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2011-04-07 9:46 AM

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: Tri-Curious - -full
PREFERRED MENTEES: People new to exercise/healthy active living

WHEN I CAN START: Available to start immediately
NAME: Melissa Basta / mbasta

STORY: I am a certified kinesiologist (human movement specialist), certified personal trainer and a certified teacher from Ontario Canada. This year I got my first taste of triathlon and I can't get enough. I have always been more of an academic and have a history of serial exercise regimens. I have been training from May 2010 until now and swim/bike/run have become more of a lifestyle for me than simply a workout. Previously I was a competitive bowler (don't laugh!) and an on-again-off-again gym goer. When I began in May I was a complete non-runner, so if anyone is in this boat I can help motivate you through the initial difficult period.

Since I am still new to triathlon myself, I would prefer to work with people who don't have a lot of experience being physically active because I have a strong knowledge base in general strength and endurance training, general nutrition, and sport psychology (motivation!). If you are more advanced and want to join my team you are more than welcome! If I don't have the answer to a swim/bike/run specific question I will try my best to get the answer, or I will point you in the right direction.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with no children 

Since I have only been training since the end of May 2010 I am still building a foundation so much of my training involves gradually increasing distance and time spent in swim/bike/run. Currently I am dealing with some injuries, which explains the apparently haphazard training log.

Since I began last May I have completed 1 sprint distance triathlon, 3 5km races, and 1 10km race. This season I have 2 sprint distance triathlons planned along with 2 half marathons and some 5km and 10km races along the way.

 I believe that inches are more important to track than pounds and I am currently working on improving my body composition. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I visit BT on a regular basis and love to help fellow BTers as much as I can. I have applicable training that I can put to use helping you reach your goals and hope that we can all learn together. Knowledge isn't passed in one direction, it's an exchange, and I know that everyone in our team will have something to contribute before the end of the mentor program, whether they currently realize it or not.

Edited by mbasta 2011-05-01 7:07 AM

2011-04-07 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
I'm interested in joining again, if everyone can stand my whining about swimming. I've got just over 3 weeks until my tri (assuming we can go - government shutdown may be putting a wrench in the spokes, so to speak) and am in the final cramming stages.

Just wanted to mention that I swam again today and it went really really well! I had to get out at the end of the prescribed workout (would have stayed longer but my husband got called into work, and he was my ride) and really enjoyed it. I'm interested to see if I can sustain the feeling tomorrow.

Also wanted to mention that being accountable in the thread and to my training log has been very motivating. I'm currently on an 11 day streak of either swimming or biking each day. This is coming off of a fairly long period of couch potato-ness during a stressful period in our lives. I couldn't be happier with how things are going!
2011-04-09 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
I'd like to join again, too, if that's okay. I'm out of town at a bike ride this weekend but will post a bio when I get back. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2011-04-11 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Great to see you two! Of course you're more than welcome to join again. We're not "active" yet so keep your eyes out for when this thread gets moved out into the regular area (where we used to meet). In the mean time you can post here.
2011-04-14 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Did 800 yds straight front crawl today!!! So excited to actually have done the distance (actually, I think I did 850 yrds because I got paranoid that I skipped forward on one 50 so added another in). Could not be happier right now!
2011-04-23 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Name: Karla

Story: I am a newbie. I've only been running since January, and I can only marginally swim. I do ride my bike some, however, doing rides of 7-12 miles with some 20-25 milers mixed in. Oh, and I'm 51 years old. My daughter thought it would be good for us to do a triathlon this year, so here I am. Crazy!

Family Status: I'm married (25 years) with two daughters, 23 and 19. Nest is pretty much empty except for me, husband, and one cute mutt.

Why I'd Like to Join This Group: I can use all the support, encouragement, and commiseration I can get. I was in mbasta's group last time and learned a lot from her and the other folks there.

2011 Races: 5K end of April (completed) and Sprint tri beginning of September.

Current Training: Between phases. Completed a couch-to-5K program earlier in the year. Need to get back to a steady program.

Weight Loss: I have plenty to lose - at least 25 pounds. Have lost and gained back a few times over the years. Menopausal hormones (or lack thereof) haven't been helping. I think I really need to make this a current focus as it would help me in many ways.

