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2011-01-03 7:30 AM

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Central New Jersey
Subject: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Morning peeps! So I mentored last year, or at least attempted too, lost most of my group by March Hey life happens I get that, but not being one to be discouraged (no discouragement allowed in the tri-world) I'll give it another go! I'm thinking of last year as a dry run practice for the awesome group I'll have this year!


NAME: WWLani/Lani Diemicke

STORY: I am a triathlete going into my 6th year of tris (wow does time fly). I started tri's after losing 73 1/2 pounds with Weight Watchers (hence the WW I also work for Weight Watchers). I became a runner, then started biking for variety, and well, one thing led to another. I have completed by sprint and olympic distance tris (family and job don't provide for the time to train for a half just yet). I am a certified USAT triathlon coach and have coached 2 newbies through their triathlons last year up to and including a HIM and coached one experienced athlete to a faster finish at her HIM this past year. I LOVE tri's. I especially love motivating new athletes to see what they can accomplish.

FAMILY STATUS: Married going on 20 years this year, 14 year old son, 3 year old dog (who LOVES to run)

CURRENT TRAINING: Just about daily although I try to avoid the gym except to swim in Jan - too crowded for me, the trainer, free weights and running outside for most of Jan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2010 I raced 1 race as a relay (I was on the disabled list for part of the tri season) Missed the LiveStrong Century do to scheduling issues but rode the 100 miles on a 10 mile loop on an inlet in Florida while on vacation

2010 RACES: August - Cayuga Lake Olympic, LiveStrong Century - Philly, July - NJ State Tri (my local and favorite race)

WEIGHTLOSS: I am loving the new WW program and am planning on being back down to my "racing" weight by Spring. I have successfully kept off most of the 73 1/2 I lost in 2002

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm always online - ask anyone who knows me, my son jokes if they could wire my phone into my left hand so I could always look at it I would get it done! I found my inspiration to become a coach after riding with a new rider who was experiencing "rider error" with shifting issues and talking her through the process. I discovered that I not only love tri's I love helping others see what they can achieve as well. My favorite quote - It's not what you did yesterday, but what you will do today that will make a difference tomorrow

Edited by wwlani 2011-01-18 6:32 PM

2011-01-12 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hi could I join your group?  I am not sure if I am doing this right, but I would love a mentor!! Total noob here!
2011-01-12 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I'd like to join your group!  It looks like we are not far from each other, I live in Easton, PA. 

I did my first tri last Aug., a sprint distance.  I just signed up for an olympic tri in May 2011 - the Red Bank Olympic Triathlon in NJ.  I am a little anxious about jumping right into the oly with only one sprint under my belt, but I have some endurance background (did the NYC full marathon last Nov. and have done HM's) so I think it is do-able, just have to be consistent and put in the time. 

The bike is my weakest area - I did most of my training for the sprint tri on a spin bike indoors and should have gotten outside to practice more on my actual bike.  I will be doing a lot of the bike training for the May tri indoors as well while the weather is cold and wintery.  But as the weather improves I would like to be able to get some longer training rides in with a group as I am uncomfortable riding too far by myself in case something should happen - safety in numbers!  The obstacle to this is finding a group in my area riding at a time that fits my schedule.  I am married with three kids (ages 8, 6 and 3) who participate in activities, plus I work FT, so coordinating with a group a group can be challenging.

Looking forward to cheering each other on!

2011-01-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I just re-read your intro post more thoroughly - the NJ State Tri is one I was/am considering doing this year!  I am planning to do two tri's this year.  The NJ State Tri is 10 weeks after the Red Bank tri...probably enough time to improve some of my times.  Are you planning to do it this year?

The tri I did last year was SheROX Asbury Park.  It was a shorter sprint...1/4 mile swim, 10.5 mile bike, 2.4 mile run.  The bike and run were supposed to be longer (12 and 3.1, respectively) but someone screwed up and cut the distances shorter than advertised.  I didn't find out about the mistake until days after the race, and it was really disappointing to find out I wasn't quite as speedy as I had thought!

