have any questions. Glad to have you here,

2011-01-13 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3296744

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!


If it's possible, I think I am still getting by on my build-up of fitness from swimming and playing team sports all those years, but I can feel that coming to an end.  That's good to hear about swimming, as I was hoping to make some quick progress and in-roads into triathlons.  My swimming form is still great, as I have a backyard pool, and my family / friends and I goof around in the pool quite a bit.

The 30 to 35 minute 5K time is from a charity race I did last year, so I should still be close to that, as my wife and I run 2 miles or so sporadically.  I have a hybrid bike, or actually, my wife has a hybrid bike, but it will work for me until I get a little more serious.  And of course, I've got some good running shoes.

As far as diet goes, I'd appreciate any advice you can give.  I need a good diet for planning meals and grocery trips, and am really clueless when it comes to that.  I think I need to start a good diet soon, as I know it will effect how I feel when I run, bike, swim, etc.  My wife will probably participate in the diet plan with me, which will make preparing everything easier.  I'm definitely into trying new nutritional methods, supplements, etc., as the science of it is interesting to me.

I'm not eying any particular races yet, but there are many to choose from in my area.  I'll start planning this part within the next week.  I do plan to participate in a Warrior Dash with some friends in March, I believe.  I live in Houston, Texas, so training outside is feasible most, if not all, of the year.  As I mentioned, I have a backyard pool which is about 10 yards long, so it is only good for some short swims, but we are looking into joining a fitness club.

So anyways, in the next week, I'll start planning some races.  I'll probably sign up to participate in a 5K in the next month or so.  I'm really serious about this, and honestly think I can get a good, fast start.  My only challenge will be balancing the family / work life, but I think this can be done if I do some very early morning workouts and keep the longer runs / bike rides to early weekend mornings.

I know I could probably get a lot more from the internet and be more of a self-starter, but I am hoping this mentor - mentee thing can help me get a jump-start.  I'm really a blank page at this moment.

Glad to be here,


2011-01-14 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Cool. You'll definitely want to read other stuff as you get further into this, but I'm happy to share what I've learned.

What's your diet like now? Maybe run through a typical day of meals and snacks. My dietary philosophy is centered around the idea that we should eat what evolved to eat, ie., what's available to us in the natural world. But we can get more into that later.

Let me know when you've found a race this summer to aim your training at, and we can start figuring out training schedule and stuff. Oh, and for the 5k too, though it sounds like you pretty much know what you're doing with that.
2011-01-15 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3272379


Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
I am a newbie or as new as they get. I am currently 245 lbs and 5'2" this is after gastric bypass in 05 where I lost 120 pounds of which 50 I put back on. I have thought about a tri for several years and that is as far as it has gone. I turned 37 on December 29, at 3 am that morning I was awaken with the words "Now is the time"! I underwent surgery on December 1st for female stuff and wasn't to be released from doctor till January 12. On December 29, I joined a gym. Stopped eating breads, and sweets and began drinking atleast 100 ounces of water a day. I began on the treadmil that day walking one mile, I have increased regularly and added the recumbent bike last week. I actuallly jogged 1/2 mile this week, jogging on the treadmill I have to get used toit. In addition I walked 3.5 miles as well and doing 6 miles on the bike. I have currently lost 8 lbs in two weeks and know the weight will come off as I progress but not making that a focus I have did that to many times. In addition to this I plan to register for My First Triathalon at Lake Lanier Islands on June 4th only 19 weeks away. I have told EVERYONE about this because I felt like the support I need. I am excited and praying that the equipment will miraculously land in my hands. I am returning to work on Tues. January 18th and my sister and I meet at the gym every day.

All of this being said I need a mentor that can provide me with this guidance. I would like to be a part of your group and look forward to hearing from you.

2011-01-15 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Hi Rene -- glad to have you here! And so glad to hear you're taking charge of your health. It sounds like you've done a pretty realistic assessment of where you're at and what it will take to get where you want to be. 19 weeks is aggressive, but it's doable. I like it.

How long can you jog at this point? I put together a "couch to 5k" plan for my parents that we might be able to modify for you. Can you walk briskly for 30 minutes at this point? You said you can jog half a mile on a treadmill, is that with a brisk walk warmup and cooldown? Also, how's your swimming? Is there a pool in your gym? And do you have a bike?

