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2006-03-05 4:52 PM

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Subject: How to delete HR Zone?
I made two HR Zones, the first one was good, but the second one I messed up on and deleted everything out of it, but the bad one is still the active one. Is there a way I can delete it or make the first one active? Am Imissing something?


2006-03-05 5:01 PM
in reply to: #361484

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Gold member
Subject: RE: How to delete HR Zone?

We don't have a delete yet as if someone were to accidentally 'delete' a zone where several wokouts were logged with, they would lose all the data labels for those workouts.

Best thing to do in your case is to just re-enter your zones and numbers into the active one.

In the future, we plan to start adding the graphing for this and will try to incorporate some better editing functions as user issues/recommendations come up.

2006-03-05 5:10 PM
in reply to: #361494

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Subject: RE: How to delete HR Zone?
Alright. Can you remove the HR Zone that doesnt have any data in it for me?

A few more questions for ya: If you can make multiple HR zones, how can you get different ones into workouts? For example, I want a HR zone for my HR and a seperate HR zone for pace (basically, the one I messed up on). But, in the log, when I click "Add enhanced HR Zones" only the second (or most recently created one) is put in. Is there a way to get the other one in there? Alternatively, how can I remove the enhanced HR zones from the training log?

Thanks and sorry to be a pain for my mess ups.
2006-03-05 7:53 PM
in reply to: #361502

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: How to delete HR Zone?

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do when you say "I want a HR zone for my HR and a seperate HR zone for pace".

As it's designed, only one group of HR zones will be active and can be used at one time.

The purpose of having multiple zones are to allow for the fact that your HR zones will change over time. For instance, say that at the start of the season your Run LT is 172. You create HR zones based on that and record your workouts as such. 3 months later, due to your training your Run LT is now 176 so you create new HR zones which now become your 'active' zones. All workouts logged from this point on will use the new zones. The previous zones are still there for historical purposes AND so that the workouts logged with the old zones still contain accurate data.

The way to get the previous HR zone into your log is to update the current HR zones so that they match the previous ones.
2006-03-05 8:17 PM
in reply to: #361608

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Subject: RE: How to delete HR Zone?
Ahh, I see.

As it's designed, only one group of HR zones will be active and can be used at one time.

I didnt read any of the documentation (RTFM!, right?) and I thought that we could keep seperate zones and only add the ones we wanted to our workout. I also didnt know that only one could be active. I was keeping my HR zone and Pace zone seperate and I was going to add the pace one for when I do running and the HR one for when I do swimming or biking. I get it now though. Ill just copy the data over from the first one to the second and life should be good.

Thanks for the help.

2006-03-05 9:26 PM
in reply to: #361617

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Gold member
Subject: RE: How to delete HR Zone?

My apologies...that is something totally without documentation as of yet, although we have had it in its current form for over a year.

Due to it being kind of complex when we were developing it, we chose to just put it silently out and let the user test it really good before it ever became official.

I will work on some documentation soon and get some more enhancements going and then we will go live with it.

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