Leading up to the race I had been most nervous about the open water swim.  I managed to get to one open water swim clinic leading up to the race and was SOOO glad I did - it really got me past the self-doubt about whether I could do an open water swim or not.  The swim actually ended up being the most exhilarating part of the race for me! 

I'm planning to join the masters swim team at my local Y in mid-Feb and am hoping that will help me improve my swim time - last year my swim training strategy consisted of reading up on common swim mistakes and trying to work on NOT doing those things when I swam laps!  I worked up to 1500 meters being a comfortable distance so I knew I could go quite a bit further than the race would require.  I didn't really get any feedback on my stroke or do any sort of interval training when I swam, so I am looking to incorporate those things this year.

The run is my strongest area, at least I have the most experience there.  I have run off and on for a number of years, though I am not particularly fast - I think I am a fairly average runner in terms of speed.  My fastest 5K is 27:25 and fastest 10K is 58:44, both achieved early last year.  I was hoping to push my 5K time under 25 min last year but it turns out that training for a marathon does not necessarily = faster 5K time!Smile  I ran the NYC Marathon last Nov. and finished in 5:00:45...about 30 min slower than I had hoped for, but I was still pretty pleased with the time...after all, I did beat Jared and I SMOKED Al Roker! Laughing  I set my new HM PR during the race, too - 2:16.
2011-01-12 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

Hi there. Not sure if this is how to see if I can join your group, but I'd like to!  I think I'm supposed to give a short bio of myself...

Well, I've never done a triathlon. In fact, I'm really just starting to train (with structure) for triathlon. I have a basic fitness level from playing soccer, I run a lot, and I learned to swim as a kid. But a tri training program is new for me. My biggest motivation for doing triathlons is that I would like to create an active lifestyle for myself for the future.  I work shift work and although I do still play team sports I find it very difficult to commit to them because of my rotating work schedule. I don't want to give up an active lifestyle but I've found over the last couple years I've let some of this active lifestyle go because of my work schedule (and now find myself 20-25 pounds overweight) and some health issues. In doing an individual sport I hope to get back on track in terms of "active living". I am also doing weight watchers (well, I've struggled to commit to it over the christmas season but getting back on track) which is one reason why I liked your group.

Ultimately my goal is to make training for triathlons a habit in my life. I love to compete, so race day is really a bonus for me.  Mid term goals would be to lose the weight I'm not happy with through safe diet and exercise and to keep it off. Short terms goals, seeing as though I'm very much at the beginning, would be to train for a triathlon successfully and complete a race.


2011-01-12 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
TxTriMom - Love noobs -WELCOME

Tiffany - when I saw your "name" I wondered if you were in Texas too (wasn't Texas Walker Ranger a TV show?) We can have LONG discussions regarding bike safety. It won't matter if you train indoor or out but you need to be comfortable on your bike. I would suggest you find a local bike shop (LBS) and take a basic bike maintenance class. 1) you will NOT break your bike 2) you need to be able to change a tire 3) get a road id 4) carry a cell phone More on bike safety later. Since your not in Texas but in Easton, I'm just south of Bridgewater NJ. If time permits in the spring we could actually meet (if you'd like) and ride the NJ tri course, it would be good to be familiar with the course AND practice some bike safety too

Peanut - you are most welcome to join, anyone who has the same nickname I bestowed upon my son is a friend of mine!


2011-01-12 11:00 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I would like to join this group.  I can run, swim, and ride...but not very fast.  I have done a few 5K and 2 10k runs , a few century bike rides, and have only started swimming 2 years ago.  I have a lot of work to do. 

Participating in a Tri has been an interest for several years, 2011 is it.  I am thankful for this Mentor program and cant wait to get started.