Glad you're here. Looking forward to hearing from you again,

2011-01-20 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
My name is Brian. I am a 35 year old male, that has been sedentary since college. I have always been quite active, and normally played two competitive sports for every season. I am a Clyde and have always been a Clyde. I also used to be a state sanctioned tennis player. When I was 13 I competed in a sprint with my dad. He did quite well, I finished dead last. I blew the swim and bike away, but walked almost the entire run. I generally get motivated again every July during the Tour De France. This year it stuck. I have been huffing my mtn bike 30-50 miles 2-4 times a week since then. I have also been running 1 minute intervals. I stepped it up to 1/4 mile intervals in Nov., but the weather has prevented much of a routine. I stopped smoking a pack a day for 15 yrs, last week. As a result I was able to run a full non stop mile seven days later. I had been trying to reach that magic day for the past 4 months. Exercise has been the key to staying quit this time. I also lift weights 4 times a week, very low weight, super high reps. I have been doing that since August. The competitor in me has always been frustrated with my performance in that first sprint tri, and now I want a rematch. I am not worried about the swim as I am an avid swimmer for 33 years, and a certified rescue diver. I have always been able to swim long distances with ease. The bike has become comfortable again, its just getting my butt used to the hours. My downfall will be the run. I have more confidence now, but with a complete knee replacement when I was 18, skiing accident, I am worried about the miles. I have been taking it slow, and haven't experienced any issues since starting to run. Besides a sprint tri, I want to complete a century ride this year. I kinda have my eyes on the Hotter Than Hell Ride in Texas, my home state. I haven't picked a sprint yet. I would also like to learn how to climb on a bike. Most of my training is done on flats or quick hills. Ultimately I would like to be able to compete(finish) a sprint tri for the next twenty years, be a competitive tennis player again, and maybe do a century or a few 5ks a year. I come from a very active family. My father has run a 5k, 3 days a week, for the past 40 years. Both his brothers and his father were joggers and boxers. I am excited about meeting some people with a common interest. I have been totally isolated during all my training so far. That is totally my fault, I just have a spuratic schedule. I have a planned goal for each day, and squeeze it in where I can.
2011-01-20 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3312497

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
I forgot to say that I am looking for a mentor to help me with my technique and form. I also use the scientific method to solve my problems, and feel that a like mind will naturally explain things better for me.
2011-01-20 11:42 PM
in reply to: #3272379

New user

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Hi Michael,

I would like to join your group. It sounds like we have a number of things in common. I played tennis in high school and college. I spent a lot of time in graduate school as well .

I never had any interest in running, but somehow decided in 2004 I could run a marathon training just one day a week. It took me over four hours and I swore I would never do it again. But I stuck with it, got a better training plan, and have now completed 10 marathons (PR 3:07 in 2010).

I have never entered a triathlon. My goal for this year is to complete a half iron. I started swimming in the fall of 2010. I'm currently swimming a little over a mile, twice a week. I have the basics down, but I know my form could improve.

Where I really need help is cycling. I bought my first road bike in November and have ridden it only once.

About me: Married, 5'7", 125 pounds, 47 years old. Self-employed software developer -- helps a lot with training flexibility.

Thanks for taking the time to mentor us newbies!

2011-01-22 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
I'm so glad the group is alive! I was worried for a bit...

John -- it sounds like you should be advising us on running. I ran my first marathon a few month ago and came in a few minutes under four hours on considerably more than one run a week training. A 3:07 marathon is quite an accomplishment. I'd love to go sub 3:10.

Brian -- congratulations on quitting smoking. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my intro, but I smoked a pack a day for 7 years. Quitting was the single most important thing that I've ever done. It opened up a whole new world of self-respect, health, fitness, etc. And you're exactly right about training being a way to stay with it. When I get the occasional temptation to smoke (it never goes away completely), I just imagine what my run the next day would feel like if I did, and the craving is immediately squashed.

I'm off to the gym for a swim and a treadmill run, which I hate, but with four fresh inches and temps in the single digits, it'll have to do.

2011-01-23 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Still room in here? I'm interested!


