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2011-02-06 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
RAUL, actually just got back from DFW.  Was going to drive up on Friday morning but was worried about the weather so took an extra day off on Thursday and drove up.  The roads were fine until I got to Ennis, then it was slow going the rest of the way to Fort Worth.  Got back to the hotel after my daughter's show around 11:15pm and the skies opened up about midnight.  My daughter and I were out playing in the snow at 1am.  Glad the weather cleared up for my drive home today.

LORI, shoveling snow and deicing wound definitely qualify for cross-training!

KARA, hope you've recovered from your race!


2011-02-06 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3342174

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
I am so glad to hear that you are all doing so well with your training!

Lisa - smart move on the going easy with getting back in the pool form is so important!

Kara -I do follow a training plan. I just haven't written mine yet. Had to do the 3 for my clients first. I had a coach for awhile but she had some personal crisis' that prevented her from giving her clients the time they needed. I went for my USAT Level 1 and write my own now. I log them in the training log when I remember (which isn't often enough)

I have recently (yesterday) staring using some ERG videos with my CompuTrainer and am quite pleased so far.

Hoping for better weather this week!

2011-02-07 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Kara - Glad you got the joke, after I posted I was hoping you wouldn't be offended!Laughing How is your shin feeling?  Hopefully just giving it a break from running it will begin to heal.  I wonder what percentage of people make it to marathon race day without some sort of injury?  It can't be very high!  Sounds like you have a pretty full schedule of races for the year!

Raul - How was your daughter's soccer tournament?  My boys had wrestling tournaments this weekend, one on Sat. and the other on Sun.  I love watching them but the days are long and can be draining!

I did a 10K race yesterday.  I was hoping to beat last year's time but was about 2 min slower - boo.  It was a different course than last year, they changed it due to icy roads and this made it hillier, so I am telling myself that accounts for the extra time.  Still, I was hoping to be faster - I am finding it really difficult to improve my speed at this point.  I am not a natural born runner, so I suppose any further improvements are going to require a lot of effort.  Yesterday's race left me with some lingering feelings of "why am I doing this?" that I'm working to shake off today.Frown

I've been sticking to my training schedule pretty well, though the snow did interfere with a swim last week.  I'm going out of town this Fri. to visit my parents and won't be back until the following Wed. so I will definitely have to modify my training plans for that block of time.  I should still be able to get a few workouts in - I'm going to shoot for a run, a swim and a plyometric workout (there is a "deck of cards" workout I heard about that I've been wanting to try and I can do it in my parents' basement in about 20 min.)  The good thing is next week is the 4th week of training and is supposed to be a lighter week anyway.

2011-02-07 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Well, my daughter's soccer tournament was cancelled due to the weather.  Evidently it snowed as far south as much for global warming. 

Next week my daughter and I will be in Phoenix for a soccer tournament.  A check of the weather there shows sunny and 70!  Can you imagine, sunny and 70 in February?!?!?!?!?  I'm looking forward to go just to feel the sun and feel 70 degrees....I guess I'll have to pack some sun block!

I did some lifting this morning and then did some swimming.  For some reason I was weak and and my swim was nothing more than a control drowning.  Hopefully it was just that it was Monday morning.  We'll see what happens tomorrow. 



2011-02-07 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lani- Would you be willing/interested in putting together a Half Ironman plan for a newbie like myself?  I really don't have any specific plan and most that I see are just too hardcore for me. The beginner plans aren't really descriptive enough for me. 

Tiffany- Don't worry I have a quite warped since of humor so I definitely got the joke! LOL and it gave me a good laugh. 

I'm recovering pretty well from the race, outside of my shin.  I am going to the Dr Wednesday so cross your fingers, we'll see. I did a HARD spin class tonight...O.M.G. hard!  I really almost puked in the class, that has never happened to me LOL  So I'm easing back into things. I'm not running again until I get the Dr's ok.  Just going to concentrate on swimming and biking right now.
2011-02-07 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lani- I am not familiar with ERG videos. I've heard of the computrainer, wish I could get one but think I need a little more basic experience and dedication before I invest in that!  LOL

2011-02-07 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3344203

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
I'd be happy to help you with a plan. Can you pm me your email, need some background to put a good one together - offer's good for anyone in the group (going rate is FREE - hubby won't let me charge worried about liability)

The Computrainer allows you to simulate a real course (either virtual or with actual video). On a "regular" trainer (or following video) they say climb a hill you don't want to - you don't. CT automatically adjusts tension so you have to shift down to climb and up on descents. The ERG videos are different in that you set your power output and it adjusts the ride to match your power goals (ie 50% in this section, etc). I am VERY MUCH liking the results so far. So much so that I just ordered 9 more
2011-02-08 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lani-I'll send you my email, I wouldn't mind paying for one at all.  However, if you don't want to charge I can provide a reference for you for when you do start charging, perhaps.   I really like the idea of the computrainer/ERG video's I may consider that for next season. I have done no riding this off season so I need to stay more focused next year.  The bike is definitely a weakness of mine.
2011-02-08 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Yay I have a picture now!!! LOL  It's the small things in life I tell you
2011-02-13 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Well I am just touching base, I'm heading out of town to a conference for a week and won't be able to check in most likely. I have no work out plans this week.  I caught strep throat again!  So no running for awhile due to the antibiotic I am on.  Also, Dr. thinks I have a stress fracture in my left tibia. MRI is on Friday, fingers crossed that it is not. 
2011-02-13 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3353403

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
YIKES! Take the week off and rest! (not all of you, just the injured ones!)

2011-02-16 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3353452


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Oh man, I guess I should have read the whole message from Lani, I haven't done anything all week..... he he.  Just kidding~!   