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I am very open to suggestions and support, and willing to help and listen to others.  ;-)

2011-04-23 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

So, yeah, I did come back from the bike ride two weeks ago. Where does the time go? Yikes! That weekend I rode a total of 43 miles over three days - pretty good for me on first rides of season.

This morning, did my first 5K. Was DFL, but that's totally least I wasn't DNF or DNS (or, as my daughter pointed out, DOA haha!!). My goal was to do it in an hour, and my time was 51:40, so I was happy about that. Did it mostly walking with some short sections of running thrown in. My knees just really don't care for the running...

I hope things are going well for everyone. The board has been dead (not that I've been any better) anyone still around?

Take care!!


2011-04-23 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3446799

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
kwynnc - 2011-04-14 1:49 PMDid 800 yds straight front crawl today!!! So excited to actually have done the distance (actually, I think I did 850 yrds because I got paranoid that I skipped forward on one 50 so added another in). Could not be happier right now!
That is awesome!! Congratulations!!! I like that you did extra just to be sure.
2011-04-25 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

We're live!! I saw that the mentor staging area was gone and thought that we got cut.

Welcome back everyone and welcome to any new members who want to join!

2011-04-25 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Hi, I am a newbie interested in joining your group.

Name: Lani

Age: 42

Status: married with 5yr old daughter

Training: I am a recreational cyclist,  a great breaststroker (working on my breathing in freestyle – God it’s hard) and a slow jogger.   I have been procrastinating signing up for a tri a tri in September.  Looking for support  and encouragement  to keep me on track.

Weightloss:  I have lost 55lbs over the last year and a half and would like to lose another 35lbs. 

Looking forward to a great summer of training

2011-04-25 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
DOA...pretty funny!  Congrats on the 5k!  Nice to see the group back.  I couldn't find it so I joined another one. Can I belong to 2?

2011-04-25 10:44 PM
in reply to: #3465518

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Mac'sMum - 2011-04-25 8:03 PM

Hi, I am a newbie interested in joining your group.

Name: Lani

Age: 42

Status: married with 5yr old daughter

Training: I am a recreational cyclist,  a great breaststroker (working on my breathing in freestyle – God it’s hard) and a slow jogger.   I have been procrastinating signing up for a tri a tri in September.  Looking for support  and encouragement  to keep me on track.

Weightloss:  I have lost 55lbs over the last year and a half and would like to lose another 35lbs. 

Looking forward to a great summer of training

Hi! Congrats on your weight loss - that's great! Go ahead and sign up for the tri a tri; I find that having that commitment/goal out there is a great motivator!
2011-04-25 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3465838

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Threejs - 2011-04-25 10:58 PMDOA...pretty funny!  Congrats on the 5k!  Nice to see the group back.  I couldn't find it so I joined another one. Can I belong to 2?
Hey! Good to see you again! I don't know about belonging to two groups, but I've not seen anything saying you couldn't.
2011-04-26 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
I am headed to MN this weekend and part of the trip is to scope out the Chisago Lakes tri route. I pulled the maps off the internet and we are planning to drive the routes since it is a busy weekend. Any pointers on what I should look for when I am there?  This is the only time I will be in MN before race date.
2011-04-26 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

count me IN please!!
(i'm Nicole by the way!)

this will be year #2 of triathlon & i CAN'T WAIT!!!
last year i completed a try a tri & a sprint and was HOOKED!

i've got my first full marathon next month & i'll be training and working my way up to successfully (i.e. comfortably!) finishing an olympic distance event in September!
in between, i've got a bunch of shorter tris & some open water swimming and cycling events to look forward to.
i'm nervous though... this will be my 1st year competing in the 30 y/o category... (i've heard these women are a tough bunch!!)

(but i'm SO with you-- my body composition needs improving too!)

2011-04-26 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3467260

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Yay! I'm so glad the group went live! Hello to all, new and from before. I'll do my introduction later, I'm on my iPhone and hate typing a lot that way. We are in the middle of our road trip which culminates in my tri this Saturday in Vegas. Just got back from the Grand Canyon. Road trip has been great but lots of anxiety for Saturday. Not sleeping at night, apparently my subconscious thinks I need to run this thing over and over again in my dreams. Should be able to get a couple of practice open water swims at the venue. Really, I'm dreading it at this point and just want to make it through.