STORY: I'm 25. I'm an engineer working for a college. I did my first tri a few years ago, but I got more involved this year. I finally discovered my hard to find joy of running. I've swam competitively for 20 years, so I'm good to go there. I don't have regular pool access, but I finally put my swimsuit in my desk so I can hit the ocean when the weather agrees. Cycling is my weak point. I think I just have to learn to love it somehow...

FAMILY STATUS: Single. I've got a roommate, a boyfriend and a dog.
CURRENT TRAINING: I am training for the Gasparilla Festival Michelob Ultra Challange (15K and 5K on Saturday, 1/2 Marathon and 8K on Sunday). Did I mention that will be my first ever half? I'm also doing the Canyonlands Half Marathon in March. I'm trying to build myself to the mileage I need without injury, and I could use some help there! I'm trying to keep cycling and swimming as part of my cross training until those races are over.

2010 RACES:
2 5Ks, 3 Sprint Tris, 1 Olympic Relay (swim/run) and 1 full Olympic.

2011 RACES:
  Ragnar Relay Florida Keys (19.3 miles!), 

2/12: Treasure Coast Adventure Race – Elite 6hr

2/26-2/27: Michelob Ultra Challenge at Gasparilla Festival (Sat: 15k, 5k. Sun: 1/2 Marathon, 8k)

3/19: Canyonlands Half Marathon

4/3: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler

I want to add a few Tri's to that schedule, and hopefully build to 70.3 in Austin in October

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm usually around 130-135. I was 125 after my trip to Africa - partially due to some altitude sickness, partially due to eating real food the whole time.

Camaraderie! Input on my training. Support while trying to eat better (less processed food!). Learn a few things, share a few things...
2011-01-23 11:37 PM
in reply to: #3272379


Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!

Interested in joining up.  I've never done a triathlon of any distance but am signed up to do a sprint in April.  Honestly, I could do one tomorrow, just likely would not have avery good time (and probably look confused trying to put t all together).   I am already very athletic and workout in some way everyday.  I fluctuate between 9-11% body fat if that gives you an idea of where I am physically.  My biggest issue is cronic ITBS in both legs.  I've been to every type of specialist there is and the bottom line is I simply have naturally thick and extremely tight ITBs.  I've been able to work around it up to the 1/2 marathon dist. but it takes alot of time to very carefully train on a specific distance schedule/rest schedule.  I know adding the bike is going to add a new level of problem.  and, although I'm in the water all the time, I'm probably a very ineffecient swimmer, but I've joined a masters swim group, so that should get better. 

I'm not sure if you have any experience with ITBS or anyone who has a bad case of it - but I'd like to find someone who understands the extra issues I have to deal with when training... 
2011-01-24 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Hi JC and Elaine -- glad to have you both here.

JC, I have had knee problems, though they've gotten much better in the last year or two. I'm not sure if it was ITBS or something else. These insoles (which it appears have been discontinued) have been amazing for me and my high arch and wide feet. It sounds like you've got a great base of fitness --- have you picked out a structured training plan for your race?

Elaine, so glad to have a swimmer here! I made huge strides (strokes?) in my swimming last year -- from barely being able to finish a 100yd continuous swim to a 24min olympic swim, but I have a long way to go. Running is my favorite of the three, though I hesitate to call it a strength since I'm not really very fast. It sounds like Dr. J should be able to help both of us with our run training. I'm focused on cycling now -- just started Jorge's Winter Cycling Program, which is great -- tough, but great. Do you have a trainer or rollers? I love the rollers I got a few months ago (Cycleops Al), nonwithstanding the fact that yesterday morning I got foolish and tried to stand up on mine, only to slide of the side and puncture my front tire. Indoor bike training is great. That three race event you're signed up for sounds awesome. And I'm totally jealous of all the early season races. It's beginning to feel like winter will never relent around here.

I've never been part of one of these groups before, so if there's anything I can do for anyone, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll talk stop by every once in a while to talk about how my training is going, and if I see any questions that I can answer, I'll do my best.

Oh -- does everyone know about the training log feature on this website? It's very user friendly, especially if you use a heart rate monitor (which, if you can afford a Garmin 305 for around $130, is an excellent investment in your training), and it's a good way to keep us accountable. I find over and over that the simple act of tracking a behavior, whether hours worked, diet, training, etc., brings huge improvements. Tracking it publicly, as here, is even better. If you click on the "logs" button below this post, you can see my training. To get started on your own, there are instructions here.
2011-01-24 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3317686

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
I'm on a trainer. I picked up a 1up USA from the classifieds here, and it's pretty awesome. I cleaned and lubed it this weekend, and it runs even better!
I'm not sure I'm confident enough for rollers yet...