Now what? ;-)
2011-01-13 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hey, this is exciting - our group is taking shape! Smile

Thanks for the bike tips, Lani.  It makes me feel better to hear that I am okay to train indoors as long as I am comfortable on my bike.  My LBS actually has an upcoming class (Feb. 7, I think) on changing a flat (bonus - it's free!) so I will see about registering for that.  Will look into getting the road ID.  That would be great to meet up to ride the NJ tri course!  I truly can use all the bike tips I can get.  (Hubby and I lived in Somerville from '99-'01 so I am familiar with the area...I worked in Cranbury right on 130 from '99-'06.)

I am planning to follow the 2X balanced oly program for the tri in May.  I'll officially start it on 1/24, but am going to start getting back in the groove immediately.  I swam last night for the first time in close to 5 months.  Embarassed  It felt pretty good, I thought it might feel awkward after the time off but it wasn't bad at all.  I did 30 laps (1500m at my pool) in about 40 min, which is about the amount of time it used to take me, though the last few were maybe a little tougher than before.  I always get a headache after I swim, I think from getting the water in my sinuses, and it lasted through the night - annoying.  Does anyone else experience this?

Today I'll be heading to spin class at lunch!
2011-01-13 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
TxTriMom/Peanut/Shawnakay - do you have specific races in mind that you are training for?

Shawnakay - It sounds like you are already in a great place to do a tri!  You don't have to be fast, just be able to cover the distance.  For my first tri last year I signed up for a women's only tri (one of the SheROX series) so that there would be a more relaxed atmosphere.  It was a great experience, everyone was very supportive!

Lani - do you have any tri training books that you would recommend?


Edited by twalker0475 2011-01-13 9:14 AM
2011-01-13 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hi! Northwest here and looking for a good mentor. I have completed a sprint, Oly, and several half mararthons. I am a very busy mom with 4 kids in a blended family. They range from 10 to 5, and all are in a sport with one in year around swimteam. I work full time and am mainly responsible for the zoo we keep with 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, a cat, and a hermit crab. Training provides me my "me" time but I would love the help along the way. I really enjoyed your profile and how realistic and down to earth you seem.

Let me know if you have the room. Cheers!
2011-01-13 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
We have room for both of you Will update more tomorrow - broke out in hives (long story for another day) took Benadryl and fell asleep on the couch after work

2011-01-14 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

IDMtnGrl - Wow, it sounds like you have a lot going on!  Training is my "me" time, too.  I do most of it during my lunch break - I'm fortunate to have a gym at work and I take advantage of it!  My boys are into sports as well - wrestling season will be over in about a month, then we will have about a month break, then baseball starts.  Most weekends I get one workout in, but this can be a real scheduling challenge which can require serious negotiating with my husband.  It got to be very stressful to find time to do my long runs last fall in the midst of the boys' football season.

Lani - sorry about the hives, hope you are feeling better today!


2011-01-14 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Well let me give a bit of background on myself!

I am a busy working mom. 2 kids, age 3 and 6 and work full-time.  I started running 2 years ago after mainly being frustrated with the weight I had gained during my pregnancies.  Once I got started there was just no stopping me!  I started with a 5k and am running my first full marathon in 2 weeks!  I did my first mini-tri in 2009, I didn't know how to swim about 1-2 months before the triathlon.  I took some lessons and once I learned how to breathe under water- voila!!! I did 3 sprint distance tri's last summer and my good running buddies have convinced me to do a Half Ironman distance Summer 2011.  So, I have got a LONG way to go and a short time to get there.  Right now, I am not worried about time at all! I'm worried mostly about learning to balance all these activities with my busy life,doing the best I can, staying safe, and conquering my fear of the OWS.  I had a panic attack in my first and only OWS triathlon.  This is going to be a problem for me.  Also, 2 of my friends were struck by a car while we were on a bike ride last summer, a month later one of our cycling club women was stuck and killed by a distracted driver and I've not been the same since.  I can hardly ride my bike outdoors anymore.  So, basically I have psychological issues! Ha
2011-01-14 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

Tiffany- We have very similar run times! I'm a 27:50 5k, 2:07 HM, and I'll let you know in 2 weeks on my M time! I'm considering training for a Half Ironman distance but have not decided on the actual race yet.  Top contenders are Branson, Austin, Kansas, or Redman in Oklahoma City.