2011-04-26 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I would love to join in with this group.  This year I will be doing my first triathlons and I have found a lot of good information on this website.

Info: I am 33 years old, married, three kids ( all boys 6,8,10).  I work far far away from home so I lose 4 hours a day to commuting.  Between the wasted commuting time and kids activities my training is mostly done during the lunch break at work, or late at night. 

Training:  I am not following a plan because of my schedule.  I would say that I go off of the "take it when you can get it" plan.  I do keep up on my logs through BT, but if you look for a pattern or consistency you will not find it.

History:  Before life happened, I was a competitive swimmer for 14 years year round.  So my swimming background is solid.  I also ran cross country and track for distance, and did several distances up to a half mary from high school up to about age 20.  As for biking, I am road bike stupid.  I used to mountain bike all the time and even did some races, but skinny tires and no suspension is foreign to me.

Goal:  When I first started seriously thinking about doing tri's, my goal was to finish.  But I have a bit of a competitive nature, so now I would like to be in the top half of my age group.  Weight loss is a low priority for me, but overall health and fitness is a high priority. 

Races:  This year I plan to do two sprint tri's (June and August) and possibly a Olympic tri in October.  I also have 6 5k's planned, mostly local stuff to support the community.

How can I help:  I am a swim coach for our local swim club (age 6-18) so I can be a good resource for swimming concerns. 

2011-04-26 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3465518

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Mac'sMum - 2011-04-25 8:03 PM

Hi, I am a newbie interested in joining your group.

Name: Lani

Age: 42

Status: married with 5yr old daughter

Training: I am a recreational cyclist,  a great breaststroker (working on my breathing in freestyle – God it’s hard) and a slow jogger.   I have been procrastinating signing up for a tri a tri in September.  Looking for support  and encouragement  to keep me on track.

Weightloss:  I have lost 55lbs over the last year and a half and would like to lose another 35lbs. 

Looking forward to a great summer of training

Hi Lani! Welcome to the group!

To start, sign up for that event. Making the commitment will increase your odds of success and the entry fee and date will be a reminder to train. Good luck!

2011-04-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3465838

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Threejs - 2011-04-25 10:58 PM DOA...pretty funny!  Congrats on the 5k!  Nice to see the group back.  I couldn't find it so I joined another one. Can I belong to 2?

Of course you can belong to two! Sorry, I always end up being one of the last groups to get listed. I think it might be because I sign up early or because I'm a newer mentor.

2011-04-26 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3467216

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Threejs - 2011-04-26 3:52 PM I am headed to MN this weekend and part of the trip is to scope out the Chisago Lakes tri route. I pulled the maps off the internet and we are planning to drive the routes since it is a busy weekend. Any pointers on what I should look for when I am there?  This is the only time I will be in MN before race date.

I suggest going to the regional groups area of the forum and reaching out to someone in the area. Have fun at the event!!

2011-04-26 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3467260

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
nicruns - 2011-04-26 4:04 PM

count me IN please!!
(i'm Nicole by the way!)

this will be year #2 of triathlon & i CAN'T WAIT!!!
last year i completed a try a tri & a sprint and was HOOKED!

i've got my first full marathon next month & i'll be training and working my way up to successfully (i.e. comfortably!) finishing an olympic distance event in September!
in between, i've got a bunch of shorter tris & some open water swimming and cycling events to look forward to.
i'm nervous though... this will be my 1st year competing in the 30 y/o category... (i've heard these women are a tough bunch!!)

(but i'm SO with you-- my body composition needs improving too!)

Welcome Nicole! I know we have chatted on here before but I can't remember what it was about.

Good luck with your upcoming events! My first half marathon is next month, but I haven't been training properly due to injury. How's your plan coming along?

2011-04-26 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3467533

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

kwynnc - 2011-04-26 6:11 PM Yay! I'm so glad the group went live! Hello to all, new and from before. I'll do my introduction later, I'm on my iPhone and hate typing a lot that way. We are in the middle of our road trip which culminates in my tri this Saturday in Vegas. Just got back from the Grand Canyon. Road trip has been great but lots of anxiety for Saturday. Not sleeping at night, apparently my subconscious thinks I need to run this thing over and over again in my dreams. Should be able to get a couple of practice open water swims at the venue. Really, I'm dreading it at this point and just want to make it through.