I'm still trying to find a good plan for the Gasparilla festival. The second day is the 1/2 marathon and the 8k. I don't plan on running the 8k, maybe a nice cool down jog pace, but that's still almost 19 miles in a day! Any tips on scheduling training for this? I've read that marathon training with the long run scaled down would be ideal... I'm only 5 weeks out at this point, and the plan I was following just doesn't seem to have the mileage I think I need.

I'm looking at altering the last 5 weeks of the Hal Higdon's Novice plan, starting at week 14 ( Any ideas for how long my long runs should be?

I know there is a potential for injury with increasing mileage that quickly, but I know my body, and I'm pretty good at deciding what pain to push through and what to back off from. 
2011-01-24 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3318127

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
ratherbeswimming - 2011-01-24 12:15 PM I'm on a trainer. I picked up a 1up USA from the classifieds here, and it's pretty awesome. I cleaned and lubed it this weekend, and it runs even better!
I'm not sure I'm confident enough for rollers yet...

I'm still trying to find a good plan for the Gasparilla festival. The second day is the 1/2 marathon and the 8k. I don't plan on running the 8k, maybe a nice cool down jog pace, but that's still almost 19 miles in a day! Any tips on scheduling training for this? I've read that marathon training with the long run scaled down would be ideal... I'm only 5 weeks out at this point, and the plan I was following just doesn't seem to have the mileage I think I need.

I'm looking at altering the last 5 weeks of the Hal Higdon's Novice plan, starting at week 14 ( Any ideas for how long my long runs should be?

I know there is a potential for injury with increasing mileage that quickly, but I know my body, and I'm pretty good at deciding what pain to push through and what to back off from. 

Honestly, looking at your logs, that might be pushing it. It looks like you've done a couple of 8mi runs, but not much longer. I've never done a series of races like that, but it doesn't seem like training runs of 18+ miles would be necessary. I think I might try 11 or so next weekend, then 14 or 15 at t - 3 weeks, then back down to 10-ish 2 weeks before and 6 or so the weekend before. Or maybe try doing a 3 miler later in the day after a 8-10 miler?? I would think two-a-day runs might be helpful, and maybe even two-a-days back-to-back (but keeping them short, of course). I feel I should add that I think a lot of runners would say your mid-week runs are insufficient to support those long-runs, and so you might be putting yourself at risk.

If John, our resident expert runner, is around, I wonder what he thinks....

2011-01-25 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3319057

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
I agree.

Maybe knock a mile off the midweek runs and use your recommendations on the long runs? Maybe split the long one if I feel like I need to, too?

My goal is survival for that weekend. I was in Africa in December, then came home, ran Ragnar, and had one recovery week. So, I'm about a week into real training and a bit in over my head...

Thanks for the words of advice and caution I'm still really new to this whole running thing.
2011-01-25 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3319864

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Yeah -- splitting the long runs seems safer, and might even be preferable for this kind of race. So it's two races the first day and then two again the second day? That's awesome. You might find relevant info in this thread about this race -- it's also consecutive days/multiple events per day, but triathlons. And sounds totally rad.
2011-01-25 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
OK, I am starting my last 6 weeks of off season before I start training for my tri. I am not happy with my sprint testing times for the past 6 weeks. As a result I want to incorporate some speed/agility drills into my running workouts. So far I have horizontal and vertical tennis line drills, high knee running, and butt kick running. Sorry if the terms are wrong. To me, the high knee is running with the knee reaching waist height each stride, and butt kick is when the feet kick the butt on the back stride. My question is how many do I do, and do I just add it to a running workout, or use in place of one running workout a week? Being an offseason period I was only looking to do 2 runs, 2 bikes, and 6 weight lifting sessions per week. Do I add a third run for the speed drills, at shorter intervals, and/or on the back end of a weight lifting session, or what? Just so you know what I am thinking here, I am inclined to think 10 horizontal, 10 vertical, 5- 1 minute high knee intervals, and 5- 1 minute butt kick intervals. Do I need more, or less, and do you have suggestions for other drills?
2011-01-25 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3320927