Everyone- I'm Kara by the way!

2011-01-14 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3273560

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

I'm interested in joining your group. I'm almost 50 years old, have two kids and four cats and have been doing sprint tris for aabout 5 years, though the last couple of years I have either not raced or raced pretty undertrained. I would really love to have some inspritation and motivation to get training again and improve my run endurance, my bike technique, and just plain old feel a little comfortable in the open swim (which is just an exercise in survival for me).




2011-01-14 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3300840

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Jennifer - Welcome! Love to have you join us

Thanks for asking about the hives, they are almost gone, just a few left, this time they were all around the exterior of my mouth so they have been quite uncomfortable

We need to think about a name for our group and maybe a mini goal for us all for the week (doesn't have to be the same goal)

2011-01-15 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3273560

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

I have to admit to feeling a little out of my league here in terms of level--but it's good practice to let go of ego! I'm really trying to balance (like so many of us) work, kids (one 17-year-old boy getting ready for college, and one 14-year-old girl--enough said!), cats, and healthy body and spirit. goal for this week really is to get a play and simply to train consistently.   I would also love to do a 10k race on my way to preparing for summer tris...

2011-01-15 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hello!  I hope I'm not too late, but I would love the opportunity to join your group! I'm off to put my son to bed, but will come back this evening to post more info on me.  

Super excited to get started!
2011-01-15 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3301961

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Not too late at all Lori - Welcome Can't wait to hear more about you!

Since tomorrow is Sunday and the start of a new week - how about everyone post one small goal for the week - mine is to swim at least once, and bike 3 times
2011-01-15 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Ok, so back from bed duties, and wanted to put in my info!  

NAME: lori0826/ Lori

STORY: So I did my first tri as a relay 3 years ago when my mother in law decided she wanted to do so for her 50th birthday.  I loved it, so did my sister, my mil HATED it!   But we were both hooked and kind of felt sissy-ish for only doing 1/3 of the event.  The following year we did a sprint and last year we did 2 sprints.  This year I've decided to try something bigger and have registered for my first 1/2, which will be in July, the 10th to be exact.  I am SOOOOO nervous but really excited!   My goal is to finish and be able to tell myself I CAN do it!  

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married, have been for 6 years and have a 3 year old son.  I work full time and my husband travels pretty regularly for work... this causes training challenges for me!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm not a huge plan follower... I have done research on amount of training hours, roughly what % should be which activity and such... but I can't commit to the strict plans that I feel like lots of people do so I don't really have the BEST answer for this one.... but right now I swim about 3 days per week and run about 4.  Biking has been tough in the winter, but try to get in about  3 hours per week on the trainer.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I have my BIG goal of the 1/2 Ironman; on July 10th.  I'm also doing a sprint on 6/26 and one other sprint, I think in August.   My sister and I also do some bike rides and 5k's throughout the summer.

2010 RACES: Well, I did 2 sprints, one in July and one in Sept.   Between in early Sept I was diagnosed with a stress fractured hip, so that was not good, but I was able to do my sprint and then take some time off.   I'm optimistic that it has healed nicely, but surely need to be aware of how it is feeling as I'm building mileage leading up to July.

WEIGHTLOSS: At the beginning of 2010 I was at JUST 200 pounds... (I'm 5'10" )  at New Year's Eve into 2011 I was at 155 pounds!  So I've last 45 pounds in the last year.  I would hope to go down a LITTLE bit lower (maybe 10-15 pounds) this year and then I think will be pretty happy with my weight and would just like to maintain.   The holidays being over is a good thing on this front!  