Uh, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with anxiety disturbing sleep. It's terrible.

I can't wait to hear how your race goes! You'll hopefully see how little worrying was really required. I have faith in you!

2011-04-26 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3467796

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
rwolf - 2011-04-26 8:58 PM

I would love to join in with this group.  This year I will be doing my first triathlons and I have found a lot of good information on this website.

Info: I am 33 years old, married, three kids ( all boys 6,8,10).  I work far far away from home so I lose 4 hours a day to commuting.  Between the wasted commuting time and kids activities my training is mostly done during the lunch break at work, or late at night. 

Training:  I am not following a plan because of my schedule.  I would say that I go off of the "take it when you can get it" plan.  I do keep up on my logs through BT, but if you look for a pattern or consistency you will not find it.

History:  Before life happened, I was a competitive swimmer for 14 years year round.  So my swimming background is solid.  I also ran cross country and track for distance, and did several distances up to a half mary from high school up to about age 20.  As for biking, I am road bike stupid.  I used to mountain bike all the time and even did some races, but skinny tires and no suspension is foreign to me.

Goal:  When I first started seriously thinking about doing tri's, my goal was to finish.  But I have a bit of a competitive nature, so now I would like to be in the top half of my age group.  Weight loss is a low priority for me, but overall health and fitness is a high priority. 

Races:  This year I plan to do two sprint tri's (June and August) and possibly a Olympic tri in October.  I also have 6 5k's planned, mostly local stuff to support the community.

How can I help:  I am a swim coach for our local swim club (age 6-18) so I can be a good resource for swimming concerns. 

Welcome Randy! It's great to have a swimming expert on the team.

No worries about the take it when you can get it plan, as long as you get the sessions in most week it doesn't really matter what days they land on. Do your best not to put hard workouts back to back though.

2011-04-26 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3467876

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

mbasta - 2011-04-26 9:29 PM

Welcome Randy! It's great to have a swimming expert on the team.

No worries about the take it when you can get it plan, as long as you get the sessions in most week it doesn't really matter what days they land on. Do your best not to put hard workouts back to back though.

Thanks.  That has been one of my problems because I feel that I need to catch up on what I missed.  I know it is wrong while I am doing it, but I do it anyways.  Maybe it will help if I know that other people are checking my logs to keep me straight. Wink

2011-04-27 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3434094

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
that's RIGHT we were chatting!
maybe something about being ontario newbies last year??
good luck with your half!! which one is it??
i'm hoping it's the same event as me... although that wouldn't do me much good since you'd start an hour earlier and i'd take nearly THREE TIMES AS LONG to finish!
so far the training has gone well!
i've struggled with injuries in the past (namely IT band troubles), but (knock on wood!) those seem to have been resolved so far this year (with lots of stretching, routine physio & my general paranoia that the same level of pain i was in before will return!)
it really does suck when your mind & body don't match up in terms of what you can accompish....
but we'll see. 2.5 weeks to go before the marathon!
it'll be my first- so i'm terrified....
but i had a good long run this weekend (34k), so that was a bit of a confidence booster
(well confidence in believing that the marathon won't be AS painful as i initially assumed it would be....)
however... i'm still TERRIFIED!
that's a LONG way to run all in one shot. (plus-- who knows what the weather will bring that day!)
but it'll be good to get it done (i'm SHAMELESSLY looking forward to the two post-marathon days i have booked off from work!)
& once i've recovered from that, it'll be back on the bike for me.
i've signed up for the becel ride for heart 75k event in early June.
i just want to take it as a long training ride (see where my fitness level stands after the off/winter season)

& then a week after that... i'll be heading off for my first tri of the year!
REALLY can't believe it's that time of year again!
but i'm excited.
this past winter felt long.
i was lucky enough to run through it, train twice a week with my masters swim group & take spin class approx once per week (until the running mileage wore me out!)...
bottom line: all i'm hoping for is some IMPROVEMENT in the end!

Edited by nicruns 2011-04-27 9:29 AM
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