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
DragonBear - 2011-01-25 2:58 PM OK, I am starting my last 6 weeks of off season before I start training for my tri. I am not happy with my sprint testing times for the past 6 weeks. As a result I want to incorporate some speed/agility drills into my running workouts. So far I have horizontal and vertical tennis line drills, high knee running, and butt kick running. Sorry if the terms are wrong. To me, the high knee is running with the knee reaching waist height each stride, and butt kick is when the feet kick the butt on the back stride. My question is how many do I do, and do I just add it to a running workout, or use in place of one running workout a week? Being an offseason period I was only looking to do 2 runs, 2 bikes, and 6 weight lifting sessions per week. Do I add a third run for the speed drills, at shorter intervals, and/or on the back end of a weight lifting session, or what? Just so you know what I am thinking here, I am inclined to think 10 horizontal, 10 vertical, 5- 1 minute high knee intervals, and 5- 1 minute butt kick intervals. Do I need more, or less, and do you have suggestions for other drills?


The saying "run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard" is used a lot on the forums here, and I think it's good advice. I don't know any runners or triathletes that use the techniques you mention here. That's not to say they're not valuable, but I know that jogging regularly and adding some tempo or interval work to some runs works very well.

Also, since you mentioned your weight loss goal... do you ever run before breakfast? I don't love doing it, but I'm trying to drop a few pounds, and exercising before eating, and exercising at low-moderate intensity, is good for that. This article is a good summary of the whole exercise before breakfast to lose weight thing.
2011-01-25 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3317163

New user

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Hi Elaine,

I ran Ragnar Key West a few weeks ago as well. It was my first relay like that -- I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it. A really fun way to run with friends; different running ability does not matter. My third leg was over 7 mile bridge with the sun coming up behind me -- very cool. It was also not too bad being stuck in Key West for two extra days because of the snow .

I'm also thinking about Austin in October. I used to live there and still visit a few times a year.

If anyone is looking for running suggestions, here are my top two:

1. FIRST training plan:

This is the "less is more" approach which in general means never running more than 3 times a week. You do sprints one day, tempo run, and a long run on the weekend.  This idea fits perfectly with Triathlons because you are supposed to do some other type of cross training on other days.

My improvement from "no plan" on marathon 1 to this plan on marathon 2 was 4:06 down to 3:18.

2. Read the Chi Running book:

I had no running background and no previous coaching, so I really needed something to learn how to run properly. This book does a good job of explaining the proper form and mechanics.

Back another day with some of my many questions...


2011-01-27 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Is this forum still open by chance?
2011-01-28 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3325003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
hypnotoady - 2011-01-27 2:14 PM Is this forum still open by chance?

It sure is - welcome! And great name. What's your tri-story?
2011-01-28 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3321781

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
dr j - 2011-01-25 11:36 PM Hi Elaine,

I ran Ragnar Key West a few weeks ago as well. It was my first relay like that -- I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it. A really fun way to run with friends; different running ability does not matter. My third leg was over 7 mile bridge with the sun coming up behind me -- very cool. It was also not too bad being stuck in Key West for two extra days because of the snow .

I'm also thinking about Austin in October. I used to live there and still visit a few times a year.

If anyone is looking for running suggestions, here are my top two:

1. FIRST training plan:

This is the "less is more" approach which in general means never running more than 3 times a week. You do sprints one day, tempo run, and a long run on the weekend.  This idea fits perfectly with Triathlons because you are supposed to do some other type of cross training on other days.

My improvement from "no plan" on marathon 1 to this plan on marathon 2 was 4:06 down to 3:18.

2. Read the Chi Running book:

I had no running background and no previous coaching, so I really needed something to learn how to run properly. This book does a good job of explaining the proper form and mechanics.

Back another day with some of my many questions...


Thanks for the info!

My crazy runner sister did the legs that included the 7 Mile Bridge. She was there a few hours after sunrise though.  
2011-01-28 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- OPEN!
Checking in!

Two short runs and one medium run in the books for the week. The loooong run is tomorrow. I've spent more time than usual with my foam roller, but so far, I'm holding up.  

How is everyone else doing? 
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