The weather has been pretty nice on and off this week... so I've gotten in a few runs at lunchtime and went for a swim the morning.   It was my first swim in about a week, I was battling bad cold that was dropping into my chest and making breathing really tough, so I thought swimming without breathing would be a poor plan!   Needless to say this morning with the remnants of the cold and not going in a week, it was a tough swim, but felt good to get back at it! 

The next 2 days are supposed to be in the 50s I'm hoping to get in a good long run tomorrow and bike to work on Friday.  The piles of snow/ice are a bit of a challenge, but I'm willing to try to get around them safely to be able to ride!  We shall see how it works out!

2011-02-17 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hi everyone...sorry I haven't been around, I've been out-of-town since last Fri. and just got back yesterday.  I'll try to catch up on the posts later today/tomorrow!
2011-02-21 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3359601

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
YIKES - what happened since Thursday? Did everyone disappear? I did, actually, I was swamped with work, we moved one of our locations on Saturday and had to be ready to open today so I was BUSY BUSY BUSY with work from Friday through yesterday then spent today catching up on all my "regular" work!

Hey, a weird thing happened today. I got in the car and it drove to the gym (pronounced jim) where I found a room with a large square hole filled with water. I got in and did this thing called "swimming" Fascinating concept I tell you. Felt good to be back!

Ride tomorrow, run Wed, swim Thurs or Fri (ride the other) and see what the week/weather brings.

What do the rest of you have on tap?
2011-02-22 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Just getting back on to catch up...looks like I haven't really missed much, it has been quiet!  I hope everyone is feeling better.

Lani - glad you found your way back to the gym and into the pool!  I have to get up early to swim before work, so this one gets passed over by me from time-to-time, in, if there is not a triathlon looming in the horizon, I'm not getting up to do it!

I was out-of-town last week for my grandmother's funeral.  I did get in several workouts so feel good on that eating was not so great, though, which didn't help me in my quest to drop 10 lbs.  Embarassed  C'est la vie...back to my good eating habits now, though.  I made a beef and sweet potato stew and polenta lasagne for lunches/dinners this week - yummy!  Oh, and whole wheat lemon blueberry scones, too.

Last week was the fourth week in the oly training plan for me and a 40% reduction in training volume for recovery, which worked out well with my travel plans.  This week it's back to the 3rd week's training volume before it begins increasing again next week. 

I got a 6 mile run in on Sat. with a local running group and went to breakfast with them afterwards.  It was a lot of fun!  This morning was my first "official" CrossFit workout since completing the foundation was definitely more difficult than the foundation classes.  I talked to the coach afterwards who also happens to be a triathlon coach (can't remember if I mentioned that before)...I'm thinking of asking him to critique my swim stroke since the masters swim group was a bust, but I got the impression he would charge in the neighborhood of $65 for this so am going to hold off for now...budget constraints. 

I went to a bike flat fixing clinic a couple weeks ago and managed to slit my perfectly good tube trying to get the tire back on the rim. Frown  Nice!

2011-02-27 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Good news - NO stress fracture! woo hoo....localized media tibia something something shin splint.   Supposed to take 4 weeks off, but I have already done that so I am going back at it...just slowly. So I did a 3 mile run Saturday and 1 mile swim today!  Feels good to be active again.

2011-02-28 5:21 AM
in reply to: #3374877

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Welcome back! Ease in gently - too early in the season (year) to injure yourself when you can and should take time to heal!

Busy week ahead but have plans to swim on Tues & Frid, Ride on Mon/Thurs, Run Wed/Fri and of course walk the dog every day

What are the rest of you planning??

2011-03-06 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

So this week was a bad week for me but I got in a 3 mile run Monday, 1 mile swim Wednesday and Saturday and a 45 min bike (trainer) and 2 mile run today...first brick of the season...I"m WAY out of shape! Yikes, hope it comes back quickly!

So this week my goal is to get in 10 miles of runs, 1.5 hour on bike, 3 miles swimming...we'll see

2011-03-07 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Hey all - looks like we are all too busy training to post!  Wink 

Kara - Just look at last week as a recovery week!  Sometimes I find after an unplanned week of less training my body feels a lot better the next week and I'm mentally raring to go.

I'm starting week 7 of the oly training plan.  Training has been going well, other than some boredom with the bike.  I've been doing my bike training in spin class so far, which means I do the 30-50 min workout with the class then tack on any additional I am supposed to do beyond that either before or after class.  The part I have to do by myself is a bit of a chore even though I listen to my iPod.  The weather is starting to warm up so I am really anxious to get out and do some of these longer rides with a group.  There is a 20-mile group ride on Sunday mornings that leaves from my LBS that I am hoping to join maybe every other week.  The tricky part is that I usually do my long run on the weekend, too, which would necessitate training both Sat. and Sun. and I prefer to take one day on the weekend as a rest day...helps keep the peace with the hubs!  Plus, the kids' sports schedule usually makes it difficult to work out both mornings.  We have a lull in the schedule for March now that wrestling has ended and before baseball starts up in maybe for this month I will try take advantage of that and get in a workout both days.

I picked up the latest issue of Triathlete magazine a couple weeks ago.  It has an olympic training plan in there and, wow - it seems KILLER to me!  I think it gives you only one rest day maybe every 2-3 weeks, and I have always heard that one rest day/week is essential to allow your body to recover.  I dunno, maybe they are counting long slow bike rides as active recovery?  Also, I find the bike gear and all the upgrades you can make in the interest of shaving off time to be a bit overwhelming!  Not to mention you could run yourself into some serious debt. 

Hope all is well with everyone!

2011-04-15 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hello???? Is anyone out there? I can't mentor you all if I don't know what you need/want. Anyone still training???
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