Well, that's me!   Have a great day!
2011-01-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Ok, so I promise not to be a CRAZY poster at all times, but I'm so excited tonight and just read through everyone else's info, so here's post 3 in about 2 hours.

My goal for the week is to swim at least 3 days and run at least 3 as well.

So I'm reading and noticing that most have an area they consider their weakest... and I don't know what mine is... not because I'm good at them all, but because I struggle with all of them   Undecided......
Swim, I can cover the distance... I'm swimming almost 2 miles when I go... most days 110ish laps... but it takes me 1 hour 15 minutes and I KNOW my form is deplorable... I feel as though folks are literally staring in disbelief that I am able to stay afloat, nevermind keep moving forward.  
Running... well, I can do it... but not really well and not really fast, at all..... I run at about 10 minutes per mile.... and it seems no slower or faster, no matter how far I'm going.   I've tried really PUSHING it on short runs, 10 minutes per mile and pacing myself on "long" runs and still 10 minute miles.   I'm also a little worried, because I've got to build up to 13.1 miles for the race and my longest is probably about 5.75 miles?   

  Biking, well, that's kind of a sight as well, I'm slow... last summer I was finally able to build up to avg of 13ish miles per hour.   I also have a problem with randomly popping my chain off and having to stop.  I AM good at putting it back on though... too bad there's not races at chain putting on!     I'm not too worried about the distance on the bike, I can ride for a long time, but not very quickly!

So, well, perhaps I need to build confidence as well as speed... ugh!  I've got a long way to go in 7 months!  

I like that all the ladies in the group have similar busy lives, kids, pets, work and trying to train, seems like it'll be nice to have some folks who "get it" on the challenge of getting it all fit in to the day. 

2011-01-15 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I'm kind of lame this week for 2 reasons:
1) I am tapering for the Houston Marathon
2) I am recovering from PNEUMONIA!!!! Ugh

So my goal for the week is to take it easy and do the bare minimum of activity.  Enough to keep my body engaged but enough to not stress my immune system any further. This is so tough for me, I had to take all week last week off. I'd like to run my 10 miler tomorrow but am thinking of doing 5 instead.
2011-01-15 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Lori- Have you considered running with a HR monitor?  For example, I run a 8:50ish 5k pace, 9:45 HM pace, but training runs are 11:00 pace.  I wonder if the monitor might help you to run slower/faster.  Also, speedwork really helps me (when I can actually get it in).   Also, what kind of bike do you have?
2011-01-16 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Lori- One more thing, I often use the quote "Triathlon, the chance to suck at 3 sports at once!" Ha!!! I too, am weak in all 3 areas.
2011-01-16 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hi...My name is Michelle and I am looking for a mentor that can help me towards completing my first triathlon. Santa brought me a Cannondale for Christmas and I can't wait to get it outside!

I have been battling weight loss all my life.  I did play field hockey many moons ago.  I am about to turn 30 (in one week!) and after looking at recent pictures of myself, I just can't stand it anymore.  I miss being a normal weight.  I have casually been on BT for about one month now, but am ready to take it to the next level. 

I am currently using the Beginner Exercise program and in the third week.  I am loving the program, but am worried that due to the program's pace, I will not be ready for a triathlon for a long time and I am too excited!  I want to do a tri tomorrow =-) I am trying to be realistic though, so I have tiered my goals...just in case...possible races: mid-June, end-July, mid-Sept.  I reallllllllly want to be ready for June.   There is also a 5K that I would like to do at the end of March...a dedication to a friend's father that passed last year to Colon Cancer.  I hate running though!

So I think I have rambled on enough!  I look forward to chatting with you and all the other members.  All advice, tips, motivation, etc are welcomed! (I love exclamation points by the way...I am not yelling...I am just excited to have started this journey!)
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